A colony of ants in a dream also represents a heavy populated area. Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children.
If ants leave one’s house in a dream, it means that someone in the family will leave that house. Ifthere is a sick person in a house and one sees ants flying in a dream, it means the death of such a person. Ants leaving their colony in a dream means dying away of the population in that area, or that such a town may become a ghost town. Seeing ants leaving their nest in a dream also means adversities or distress. Though in this case, they represent the small and hard working people.
If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death. Flying ants in a dream also mean hardships during a journey. Seeing winged ants in a dream means a war and destruction of a large army. Ants in a dream also may signify prosperity. They also represent the person seeing the dream or members of his family or relatives. Understanding the language of ants in a dream means sovereignty, leadership and prosperity.
If one sees ants entering his house and carrying food in a dream, it means prosperity in that family.
If one sees ants leaving his house and carrying food with them in a dream, it means poverty. Seeing ants coming out of one’s nostrils, ears, mouth or any part of his body and rejoicing at that sight in the dream means martyrdom. However, if one seems unhappy to see that in his dream, it means dying in sin. Flying ants in a dream also represent a robbery. Killing ants in a dream means cruelty against weak people.... ants dream meaning
(Also see Bread)... high prices dream meaning
If it is a nagor a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house.
If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear ofwrongdoing.
A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband.
A saddled horse in a dream means a woman in her menstrual period, during which time it is not permissible for the husband to engage in marital intercourse with her.
A gathering of horses in a dream represents a gathering of women for a funeral or a wedding. Owning a herd of horses, or taking care of their feed in a dream means presiding over people, or it could mean managing a business.
If a horse dies in one’s presence in a dream, it means loss of his house or business.
The fit of a horse in the dream represent man’s own state. Descendingfrom a horse in a dream means committing a sin that will force one to resign from his position, or be dismissed from his work.
A hairy horse in a dream represents a large family.
If the tail of one’s horse is cut off at its end in a dream, it means that one may come to see the death of his children and clan before his own eyes. Ifthe tail of one’s horse is simply clipped in the dream, it connotes his own death and that his name will be quickly forgotten. Ifone is attacked by a horse in a dream, it means that a noble person, or a youngboy will stand to him and require ajust retribution from him.
A flying horse with two wings in a dream means that one may be tried with affections toward a perverted boy or a woman who will tempt him then follow him.
If a descendent of the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, sees himself flying on a winged horse in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and preside over people. Ifone sees horsemen coming through the skies in a dream, it means that a war may take place in that land. Riding a horse and holding a spear in one’s hand in a dream means forcing people to do something, or forcing them to pay what they owe. Ifone sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching. Selling one’s horse in a dream means doing good and being grateful for it.
If one’s horse bites him in a dream, it means that he will lead an army in a war.
If one kills a horse in his dream, it means that he will be awarded status, rank and money. Slaughtering a horse for other than food in a dream means spoiling one’s livelihood.
If one sees a horse whose owner is not known entering a town in a dream, it means that a noble person will enter that town and people of his trade will fear his competition or his becoming a danger to their business.
If such a horse reverts his course and leaves that town in the dream, it means that a great, though unknown person from that locality will die shortly. Horses running across the streets in a dream represent a destructive rain or devastating floods.
A feeble horse in a dream represents the weakness of his owner.
(Also see Dung; Horse fright; Nag)... horse dream meaning
If a hobbyist finds himself seeking to hear the cry of a quail in a dream, it means profits from suspicious sources, or earnings made from reciting poems, singing, gambling, or it could mean squandering money. In this sense, seeing a quail in a dream could represent a crime which is punishable by death or life imprisonment.... quail dream meaning