The meaning of the symbols of watching, planes, take land airport seen in a dream.

What Does It Mean To See My Man Driving His Blue Car In The Air And Land On A Lane A The Airport Though He Landed Slowly And His Back Right Tire Hit The Ground But Was Able To Move On | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Watching Planes Take Land Airport

Dry Land

(Terra firma) Seeing a dry land in a dream means reaching safety.... dry land dream meaning

Irrigation One’s Land

If a person sees himself irrigating his land or sprinkling water on his crops it suggest that he will spend his wealth in Allah’s way.... irrigation one’s land dream meaning


(See Earth)... land dream meaning

Narrow Piece Of Land

If the land is restricted it means the end of his life.

The same dream could perhaps mean wilaayah if the beholder of such a dream is worthy of it. Wilaayah could be interpreted as the office of sainthood, dominion, soeverignity, jurisdiction and the like.... narrow piece of land dream meaning

Ruins And Desolate Land

Ruins and land that is laid waste means going astray and misleading others.... ruins and desolate land dream meaning

Seeing Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) On Dry Land

If the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) is seen standing on dry, arid land, such land will soon become green and verdant (fertile).... seeing rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) on dry land dream meaning

Standing In A Vast Stretch Of Land

Standing in the middle of a vast stretch of land suggest that a wonderful and peaceful life awaits him. It also means safety, protection, peace and harmony.... standing in a vast stretch of land dream meaning

Vessel On Dry Land

If a person sees a vessel approaching him, it is a glad tiding that he will soon find solutions to his problems and be delivered from anxieties.... vessel on dry land dream meaning

Watching The Stars

(astr.) Watching the stars in a dream means presiding over people.... watching the stars dream meaning

Hill / High-land

a vision of a hill is interpreted upon 4 sides: elevation, wealth, strength, treason.... hill / high-land dream meaning