The meaning of the symbols of trustworthy seen in a dream.

Trustworthy | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Trustworthy

27 dream interpretation about trustworthy related.


(Ambulate; Ka’aba; Mecca; Walk around) If a sinner sees himself circumambulating God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he will be freed from suffering in hell-fire. Ifone is unmarried, it means that he will get married.

If one qualifies for promotion, it means that he will receive it. Seeingoneselfperforming a pilgrimage in a dream also means circumambulating God’s house in Mecca, developing a good character, living a straight and a worthy life, safety from fear, repayment of one’s debts, delivering entrusted merchandise to their rightful owners or money to its people on demand, being trustworthy, living an ascetic life, fulfilling a promise, atonement for one’s sins, distributing expiatory gifts or interceding on behalfof a trustworthy and a noble Imam. Seeing oneself circumambulating God’s house while riding on a mare in a dream means that one will commit the abominable sin of adultery with a member of his own family or with a consanguineous blood relative with whom it is not permissible to have sexual relationship.

(Also see Ka’aba; Rituals ofthe pilgrimage; Sa’i)... circumambulation dream meaning


In a dream, a comb represents a good man who strives to help, serve, comfort and entertain others.

A comb in a dream also represents an auspicious time to be involved in a business partnership or accepting an employment in a large corporation, since the teeth of a comb are equal.

If the teeth of one’s comb are capped with gold or silver caps, then they represent one’s workers.

The golden caps represent trustworthy workers and the silver caps represent treacherous and disloyal workers. Combing one’s hair in a dream signifies paying alms tax, or it could mean distributing charities.

A comb in a dream also can be interpreted to denote an honest and a just man, an hour of happiness, or a wise person, a judge, a physician, or a preacher one can benefit from his knowledge.

A comb in a dream also represents a hairdresser or one’s mother. Combing the hair of an unknown woman in a dream represents a wind that will help pollinate the trees. In a dream, a comb also represents a sifter or a sieve.

The teeth of a comb may represent one’s own teeth or the teeth of a saw.

It is also said that combing hair in a dream means weaving a carpet. Combing one’s hair or beard in a dream means dispelling adversities and distress. In a dream, a comb also represents a good man who is just and equitable with all his friends, or it may mean longevity, wealth and victory against one’s enemy.... comb dream meaning


(Cover; Happiness; Fears; Veil) In a dream, drapes means veiling one’s private life. Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women. Ifa man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children. Unidentified drapes in a dream represent worries or distress. Ifthe drapes are hanging over one’s front door in the dream, it means that such difficulties will come from the world. Old drapes in a dream represent adversities which will not last. Torn drapes in a dream mean happiness and joy.

If they are torn vertically in the dream, they represent a quick joy.

If they are torn horizontally in the dream, they mean slander against one’s family. Black drapes in a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallucination or dispelling one’s worries.

If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty.

If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in a dream means taking a long, frustrating, toiling and a distant journey.

The bigger the drapes are in a dream, the more difficult is one’s adversity.... drapes dream meaning


Enhancing and beautifying the eyes. As for a man, his eyebrows represent his good nature and character, being handsome, religious, faithful, trustworthy, his status and esteem. In a dream, eyebrows also mean love and unity.

If a woman sees her eyebrows thick or if they are joined together in the dream, it means that she is a person of good character. Eyebrows in a dream also represent one’s parents, brothers, partners, associates or assistants.

If the eyebrows grow extensively to nearly covering the eyes in the dream, it means changes in any of the above. Eyebrows in a dream also mean longevity. In a dream, eyebrows also indicate the state of one’s spiritual standing. When beautiful, one’s faith is beautiful, but when wild in a dream, it means that one’s faith is deteriorating. Perhaps they could also represent one’s guardian, governor or they could represent a bow that launches the arrows of love at one’s beloved.

(Also see Body’)... eyebrows dream meaning

Fruits Salesman

(Fruit) In a dream, a fruit salesman represents a trustworthy 180 person who is entrusted with people’s money and confidentiality. In dream interpretation, a fruit salesman also represents a good person unless he takes money for his fruits. Seeing a fruit salesman in a dream is also interpreted as listening to a worthwhile lecture or listening to a touching sermon or hearing an official report from the government delivered by a special announcer, or it could mean marriage, children, fast comingmoney and worthwhile efforts.

(Also see Fruit)... fruits salesman dream meaning


(Water wheel) In a dream, a noria represents a trustworthy servant.

The water wheel itself represents business fluctuations, or changes in people’s life.

(Also see Water wheel)... noria dream meaning


(Case; bag) In a dream, a quiver represents a good wife, a trustworthy companion, or one’s confidant. Ifone draws arrows from his quiver in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. Buying a quiver in a dream means getting married. Receiving a quiver as a gift in a dream denotes a political appointment.... quiver dream meaning

Saddle Mount

In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. Ifone sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife.

A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency.

If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly.

(Also see Saddle)... saddle mount dream meaning


(Drain pipe; Gutter of Mercy; Roof gutter) In a dream, a gutter represents someone who is gracious from time to time. Seeing water flowing through gutters without a rainfall in a dream means corruption, or people who are spreading evil in that locality. Each gutter in such a dream also represents the loss of one life. Gutters in a dream also represent servants and housekeepers who faithfully manage their duties, or they could mean relief from distress or pressures.

A gutter in a dream also may represent a trustworthy emissary or a reliable letter carrier.

If blood flows through a gutter in a dream, then it represents a tyrant and bloodshed that will take place in that locality.

If fresh water flows through it, and if people seem to benefit from it in the dream, then it represents economic growth, peace, safety and tranquility. Ifmurky water or odorous and filthy water flows through it in a dream, it means plagues that include ulcers, tumors and smallpox.

(Also see Gutter ofMercy; Roof) H... gutter dream meaning


(Padlock) In a dream, a lock represents a trustworthy person or a virgin girl. Opening a padlock in a dream means escaping fromjail, or release from prison.

If one who is suffering from depression sees himself unlocking a padlock in a dream, it means that his sorrows or sadness will be dispelled.

A lock in a dream also represents a proof, a strong point or a tool. Unlocking a padlock in a dream also means divorce. Locking a door in a dream means seeking a cosigner for a loan or a guarantor. Ifone who is seeking to get married sees a lock in his dream, it means that he will meet with a trustworthy and a caring woman.

A padlock for a traveller in a dream means safety.

A metal lock in a dream means dignity, safety, piety, deciphering a language, symbols, or acquiring knowledge. Wooden locks in a dream represent a husband, children, knowledge, wisdom, ease in one’s life, or guarding one’s promise. Locks in a dream also mean heedlessness.

A wooden lock means hypocrisy, or hesitation in one’s words and actions, or it could mean accepting a bribe.

(Also see Close; Padlock)... lock dream meaning

Mika’il (michael)

(The archangel Michael, upon whom be peace.) Seeing the archangel Mika’ll (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity, wealth, blessings in one’s life, good harvest and rain.

If a pious person sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means success, attaining one’s goals and fulfilling his intentions in this world and in the hereafter. Ifan ungodly person sees him in a dream, it represents a warning that could precede the destruction of a town or a village, or a calamity during which the person seeing the dream also could suffer. Ifone sees him (uwbp) in a town in a dream, it means a rainfall, good harvest and low prices for that year.

If he speaks to the person seeing the dream, or gives him something in the dream, it means joy, blessings and glad tidings of entering the heavenly paradise, for he is the angel of mercy.

If one sees him (uwbp) during a rainy season, it means prosperity, or listening to the singing ofbirds, or such a dream could imply the building of an army and raising the banners of war. Seeing him (uwbp) during a dry season in a dream could then represent a trustworthy treasurer, a good accountant or a successful business manager.

The archangel Michael (uwbp) in a dream also represents a compassionate ruler who is to his subjects like a father to his children. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also may mean drought, or perhaps the dream could mean that a barren woman will conceive a child, or that a difficult and a controversial issue will be resolved.

If a traveller sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it may mean adversities on the road, or a rain storm that could delay his journey. Seeing him (uwbp) near someone to whose trade a rainy weather means business losses in a dream means distress and adversities.

If seen near a farmer in a dream, it means a good harvest and profits from one’s business.

If one becomes the archangel Mika’Il (uwbp) in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and earning a good reputation.... mika’il (michael) dream meaning


(The commander of the believers, Omar bin AI-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.) Seeing him in a dream means longevity, trustworthiness and praiseworthy deeds. One who sees him in a dream will speak the truth, be just and call people to the straight path. He also may be able to attend to the Sacred House in Mecca in an auxiliary pilgrimage (‘Umrah). Ifone shakes hands with Omar bin Al-Khattab in a dream, it means that he will prosper and live a pious life, and he will be a vigilant and a strong believer, the value of whose deeds will surpass his fame.

If one sees him frowning in a dream, it means that Omar is calling for justice, commandingwhat is good and forbidding what is evil. Ifthere is a drought in a town and one sees Omar in a dream, it means that rain will fall and be a blessing for that land.

If there is tyranny in that land and one sees Omar in his dream, it means that justice will prevail.

If Omar hits someone with a stick, or warns him, or threatens him in a dream, it means that one must renounce the course of his current actions or deviation from God’s path, or perhaps that someone in authority or a scholar will persecute him.

If one sees himself being Omar in a dream, or if he wears one of his garments in a dream, it means that he will be awarded honor, a dignified status, or die as a martyr.

If one sees Omar smiling in a dream, it means that he follows the correct precepts of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, and emulates his practices. Seeing him in a dream also means that justice and truth will prevail in his time, or that he is a trustworthy person, or that the propagation of truth is prominent in his time. Seeing him in a dream also could mean signing a peace treaty with one’s enemy, annihilating hatred with love, good luck with one’s in-laws, renouncing one’s attachment to worldly things, though being capable of winning it, or presiding over people with justice, love and compassion.... omar dream meaning


In a dream, a seaport represents a trustworthy person one can consign or store his belongings with him in trust.... seaport dream meaning


(Secretary) In a dream, shelves represent one’s confidant, the keeper of his secrets, one’s secretary, one who veils noble women’s personal pitfalls, or one who creates a facade for some charitable women.

To see a shelfthat carries some unique or precious collectibles in one’s house or shop in a dream means that one may beget an intelligent son who is diversified and capable, and who will grow to become a renowned man of knowledge.

A shelfsupported with rods in a dream represents a chaste woman who protect her husband’s secrets.

A shelf in a dream also represents a trustworthy business partner who labors hard for the success of the business, and who respects and guards his partner’s interests.... shelf dream meaning


(Dove; Ringdove; Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad tidings.

It is also said that God Almighty will accept the prayers ofone who sees pigeons in his dream. In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one’s family, or a fertile woman with a large family.

The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamentation. Pigeons eggs in a dream represent one’s daughters or female neighbors.

A domesticated pigeon in a dream represents a beautiful woman from Arabia. Pigeon’s nest in a dream represents women’s parties. Pigeon chicks in a dream represent the boys in a family. Pigeon’s rumbling or roar in a dream means reproofor censure for a fault.

A white pigeon in a dream means spirituality, a green pigeon represents piety, while a black pigeon denotes a mastery.

A frightened pigeon in a dream means divorce or death.

A landing pigeon in a dream represents the long awaited arrival of a beloved. Eating pigeon’s meat in a dream means to steal money from one’s own workers, to defraud them, or to cheat one’s servants. Hunting pigeons in a dream means earning good money from wealthy people. As for an unwed person, seeing a pigeon inside his house in a dream means marriage.

If a pigeon attacks someone then flies away with him in a dream, it means that happiness and joy will enter his life. However, doves in a dream may represent death. Ifone sees himself throwing something at a pigeon in a dream, it means that he slanders a woman, or writes secret correspondence with her. Reaching at a pigeon’s nest to take its eggs in a dream means taking advantage of a woman, or swindling her money. Hunting pigeons in a dream means adultery. Seeing a pigeon standing over one’s head, or tied to his neck or shoulders in a dream connotes one’s relationship with his Lord.

If in that sense the pigeon is an ugly one, it means that one’s actions are of the same nature. Otherwise, it means the opposite. Plucking some feathers from a pigeon in a dream means money. Slaughtering a pigeon in a dream means marriage.

(Also see Ringdove; Turtledove)... pigeon dream meaning


(Hajj) Performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, fulfilling its obligatory pillars and celebrating its ceremonies in a dream represents one’s spiritual and religious growth. It will bring him a great reward in this life and in the next, appease his fears, and imply that he is a trustworthy person.

If this dream occurs during the pilgrimage season, it means profits for a merchant, recovery for the sick, finding guidance after heedlessness, or it could mean that one will perform his pilgrimage ifhe had not yet fulfilled this obligatory religious duty. Ifone’s dream takes place outside the pilgrimage season, then it could mean the opposite.

If one sees himself as a pilgrim in a dream, and if he disdains from actually perform his pilgrimage, though he possesses the means to do so, it means that he is a reprobate and an ungrateful person. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream also indicates the necessity to serve one’s parents and to be true to them, or the duty to serve one’s teacher and be truthful with him. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream also means visiting a gnostic, a saint, a shaikh, a scholar, or it it could mean getting married, acquiring knowledge, satisfying one’s needs, recuperating from an illness, repenting from sin, or joining the company of pious people.

If one travels to perform his pilgrimage using a vehicle in a dream, it means that he will receive help from God Almighty.

If he travels on foot leading a camel in the dream, it means that he will do so with the help of a woman.

If he rides an elephant in the dream, it means that he will perform his pilgrimage as a member of a governmental delegation. Ifone travels on foot in the dream, it means that he has made a vow which he must fulfil. Seeing oneself returning from a pilgrimage in a dream means profits and relief from stress.

If one carries his provisions with him in the dream, it means that he stands before his Lord with piety and reverence. Carrying the pilgrims’s provisions in a dream also means paying poor people their dues, or it could mean payingone’s debts. Ifone sees himselfgoing to perform his pilgrimage alone, and the people standing up to pay their farewell to him in a dream, it means that he will die shortly.

(Also see ‘Arafat; Circumambulation; Cradle of Ismail; Ka’aba; Mina; Muzdalifa; Pelting stones; Responding; Sa’i; Station ofAbraham; ‘Umrah)... pilgrimage dream meaning

Record Keepers

(Angels; Spiritual) Representing the heedful angels in charge of guarding the writings of the Preserved Tablets, and the heavenly beings or scribes in charge of recording peoples’ deeds. In a dream, the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records represent the gnostics, the renowned people of knowledge, religious scholars and the trustworthy ones. Seeing the scribes of the records in one’s dream brings him glad tidings in this life and in the next.

If the person lives a pious life, it means that the heavenly paradise is his final abode, but if he is impious, it could represent a clear warning. Meeting the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records in a dream also means facing adversities, then becoming free from one’s trials.

(Also see Scribesi)... record keepers dream meaning


(Harrow; Mattock; Plow; Scoop; Trowel) In a dream, a shovel represents a wife for an unmarried person. She will keep no secret, though she will spare no expense to save her husband from poverty.

A shovel in a dream also means dispelling distress, overcoming trouble, or satisfying one’s debts.

A shovel in a dream also may represent a trustworthy person one can depend on during hard times, or in times of adversities. Holding a shovel in a dream means receiving benefits and blessings, for a shovel collects dirt as well as valuables.

A shovel in a dream also may represent a woman, profits, or business activities.

(Also see Rake; Spade)... shovel dream meaning


If seen by a trustworthy person who advocates peace and harmony it means he will acquire tremendous knowledge and wisdom. But if he is not trustworthy and does not advocate peace and harmony it means he will pursue the material things of this world.... shroud-thief dream meaning

Staff (asaa)

A staff such as the one used by a Khateeb when delivering a khutbah symbolises a dignified, trustworthy and reliable person who has leadership qualities and is worthy of being followed.... staff (asaa) dream meaning

The Brain

It symbolises people who are trustworthy.... the brain dream meaning

Wearing A Pearl Necklace

If a person sees himself wearing a necklace made of pearls, it means he will commit the Holy Qur’aan to memory and he will become trustworthy and Allah-fearing. He will be a person with a huge family. He will be held in high esteem by men and women alike.

The more strings there are to such a necklace the greater will be his trustworthiness and esteem and family.... wearing a pearl necklace dream meaning


If one sees himself in a dream invoking false oath, or making false claims to market his merchandise, it means that he will turn into that state to live in falsehood and oppose his own conscious. This includes prejudice, belittling the value of things, underweighting the selling measures, or accumulating interest from usury.

A wheat salesman in a dream denotes someone who loves the world and does not think about his life in the hereafter.

If one sees himself receiving money for his merchandise, or if he discards his profits from the sale in his dream, such an act maybe rewarding. Selling yarn in a dream means travel. Selling salt in a dream means earning extra money. Selling expensive fashion clothing and declining from taking money in a dream represents a trustworthy person who will attain a high ranking position.

A fruit salesman in a dream represents a hard-working man who gives priority to his religious life over that of the world.

An aromatic herbs salesperson in a dream represents a soft hearted man who cries easily, or a Quran reader who recites its verses in an emotional way that affects his listeners. Birds salesman in a dream represents a pimp, while a lead salesman in a dream represents someone with meagre goals.... salesman dream meaning


In a dream,a spool means keeping one’s secrets, or it could represent a gracious man, or a trustworthy person who lends his help to others and benefits them in their worldly affairs.

If one sees himself carrying a spool while taking his ritual ablution in a dream, it means that he will seek the help of a righteous believer who holds fast to the rope of God Almighty. In that sense, a spool represents the element of religious life and the rope in a dream signifies religion, which is one’s connection to his Lord. Carrying a spool when performing one’s ablution in a dream means that one will be permanently cured from ills and become free from debts.

A spool in a dream also means an active servant, or a talkative son.

(Also see Ball of thread; Rope)... spool dream meaning


(zool. Starling) A swallow in a dream represents money, a blessed man, a blessed woman, or an intelligent and a learned boy. Catching a swallow in a dream means seizing what is unlawful for one to take.

A house filled with swallows in the dream represents lawful earnings.

A swallow in a dream is also interpreted to represent a man of good character, and who is pious and amicable. Helping a swallow in a dream means that one may assist a kind person in his life. Catching a swallow in a dream also means being unjust toward one’s wife. Eating a swallow in a dream represents a fight. Ifone sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream represent people who are financially comfortable, or they could represent death, grief, or good deeds, movement, chanting, benevolence, or weddings. Seeing a swallow in a dream also may mean marriage to a trustworthy woman, or it could represent a good household manager.

If one is transformed into a swallow in a dream, it means that thieves will rob his house. Seeing a dead swallow in a dream is a warning to revert one’s actions and to engage in doing good.... swallow dream meaning


(‘Uthman bin ‘MUm, God be pleased with him.

The third of the four righteous califs) Seeing him in a dream means celebrating knowledge, being a godly person, friendship and love for others, lowering one’s wings before God Almighty and to the believers among His creation, and he represents a trustworthy leadership. Seeing’Uthman bin ‘Mfan in a dream also could mean facing the aggression of one’s enemy and losing to them by winning martyrdom. It also means having a great luck, prosperity, kinship with noble people, or being a pious and a religious person. One who sees ‘Uthman, God be pleased with him, in a dream will become a scholar.

If one sees him doing business in a dream, it means that one is seeking worldly profits, though he likes to adorn himself with a religious garb and titles but lacks true piety.

If one sees him besieged inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will persecute and oppress a great scholar or a man of God. Seeing him alive and dealing with people in a dream means being chaste, pious, reverent and earning the jealousy of one’s own circles.... uthman dream meaning


In a dream, the human voice represents one’s reputation or fame, and its strength or weakness reflects one’s state of mind or the condition of his health. Raising one’s voice in a dream means unjustly presiding over a crowd of people. Hearing a human voice in a dream means chairing an important responsibility.

If the human voice emanates from an animal in the dream, it denotes great benefits and particularly if the animal speaks pleasing and soothing words or words of truth.

If one raises his voice above the voice of a man of knowledge, a shaikh or a teacher in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin.

A weak voice in a dream represents a man. Intentionally lowering one’s voice in a dream means being indebted to someone, or it could mean humility.

If a man of authority or a policeman lower his voice in a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from hisjob, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct.

The sound produced by the ringing of coins in a dream represents temptation, allurement, or a fight between stockbrokers or money exchangers.

The clank of money in a dream also means either good or bad news, or it could mean hearing good words, a wise speech, or words one likes to hear more about, if they are given as a sign of friendship or as a dower.

If the clanking of money is made in jest in the dream, then it represents a fight one does not wish to end.

The sound of a hornet represents a person who defames or discredits others, or whose evil cannot be removed without acquiring the help of a like person.

The bleating of a ewe in a dream means kindness shown by one’s mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man.

The bleating of a billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity.

The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier.

The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy.

The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or itcould mean vain talk, or indulging in suspicious acts.

The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot.

The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships.

The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general, the sound of animals in a dream connotes adversities or fear.

The neighing of horses in a dream means an invasion or might.

The barking of dogs in a dream means vain talk, interference in others’ business, regret, intending to harm others, hostility toward others, or dissonance.

The blaring of a leopard in a dream means coquetry, vanity and wantonness.

The blaring of a lynx in a dream means a false promise from an unsteady, oft-hesitant, or a greedy person and taking advantage of him.

The cooingofpigeons in a dream means lamenting, or having marital intercourse.

The chirp of swifts in a dream means good words or an admonition from a wise person.

The croakingoffrogs in a dream represents the ringing of bells, feeling overjoyed, employment for a teacher, rising to leadership, or it could mean hearing harsh words.

The hissing of a snake in a dream means a warning or a fight with someone who hides his enmity.

The braying of a donkey in a dream means cursing one’s adversaries.

The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats or boasts.

The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuations.

The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace, or it could mean harm one could suffer because of an interfering person or a robber.

The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland.

The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, to move from one field into another, or it could mean suffering from jealousy, perfidy or lies.

The howling of a wolf in a dream means a robbery, or fear of a brutal thief.

The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who abandoned all hope.

The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money.

The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy.

(Also see Invisible caller)... voice dream meaning