If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow. or that he maybe martyrized. Ifone sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory.
If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive God’s utmost blessings.
If one feels scared of the angels in his dream, it means that a fight, an argument or awesome trials will befall that locality. In general, to see the angels descending from the heavens to the earth in a dream means enfeeblement of those who have doubt, and strength for those who have faith and certitude.
If one sees the angels prostrating to him in a dream, it means that all his needs will be satisfied and he will be endowed with good conduct, good behavior and a blessed fame.
If one sees them looking like women in the dream, it means that he lies before God Almighty.
If a pious person sees an angel telling him in a dream “Read God’s Book.” It means that one will attain happiness in his life.
If an impious person sees an angel in a dream telling him “Read your own records.” It means that he may goastray. Ifone sees the angels givinghim glad tidings andcongratulating him in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son who will grow to be righteous and an example to be followed. Ifone sees a gathering of angels in a town in his dream, it means that a pious man, or an ascetic, or a great scholar will die in that locality.
If one sees himself looking at the angels in the skies in a dream, it means that he may suffer the loss of a son or his wealth. Seeing the celestial angels (arb. Ruhaniyyeen) in a dream means gaining honor, dignity, blessings in one’s life, profits and a good fame, developing spiritual inner insight, or becoming a business manager. Near the end of one’s life, one who sees such a dream also will suffer from people’s slander and backbiting. He will also lose his good reputation to people’s envy and evil qualities and he will live in tight financial conditions.
If one becomes an angel in a dream, it means tat he will receive honor, power, overcome his adversities, dispel his distress and win his freedom, or it could mean that he will rise in station.
If one sees the angels greeting him and shaking hands with him in a dream, it means that God IAlmighty will endow him with wisdom, clarity and insight. Angels in a dream also represent one’s closest witnesses, guardians, police officers or the emissaries of a ruler. Wrestling with an angel in a dream means loss of status. Wrestling with an angel in a dream also means suffering from distress, trouble, humiliation and falling in rank. Seeing angels entering one’s house in a dream means that a thief will burglarize such a house.
If angels disarm someone in a dream, it means that he will lose his wealth and strength, or that he may divorce his wife.
If angels offer the person a tray of fruits in the dream, it means that he will depart from this world as a martyr.
If angels curse someone in a dream, it means that he has little care for his religion. Ifone sees a gathering of heavenly angels together with the angels of hell-fire in a dream, it means enmity and divisiveness.
If a sick person sees himself struggling with an angel in a dream, it is a sign of his death. Ifone sees an angel taking the form of a child in a dream, it represents one’s future.
If he sees an angel as a youth, the youth then represents the present time and whatever events that will take place during it.
If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past.
If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy.
If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. Ifone sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures.
If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility.
If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how to recite his final rites in a dream, it means glad tidings and attainment of what his heart desires, a guarantee of his safety, happiness, joy and of having a blessed and a good heart. Ifhe sees them angry with him or beating him or subduing and taming him in a dream, it means that he may revert to sin, earn the displeasure of his parents, disdain from complying with God’s commands, or he could even come to deny the necessity of God’s religion. Such angels in a dream also represent the emissaries of a governor or his deputies.
If a dying person is told in the dream that no angels have come to see him, then it is a testimony of his good character and piety, or it could mean payment of one’s debts or recovering from an illness. Angels in a dream also could represent scholars, gnostics or translators who understand people’s languages and speak in many tongues. As for Munkar and Nakir, the angels who come to one’s grave upon his burial to question him, seeing them in a dream means prosperity for a poor person, and finding work for a jobless person.
(Also see Castration)... angels dream meaning
If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. Ifone prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others.
The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal.
If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his Z,uhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper.
If one sees himself performing his Z,uhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. Ifone performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Agr, performingit in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability.
If one sees himself performing the ‘A§.r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities.
If one does not complete his ‘A§r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place.
If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Maghrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term.
If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as ‘Isha.
If one sees himself performing his ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean the end ofhis life, following which, one usu ally attends to his resting time, which is similar to death.
If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news. On another level, if one sees himself praying the evening ‘I.§ha prayers in a dream, it means that he is committed to attend to his family’s needs as commanded by God Almighty, such as providing for their food, clothing, shelter and teachings. Ifone sees himself praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter) in a dream, it means that he does attend to his family’s needs and perhaps they feel comfort in his presence. Ifone sees himself performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream, it means that he will start with the inevitable, such as working to provide for his family.
If one sees himself performing the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream, it means that he will repay his debts. Ifone’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘A§.rprayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes.
If one sees himself performing the midafternoon prayers in a dream, it means that hisjob will shortly be completed and only little work is left for him to finish. Praying the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means finishing one’s duties and it is time for him to take a rest.
The night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means veiling things or entering the privacy of one’s home. On a third level, the midday Zuhur prayers mean repentance, dismissal or abrogation of laws.
The midday Zuhur prayers also could mean struggling against Satan and one’s enemies, which struggle takes place usually at the time of one’s midday nap.
The mid-afternoon ‘A§.r prayers in a dream also represents victory in one’s life, or it could mean guidance, blessings and observing God’s laws.
The sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means losing a parent, the passing away of one’s guardian, the death of a close friend or the impeachment ofthe person the dream indicate. Seeing oneselfpraying the night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means preparing for a journey, or it could mean marriage, moving from one place into another, or it could mean suffering from cataract, weakness of one’s vision, or it could denote the vastness of what is to come, for ‘Isha prayers are distant from the dawn Fajr prayers. Performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream indicates a vow one pledges. Praying the midafternoon ‘A§r prayers in a dream means attaining ease after suffering from hardships. Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means having crossed somethingthat will come back later, andperformingthe night ‘Ishaprayers in a dream means deception and a tricks.
If one sees himself performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream, it means that he will attain what he is hoping for.
If one sees himself praying inside a garden in a dream, it means that he is beseeching God Almighty for His forgiveness.
If one sees himself praying in a farmland in a dream, it means repayment of his debts. Ifhe prays inside a slaughter house in a dream, it means that he will commit the loathsome act of sodomy. Ifone sees himselfpraying seated without an excuse in a dream, it means that he will perform a deed which is not acceptable by his Lord.
If he prays lying on his side in bed in a dream, it means that he will be bed stricken.
If one performs his prayers in a mosque, then leaves it to attend to other duties in a dream, it means that whatever he attends to will be blessed, and he will profit from it.
If one sees himselfpraying while riding in a dream, it means that he is struck with fear, or that he may face a fight. Ifone sees himself performing the obligatory (arb. FarQh) prayers shortened to two groupings of prostrations (arb. Rak’at) in a dream, it means travels.
If one sees himself praying while eating honey in a dream, it means that he may engage in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours.
If a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (arb. Far!lli) prayers shortened to two grouping of prostrations in a dream, it means that she will have her monthly menstrual period on that day.
If one discovers that he has missed the time of the prescribed prayer and could not find a place or time to perform it in his dream, it means that he will face difficulties finishing something or paying a debt or satisfy a worldly goal.
If one intentionally neglects to do an obligatory prayer, or ifhe plans to do them later 166 (arb. Qada’) in the dream, it means that he takes his religious commitment lightly and hopes to correct his attitude at a later time. Performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations, the pilgrimage season, abstaining from borrowing money for one’s accessories or luxuries. Performing the festival prayers (arb. Eid) at the end of the month of Ramadan in a dream means paying one’s debts, recovering from an illness, dispelling difficulties and dissipating one’s worries. Performing the prayers ofthe festival ofsacrifice (arb. Eid-ul Adjja.
See Immolation; Manumission) in a dream means controlling one’s business, respecting one’s promises or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing the mid-morning prayers (arb. Dhuhii) in a dream means amnesty, innocence, makinga true oath, happiness and beingfree from polytheism. Ifone performs the prayer of a sick person in a dream, it means lack of luck and doubt about one’s faith. Grouping two prayers at one time or shortening them in a dream, means travels or temptation. Performing one’s prayers directly on a filthy, wet and impure ground without a prayer mat means poverty, humiliation and needs.
If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers. Ifone performs the prayers of fearing something in a dream, it means creating a business partnership, business activities or suffering the pangs of death. Talking during prayers in a dream means asking to get back a gift one has offered, or failure to focus one’s intention, or talking about one’s charities in public. In a dream, when performing one’s prayers, if one reads loud when he should read inwardly, or ifhe reads inwardly when he is supposed to invoke outwardly, and if he is called upon to judge between people, it means that his judgment will be wrong or that he may follow his own mind, or it could mean affectation, falsehood, hypocrisy, hiding the truth or unjustly confiscating someone’s money.
If one changes the order of the ritual prayers in a dream, it means that he disobeys his parents or objects to someone he is supposed to hear and obey, or perhaps he will be afflicted with forgetfulness or staying-up sleepless nights, or it could mean that he lacks intelligence, or that he is unable to memorise or remember things. Performing the late night prayers, (arb. Tari’iwi’h) in a dream means toiling, exhaustion, repayment of one’s debts and receiving guidance. Performing a special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa) in a dream denotes fears, languid, rising prices, dullness of the market, trouble, unhappiness, attachment and stagnation of the construction business. Performing the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers in a dream means striving to deliver comfort or to appease someone or perhaps it could denote repentance of a sinner, returning to the path of God Almighty, fearing the authorities, difficulties, or manifestation of major signs of the fast approaching Hour of Reckoning. Performing a special prayer of fear (arb. Khawf) in a dream represents unity, concord, commonconsent, peace and tranquility. Performingthe funeral prayers (arb. -Ianaza) in a dream means interceding on behalf of the deceased.
If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers. Ifone sees himself leading the funeral prayers in a dream, and then after completinghis prayers intercedes exaggeratedly with special invocations on behalf of the deceased in a dream, it means that he will be appointed by a ruler who is a hypocrite to manage a sector of his business.
If one sees himself then invoking blessings upon the deceased in the dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sins. Ifone sees himself sitting in a gathering of people praying for departed souls in a dream, it means that he will pray in a funeral. Seeing oneself in a dream performing a funeral prayer, means that one will intercede on behalf of a sinner.
If one sees himself performingthe Friday congregational prayers (arb. Jumu’a) in a dream, itmeans that relief is coming his way, or it could mean a reunion with a beloved, or satisfying a need one is asking for it to be fulfilled.
If one sees himself praying the Friday prayers alone in the dream, it means that such help is exclusive to him.
If one loses something and sees himself in a dream celebrating one of the two Islamic festivals, itmeans that he will find his lost object. Ifone sees himself performing the festival prayers (arb. ‘Eid) of the end of the month of Ramadan in the dream, it means perosperity, and if it is the festival of sacrifice in the dream, it means repayment of his debts, dispelling stress, advancement in one’s life or job or release from prison. Performing either the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers (arb. Kusiif or Kl!ustif) in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leaders of the country or its renowned people, or it could mean the death of a great person of knowledge, whereby everyone will attend his funeral. As for the special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa), performing it in a dream may represent an accident, or it could mean political unrest.
If the people offer this prayer from its inception to its completion in the dream, it means that their adversity will be lifted. Praying any supererogatory prayers (arb. Nafl) in a dream represents piety and devotion to the leading example (arb. Sunnah) practiced by God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.
If a woman sees herselfleading men in prayers in the dream, it means that she will shortly die. Performing supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) following the leading example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, in a dream means serving one’s community wit sincerity, purity and good qualities. Ifone sees himselfperforming extra supererogatory prayers in a dream, it means that he cares about the success of his life in the hereafter, and that he shall enjoy the fruit of his devotion both in this world and in the hereafter. Performing one’s obligatory prayers (arb. FarQh) in a dream means providingthe necessary care for one’s family, while performing the supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) means working to provide extra comforts for one’s family.
The same interpretation is provided for performing the congregational night prayers of the month of Ramadan known in Arabic as Tarawlh. Seeing that in a dream means taking care of the family needs and bringing comfort to their hearts. During a congregational prayer, if the rows are straight in the dream, it means that such people are in a constant state of celebrating God’s praises. Supererogatory prayers in a dream also mean striving for unity with one’s community, love for one’s brethren and constantly trying to serve and please them with deeds, money, moral and financial support.
If the person seeing the dream is unmarried, it means that he will get married.lfhe is married, it means that he will beget two children.
If a poor person sees himself performing voluntary prayers in a dream, it means that he will earn enough to satisfy his needs.
If one performs the middle of the night prayers known in Arabic as Tahajjud in a dream, it means that he will rise in station. Performing special prayers for the fulfillment of certain wishes in a dream means attending official ceremonies, or being punctual at one’s appointments.
To perform one’s prayers after the due time (arb. Qada’) in a dream means paying one’s debts, repentance from sins or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing one’s prayers sitting in a dream means an illness, failures, contentment, or a warning about an affliction that will befall one’s father, teacher, or a beloved. Performing a special prayer for forgiveness (arb. Istighfar) in a dream means forgiveness for one’s sins and acceptance ofhis repentance. Ifthis prayer is performed in congregation in one’s dream, it means rain, prosperity, begetting children for a barren person, a good harvest, or the purchase of a new property. Performing the special prayers of celebrating God’s praises, known in Arabic as Tasablh in a dream means a receiving a gift, an endowment of divine grace, blessings and prosperity. Performing a special prayer of soliciting guidance for a specific need or cir168 cumstance in a dream (arb. Istikh.arah) means dispelling doubt or confusion, receiving guidance for one’s problem, or it could denote the success of a project.
If the one performing such a special prayer is known to follow the guidance of a spiritual teacher or shaikh, then his dream means lowering of his spiritual status, for a true seeker has no questions. Performing a special prayer for the safe return of a traveller in a dream (arb. Qha’ib) means asking for suitable weather conditions for one’s own needs or for people’s needs. Performing a special prayer over the grave of a deceased in a dream means offering special gifts that warrant no reward, or it could mean distributing charity to needy people. Performing a special prayer of greeting the mosque in a dream means spending one’s money to help his relatives and the needy people among his friends. Performing a sudden and an unexpected prayer in a dream means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people.
If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time.
If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. Ifone sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable.
If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or that he acts the opposite of what God Almighty has ordained.
If one sees himself turning his back toward God’s House in a dream, it means that he is an apostate who rejects God’s religion or that he does not care about it.
If one sees the people in the mosque facing another direction in his dream, it means that their leader or judge will be dismissed from his office, or that he neglects to follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he follows his own mind and desire in making religious interpretations. However, performingone’s prayers and turning with helplessness toward any direction and crying for help in a dream means seeking God’s nearness, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or it could mean travelling in the direction he faced in his dream. Ifone sees himself praying eastward or westward and beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he is a despicable person who is full of arrogance, who backbites and slanders others and who is daring to indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord. Ifone could not find the direction ofthe Ka’aba in his dream, it means that he has doubt about his faith. However, if one sees himself facing the holy Ka’aba in the dream, it means that he is walking on the straight path. Hone sees himselfwearing a white garb and reading the Qur’an in the dream, it means that he will join the caravan of pilgrims to Mecca. God knows best.
(Also see Death; Imam; Pharaoh)... five times prayers dream meaning
If one loses a garment or a house in a dream, it means extra expenses, repairs, or taxes he will pay for his property. Ifone is stripped of his entire wardrobe in a dream, it means that he will avoid an evil and a costly incident.
(Also see Wandering)... lost dream meaning
If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion.
If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Quran, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is a pious and a religious person.
If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If he is lost in heedlessness, it means that Allah Almighty will grant him guidance.
If he is indebted, it means that he will be able to repay his debts.
If in his dream, one intentionally breaks his fast during the prescribed fast of the holy month of Ramadan, it means that he could kill someone. Similarly, if one sees himself killing someone in a dream, it means that he has intentionally broke his obligatory fast. Observing the two months of atonement for the sin of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan or for any such fast for the expiation of sins in a dream means that one may fall sick and repent to Allah Almighty from his sins. Intentionally breaking the obligatory fast of Ramadan in a dream also means neglecting one of the pillars of Islam.
If one acknowledges that, then vows to offer the required duties in a dream, it means that he could receive an unexpected gift which will arrive shortly.
If one recognizes in his dream the importance of the month of Ramadan, it means that he is on the right path.
If he is not fasting, it means that he may go on a journey. Voluntary fasting in a dream means protection against one’s enemies.
If a sick person sees himself fasting in a dream, it could mean his death, silence, celebrations or recovering from an illness. It could also represent one’s faith in Allah Almighty and sincerity in his words and actions.
If one sees masses of people fasting in a dream, it could mean a famine.
If one eats during the hours of observing the fast in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin, or it could mean indebtedness or falling sick. Fasting the month of Ramadan in a dream also means safety, protection from evil or repentance from sins. Fasting the extra six days following the festival day which concludes the holy month of Ramadan in a dream means patching one’s prayers or paying charity or regretting one’s faults. Fasting Monday and Thursday of every week in a dream means strengthening family ties. Fasting the three white days of every month (i.e., the 13th, 14th, and the 15th days of the lunar month) in a dream means repayment of one’s debts in instalments or teaching someone how to properly read the Quran or spreading knowledge. Fasting during the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram in a dream represents asceticism, piety, renouncing the world or attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. Fasting the day when the pilgrims are standing at mount Arafat in a dream means acceptance of one’s charities. Fasting the last ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah in a dream means attaining a good conclusion to one’s life in this world to become a pious person, or it could also mean fulfilling a promise. Fasting the day of Ashura in a dream means doing good deeds, but it could also mean witnessing adversities and escaping from its dangers, or it could mean living to witness the next religious festival, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it could mean that she will beget a blessed son who will grow to be a righteous man. Fasting during the lunar month of Rajab in a dream means working for people in authority, or it could mean that one may be commissioned to work overseas, or it could mean going on a short trip. Fasting an extra day in doubt about one’s proper religious performance in a dream means committing a sin or lack of vigilance and certitude about one’s devotion. Fasting days of the month of Ramadan one has missed for a permissible reason in a dream means release of a prisoner or repentance of a sinner. Fasting a votive fast or a vowed fast for the purpose of an attainment in a dream means attaining one’s goal, joy and happiness. Observing a votive perpetual or an ongoing fast in a dream means undertaking a heavy responsibility or following innovation, or it could mean becoming a loner or abstaining from talking to others, or that one would only talk if the subject is beneficial to others, for fasting in a dream also means silence. Observing a votive perpetual fast in a dream also represents a pious and a religious person.
If the person is a sinner, such votive fast in a dream also may mean that he will get nothing out of what he wants. Paying the due charity (Sadaqat-ul Fitr) after completing one’s fast in a dream means recovering from an illness.
If one observes a fast for show in his dream, it means that he will receive what he desires.
(Also see Ashura; Feast of Breaking the Fast)... fasting dream meaning
If a king, a ruler, or a judge sees that the Holy Book does no longer exist, or if he sees it burning, or if its contents are washed away in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees a ruler or a governor handwriting a copy of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he is ajust person who uses the divine laws in makinghis decision. Ifajudge sees himselfhandwriting a copy of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he does not share his knowledge, and that he is audacious about his rank and status.
If a religious scholar or a theologian sees himself writing a copy of Holy Book in a dream, it means that he will profit from a business deal.
If one sees a king, or a ruler swallowing the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he may die soon.
If a judge swallows the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he accepts bribes.
If a ruler sees himself erasing what is written in the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he will be exiled.
If ajudge erases what is written in the Holy Book in a dream, it also means his death.
If he erases it by licking it with his own tongue in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin.
If a witness erases it in a dream, it means that he will deny his own testimony. Carrying the Holy Book, or buying a copy of the Qur’an in a dream means living by its criterion. Reading from the Holy Book before God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means that one will commit himself to memorizing it. Eating the pages of the Holy Book in a dream means accepting bribes.
If a layman eats the pages of the Holy Book, or few lines from some pages in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from reciting the Holy Qur’[m or teaching it. Eating the pages of the Holy Book in a dream also means earning one’s livelihood from copying and selling it. Seeing the Holy Book in a dream also mans growing in wisdom. Handwriting copies of the Holy Book in a dream denotes one’s piety, or it could represent a religious scholar who lives by the book, act by its commands and shares his knowledge with others. Tearing off the pages of the Holy Book in a dream means ingratitude toward God’s revelations, or denying God’s favors, or questioning some of them.
If one does something to the Holy Book in his dream that he would abhor to do in wakefulness, it means that he has lost his religious devotion and faith. Carrying a copy of the HolyBook in a dream means attaining power and acquiring knowledge.
The Holy Book in a dream also represents a husband, a wife, a son, or wealth. Ifa sick person sees it in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Ifthe one who sees it in his dream is facing an enemy, it means that he will triumph over him.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins and turn to his Lord, or it could mean that he may receive an inheritance.
If one sees himself following innovations and he recognizes that in his sleep, his dream denotes a warning from God Almighty. Seeing the Holy Book in a dream also could mean seeing wonders, witnessing a miracle, hearing news, receiving happy news, or it could mean longevity for one who browse through it from cover to cover in his dream.
The Holy Book in a dream also represents gardens, heavens, places of worship, or a person one is commanded to obey, such as a ruler, or a father, a mother, one’s teacher, or shaikh, or it could mean making a true oath, receiving glad tidings, admonition or a warning. Seeing the Holy Book or any of the early divine revelations in a dream means that one may preside over people.
If one sees himself carrying the Holy Book, or even any book of revelations, and if when he opens it finds the pages blank with no writing inside it in the dream, it means that he portrays himself to be what he is not, or that he impersonates a scholar, or pretends to be religious. Kissing the Holy Book in a dream means revering what it contains and adhering to what it commands.
If one looks into the pages of the Holy Book and finds its lines crooked in a dream, it means that he lives satisfied with what he has, and fulfills his required duties accordingly. Stealing a copy of the Holy Book and hiding it in a dream means that one cheats in performing his own prayers, or fails to do them properly.
If one sees himself looking in the Holy Book, then writing from what he is reading on his own garment in the dream, it means that he interprets the Qur’imic revelation according to his own liking.
If one sees a Holy Book sitting in his lap, then if a chick comes and picks all the words written therein in a dream, it means that one will beget a child who will memorize and read the Holy Qur’an as an inheritance, and benefit from the piety of his father, and as a trust, a lawful earning and a source of strength in his life. Buying a copy of the Holy Book in dream means benefits, prosperity and becoming a renowned and a distinguished religious scholar.
If the Holy Book is snatched away from someone’s hands in a dream, it means that he will lose his knowledge, or perhaps lose his employment.
If one sees himself spreading the pages of the Holy Book on a flat surface in a dream, it means that he is seeking wisdom which he will get, or that he may receive an inheritance.
If one sees himself putting the Holy Book over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he will receive an appointment, or be entrusted with a duty to guard, or that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an. Ifone finds himself trying to eat the pages of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he is a regular reader of the Qur’an. Ifone sees himself trying to eat the pages of the holy Book but is unable to do so in a dream, it means that he tries to memorize the Holy Qur’an from time to time but keeps forgetting what he learns.
(Also see Qur’an)... holy book dream meaning
If it is a nagor a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house.
If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear ofwrongdoing.
A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband.
A saddled horse in a dream means a woman in her menstrual period, during which time it is not permissible for the husband to engage in marital intercourse with her.
A gathering of horses in a dream represents a gathering of women for a funeral or a wedding. Owning a herd of horses, or taking care of their feed in a dream means presiding over people, or it could mean managing a business.
If a horse dies in one’s presence in a dream, it means loss of his house or business.
The fit of a horse in the dream represent man’s own state. Descendingfrom a horse in a dream means committing a sin that will force one to resign from his position, or be dismissed from his work.
A hairy horse in a dream represents a large family.
If the tail of one’s horse is cut off at its end in a dream, it means that one may come to see the death of his children and clan before his own eyes. Ifthe tail of one’s horse is simply clipped in the dream, it connotes his own death and that his name will be quickly forgotten. Ifone is attacked by a horse in a dream, it means that a noble person, or a youngboy will stand to him and require ajust retribution from him.
A flying horse with two wings in a dream means that one may be tried with affections toward a perverted boy or a woman who will tempt him then follow him.
If a descendent of the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, sees himself flying on a winged horse in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and preside over people. Ifone sees horsemen coming through the skies in a dream, it means that a war may take place in that land. Riding a horse and holding a spear in one’s hand in a dream means forcing people to do something, or forcing them to pay what they owe. Ifone sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching. Selling one’s horse in a dream means doing good and being grateful for it.
If one’s horse bites him in a dream, it means that he will lead an army in a war.
If one kills a horse in his dream, it means that he will be awarded status, rank and money. Slaughtering a horse for other than food in a dream means spoiling one’s livelihood.
If one sees a horse whose owner is not known entering a town in a dream, it means that a noble person will enter that town and people of his trade will fear his competition or his becoming a danger to their business.
If such a horse reverts his course and leaves that town in the dream, it means that a great, though unknown person from that locality will die shortly. Horses running across the streets in a dream represent a destructive rain or devastating floods.
A feeble horse in a dream represents the weakness of his owner.
(Also see Dung; Horse fright; Nag)... horse dream meaning
A mental hospital in a dream also represents a training school, caring for children’s education, teaching children to behave themselves, a place of learning, a school, a playground, a place of clamor and noise, using vile words, stealing money, or separation from one’s family and children.
If a deceased person is seen in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in hell-fire, for a mental hospital sometime uses force with its patients and ties them up, or imprisons them. Ifone sees himself in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he might go to jail for a crime he committed. Mixing with lunatics and insane people in a dream also means imprisonment and mixing with criminals, or it could mean falling sick, or dyingfrom a terminal illness.
If a poor person sees himself inside a mental hospital in a dream, it means financial success, receiving outside help, comfort and joy in his life.
(Also see Insanity)... mental hospital dream meaning
A masjid or a mosque in a dream represents a scholar and its gates represent men of know ledge and the guardians, or the attendants of God’s House. Building a masjid in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering the unity of one’s family, or becoming ajudge, should one qualify for such an office.
A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts oftheir religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations. Seeing a masjid being demolished in a dream means that such a gnostic, or religious scholar and devout believer will die in that locality. In a dream, if the roof of a masjid caves in, it means that one will indulge in an abominable action.
If one sees a stranger performing his prayers in a masjid in a dream, it means that the Imam of that masjid will dies from a terminal illness.
If one enters a masjid in the company of a group of people, and if they dig a small hole for him inside the masjid in the dream, it means that he will get married.
If one’s house becomes a masjid in a dream, it means that he will attain piety, purity of heart, escetic detachment and an honor he will receive from his brethren. He will also call upon them to follow what is true and to abstain from what is false. Ifa masjid is transformed into a bathhouse in a dream, it means that a chaste person will turn corrupt or become heedless.
A masjid in a dream also represents a marketplace or a business. Ifone has to climb up a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, then the masjid represents a thrifty person who does not like to share what he has.
If one has to climb down a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, it means that his needs will be satisfied. Ifa masjid in the city is moved to a remote village in a dream, it means stagnation of one’s business, being ostracized from one’s community, or it could mean legal complications related to one’s inheritance.
If a ruler builds a house for God Almighty or a masjid in a dream, it means that he will be ajust ruler and he will govern his subject by the divine laws.
If a religious scholar builds a masjid in a dream, it means that he will author a book that will benefit others, or delivers a commentary on a complex religious issue, or if he is wealthy, it means that he will pay the alms tax due on his assets. Building a masjid in a dream also means getting married, or conceiving a child who will grow to become a righteous and a knowledgeable scholar, or if one is poor, it means that he will become rich. Otherwise, it means that one will serve God’s House and fill it with invocations, supplications, serving the interest of the community, leading the people to unity and love, and teaching them to value obedience to God’s commands. Building a masjid in a dream also could mean becoming a real estate agent, or repenting from one’s sins, or receiving guidance on God’s path, or to die as a martyr, hence, what one builds for God Almighty in a dream, represents his house in paradise. Such interpretation applies if one builds a masjid following the proper procedures and with lawfully earned money, and using proper materials. Otherwise, building it with what is unlawful of money or materials in the dream, or changing the direction ofthe prayer niche, etcetera, then one’s dream will carry the opposite meaning.
If one builds a masjid or a fellowship house in a dream, it means that he will seek the path of knowledge and wisdom, or that he will attend a pilgrimage during that same year, or establish a permanent business, such as a hotel, a bathhouse or a shop, etcetera. Building the roof of a masjid in a dream means taking care of orphans, or sponsoring homeless children. Expanding a masjid in a dream means increase in one’s good deeds, repentance from a sin, adopting good conduct, or being just. Seeing oneself inside a new masjid one does not recognize in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during that same year, orjoiningreligious circles to learn about one’s religion.
If one’s shop becomes a masjid, or if the masjid becomes a shop in the dream, it denotes lawful earnings, or it could mean mixing lawful and unlawful earnings.
A forsaken masjid or mosque in a dream means intentionally ignoring the value of gnostics and religious scholars, or denying the necessity to command what is good and to eschew what is evil.
A forsaken masjid in a dream also denotes the presence of ascetics who have renounced the world and its people and care less about their material possessions.
A known mosque in a dream represents the city where it is erected.
For instance, the AlUia mosque in a dream represents Jerusalem, the Sacred mosque represents Mecca, the Prophet’s Mosque (uwbp) represents Medina, the Omayyad mosque represents Damascus, Al-Azhar mosque represents Cairo and the Blue mosque represents Istanbul, etcetera.
A known mosque in a dream also could represent the renowned scholars who live in that place, or the ruler of that country, or any of his ministers.
If one enters a mosque and immediately after crossing the entrance gate, he prostrates himself to God Almighty in the dream, it means that he will be given the opportunity to repent for his sins.
If one comes to a masjid and finds its doors locked, then if someone opens the door to him in a dream, it means that he will help someone in paying his debt, then extol his good virtues in public. Ifone enters a mosque riding on an animal in a dream, itmeans that he will cut off his connection with his relatives, leave them behind and forbid them to follow him.
If one dies in a masjid in a dream, it means that he will die as a true penitent.
If the carpet or the straw mat of a mosque becomes a shredded rag in the dream, it means that the community of that masjid is divided and corrupt. Building a masjid in a dream also means overcoming one’s enemy. Entering the Sacred Mosque in Mecca in a dream means arriving with one’s bride to their new home and it could mean fulfillment of a promise, being truthful, dispelling one’s fear and reaching the shore of safety.
(Also see Minaret; Minbar; Mosque)... masjid dream meaning
An oven in a house in a dream means bringing a solution to a problem, or winning victory over one’s enemies.
An oven without accumulation of ashes in a dream means a bad marriage. Dream interpretation of ovens varies sometimes depending on the type of oven one sees in his dream.
A grilling oven in a dream means imprisonment for a free man and freedom for a jailed one.
A grilling oven in a dream also represents a respected man of knowledge who is sought to deliver legal opinions or views of wisdom that will satisfy both parties in a claim.
The house range in a dream represents the head of the household, the housekeeper, the butler, a treasure chest, one’s coffer or a safety box.
The baker’s oven in a dream represents the governor’s house, a juvenile correction house, fulfillment of one’s needs, earning one’s livelihood, or recovering from illness.
If one bakes dough in a dream, it means satisfying one’s needs, recovering from illness, winning victory over one’s enemies, or opponent, winning a court case, teaching one’s son a craft, sending one’s child to a school, enlisting one’s son in the army, or it could mean becoming wealthy.
A bakery oven in a dream also represents one’s source of income, revenues, or shop, or it could denote one’s carnal self, its good and evil nature, or it could mean changes in one’s life, profits and losses. Seeing an unknown bakery oven in a dream also represents the governor’s house, or the court house because of the fires that are kindled therein from time to time-as fire in a dream signifies power and sovereignty.
An oven in a dream also represents a marketplace.
(Also see Furnace; Heater)... oven dream meaning
If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. Iftwo of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents.
If all of its doors are locked in the dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. Ifhe enters paradise from whichever gate he pleases in the dream, it means that both of his parents are pleased with him.
If one is let into paradise in a dream, it represents his death.
It is also interpreted to mean that he will repent for his sins at the hands of a spiritual guide or a wise shaikh who will lead him into paradise. Entering paradise in a dream also may mean attaining one’s goals, though paradise itself is surrounded with schemes and maneuvers. Seeing paradise in one’s dream also means joining the company of revered people of knowledge and observing good conduct with people in general.
If one sees himself entering paradise smilingly in a dream, it means that he constantly invokes God’s remembrance.
If one sees himself entering paradise with his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he commands good, forbid evil, and that he will receive blessings and praises in this world and in the hereafter. This dream also can be interpreted as earning one’s martyrdom. Ifone sees himself sitting under the central Tiiba tree in paradise in a dream, it means blessings and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter.
If one sees himself sitting in the gardens of paradise in a dream, it means that he will be blessed with sincerity and perfect religious adherence. Eatingfrom the fruits ofparadise in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Drinking from its rivers of honey and milk in a dream means receiving wisdom, inner knowledge and prosperity. Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife. Picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to others in a dream means sharing knowledge with others or teaching them. Ifone is forbidden from having the fruits of paradise in a dream, it denotes his failure to properly attend to his religious duties. Drinking water from the fountain of abundance (kawthar) in a dream means attaining leadership and conquering one’s enemy. Dwelling in a heavenly palace in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman. Seeing Ridhwiin, the guardian angel ofparadise in a dream brings happiness, prosperity and a healthy life. Ifone sees angels coming before him and paying their regards in a dream, it means that he will sustain a great patience during a worldly trial that will lead him to paradise.
If a sick person sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, and it could represent earnings, piety, prosperity, dispelling distress and getting an answer to one’s prayers.
If one sees himself entering paradise carrying money and leading a herd of sheep in a dream, it means that he will enter it through his charity and paying his due alms. Entering paradise together with one’s wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one’s wife. Seeing paradise in a dream also represents one’s devotion, piety, renunciation, and being of benefit to one’s companions.
The trees of paradise in a dream represent the gnostics, the true servants of God Almighty and the callers to God Almighty. Ifone is thrown out of paradise in a dream, it means that he needs to understand the story of Adam, upon whom be peace. Circumambulating paradise in a dream means dispelling fear, overcoming one’s difficulties, or getting married.
(Also see Key)... paradise dream meaning
If in a dream one becomes Satan, it is interpreted as loosing one’s sight.
If one kills Satan in a dream, it means that he will deceive and conquer a deceiver and an evil person. In a dream, the accursed Satan also represents an enemy of the body and the soul. He deceives, cheats, disbelieves, as well as he is ungrateful, jealous, capricious, arrogant, heedless, impetuous, or he could represent a leader, a minister, ajudge, a policeman, a man of knowledge, a preacher, a hypocrite, or one’s own family and children. Seeing Satan in a dream also meansvillainy, dirt, passion and sexual devilry. Ifone sees Satan attackinghim in a dream, it means that he earns his money from usury.
If Satan touches him in a dream, it means that someone is slandering or trying to deceive his wife.
If one is sick or under stress, and if he sees Satan touching him in a dream, it means that he will put his hand on material wealth. Ifone is suffering from the consequences of devilry while he recognizes his trials and remains steadfast in remembering God Almighty and calling upon Him for help in a dream, it means that he has many enemies trying to deceive him or to destroy him, though they will eventually fail, and in turn, they will be defeated by God’s leave. Ifone sees Satan following him 374 in a dream, it means that an enemy is pursuing him to deceive him, and consequently one will lose his status, rank and the benefits of his knowledge. Ifone sees himselfinwardly talking with Satan in a dream, it means that he will join hands with his own enemy, and his strike will be against the righteous people, though he will ultimately fail. Ifone sees Satan teaching him something in a dream, it means that he will fabricate a story, speak falsehood, or recite poems filled with lies. Ifone sees that Satan has descended upon him in a dream, it means that he engages in falsehood and sin. Ifone sees himselfpresiding over a band of satans, controlling them, commanding them, and if they obey him in the dream, it means that he will receive a seat of honor and he will be feared by his friend and foes.
If one ties Satan with chains in a dream, it means that he will win victory in his life together with might and fame.
If one sees himself deceived by a group of satans in a dream, it means that he will suffer financial losses or lose his job.
If Satan strips someone from his clothing in a dream, it means that the latter will lose a battle to an enemy. Ifone sees Satan whispering something in his ear in dream, it means that he will be dismissed from hisjob.
If one sees himself defying and fighting Satan in a dream, it means that he is a true and a strong believer who obeys his Lord and who holds fast to his religious obligations. IfSatan frightens him in a dream, it means that the latter is a sincere deputy and a protege of God Almighty, and that God will safeguard him from any fear of the accursed Satan or his army.
If one sees a meteor or a flame shooting at Satan in the skies in a dream, it means that there is an enemy of God Almighty in that locality.
If that person is a ruler, then his secrets will be exposed, and ifhe is ajudge, it means that ajust punishment will befall him for his injustice.
If one sees Satan happy in a dream, it means that he engages in sensuality, passion and loathsome actions. In general, Satan is a weak enemy, if one sees himself fighting him with resoluteness in a dream, it shows that he is a religious and a pious person. IfSatan swallows someone or penetrates inside his body in dream, it means a fright, losses and sufferings. Satan in a dream also represents builders or ocean divers who work as spies. Seeing them in a dream also could mean backbiting or slandering.
If one sees himself as a Satan in a dream, it means that he constantly frowns with people and that he is quick to harm them, or that he may work at cleaning sewers, or perhaps he may perish in a fire, or die as a heedless person.... satan dream meaning
If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one’s pilgrimage.
If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions.
If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in a dream, it means that he thinks of himself to be right and the rest of the people to be wrong. It also could mean that he possesses a knowledge which he hides from others. Ifhe touches the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he follows the teachings of an Imam from among the Hijazite Arabs.
If he sees the Black Stone being a castle for himself in a dream, it means that he follows religious innovations.
If he swallows the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he is a affected person who will mislead people.
(Also see Ka’aba; Corner Stone)... black stone dream meaning
The ease of crossing it depends on the weight of deeds one is carrying. Some cross like lightening, while others have to carry their burdens and move at varying paste. Walking on it in a dream means ajourney. Ifthe bridge caves under one’s feet in the dream, it means destruction and death. Seeing this bridge in a dream also represents knowledge, truth, believing in God’s oneness and following the teachings and example of God’s Messenger upon whom be peace.
If one’s foot slips while crossing in the dream, it means that he will miss the true path.
If one sees himself walking the path in a dream, it means that he is on the right track, follows what is commanded and abstains from what is forbidden. It also means that one will undergo awesome changes, undertakes major responsibilities and succeeds to reach safety. Ifone’s foot slips in a dream, it also means that he will fall into sin and deviate from the straight path.... bridge of the day of judgement dream meaning
To look at the holy Ka’aba in a dream means safety and protection against fear.
If one is given a job in Mecca in a dream, it means that he may become an Imam. Stealing anything from the holy Ka’aba in a dream means committing a sin. Walking toward the holy Ka’aba, or seeking it in a dream means correcting one’s religious standing. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls who are inquiring from him about the world in a dream means to die testifying to the Oneness of God Almighty and to the prophethood of His Messenger, upon whom be peace. Seeing the Ka’aba inside one’s own house in a dream means that one is still in power and living with grace. Ifthe holy Ka’aba does not look right in one’s eyes in the dream, then it means adversities.
If one sees the holy Ka’aba as his own house in a dream, the holy Ka’aba then represents the Imam of all Muslims who is the representative and vice-regent of God’s Messenger (uwbp), and it means that one truly follows the Imam. Praying on top of the holy Ka’aba in a dream means becoming an apostate. Entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba in a dream represents peace, tranquility, presiding over others, it also means that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with a questionable conduct, he also may follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace. Walkingbythe holy Ka’aba, or leaving it behind in a dream means going against the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, following the path of innovation, or interpreting things according to one’s own mind and liking.
If one sees angels descending from the heavens to lift away the pillar of God’s House from Mecca and place it in a different town in the dream, it means that people have gone astray and the time of destruction has come. It also means that the pillar of the faith, the righteous guide of the believers and God’s vice-regent on earth AI-Mahdi will soon emerge to dwell in that town.
If one sees the holy Ka’aba burning in a dream, it means that one has neglected or abandoned his prescribed prayers. Any changes, decrease or increase in the shape of the holy Ka’aba, moving of it away from its place, or changing its look in a dream will reflect upon the Imam, or the guide of all Muslims. Circumambulating the holy Ka’aba or performing any of the prescribed rites in a dream means walking the path of righteousness, or correcting one’s religious life as much as one does in his dream. Failure to perform some of the prescribed rites that are associated with being at the holy Ka’aba in a dream indicates one’s deviation from God’s path, and such innovation is equal to changing the direction (arb. Qiblah) of one’s prayers.
The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents one’s prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims.
The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise.
The holy Ka’aba is God’s House, and thereat people will be gathered and led into paradise.
The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque.
If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some ofthe required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples.
(Also see Circumambulation; Entering Paradise; Gutter of Mercy)... kabah (ka’aba) dream meaning
Other wise, if one sees himself listening to backbiting, slandering, defamation, or eavesdropping in a dream, then it means that some harm will befall him. Listening to good advice and following its best guidance in a dream means receiving good news.
Eaves dropping in a dream means that one in tends to defame the other person. Listening, though pretending not to hear what is being said in a dream means that one makes it a habit to lie.
(Also see Eavesdropping, Sound of animals, Speaking)... listening dream meaning
A pearl diver in a dream also represents someone who knows the inside secrets of things, or he could be a scholar, a gnostic, a seeker on the path, or an interpreter of the true meanings of the early prophetic teachings.
(Also see Diving)... pearl diver dream meaning
If he is a merchant, it means that his merchandise will arrive to its port of destination.
If one sees himself riding over a cloud in a dream, it means exaltation or marriage to a pious woman, or that one will attend a pilgrimage should it be his wish. Otherwise, should he wish for it, he will become renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. Should he qualify, it means that he will lead an army, or that he will rise in rank, or that he will be sent as an emissary of his government or as an ambassador. Ifpeople are expecting clouds to water their farms, and should one see masses of clear clouds carrying rains and coming in that direction in the dream, it means a calamity.
If the clouds carry poisonous rains or acid rains or polluted rains, or if they are driven by heavy winds, or if they carry fires or dust or ashes or rocks from a volcano, they mean that a calamity will strike that locality, or that they will receive news about travellers the majority of whom will perish during a trip. Clouds alsomean innovations and manmadereligions thatmayspread throughout the land.
If one sees himself merging with the clouds in a dream, it means that he associates himself with a person in authority or a wise man or a man of knowledge. Ifone sees himself eating clouds in his dream, it means that he will gain lawfully earned money from such a person, or that perhaps he may gain wisdom.
If one sees himself amassing clouds in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom at the hand of a close associate.
If one sees himself mixing with the clouds but does not carry anything out of them in a dream, it means that he will mix with people of knowledge and learn nothing from what they say, or practice nothing of what they teach.
If one sees himself riding over the clouds in a dream, it means that he may become famous for his wisdom and knowledge.
If one sees his own son turned into a cloud in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from teachingwisdom or religious knowledge to others. Black clouds in a dream mean wisdom, forbearance, honesty andjoy. Ifthe black clouds also carry a threat or cause fear in the dream, it means that one will be reprimanded by such a wise person.
If one sees himself building a house over a cloud in a dream, it means that he lives an honest life, earns lawful money and lives his life with wisdom and integrity.
If one builds a palace over a cloud in a dream, it means that through his wisdom, he avoids committing sins. It also means that he prospers from such a wisdom or builds a palace in paradise with his deeds. Ifone sees a cloud in his hand and rain falling from it in a dream, it denotes the wisdom he speaks.
If one turns into a rainy cloud in a dream, it means that he lives wealthy and benefits people from his money.
If one turns into a cloud that rains gold in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from a great man. Clouds in a dream also represent the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward.
If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage.
(See Invisible caller).
A black cloud in a dream also represents a just judge, while a white cloud represents a blessed and a noble justice. Clouds in season in a dream represent benefits, profits and prosperity.
A mass of black clouds carrying no rain in a dream mean benefits, extreme cold, sadness or sorrow. Red clouds in a dream mean distress, adversities or a sickness.
A cloud covering a town in a dream means blessings.
If the person who sees such black clouds in his dream is intending to take a trip, it will take place, though his safety cannot be insured. On the other hand, if he is unhappy about something, then if he sees such a dream, it means that his sorrow will be dispelled. White clouds in a dream are a sign of work, ajob or business. Rising fog in a dream means taking ajourney, or returning from one. Red clouds in a dream means lack of work. Agloomy cloud in a dream means stress. Ifone sees clouds welcoming him in a dream, it means glad tidings. Ifhe is an evil person, it means a calamity and a chastisement for his sins.
If one sees clouds covering the sun in a dream, it means that the ruler of that land is ill.
If one sees himself wearing a shirt of clouds in a dream, it means blessings that God Almighty has favored him with. Clouds in a dream also represent virtues, miracles, favors, rains, love and blessings, because they also appear when a prophet or a saint pray for rain or to shelter a blessed person from the heat of the sun. Clouds in a dream also mean travel by sea or air.... clouds dream meaning