The meaning of the symbols of symbol seen in a dream.

Seeing Om Symbol In A Dream | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Symbol

50 dream interpretation about symbol related.

Example Of Species

A specific tree like the date tree or a walnut tree.

The date tree may be interpreted as an honorable Arab gentleman since date trees are mainly indigenous to arab countries. As for the walnut tree, it represents a non-Arab person since these trees do not grow in the land of the Arabs.

The same applies to birds.

If a bird is huge it symbolizes an Arab gentleman; a peacock represents a non-Arab gentleman.... example of species dream meaning


In a dream, one’s cheeks represent his beauty and a display of his character. In a dream, cheeks are a symbol of love and affection. They denote both good or bad, harm or benefits, health or sickness and increase or decrease. Whatever affects them in a dream will show in one’s life. One’s cheeks also represent his type ofwork. Ifthey look rosy in a dream, they denote a good health and a good luck in one’s life. Yellow or opaque cheeks in a dream mean fear, sorrow and loss of status. One’s cheek in a dream also means humiliation or meekness if seen soiled with dust, soot or dirt in the dream. However, if a religious person sees his cheeks covered with dust in a dream, it means the rise of his spiritual rank, and that he will become exalted in God’s sight.

(Also see Face)... cheeks dream meaning


(Jami; Masjid) The main city mosque or the central mosque in a dream represents the king, the governor, or the ruler of a Muslim country, since he takes care of establishing the divine laws as well as he is the symbol of Islam and the decisive judge between the lawful and the unlawful. Smelling an apple inside a mosque means getting married.

A mosque in a dream is like the central market that people intend daily and endeavor to make profit therein.

It is a place where people will profit according to their deeds and efforts.

A mosque in a dream also represents one who is to be obeyed, respected and revered such as a father, a teacher, a shaikh or a man of knowledge. It also asserts justice ifone who enters a mosque in his dream is unjustly treated.

The main city mosque in a dream represents the Qur’anic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and washing one’s sins, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and shrouding of the dead, medicine, u silence, focusing one’s intention and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca. Seeing the main city mosque in a dream also means to recognize something good and to act upon it. It also could be interpreted as the shelter from one’s enemy, and a sanctuary and a shelter of the believer from fear, and a house of peace.

The ceiling of the mosque represents the intimate and vigilant entourage of a king. Its outstretch represents the dignitaries. Its chandeliers represent its wealth and ornaments. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and his knowledgeable advisors. Its doors represent the guards. Its minaret represents the king’s vice-regent, the official speaker of the palace or it announcer.

If the main mosque in the dream is interpreted to represent the ruler of the land, then its pillars represent the element oftime. Its lights represent the noble retinue and the wise men of his epoch.

The ceiling represents the knowledge contained in the books that protect his justice and his references.

The minaret will then represent his chief minister or advisor.

The pulpit represents his servant.

The prayer niche represents his wife, or it may represent his lawful earnings, or a righteous and a chaste wife. Ifone sees a mosque burning in a dream, it means death, losses and political changes in the country.

The main mosque of the town also represents the pious people dwelling therein, the men of knowledge, the wise men, devotion, or a hermitage. Its niche represents the leader ofthe people (Imam).

The caller to prayers (Muezzin) represents the judge or a gnostic from that town or country who calls people to the right path and whose call is harkened to by the believer.

The doors of a mosque in a dream represent the trustees and guards who shelter people from outside attacks.

If one sees any of that in a dream, or whatever condition these elements are in, they represent the current condition of the people, and this is what the central mosque represents in one’s dream.

If one sees grass growing inside a mosque in a dream, then it means a wedding.

(Also see Imam; Ka’aba; Masjid; Minaret; Minbar; Muezzin)... mosque dream meaning

All Products Of Sheep

The fat, meat, skin, milk, wool and droppings of sheep symbolise wealth and booty for a person if he sees himself as acquiring any of them.... all products of sheep dream meaning

Animals With Fangs

They all symbolise one’s enemies.

The size and strength of such animals is the deciding factor for the strength and power of such enemies.

And Allah knows best.... animals with fangs dream meaning


Bananas of any species or type, in season or out of season, symbolise goodness and prosperity.

If an ordinary person sees it, it suggests an increment in his wealth.

If a person who adheres firmly to the Deen sees it, it suggests that he will make further progress in his Deen.... bananas dream meaning


Whether fresh or dried, cooked or baked, eaten or merely possessed, all symbolise lawful sustenance.... barley dream meaning

Bars Of Silver

Seeing these in the dream is regarded as better than seeing bars of gold since they (bars of silver) symbolise excellence and good fortune.

If a person sees himself as having received a piece of silver with no design on it, it means he will marry a beautiful woman.... bars of silver dream meaning

Birds Of Prey

Generally, birds, symbolise sublimity and power enjoyed by kings, moarchs, rulers, governors and chiefs.... birds of prey dream meaning

Black Coin

Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling.... black coin dream meaning

Books And Magazine

Books and magazines that are rolled up in a bundle symbolise news that is concealed. Books that are laid open symbolise news that is plain and obious.... books and magazine dream meaning

Books Of Hadeeth And Fiqh

Books of Hadeeth and Fiqh symbolise knowledge and wisdom. Book of poetry mean deviation, deception and falsehood.... books of hadeeth and fiqh dream meaning


These symbolise a person’s daughters.... breasts dream meaning

Cow Milk, Camel Milk And Buffalo Milk

All three symbolise prosperity and goodness, sheep milk also symbolises prosperity and goodness but to a lesser degree than the former.... cow milk, camel milk and buffalo milk dream meaning

Dreaming Of Arms, Weapons Etc.

Generally speaking, arms, firearms, ammunition and all other weapons-primitive or modern-symbolise power, strength, honour, superiority, vicotyr and grandeur for the persons who sees them in his dream.. He will acquire these according to his intellect and popularity. Any modifications and improvements in them denote added honour, power and strength.... dreaming of arms, weapons etc. dream meaning

Eyebrows And Eyelashes

They symbolise the preservation of one’s Deen and the heeding of its message.

The healthier they are the greater its preservation and the more he will respond to its message.... eyebrows and eyelashes dream meaning

Dreaming Of Vessels, Vases, Utensils, Mirror, Scissors Etc.

Vessels symbolise servants and lads while stove, hearths, grates, cauldrons, lamps, table-cloths etc. symbolise grief, sorrow and anxiety which will be felt by the head of the household if the Arabic masculine equivalent is used for any of the above words. But it it is used as a feminine such as qidr, qifah, maa’idah, musarrajah and qas’ah, then they symbolise a person’s wife.. As for the word sufrah though feminine, it symbolises the husband all the same.

(Qidr : Cauldron, Cooking Pot; Qifah : large basket; Maa’idah : table-cloth; Musrrajah : lamp; Qas’ah trough)

Whatever is made from copper or lead such as cups, saucers, plates, trays kettles etc. they all symbolise a person’s servants and lads.... dreaming of vessels, vases, utensils, mirror, scissors etc. dream meaning


They symbolise his borther’s and sister’s chidren (ie. Nephews and nieces ). At other times they symbolise the five daily salaah. Thus, if any defects are seen in a persons’ fingers, it is suggestive of similar short comings in his salaah; or it forewarns mishaps regarding his nephews or nieces-depending entirely on which of the two aspects are implicated in the dream.... fingers dream meaning

Fresh Fish

If they are huge and many they symbolise wealth and assets from the one who acquires them.

If small and many it means he will be afflicted with grief and sorrow.

If one or two, they represent one or two women from who he will derive benefit.... fresh fish dream meaning


If one or two, they symbolise a person who perseveres in offering his devotion to Allah.... frog dream meaning

Garments Of Silk, Raw Silk And Fin Silk

These symbolise superiority, Strength, influence and the acquiring of unlawful wealth.... garments of silk, raw silk and fin silk dream meaning

Hunting Sparrow

A great many sparrows symbolise assets, wealth and booty provided they are hunted.... hunting sparrow dream meaning

Jewellry Worn By Women

if they are made from gold or silver they symbolise a pleasant life and embellishment for the women, But if they are one or two ankle-rings or bracelets then they represent her husband, brother or father.

The same is the interpretation of a crown although according to some, it presents a king or ruler.... jewellry worn by women dream meaning

Lean Cows

They symbolise drought and many lean years.... lean cows dream meaning


They symbolise a person’s paternal uncles, aunts etc. Any defect ion them is suggestive of similar misfortune regarding them.... molars dream meaning

Molars And Pre-molars

These symbolise a persons paternal and maternal uncles and aunts.

The upper ones will then symbolise the males and the lower ones the females.

If a person sees any of these as fallen, and he does not pick them up nor or count them, it means one of his relatives will die. And if he sees all of them having fallen and he does not pick them up nor does he count them it suggest that he will outlive all of them, being the last to die.... molars and pre-molars dream meaning


They symbolise a persons’ ability, capability and position – since he uses his finger –nails to scratch his body.... nails dream meaning

Non-fruit-bearing Trees

They symbolise a person who is of little or no benefit.... non-fruit-bearing trees dream meaning


Orange ,s if many, they symbolise lawful wealth.

If only three or less, they symbolise righteous children. There is no harm in seeing the yellow portion of an orange.... oranges dream meaning

Powerful Hands

Powerful hands symbolise the wielding of great power.... powerful hands dream meaning


These symbolise one’s maternal uncles and aunts.... pre-molars dream meaning

Salted Fish

Salted fish whether small or big symbolise grief and sorrow caused by a person’s servants, subordinates or brother.... salted fish dream meaning


They symbolise wealth of little or no benefit at all. At times they symbolise knowledge of no benefit, if they are few, it many sumbolise women and servants.... shells dream meaning

The Back And Loins

These symbolise a person’s honour, dignity and nobility. At other times the back or the loins symbolise a child since a child is born of a person’s back.... the back and loins dream meaning

The Face And Beard

The face and beard symbolise a man’s status and awe. Seeing one’s beard lengthened suggest that his position or status will be elevated.... the face and beard dream meaning

The Front Two Teeth-upper And Lower

They symbolise a person’s children, brothers and sisters.... the front two teeth-upper and lower dream meaning

The Knee

The knee, shin and feet symbolise wealth belonging to others.

The same represents his livelihood on which he is dependent.... the knee dream meaning

The Lips

They symbolise the assistance he receives from people.

The Upper lip is regarded better than the lower one.... the lips dream meaning

The Liver, Fat, Spleen Etc Of A Goat

The liver, fat, spleen hear and kidneys of a goat symbolise a person’s movable properties which he will remove or transfer from one place to an other.... the liver, fat, spleen etc of a goat dream meaning

The Nose And Forehead

They symbolise a person’s status, honour and dignity. Any excellence or defect in them bespeaks of similar excellence or defect in his status, honour and dignity.... the nose and forehead dream meaning

The Ribs

The ribs symbolise the women of his household. Any pain in the ribs is suggestive of similar mishaps in them.... the ribs dream meaning

The Skin Etc. Of Game

The skin, milk, fat etc. of game symbolise wealth and booty for a person if he sees himself as acquiring any of them.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.... the skin etc. of game dream meaning

The Stomach, Intestines And Other Organs

The stomach, intestines etc. symbolise a person’s hidden wealth which he had accumulated over the years.... the stomach, intestines and other organs dream meaning

The Temples , Cheeks And Jaws

They symbolise his method of earning his livelihood.

If they are sound his livelihood will be earned without difficulty.

If they are defective then it will be earned with much difficulty.... the temples , cheeks and jaws dream meaning

The Testicles

They symbolise his daughters. Any pleasant or unpleasant occurrence in them bespeaks of similar pleasant or unpleasant occurrence in his daughter.... the testicles dream meaning

The Toes

They symbolise the beautiful image portrayed by what a man owns.... the toes dream meaning

Training Or Holding A Dog

Training or holding a dog so as to safeguard a certain thing means he will be helped by someone in attaining his goal. In this case the dog does not symbolise an enemy.... training or holding a dog dream meaning


Trees symbolise men in personality and character.

If a person drams that he has received fruit or leaves of a specific tree, it means he will receive abundant wealth from such a person who resembles that particular tree in personality and character.... trees dream meaning


Cucumbers, turnips and other greens symbolise meager sustenance which the observer will acquire after experiencing grief and fear. At times, it could also mean that one’s grief and sorrow will intensify and the obtaining of rizq will prolong.

The same is the interpretation of coconut, onion, leek, garlic, ginger, carrots, radish etc.... vegetable dream meaning

Wounds, Bruises Etc

wounds, bruises, ulcers, sores etc. appearing on the body symbolise wealth that will be acquired by the observer of such a dream.

The extent of the wealth will depend on how old such wounds, bruises etc. Are, Likewise, any obesity or swelling means acquiring of wealth equal to the extent of the obesity or size of the swelling.... wounds, bruises etc dream meaning