If one sees his anus blocked in a dream, it means that he will die shortly.
The anus in a dream also represents a lowly person, a cheap musician, a drummer, someone who holds secrets, a kin or a relative with whom it is not lawful to be married. Seeing the backside of a young person in a dream means separation between the two.
If it is an older person in the dream, it means a fight between them. Causing cuts in one’s anus means severing family ties. Seeing the anus of one’s mother in a dream means nullification of one’s devotion, cancellation of one’s due interests or the stagnation of one’s business. Seeing someone’s anus in a dream means meeting with a frowning person.
If one’s anus bleeds in the dream, it means money.
If one sees himself excreting in a dream, it means spending money with a clear intent of benefiting from it. Seeing the anus of an unknown woman in a dream means material losses, or it could mean difficulties in acquiring the necessary money for one’s livelihood. Seeing worms coming from one’s anus means departing from one’s children or loss of one’s children.
If a cloth comes out of one’s anus in a dream, it means severing relations with strangers who took advantage of one’s children and abused their rights. Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way.
If one sees a peacock coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that he will beget a beautiful daughter. Ifhe sees a fish coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that his wife will beget an ugly looking daughter.
(Also see Pederasty; Sexual intercourse; Sodomy)... anus dream meaning
If one sees himself repugnantly spending his money in a dream, it means his death. Avariciousness in a dream also means falling into sin.... avarice dream meaning
A canal in a dream also could signify a lavatory, sewage, a marketplace, or it could mean a shop. Thus, digging a canal in a dream also could mean prosperity and spending money to support one’s family and dependents. Blocking a canal in a dream means divorce, separation between husband and wife, cutting off one’s blood ties, leaving one’s homeland, or separation from one’s clan. Blocking a canal in a dream also means quitting one’s job or cancelling a debt, or it could mean closing a business. Seeing a watercourse running inside one’s house in a dream means blessings and prosperity. Urinating in a canal or a watercourse in a dream means committing a sin, engaging in unlawfulness or molesting a servant.
A canal in a dream also could represent the housekeeper who cleans people’s dirt, a street sweeper, or it could mean a forbidden marriage.
A dry canal in a dream signifies cessation of business, unsalable merchandise, a dead market or discord with one’s wife, suffering from a urinary bladder, or having kidney problems. Ifone digs a canal and no water runs through it in a dream, it means deception.... canal dream meaning
If a person sees himself as carrying a dead person in a normal way it means he will either obey and follow the ruler of the time or he will take upon himself some of his responsibilities.... carrying the dead dream meaning
To feel overjoyed or raptured in a dream also suggests diligence, a quick mind, intelligence or awareness of someone who is known to be leaden, or it could mean a sudden change in the attitude of a stingy person as he turns to spending his money with generosity.
The feeling of rapture or emotional ecstasy in a dream also means indulging in sin, becoming alcoholic, committing adultery, or it could mean love for God Almighty, turning toward Him in truth and with sincerity.... delight dream meaning
(Also see Feast of Immolation)... feast of breaking the fast dream meaning
If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. Ifone prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others.
The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal.
If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his Z,uhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper.
If one sees himself performing his Z,uhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. Ifone performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Agr, performingit in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability.
If one sees himself performing the ‘A§.r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities.
If one does not complete his ‘A§r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place.
If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Maghrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term.
If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as ‘Isha.
If one sees himself performing his ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean the end ofhis life, following which, one usu ally attends to his resting time, which is similar to death.
If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news. On another level, if one sees himself praying the evening ‘I.§ha prayers in a dream, it means that he is committed to attend to his family’s needs as commanded by God Almighty, such as providing for their food, clothing, shelter and teachings. Ifone sees himself praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter) in a dream, it means that he does attend to his family’s needs and perhaps they feel comfort in his presence. Ifone sees himself performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream, it means that he will start with the inevitable, such as working to provide for his family.
If one sees himself performing the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream, it means that he will repay his debts. Ifone’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘A§.rprayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes.
If one sees himself performing the midafternoon prayers in a dream, it means that hisjob will shortly be completed and only little work is left for him to finish. Praying the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means finishing one’s duties and it is time for him to take a rest.
The night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means veiling things or entering the privacy of one’s home. On a third level, the midday Zuhur prayers mean repentance, dismissal or abrogation of laws.
The midday Zuhur prayers also could mean struggling against Satan and one’s enemies, which struggle takes place usually at the time of one’s midday nap.
The mid-afternoon ‘A§.r prayers in a dream also represents victory in one’s life, or it could mean guidance, blessings and observing God’s laws.
The sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means losing a parent, the passing away of one’s guardian, the death of a close friend or the impeachment ofthe person the dream indicate. Seeing oneselfpraying the night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means preparing for a journey, or it could mean marriage, moving from one place into another, or it could mean suffering from cataract, weakness of one’s vision, or it could denote the vastness of what is to come, for ‘Isha prayers are distant from the dawn Fajr prayers. Performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream indicates a vow one pledges. Praying the midafternoon ‘A§r prayers in a dream means attaining ease after suffering from hardships. Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means having crossed somethingthat will come back later, andperformingthe night ‘Ishaprayers in a dream means deception and a tricks.
If one sees himself performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream, it means that he will attain what he is hoping for.
If one sees himself praying inside a garden in a dream, it means that he is beseeching God Almighty for His forgiveness.
If one sees himself praying in a farmland in a dream, it means repayment of his debts. Ifhe prays inside a slaughter house in a dream, it means that he will commit the loathsome act of sodomy. Ifone sees himselfpraying seated without an excuse in a dream, it means that he will perform a deed which is not acceptable by his Lord.
If he prays lying on his side in bed in a dream, it means that he will be bed stricken.
If one performs his prayers in a mosque, then leaves it to attend to other duties in a dream, it means that whatever he attends to will be blessed, and he will profit from it.
If one sees himselfpraying while riding in a dream, it means that he is struck with fear, or that he may face a fight. Ifone sees himself performing the obligatory (arb. FarQh) prayers shortened to two groupings of prostrations (arb. Rak’at) in a dream, it means travels.
If one sees himself praying while eating honey in a dream, it means that he may engage in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours.
If a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (arb. Far!lli) prayers shortened to two grouping of prostrations in a dream, it means that she will have her monthly menstrual period on that day.
If one discovers that he has missed the time of the prescribed prayer and could not find a place or time to perform it in his dream, it means that he will face difficulties finishing something or paying a debt or satisfy a worldly goal.
If one intentionally neglects to do an obligatory prayer, or ifhe plans to do them later 166 (arb. Qada’) in the dream, it means that he takes his religious commitment lightly and hopes to correct his attitude at a later time. Performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations, the pilgrimage season, abstaining from borrowing money for one’s accessories or luxuries. Performing the festival prayers (arb. Eid) at the end of the month of Ramadan in a dream means paying one’s debts, recovering from an illness, dispelling difficulties and dissipating one’s worries. Performing the prayers ofthe festival ofsacrifice (arb. Eid-ul Adjja.
See Immolation; Manumission) in a dream means controlling one’s business, respecting one’s promises or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing the mid-morning prayers (arb. Dhuhii) in a dream means amnesty, innocence, makinga true oath, happiness and beingfree from polytheism. Ifone performs the prayer of a sick person in a dream, it means lack of luck and doubt about one’s faith. Grouping two prayers at one time or shortening them in a dream, means travels or temptation. Performing one’s prayers directly on a filthy, wet and impure ground without a prayer mat means poverty, humiliation and needs.
If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers. Ifone performs the prayers of fearing something in a dream, it means creating a business partnership, business activities or suffering the pangs of death. Talking during prayers in a dream means asking to get back a gift one has offered, or failure to focus one’s intention, or talking about one’s charities in public. In a dream, when performing one’s prayers, if one reads loud when he should read inwardly, or ifhe reads inwardly when he is supposed to invoke outwardly, and if he is called upon to judge between people, it means that his judgment will be wrong or that he may follow his own mind, or it could mean affectation, falsehood, hypocrisy, hiding the truth or unjustly confiscating someone’s money.
If one changes the order of the ritual prayers in a dream, it means that he disobeys his parents or objects to someone he is supposed to hear and obey, or perhaps he will be afflicted with forgetfulness or staying-up sleepless nights, or it could mean that he lacks intelligence, or that he is unable to memorise or remember things. Performing the late night prayers, (arb. Tari’iwi’h) in a dream means toiling, exhaustion, repayment of one’s debts and receiving guidance. Performing a special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa) in a dream denotes fears, languid, rising prices, dullness of the market, trouble, unhappiness, attachment and stagnation of the construction business. Performing the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers in a dream means striving to deliver comfort or to appease someone or perhaps it could denote repentance of a sinner, returning to the path of God Almighty, fearing the authorities, difficulties, or manifestation of major signs of the fast approaching Hour of Reckoning. Performing a special prayer of fear (arb. Khawf) in a dream represents unity, concord, commonconsent, peace and tranquility. Performingthe funeral prayers (arb. -Ianaza) in a dream means interceding on behalf of the deceased.
If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers. Ifone sees himself leading the funeral prayers in a dream, and then after completinghis prayers intercedes exaggeratedly with special invocations on behalf of the deceased in a dream, it means that he will be appointed by a ruler who is a hypocrite to manage a sector of his business.
If one sees himself then invoking blessings upon the deceased in the dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sins. Ifone sees himself sitting in a gathering of people praying for departed souls in a dream, it means that he will pray in a funeral. Seeing oneself in a dream performing a funeral prayer, means that one will intercede on behalf of a sinner.
If one sees himself performingthe Friday congregational prayers (arb. Jumu’a) in a dream, itmeans that relief is coming his way, or it could mean a reunion with a beloved, or satisfying a need one is asking for it to be fulfilled.
If one sees himself praying the Friday prayers alone in the dream, it means that such help is exclusive to him.
If one loses something and sees himself in a dream celebrating one of the two Islamic festivals, itmeans that he will find his lost object. Ifone sees himself performing the festival prayers (arb. ‘Eid) of the end of the month of Ramadan in the dream, it means perosperity, and if it is the festival of sacrifice in the dream, it means repayment of his debts, dispelling stress, advancement in one’s life or job or release from prison. Performing either the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers (arb. Kusiif or Kl!ustif) in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leaders of the country or its renowned people, or it could mean the death of a great person of knowledge, whereby everyone will attend his funeral. As for the special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa), performing it in a dream may represent an accident, or it could mean political unrest.
If the people offer this prayer from its inception to its completion in the dream, it means that their adversity will be lifted. Praying any supererogatory prayers (arb. Nafl) in a dream represents piety and devotion to the leading example (arb. Sunnah) practiced by God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.
If a woman sees herselfleading men in prayers in the dream, it means that she will shortly die. Performing supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) following the leading example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, in a dream means serving one’s community wit sincerity, purity and good qualities. Ifone sees himselfperforming extra supererogatory prayers in a dream, it means that he cares about the success of his life in the hereafter, and that he shall enjoy the fruit of his devotion both in this world and in the hereafter. Performing one’s obligatory prayers (arb. FarQh) in a dream means providingthe necessary care for one’s family, while performing the supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) means working to provide extra comforts for one’s family.
The same interpretation is provided for performing the congregational night prayers of the month of Ramadan known in Arabic as Tarawlh. Seeing that in a dream means taking care of the family needs and bringing comfort to their hearts. During a congregational prayer, if the rows are straight in the dream, it means that such people are in a constant state of celebrating God’s praises. Supererogatory prayers in a dream also mean striving for unity with one’s community, love for one’s brethren and constantly trying to serve and please them with deeds, money, moral and financial support.
If the person seeing the dream is unmarried, it means that he will get married.lfhe is married, it means that he will beget two children.
If a poor person sees himself performing voluntary prayers in a dream, it means that he will earn enough to satisfy his needs.
If one performs the middle of the night prayers known in Arabic as Tahajjud in a dream, it means that he will rise in station. Performing special prayers for the fulfillment of certain wishes in a dream means attending official ceremonies, or being punctual at one’s appointments.
To perform one’s prayers after the due time (arb. Qada’) in a dream means paying one’s debts, repentance from sins or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing one’s prayers sitting in a dream means an illness, failures, contentment, or a warning about an affliction that will befall one’s father, teacher, or a beloved. Performing a special prayer for forgiveness (arb. Istighfar) in a dream means forgiveness for one’s sins and acceptance ofhis repentance. Ifthis prayer is performed in congregation in one’s dream, it means rain, prosperity, begetting children for a barren person, a good harvest, or the purchase of a new property. Performing the special prayers of celebrating God’s praises, known in Arabic as Tasablh in a dream means a receiving a gift, an endowment of divine grace, blessings and prosperity. Performing a special prayer of soliciting guidance for a specific need or cir168 cumstance in a dream (arb. Istikh.arah) means dispelling doubt or confusion, receiving guidance for one’s problem, or it could denote the success of a project.
If the one performing such a special prayer is known to follow the guidance of a spiritual teacher or shaikh, then his dream means lowering of his spiritual status, for a true seeker has no questions. Performing a special prayer for the safe return of a traveller in a dream (arb. Qha’ib) means asking for suitable weather conditions for one’s own needs or for people’s needs. Performing a special prayer over the grave of a deceased in a dream means offering special gifts that warrant no reward, or it could mean distributing charity to needy people. Performing a special prayer of greeting the mosque in a dream means spending one’s money to help his relatives and the needy people among his friends. Performing a sudden and an unexpected prayer in a dream means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people.
If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time.
If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. Ifone sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable.
If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or that he acts the opposite of what God Almighty has ordained.
If one sees himself turning his back toward God’s House in a dream, it means that he is an apostate who rejects God’s religion or that he does not care about it.
If one sees the people in the mosque facing another direction in his dream, it means that their leader or judge will be dismissed from his office, or that he neglects to follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he follows his own mind and desire in making religious interpretations. However, performingone’s prayers and turning with helplessness toward any direction and crying for help in a dream means seeking God’s nearness, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or it could mean travelling in the direction he faced in his dream. Ifone sees himself praying eastward or westward and beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he is a despicable person who is full of arrogance, who backbites and slanders others and who is daring to indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord. Ifone could not find the direction ofthe Ka’aba in his dream, it means that he has doubt about his faith. However, if one sees himself facing the holy Ka’aba in the dream, it means that he is walking on the straight path. Hone sees himselfwearing a white garb and reading the Qur’an in the dream, it means that he will join the caravan of pilgrims to Mecca. God knows best.
(Also see Death; Imam; Pharaoh)... five times prayers dream meaning
A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money.... manna dream meaning
If in a dream one seems to have a dry mouth, it represent his inability to do what his competition can do. Spitting against a wall in a dream means spending one’s money in a good cause, or engaging in a profitable business. Spitting on the floor in a dream means purchasing land. Spitting against a tree in a dream means to recant one’s promise. Spitting at another person in a dream means despising him. Warm saliva in a dream means long life, while cold saliva represents a short life.
The color of one’s saliva in a dream shows the state of one’s spirit. Spiting blood or phlegm in a dream means speaking ill of others.... spittle dream meaning
A cat in a dream also means shunning off one’s husband, wife or children, or it could mean a fight, theft, adultery, disloyalty, eavesdropping, backbiting or bearing a child from adultery, a bastard child, or it could represent a gentle speaking person, a toadying person or someone who desires to be accepted by others, and should he find an opportune moment, he will spoil everyone’s peace. Acat in a dream also represents a banal woman who likes herself.
If a cat steels something from her master, it means that he may pay a fine, have a fight with his relatives or children, and it could mean a robbery.
A wildcat in a dream means adversities, toiling and a wretched life. Selling a cat in a dream means spending one’s money.
The scratch of a cat in a dream means that one will be betrayed by his servant.
The bite of a cat in a dream represents a hoaxer or a crooked woman.
It is also said that a cat’s bite in a dream means an illness that will last one full year.
(Also see Tomcat)... cat dream meaning
The cistern of a fellowship house, a khanakah or a mosque in a dream represents its Imam or its supervising spiritual teacher or the caretaker and guard of the property. Ifone sees the water cistern of the house sitting in an unsuitable place in that house in a dream, it represents the spirit of a jinni who pursues such a person or who may haunt his house.
If one sees a well being used as a cistern in his house in a dream, it denotes that the dwellers of that house are of the middle class, or it could mean that the water of that house is salty or nonpotable.
If one sees the cistern filled with butter or honey or milk in a dream, it means that one’s wife is pregnant, or it could mean prosperity for that family.
If the family of such a house is thirsty in the dream, and if the cistern is filled with other than water, then it means that they owe alms tax and must pay the necessary charity on their assets, or it could mean that such a family has turned its back to God’s path and preferred worldly gains instead, or that they have a knowledge that they do not practice, or it could mean shortage of rain in that locality that necessitates spending money on God’s path.
A cistern in a dream also could represent a protective shield or a pocket, one’s dignity, blessings or attaining a respectable rank or dispelling difficulties. However, this interpretation can only apply for those who use a cistern or a similar water container or a water dispenser and in their case, it also could mean peace and protection from any fears.
(See Urn)... cistern dream meaning
If one is seen drinking wine to inebriety in a dream, it means that he earns unlawful money. It also means that such earnings will seem to have power over him in the way of spending them.
To become drunk in a dream without drinking alcohol means feeblemindedness or childishness of an old man. Drunkenness in a dream is a bad sign for both men and women for it denotes ignorance and complication in one’s life. However, if a scared person sees himself drunk in a dream, it means that he will overcome his fears. Pretending to be drunk in a dream means a false claim. Such a person also may be inflicted with an untrue accusation in wakefulness as a lesson, so perhaps he may refrain from false claims and he will come out of such false adversity as though he is drunk without drinking.
If a pious person sees himself drunk in a dream, it could represent his love for God Almighty.
(Also see Intoxicants)... drunkenness dream meaning
A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance.
A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong.
An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person.
If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy.
The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter. Ifthe engraver sells the merchandise but does not accept money for them in the dream, it means that he prefers his spiritual life over his temporary material pleasure and that he is grateful to God Almighty.
If he asks for a price for his services, then it means the opposite.
If the engraver barters what he sells for wheat or flour in the dream, it means that he whlbecome detached from worldly interests, and that he is grateful for his Lord’s blessings.
An engraver in a dream also represents a person who teaches arts and science.... engraver dream meaning
The closer the teeth are to the incisor, the closer is the relative. Divided in two sections, the upper right incisor represents the father, and the upper left incisor represents the paternal uncle, or it could represent one’s sisters, sons, or a close friend.
The upper canines represent one’s cousin. or two friends who are as close as cousins.
The bicuspids represent one’s uncles from the mother’s side and their children, while the molars represent the grandparents and the grand children.
The lower right incisor represents the mother, and the lower left incisor represents one’s aunt from his father’s side, or they could represent two sisters, two daughters, or two close friends who have the same compassion, concern and love.
The lower canines represent one’s female cousin from either the father or the mother’s side.
The lower canine tooth, or the eyetooth represents the sire of the house, or the landlord.
The upper and the lower molars also represent the furthest members of one’s family, including the grandmother and her grand daughters.
If a tooth moves in its place in the dream, it means an illness.
If it falls, or if it is lost, then it means death of the person to whom it is attributed, or it could possibly mean that he will be separated from him and can no longer see him.
If one saves his lost tooth and does not bury it in the dream, it means that someone will come forth and be to him as good as that relative. Otherwise, ifhe does bury it, then it means the death of his relative.
(2) ln a dream, the human limbs also represent the members of his family, and whatever condition they portray in one’s dream may become visible in the members of his family. Similarly, whatever may affect one’s teeth in a dream can be interpreted as affecting such family members.
If one’s incisors look beautiful and bright in the dream, they denote the power, honor and prosperity his father or uncle will gain.
If extra incisors grow in one’s mouth in a dream, it means that one’s family will grow by either a new born brother or a new son. Ifone finds his teeth slightly deteriorating in a dream, it means a trial, or that his family will engage in a disgraceful act that will bring him shame.
If one attempts to pull out his teeth in a dream, it means that he may spend his money unwillingly, pay a fine, or separate from his parents, thus cutting off his blood ties, or he may become untrue to his relatives.
If one’s teeth turn yellow or black in a dream, such a dream also represents a disgraceful act that will bring shame upon one’s family. Yellow teeth in a dream mean spending money to restore one’s reputation, or it could mean being knowledgeable in one’s own esteem. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream represents bad connotations resulting from praises one’s family may receive. Deteriorating teeth in a dream represent weakness in one’s family.
If one sees people biting him in a dream, it means that he could have pretended something in public, though he fortunately restrained himself.
(3) If one’s mouth in a dream is interpreted to represent his household, then the teeth of the right side represent the boys, and those on the left side represent the girls. On the other hand, the teeth on the right side could represent the older generation, and the teeth on the left side could represent the younger generation.
The incisors represent the young men in the family, and the canines represent the young girls. As to the molars, they represent elderly people.
If one loses a molar tooth in a dream, it means the death of an elderly person in his household.
(4) Human teeth in a dream also represent one’s business and management of his life. In that case, the molars represent one’s private life, the eyetooth represents what is semi-public, while the front incisors represent what is openly practiced, one’s public character, words and deeds. Ifone sees his teeth broken in a dream, it means that he pays his debts slowly. Long teeth in a dream mean enmity or a fight between members of one’s household.
If one sees his teeth curved and deteriorating, and if one decides that it is better to pull them out in a dream, it means that he will escape from great adversities and dangers.
If one’s teeth turn gold in a dream, they represent benefits for a teacher or a preacher. Otherwise, golden teeth for everyone else in a dream mean fire, illness, Candida, or an illness that is caused by one’s bile.
If one’s teeth become glass or wood in a dream, it means his death. Ifthey turn silver in the dream, it means harm or losses.
If one’s front teeth fall and new ones grow instead in the dream, they represent major changes in one’s life. Ifone sees himself forcefully pushing his tongue against his teeth in a dream, it means that he speaks ill of his own family, or it could mean problems in one’s house.
If the crown or the enamel of one’s eyetooth is damaged, or if it falls in a dream, it means the death of one’s son.
(6) Teeth in a dream represent one’s clan, close relatives, or distant cousins.
The molar teeth represent the male members and the incisors represent the female members. Unnecessarily pulling out one’s teeth in a dream means paying a fine, losing one’s capital, or severing relationship with members of one’s family. Discovering one or two cavities in one’s teeth in a dream means that one may beget one or two sons. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream means belittling someone’s ideas, or it could mean a family dispute. Fallen teeth in a dream may denote that the husband and the wife sleep in separate beds, or it may mean poverty, or that one may die in a foreign land, or that the term of one’s life span in this world may be extended.
(5) If one pulls out his teeth and buries them in the dream, it means that his entire clan or family will die before him. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream also means exposing one’s secrets. Losing a tooth in a dream may imply a punishment for a wrongdoing.
If one finds the teeth of his upper jaw and those of the lower jaw intermixed in the dream, it means that the women control the men in his or family. Flossing one’s teeth in a dream means dispersal of one’s family, or loss of money and property.
(7) If after flossing one’s teeth some meat fiber remains stuck between the teeth in the dream, it means that he backbites his family members.
(8) Teeth in a dream also represent a pearl necklace, a grinder, or an army formation.
The right wing, the left wing and the front assault formation, or they could mean severing blood ties.
The incisors may represent the heart of a human being. Teeth in one’s pocket or in the palm of one’s hand in a dream represent one’s brothers.
(0) If one has an incarcerated relative, and if he sees his teeth pulled out in a dream, it means the release of his relative from prison. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream could mean the return of a traveller to his homeland. Tartar in a dream represents weaknesses in the family. Black or broken teeth in a dream mean sorrow caused by one’s relatives. Wisdom teeth in a dream represent one’s followers, while the incisors and the canines represent his wealth, adornment, pride, or child.
The changing of their color into yellow or black in a dream mean changes in one’s life.
(10) If one’s teeth turn into iron in a dream, they mean strength. Losing one’s teeth in a dream also could mean losing one’job. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream so that no one can see them means infertility, or loss of one’s business, loss of one’s savings, a bad relationship with one’s family, an evil act toward one’s family, or it could mean that he will try to sustain his business through a loan, then suffer from bankruptcy. Having a bad tooth in wakefulness and pulling it out in a dream means trying to comfort or appease a difficult person whose hurtfulness will eventually cease. Replacing a tooth with a bridge in a dream means recovering losses, or balancing one’s business. Having an extra tooth in a dream means losing one in wakefulness.
(Also see Body]; Pain; Teeth)... tooth dream meaning
If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. Ifone immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities.
If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying ajar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people for water to drink in a dream means lying to them by claiming to be needy. Stagnant water in a dream means imprisonment, distress, or depression.
It is said that stagnant water in a dream has weaker meaning than running water. Bad smelling or putrid water in a dream represents a wretched life. Bitter water in a dream means a bitter life. Boiling water in a dream means suffering from heat.
If boiling water is used during the daylight in a dream, it means suffering from chastisement, afflictions and punishment for one’s sins.
If used during the nighttime in a dream, then it means fear of evil spirits. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. Murky waters in a dream represent unlawful earnings. Black colored water in a dream means destruction or family problems. Drinking black colored water in a dream also may mean blindness. Yellow water in a dream means an illness. Boiling water, blazing water, or oozing water in a dream means change of one’s status, or being deprived of God’s favors for lack of gratitude and for being a hindrance against those who do good. Drinking polluted seawater in a dream means turbulences, distress and sufferings that will be brought about by someone in authority.
If seawater runs inside one’s dwelling place or business, and if one drinks from it in a dream, it means an illness.
If everyone drinks from it in the dream, then it means a plague. Murky water in a dream denotes a tyrant.
If a sick person bathes in murky water then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.lfhe is facing adversities, it means that he will be able to overcome them.
If he is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. Pure potable water in a dream means salvation. Saltwater in a dream means distress.
If one sees murky water gushing froth from a water well in a dream, it means a bad marriage. Walking on water in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. This is particularly true if while walking one also speaks words of wisdom and piety. Otherwise, walking on water in a dream could mean ascertaining something that is not too clear. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous trip and trusting in God Almighty for protection and guidance. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous venture. Ifone walks back from the water to dry land in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his needs or desire. Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. Ifone falls into a river and ifhe is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick.
If he drowns in a river in a dream, it means his death. Falling into water in a dream also could mean happiness, joy, or blessings. Observing the reflection of one’s face in the waters looking beautiful in a dream shows kindness toward one’s household and neighbors. Reaching a pond ofclear water in a dream means speaking good words. Pouring water inside a bag in a dream means spending money to please a woman. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. Floods in a dream means distress, suffering and corruption, depending on their strength.
If the water level of a dam or a river rises and inundates people’s homes and businesses and becomes a threat to people’s lives in a dream, it means discord and trials after which evil people will be eliminated from that place. Ifone sees water flowing over his own roof in a dream, it means a quick distress, or a permanent stress that will be brought by someone in authority. Sweet potable water in a dream represents lawful earnings, a good heart, knowledge, revival, recovering from a dangerous illness, a wife, a husband, or marriage.
If one drinks a sweet and a refreshing glass of water from a permissible cup in a dream, it means that his marriage is proper. Otherwise, if the container from which one drinks in his dream is unlawful, it means that his marriage is illegal from a religious point of view. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves.
If a thirsty person quenches his thirstwith water in a dream, it means comfort, appeasement of one’s bewilderments, prosperity verses poverty, or reuniting one’s family. Bathing in fresh spring water in a dream means payment of one’s debts. Ifsweet and potable water becomes salty in a dream, it means apostasy, or strayingfrom the path of God Almighty and meeting with insurmountable difficulties. Carrying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Clear water in a dream also means recovering from trachoma.
The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life. Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances.
If unexpectedly one is showered with hot water in a dream, it means a fever, an illness or a scare from evil spirits, the intensity of which is relevant to how hot is the water. Ifone’s garment gets wet in a dream, it means changes in one’s travel plans, or it could mean delaying a project, or failure of one’s plans.
If a poor person sees himself carrying a container of water in a dream, it means money.
If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a child. Carrying water in a purse, socks, a cloth, or in any porous material in a dream means pride about one’s wealth, status, attainments, fame and living conditions. Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married. Bathing in cold water in a dream means repenting from sin, recovering from an illness, release from prison, payment of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s fears. Drawing water from a well in a dream means earning money through deception and fraud. Channeling irrigations to water a garden or a farm in a dream means earning money from a woman.
If the trees of one’s garden or farm do blossom in the dream, it means conceiving a child from such a woman. Watering a garden or a farm in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with one’s wife. Ifpure water gushes forth from one’s mouth in a dream, it means that he is a gnostic and people will benefit from his knowledge, wisdom and admonition.
If one is a young merchant, it means that he is a truthful person. Sweet water in a dream also represents the element of faith in God Almighty, while saltwater represents the element of atheism. In a dream, water also means wealth. Seeping water from a crack in a wall means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law.
(Also see Distilled water; Earth; Ophthalmologist; River; Walking on water)... water dream meaning
If one sees himself melting a bar ofgold in a dream, it means that he will be persecuted for committing a loathsome act and he will become the talk of the town. Seeing broken chips of gold or a whole coin of gold in a dream means meeting with the ruler of the country or with the governor of town. Minting gold in a dream represents evil, death or destruction. Seeingone’s house turning gold in a dream means that a fire will consume his house.
If one’s hand turns gold in a dream, it means that it may be paralyzed. Seeing one’s eyes turning gold in a dream means that he may become blind. Wearing a golden necklace, or a silver necklace, or a necklace studded with gems in a dream means that one will become a leader, or that he could receive something in trust. Gold in a dream also represents the elements of festivities, joy, profits, good deeds, dispelling stress, marriage, children, knowledge, spiritual guidance, or literally the business of gold smithing. Ifone sees gold turning into silver in a dream, it means decrease in value, or changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties.
The opposite is also true. Ifone sees silver turning into gold in a dream, it means increase in value, the rising moon of one’s wife, children, business or clan. Any gold embroidered garment or fabric in a dream means religious offerings. Any gold plated ornaments in a dream means emulating mundane people, or outwardly imitating spiritual people, or ostentatiously acting like them. Pure gold or silver in a dream means purity and sincerity of one’s intentions, making a true covenant or signing a peace treaty. Gold plated or silver plated ornaments or gold leaf objects in a dream represent a short life, changing circumstances, spending long and sleepless nights, or it could mean forgetfulness. Wearing any manufactured or handmade piece of jewelry in a dream means perpetual earnings.
The same interpretation is given to gold foils.
(Also see Goldsmith)... gold dream meaning
If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations.
If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death.
A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. Ifone’s sick child recovers from an illness in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees the entire city suffering from an illness in a dream, it means a war, or a siege.
If one sees himself ill in a dream, it also means victory over his enemy and enjoying a happy life. Otherwise, seeing anyone suffering from an illness in a dream means lack of work, and for a rich person it means becoming needy.
If a business traveller sees himself ill and desiring something in his dream, it means that his business deal will not fall through, for physicians mostly do not grant their patients their wishes.
If a bedridden person sees himself freeing a slave from bondage in a dream, it means his death, for a dead person has no property. Seeing a friend sick in a dream means that one will suffer from the same illness. Illness in a dream also signifies spending money, repentance, prayers, supplications, imploring, while falling in love in a dream means a sickness. Seeing two of one’s children sick in a dream means that one maysuffer from trachoma or ophthalmia, for one’s eyes in a dream represent his children. Illness in a dream means that one has lost something to his adversary. Seeing one’s father ill in a dream means having a migraine headache, for one’s father in a dreams also represents his head.
An illness in a dream also signifies falsehood and corruption.
If one sees himself suffering from a terminal illness in a dream, it means that his sins will be forgiven, and he will die with God Almighty pleased with him.
An illness in a dream also signifies a calamity, distress, fear of something, desiring something, or trouble.
The illness of a woman in a dream represents her step daughters from her husband. Man’s sickness in a dream also could signify abstaining from sexual course with his wife during her menstrual period.
The illness of scholars means weakness in their religious adherence.
The sickness of a ruler means religious failure, or that he may die in that same year.
The illness of a teacher in a dream means separation from his students.
The illness of a child in a dream means distress and worries for his parents.
The death of a suffering old person, or someone with a terminal illness in a dream means relief.
The death of an animal in a dream means lack of benefits.
A plague in a dream means drought, or prosperity for physicians as well as for undertakers. Complaining about some pain in a dream means distress, unless if the one complaining in the dream is an opponent, then it means victory andjoy for the person seeing the dream.
(Also see Thief)... illness dream meaning
A loan in a dream also represents repentance of a sinner, or guidance for a heedless person. Loaning someone money in a dream also means generosity and giving due preference to others’ needs. Lendingpeople money with generosity to please God Almighty in a dream means spending money on God’s path. As for a sick person, being under the constraint of debts in a dream signifies further health complications.
If a sick person sees himself in a dream borrowing to pay his loans, it means his death.
If a borrower finds that his lender has died in a dream, it means relief from his stress. Signing a loan in a dream means being put under court restraint.
(Also see Borrowing; Charity; Lending money)... loan dream meaning
If a poor person sees the floor of his house covered with marble in a dream, it means prosperity, marriage, purchasing a business, acquiring knowledge, learning a poem, bearing righteous children, or if he qualifies, it could mean that he will receive a high ranking appointment, or that he may actually work with marble, or in sculpturing marble or in manufacturing fountains from marble, or work in masonry, or as a stone cutter, or he may change his attitude toward things, signaling the end of depression and the start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations. Ifone sees gravestones made of marble, or if one sees marble pillars in a dream, it means a good reward for one’s deeds, or it could mean eulogy, or lauding.
An architecturally sound edifice made from marble in a dream represents good writing, skillfulness, dowry or a generous prenuptial agreement.
If the marble is used excessively in the dream, it means suspicion and doubt about one’s resources or source of income.
The marble bases of a pillar in a dream represents social benefits. As for marble tiles in a dream, they represent beautiful and noble women, or dignitaries. As for marble jars, tiles, or basins in a dream, they represent the positive and negative effects one overlooks during the course of this life.
(Also see Column; Marble cutter)... marble dream meaning
If one’s navel looks abnormal in a dream, it means that something bad may happen to his family. This also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. Ifa sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death.
To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life; but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life.
A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one suffers from his navel in a dream represents the adverse conditions of his family or country.
If an immigrant suffers from any affliction to his navel in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland.
(Also see Body’)... navel dream meaning
It is said that one who sees the prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream will become a scholar, an assiduous worshipper and an obedient servant who exercises patience and forbearance. He will also triumph over his enemies and receive a magnificent endowment from his Lord. His companions will disobey him and by God’s leave, he will win over them too. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means rain and floods. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from many enemies, and from the jealousy and envy of one’s neighbors. At the end, they will all suffer from God’s punishment, and he will be saved from their evil. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also signifies the destruction of the unbelievers and the victory of the believers.
If one sees him in a ship in a dream, it means that such a ship will escape from destruction, or that all its people will be saved from drowning. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means facing a strong army of unbelievers, their blatant attitudes, their verbal and physical abuse of the believers, and their unrestrained persecution of the physically weak among them. It also denotes the weakness of people’s faith and their lack of trust in God Almighty. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means spending a lifetime in devotion and servitude to one’s Lord, commanding good and forbidding evil.
If a ruler sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his subject will disobey him. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also means crying and lamentation, disputes with one’s family, rising prices, relief from distress, adversities and having recalcitrant children. Seeing him in a dream also represents a flourishing business, farming, a ship building industry, travelling with several types of food, or mixing different species of animals. God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may represent a genealogist, a zoologist, a botanist, a phytologist, a horticulturalist, an ecologist, or a mammalogist. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may mean regretting something, distress, penitence for an attitude toward one’s own family, or perhaps that one’s son will stray away from God’s path, or it could mean the death of a son because of his disobedience to his father.
If a woman sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp), or God’s prophet Lot (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she is disobedient to her husband, and rather she obeys her own family and clan. On the other hand, if a woman sees Egypt’s Pharaoh in a dream, it means that she is a true worshiper and an obedient believer in God Almighty.... noah dream meaning
(Also see Body’; Chest pain; Lungs; Teeth; Tooth)... pain dream meaning
A pomegranate in a dream also represents savings.
If it is ripened and tastes sweet, it represents a beautiful woman, a town, a son, a one thousand dollars, a one hundred dollars, or ten dollars depending on the type of work one performs.
If a pomegranate is eaten unripened in the dream, it represents suspicious money. As for a ruler or a governor, a pomegranate in a dream represents a city. Ifhe brakes one in a dream, it means that he will conquer or rule that city.
The skin of a pomegranate represents the city’s walls, its seeds represent its people and itsjuices represent its resources, industries and wealth. Ifa sick person eats the skin of a pomegranate in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.
A pomegranate in a dream also means a coffer, a beehive, or a honeycomb.
If the seeds are white in the dream, they represent little money.
If they are red, then they represent a sizeable profit.
A pomegranate in a dream also denotes fear or a journey.
A fresh looking pomegranate in a dream represents ayoungvirgin.Abroken pomegranate in halfin a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow.
A rotten or a spoiled pomegranate in a dream represents an unchaste woman.Asour tastingpomegranate in adream represents unlawful money, worries, or disturbances. Ifone sells pomegranates in a dream, it means that he will sell the everlasting reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasure of this world. Drinkingpomegranatejuice in a dream means spending for one’s livelihood.
A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious, respected and a rich man.lfhe is a merchant, his business will always multiply.
The thorns of a pomegranate tree in a dream represent the obstacles that restricts a believer from falling into or committing a wrongdoing. Cutting down a pomegranate tree in a dream means severing one’s blood ties, or neglecting one’s duty toward his family.... pomegranate dream meaning
The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on God’s path. Such a battle also could mean an attack against one’s religion, a calumny, or mocking another person’s faith, or speaking ill of righteous people, or being sarcastic about religion, or it could mean slander, defamation, confuting someone, defaming him, vilification, or making libelous statements against someone. Ifone sees himselfstabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. Ifone stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points them toward the other person but does not attack him in the dream, it means that he will be tempted to slander or defame him, then he will withhold himself from doing so.
If one sees people fighting with spears in a dream, it means that a plague will strike that place, or it could mean rising prices.
If one sees them rebelling against the government in the dream, it means that prices will fall.... spearman dream meaning
If one cannot find his teeth in the dream, it means that his family will die before him, or that a member of his clan will emigrate to a new land. Ifone finds a lost tooth in a dream, it means the return of an immigrant to his homeland.
If the upper teeth fall into one’s hand in the dream, they represent profits. Ifthey fall in his lap in the dream, they mean a son, and if they fall on the floor in the dream, they means death.
If the lower teeth fall in the dream, they mean pain, sufferings, sorrows and distress. Falling teeth in a dream also mean paying one’s debts.
If a tooth falls in a dream, it means payment of a loan, while the number of fallen teeth represent the number of debts to be satisfied.
If one’s teeth fall without pain or a cause in the dream, then they represent worthless deeds.
If they fall because of a gum disease or cause pain in the dream, then they mean being forced to part with something from one’s house.
If the front teeth fall and cause pain and bleeding in the dream, they represent one’s incompetence or inability to complete a project.
If the front teeth fall without pain or bleeding in the dream, then they mean losing one’s property. Falling teeth in a dream also denote a long illness that may not necessarily culminate in death. Ifone collects his fallen teeth in a dream, it also means that he can no longer conceive children.
If one’s teeth fall into his lap in the dream, it means having a large progeny.
If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he pulls out a tooth without difficulty or pain in the dream, it means that his wife will give birth to a son.
If his gums bleed, it means that he will forsake his family, except ifhe owed someone money, then it means that he will be asked to pay, or that he will be forced to comply. Collecting fallen teeth in a dream also means saying something one will regret.
If a religious person loses his teeth in a dream, it means that he should be more assiduous in his devotion, and votive fasting will surely help him as a start.
If one loses his teeth and finds himself unable to eat properly in the dream, it also means poverty. Falling teeth in a dream also denote spending one’s money to acquire spiritual knowledge, then recuperating one’s investment through a new and a blessed business.
(Also see Body’; Pain; Tooth) ... teeth dream meaning
A cat in a dream also represents an evil and a treacherous woman.
The same interpretation is given for anyone who compasses people, or guards them, or someone who harms the interests of his employer more than he benefits him.
If a tomcat scratches someone or bites him in a dream, it means that he will fall sick for a full year.
The bite of a wildcat in a dream is more dangerous and has greater implications.
If one sees a tomcat sitting peacefully and quietly in his house in a dream, it means that he will have a comfortable, peaceful and a profitable year. Otherwise, a large wildcat in the dream represents a troublesome year. Selling a tomcat in a dream means spending one’s money in various charities. Eating a cat in a dream means learning about sorcery. Ifone sees himselftransformed in to a tomcat in a dream, it means that he lives from stealing and seeks what is harmful.
A tomcat entering one’s house in a dream represents a robber. Whatever a tomcat takes from one’s house in the dream will be looted by such a thief. Killing or beating a tomcat in a dream means catching a thiefor killing him. Ifone extracts fat from a cat in a dream, it means that he will receive stolen money or a share thereof. Fighting with a tomcat in a dream means an affliction with a long and a debilitating illness that will be followed by a complete recovery.
If the tomcat loses the fight, and if the man is already sick, it means that he will recover from his illness shortly thereafter. Otherwise, ifhe loses in the dream, it means that his illness has reached its peak.
A cat or a tomcat in a dream also represent reckoning, estrangement of one’s wife, her roughness with her husband, or they could represent ill behaved children with their parents, fights, theft, adultery, lack of loyalty, eavesdropping, taunting, roaring, clamor, a bastard son, a foundling or an orphan. On the other hand, a cat in a dream could represent a toadying person, dancing, being playful and kind, though awaiting to jump at the first opportunity to spoil others’ peace. Ifthe cat, the tomcat and the mouse, or the lamb and the wolf become friends in the dream, it means hypocrisy, affectation and loss of moral standards.
A civet cat in a dream represents a man who may have a suspicious look, though his character and conduct are exemplary.
(Also see Cat)... tomcat dream meaning
If one is a merchant, then it means profits from his business, or spending money generously on God’s path. Ifone is a ruler, it means expansion of his powers and it denotes his justice. Seeing a treasure in a dream is interpreted in relation to one’s type of trade.
A treasure in a dream also represents a business. Discovering a hidden trunk with little money inside it in a dream means a short lived difficulty, but if the trunk is stashed with money, then it means distress, sadness and sorrow. In many instances, discovering a treasure in a dream may mean death, or it could mean becoming rich, or complying with a court order. Discovering a great treasure in a dream means martyrdom. Discovering a treasure and rejoicing in the dream means loss of one’s money or business. Discovering a treasure in a dream also could mean ease in one’s life, receiving an inheritance, distress, trouble, wearing a new garment, a wife, cheating on one’s taxes, or it could mean avoiding to pay alms tax, or hindering the distributions of charitable endowments.
A treasure in a dream also represents a profitable business, or it could represent a money changer, a jeweler, or remembering something. Discovering a treasure that is difficult to reach in a dream represents a stingy person who hinders the distribution of charities, or if he is a scholar, it means that he does not like to share his knowledge with others, and if one is a judge, it means that he is unjust.
If a woman discovers a treasure in her dream, it means that she is careful about spending money and managing her household.
If the trunk has no cover or lid in the dream, then it means the opposite.... treasure dream meaning
If one sees it but does not pluck any grapes from it in the dream, it means that he will be spared unnecessary expenses.
A grapevine in a dream also represents marriage.
A trellis for grapevines in a dream represents a beautiful, a noble and a rich woman.
The same interpretation is given for the garden surrounding it.
To see a close-up view of a vineyard with its clusters of grapes and leaves in a dream means gaining financial benefits from associating with a community of believers.
(Also see Wine press)... vineyard dream meaning
If it is an abnormal discharge of liquid matters from one’s bowels in the dream, it means that he will squander most of his money.
If one uses a lavatory near a known ablution area in the dream, it means that his spendings relate to his passion, desires and wantonness. Ifthe location is unknown in the dream, it means that he unknowingly, but willingly spends his wealth in unlawful avenues, whereby he will reap no reward or benefit from it. Discharging feces in the open and covering it with dirt in a dream means burying money in a hole and covering it with dirt.
(Also see Impurity; Feces; Urinating)... excretion dream meaning
The smell of feces in a dream represents a fine, or overdoing one’s duty, or a miscarriage for a pregnant woman.
To sally one’s clothing with someone’s feces in a dream means borrowing money from him or carrying his favor for a longtime to come. Feces in a dream also denote earnings from an unjust and a loathsome person. Excreting in. a dream also means dispelling one’s worries or getting rid of one’s burdens.
If one excretes in the 156 ablution room in his dream, it means that his spendings or deeds are recognized to be a fulfillment of his desires, ostentatiousness and love for fame.
If one excretes in an unknown place in a dream, it means that his deeds will not be acknowledged, nor will he receive any reward for them. Going to the bathroom in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, paying one’s debts or paying an unavoidable alimony for his children. Putting a shirt in the wilderness and defecating inside it rather than in the field in a dream means committing a sin and carrying its consequences for sometime to come. Excreting in the wilderness, then covering one’s feces with dirt in a dream means hiding money.
To defecate in a marketplace in public in a dream means incurring God’s displeasure and the curse of His angels. Throwing feces at someone in a dream means starting a fight or opposing him in opinion, being unjust to him, or causing him great losses.
The consequences also may backfire at the assailant.
If one sees himself standing inside the sewers and searching through the filth with a stick in his dream, it means that he might become ajudge and be accused of bribery or misuse of people’s money. Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities.
To soil oneselfwith people’s feces in a dream means sickness or fear, or it could mean good benefits for a person whose acts are filthy and abominable.
(Also see Impurity)... feces dream meaning