The meaning of the symbols of south seen in a dream.

South | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: South

4 dream interpretation about south related.


(New moon) If the new crescent appears in its correct position in a dream, it means begetting a blessed son or receiving an important appointment or profits from one’s business. Seeing the gathering of several crescents in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to Mecca.

A red crescent in a dream means a miscarriage.

If a crescent falls to the earth in a dream, it means a newborn. Seeing the new crescent when everyone else is looking an failing to .LV’” see it in a dream represents one’s death, or it could mean that one will be aberrant and corrupt during that year of his life. Seeing the new moon at a time other than the time of its birth in a dream means happy news, glad tidings, the home returning of a long awaited traveller or having a newborn.

The birth of a new moon in a dream also denotes the truth of one’s promise, or it could mean receiving money, for rent is usually due at the beginning of each month.

The appearance of the new moon or crescent in the wrong position, such as in the South or the North in a dream means committing or witnessing a despicable action that arouses abhorrence and that may die quickly, depending on how long will that new crescent remain in that position.

The new crescent in a dream also represents a leader, an unexpected happy news or it could represent the cry of a newborn or a rebel.

If the new crescent stands surrounded with a gloomy darkness, or if water or blood dribbles away from it, even if there is no rain during that night in the dream, it denotes the arrival of a traveler from his journey or the climbing of a muezzin to the minaret to call for prayers or the standing of a preacher on the pulpit to give his sermon, payment of one’s debts, performing one’s obligatory pilgrimage or the end of one’s life.

If the new crescent is opaque, or if it is created from yellow copper, or if it has the shape of a serpent or a scorpion in the dream, then it denotes evil. Seeing the new crescent in a dream in the same night it is supposed to be born means that one’s wife will conceive a child. In a dream, a new crescent also represents a little child, repentance from sin, dispelling adversities, release from prison or recovering from an illness. Seeing the crescent when it is rising in a dream is better than seeing it when it is declining.

If the new crescent suddenly disappears in one’s dream, it means that one’s project, object or intention will not be fulfilled.

(Also see Moon)... crescent dream meaning


(King; The Fourth heaven; Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. Ifonesees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream.

If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government.

If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate.

If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons he sees in his dream, or it may mean that he will acquire a knowledge coupled with fame. Ifone sees that he owns the sun in a dream, it means that his words will be respected and listened to by someone in authority. Ifsomeone in authority sees the sun looking clear and brilliant in the dream, it means that his authority will grow, or that he will assist someone in leadership. Otherwise, it means that he will live happily and acquire lawful wealth. Ifa woman sees such a dream, it means that she will enjoy her marriage and receive what pleases her from her husband.

If the sun rises inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he will receive an important political appointment, or that he should be careful about his association with someone in authority, or it may mean marriage.

If the sun rises inside one’s house and lights the entire house in the dream, it means that he will receive honor, dignity, rank and fame.

If a woman sees the sun rising inside her house in a dream, it means that she will marry a wealthy person, and that her horizon will expand.

The radiance of the sun in a dream means reverence, might andjustice of the ruler of that land. If’one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will be honored and commended by the governor.

If one sees the sun or the moon talking to him, and ifhe then strolls away with them in the dream, it represents his death.

If one sees the sun rising from an unusual direction in a dream, it represents a beneficial knowledge he will acquire. Ifthe sun shines over one’s head and not the rest of his body in a dream, it means that he will receive a prominent responsibility.

If its rays rise to shine over his feet and not the rest of his body in the dream, it means a farming project that brings him prosperity and lawful earnings. Ifthe sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy.

If it shines over his chest and not the balance of his body in the dream, it means a sickness. Ifa woman sees that the sun has embraced her from her neck down in a dream, it means that she will marry a person in authority and for one night only. Should such a person divorce her the next morning, it means that she may become a prostitute.

If the sun rises from one’s open belly in a dream, it means his death.

If one sees the sun setting and himself walking behind it, it also means death.

If one sees himself walking behind the sun in a dream, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned.

If one sees the sun turned into an old man in a dream, it means that the governor will become a pious and God-fearing person. Otherwise, if the sun turns into a young man in the dream, it represents his weakness. Ifone sees blazes of fire straying away from the sun in a dream, it means the impeachment of some members of the governor’s cabinet or someone from his counsel. Ifone sees the sun turned red in a dream, it means corruption.

If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness.

If it turns black in the dream, it means losses. Ifone seeks the sun after it sets in a dream, it means that whatever is destined for him whether it be good or bad has passed.

If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country.

If one sees himself with the sun in a dream and should he be working in the government, or the army, it means that he will betray his superior, or the ruler of that land. Otherwise, it means that his condition will deteriorate and life will turn against him.

If the sun has no rays in the dream, it means that the governor or the general of the army will 420 lose respect.

If he is an administrator, it means that he will be dismissed from his function. Ifhe is a subject or an employee it means that he will lose his source of income.

If a woman sees a sun that has no rays in a dream, it means that her husband will deprive her of her needs.

If one sees the sun split in two in a dream, it means losing one’s dominion.

If one sees the sun falling down in a dream, it means that a major calamity will befall the inhabitants of the earth.

If it falls over the earth in the dream, it means the death of one’s father. Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality. Ifa traveller sees the sun too bright in a dream, it means that he will return horne safely.

If one sees the sun rising from the East and setting in the West with a clear brightness in a dream, it means blessings for that land. Ifone swallows the sun in a dream, it means distress, sorrow or death. Ifthe sun rises from the West, then it means defamation, exposing the ills of the person seeing it, or divulging a secret.

The rising of the sun from the West also means recovering from an illness, and for a businessman, it means profits from that direction, but in general, it may mean revealing a secret, or it could mean a scandal or death.

The same interpretation is given if one sees the sun rising from the South to set in the North.

If the sun changes its nature in a dream, it means trouble in that land. Ifone sits under the sun in a dream, it means that he will receive honor and blessed profits. Grabbing some rays of the sun in a dream means receiving undiminishing wealth.

The sunrise in a dream also means waking people up to go to work, seeking one’s livelihood, begetting a son, or releasing a prisoner.

If one is hiding something, then seeing the sun in his dream means that his secret will be exposed.

If one sees the rays of the sun falling over his bed or threatening him in a dream, it means a painful sickness, or inflammation of the skin. Ifthe sun rays which are falling over his bed provide him with good energy in the dream, it means a good harvest, or good health.

If travellers see many suns in the sky in a dream, it means profits and prosperity. Running away from the sun in a dream means that one may leave his wife, or he may run away from the governor of that land, or escape from an evil.

If the sun and the moon meet in one’s dream, it means a royal marriage, or a marriage between a beautiful woman and a wealthy man. Clouds covering the rays of the sun in a dream means an illness.

If one carries the sun in a bag in a dream, it means money.

The sun in a dream also could represent a wise man, or a teacher one whose company is sought. Otherwise, the sun in a dream could represent, the governor, one’s husband, wife, child, mother, daughter, aunt, father, or grandfather and the above interpretations will relate to such a person. Whatever happens to the sun in the dream, will then affect such people. Ifone sees the sun rising, then immediately setting in the same direction in a dream, it means a newborn who may die shortly after his birth, returning an ex-prisoner to jail shortly after his release, earning amazing amounts of money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife. Ifone sees the sun and the moon shinning on him in a dream, it means that his parents are pleased with him.

If one sees himself prostrating to the sun or the moon in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin, or a heinous crime. In a dream, the sun also represents one’s livelihood, earnings, spiritual guidance, following the truth, new garments, or recovering from a serious illness. Seeingmany suns in the sky in a dream means the spread of religious innovations.

If the brightness of the sun grows beyond normal to become unbearable in the dream, it means adversities. Eating up the sun in a dream means benefiting from its services and prospering from its rays, or that one may become a man of knowledge, a scholar, an astrologer, or a fortuneteller.

If the rays of the sun cause burns to someone in a dream, it means that he will fall in love with a beautiful face, or perhaps he will be hurt by someone he adores, or it could mean loss of spiritual direction, or it could be a severe warning about a woman he loves. Ifa woman sees herself carrying the sun in a dream, it means that she will find a husband, or bear a son.

If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will discover a mystery or acquire knowledge about spirits, or he could become a translator, an analyst, or a consultant. Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars together in a dream denotes adversities, jealousy on the part of one’s own family, or they could denote fear.

If the rays of the sun burns the crop in a dream, it means a devastation and a plague or rising prices.

(Also see Eclipse; Heavens)... sun dream meaning


(Knowledge; Town; Village) Entering a city in a dream means appeasement than leaving it.

A city in a dream also represents a learned person, a wise man and a scholar.

If one enters a city and finds it in ruins in his dream, it means that the learned people of that city no longer live there.

It is said that seeing a city in a dream means the death of its ruler or an unjust governor from that place. Seeing a city being built in a dream signifies the growing number of its learned people and represents children who will continue the path of their fathers. Seeing a city with no governor in a dream means rising prices.

An unknown city in a dream represents the hereafter, while a known city represents the world. Seeing oneself in an unknown city in a dream is also a sign of righteousness.

The best of cities in a dream are the large ones. One’s home town in a dream represents his father, while one’s homeland in a dream represents his mother. Seeing oneself in a northern city in a dream mean increase of one’s cash flow. Seeing oneself in a southern city means increase in one’s trickery and deception. Seeing oneself in a low plateau in a dream means difficulties and trouble, while seeing oneself in a high plateau means trustworthiness and truthfulness. Seeing oneself in Egypt in a dream means longevity and a comfortable living. Seeing oneself in a farmland in a dream means pursuing innovation. Seeing oneself in a bower in a dream signifies the coming of a prosperous year. Seeing oneself in Jerusalem or at the feet of Mount Sinai in a dream also means prosperity. Seeing oneself in Bethlehem in a dream means increased religious devotion. Seeing oneself in Damascus in a dream means blessings, prosperity and wealth, or it could mean corruption.

A cold city in a dream represents adversities. Seeing oneself in a shore city in a dream means winning people’s acceptance. Standing on a sulfuric soil or a salinized soil in a dream means an illness. Seeing oneself in a large and populated city in a dream means prosperity and wealth. Entering a city in a dream also means making peace between people. Driving through an unknown section of a city in a dream means losses. Entering an old city that is rebuilt and restored in a dream means that a great and a pious person will be born in that city and he will grow to guide its people on the path of righteousness.

A city in a dream also signifies an oath, meeting with one’s beloveds, peace, tranquility and safety. Meeting with Godfearing people in a dream means attaining one’s goals and receiving glad tidings. Seeing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in a dream means adversities, earthquake, fear and corruption. Seeing a city in a dream also could mean repentance from sin. Aprovince in a dream represents its governor or renowned scholars. Governing a city in a dream means rising to a suitable position, getting married, recovering from an illness, repenting from sin, or receiving guidance at the hand of a learned shaikh. Seeing a deceased person walking alive in a city in a dream perhaps means that he is in paradise enjoying its blessings. Seeing a deceased person in a village in a dream means that he might be in hell laboring with its people.

A city in a dream also represents the entertainment it provides for its dwellers.

The name of a city one sees in a dream should reflect some of the meanings of one’s dream.

(See Introduction).

The industry of a city also has a share in the dream interpretation. Known cities in the world in a dream represent their rulers. Entering a city one already knows in a dream means that one will not die until he enters it again, or it could mean that he will receive news from that city.

The walls of a city represent a strong ruler.

A demolished wall of a city in a dream signifies the death of its ruler or his removal from office.

If one sees a flourishing city with its urban construction, factories and farms, his dream will reflect the spiritual awareness and religious devotion of its people.

(Also see Village)... city dream meaning


(Blow; Changing course; Hurricane; Storm; Trap; Tornado; Wonder) In a dream, winds represent the person in authority or the leader. In that sense, winds in a dream represent the sphere of one’s control and his power to change things, or to maneuver people’s interests. Winds in a dream also may represent a leader, his army, commands and helpers. Wind was once one of the servants of God’s Prophet Solomon, upon whom be peace, as it moved under his command by God’s leave.

A stormy wind in a dream may represent calamities, destruction, or plagues.

A tornado in a dream means destruction or a calamity. On the other hand, wind in a dream may also mean pollination, good harvest, prosperity, victory, or success. However, winds in a dream also represent illness, rheumatism, sneezing, aching, or headaches, etcetera. Ifone sees the wind carrying him and transporting him from one place to another with no fear on his part, and if there are no clouds or darkness in the skies in the dream, it means that he may preside over people, should he qualify for that, or if he wished to do so, or it could represent his business success, or that he will liquidate his merchandise, should it be stagnant or unsalable.

If the winds lift someone who is seized by fear or tyranny, and if the winds carry with them dark clouds, or a cloud of dust in the dream, and if the person is travelling when he sees the dream, it means that he will face great difficulties.

If he is ill, then his illness will intensify, or it could mean that some higher order will persecute him, or perhaps ajudge will rule against him.

If one sees a huge tornado or a tropical storm carrying people, trees, homes, or cattle in the air to scatter them over its path of destruction, then it represents a major plague, or a calamity affecting that region. Poisonous winds or polluted air in a dream represent a feverish illness.

A stormy wind accompanied with thunder in a dream represents a tyrant.

If the wind carries someone from one place to another in the dream, it means that he may travel there, but he may never return to his homeland.

A gentle wind or a breeze in a dream represents grace and blessings for the people and the land.

A storm of dust in a dream represents destruction in the land. However, winds in a dream always represent tidings from God Almighty.

If the wind is not accompanied with a good witness or a cheering element in the dream, then it means cessation of blessings for that land. Ifthe wind is accompanied with a stridulous or a shrill sound in the dream, it means a severe punishment for that place.

If a general of an army sees himself leading his soldiers and is preceded by a stormy wind in a dream, it means that he will be victorious and that he will triumph over his enemy. However, if a storm faces him at his arrival to the battlefield in the dream, it means that he will lose his battle.

If one sees a storm uprooting the trees in his dream, it means that the government of that land will mass murder its own people.

A southern wind in a dream means illness, diseases, or death.

A southern wind is sometimes interpreted as rain and prosperity.

If one witnesses a slow moving wind in his dream, it means that he will consent to the actions of a group of evildoing people.

If the wind blows from a known direction in the dream, it means mercy and blessings, or that one may receive good news from that direction. Winds in a dream also mean asking for one’s needs, or fulfilling them.

A gentle breeze in a dream, represents travel andjoy. Ifone sees the wind colored red in the dream, it represents a recalcitrant child.

(Also see Fan)... wind dream meaning