If one eats it raw, cooked, or broiled in the dream, it means that he swallows unlawful money, or knowingly eats impermissible food. Walking like a swine in a dream means turning quick profits from an investment or a business, or it could mean that one will acquire what his heart desires.
A wild pig in dream is a sign of a severe cold weather, Eating ham in a dream carries benefits for all people, though it is unlawful for Muslims. Ifone sees a pig in his bed in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. Little pigs in a dream represent adversities and distress for their owner, or for the person seeing the dream.
A domesticated swine in a dream means good harvest, prosperity, or satisfying one’s needs and desires. Seeing a swine in a dream also may mean presiding over people of opposing or diverse opinions, or it could mean divorce, evil happenings, spendthrift, acquiring demonic nature, earning illegal money, or having a large progeny.
If a pig causes harm to someone in a dream, it represents the perfidy of one’s rival. Swine’s milk in a dream represents a heartbreaking loss of money, or it could mean committing a major sin. Ifone sees little pigs entering his house in a dream, it represents an official inspection of one’s private life.
If one sees himself kicking little pigs out of his house in a dream, it means that he will resign from working for the government.... swine dream meaning
(Also see Chess; Games)... backgammon dream meaning
A pearl necklace, or a necklace made of corals in a dream also means piety, fear of wrongdoing, or an expression of reverence before God Almighty. All of that is subject to the value, beauty and clarity of the necklace, or the number of gems it holds. As for a woman, a pearl necklace in a dream represents her husband, or her young son.
If a man sees himself wearing a pearl necklace in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of knowledge, spiritual understanding and wisdom. It could also mean fulfilling a covenant, making a promise, or getting married.
If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will give birth to a son who will grow to be a wise person, a man of knowledge, or ajudge. This interpretation is possible in most cases except if the necklace breaks in the dream. In this case, if the necklace is broken, it means that one will break his promise, or forget his learning, become heedless, suffer eviction, deportation, or be exiled from his home or country.
If one sees himself wearing one or even two pearl necklaces in a dream, it means that he subscribes to God’s revelations, memorizes God’s Words, recites the holy Qur’iin, speaks words of wisdom, and that he is one of the carriers of the divine trust who demonstrates trustworthiness, piety, trueness, religious commitment and beauty of character. All depending on the beauty, radiance and clarity of one’s necklace.
If one sees himself in a dream carrying many necklaces and decorations, and if he finds them heavy and unbearable to carry, it represents his incompetence, or his inability to complete a job.
(Also see Necklace)... pearl necklace dream meaning
A teenage child represents glad tidings or dispelling one’s worries.
If one sees a beautiful looking teenage child entering a town or descending from the skies or appearing from beneath the ground in a dream, it means that the glad tidings will take effect shortly. Seeing a mature child in a dream means power and superiority.
If one sees himself as a child learning in school in a dream, it means that he will repent of a common sin he is used to commit.
If one sees one of the renowned people of knowledge sitting in a kindergarten and learning along with other children in a dream, it means that he will shift to ignorance, lose his rank, or that financial changes will affect his living conditions.
If one sees himself receiving instructions like a child in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from his mother. Ifone sees himself as a newborn child in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy and prosper.
If a young boy sees himself in a dream as a child, it has a negative meaning.
If a sick person sees himself as a child in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees himself as a child being reprimanded in a dream, it means that he will be conquered. In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and ifhis wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father. Carrying a baby child in a dream means distress and burdens.
A child in a dream represents a weak enemy who sometime shows friendliness and at other times demonstrates his enmity. Ifone sees that his wife has just delivered children who are playing around him in a dream, it means distress or misfortune and the consequences could be either good or bad. Carrying a child in a dream means managing an inheritance or a financial investment. Ifan elderly person sees himselfroaming as a little child in a dream, it means that he will commit an act of ignorance or lose his dignity, ideals or sense of honor. On the other hand, if such an elderly person who sees himself in a dream as a little child is suffering from depression or financial difficulties or health problems, then it means relief from distress and good health and that he will become free from his sins, like the day his mother gave birth to him.
If one sees that he has a little child who disdains from coming near his father in the dream, it means financial promotion and enjoyment of one’s life. Ifone sees a little child screaming in his lap in a dream, it means that he plays a string instrument. Children in a dream also could mean either sorrow and pain or happiness and joy.
If they are one’s own children in the dream, then they mean temptation with money. Children in a dream also could mean contentment with little or loss of one’s means to earn his livelihood or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family.
A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people.
If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison.
If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted.
If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings.... child dream meaning
If one sees them standing in a stately form, or if one prays behind them, or follows them on the road, or eats something from their delicious food, or drinks from their drink, or if one is anointed with their perfume, or learns something from them, or acquires a particular knowledge from them in a dream, it demonstrates his trueness, faith in God’s oneness, following His Messenger and being faithful to his traditions. Otherwise, if one walks before them, or leads them into a narrow lane, or stones them, or mocks them, or argues with them in a dream, it means that he is an innovator and a heedless person. This could also mean that he will be persecuted by his superiors, for a prophet in a dream also represents a ruler or a king, and God’s prophets are in truth the guardians of the souls, and they are kings in this world and in the hereafter.
A prophet in a dream also represents a religious scholar, because religious scholars are the heirs of the prophets, upon all of them be peace. Religious scholars also know God’s prophets better than the common people. They understand their message and follow their traditions of glorifying God’s Oneness, devotion, piety, prayers, charity, acting upon what they know and admonishing others to follow the path of truth and righteousness.
A prophet in a dream also represents one’s superior, a preacher, a righteous Imam, a conscientious teacher and a caller to God Almighty. Seeing any of God’s prophets looking gracious, stately and courtly in a dream also represents his people’s devotion, or that a major and a positive change will take place among his followers.
If such a prophet looks spurious, unhappy in a dream, or ifhe appears in a state that does not befit God’s prophets, it means that his followers in the world have deviated from his path and created their own religion, opposing his commands, falsifying and interpreting his message to their own liking and abusing his admonition.
If one claims to be a prophet in a dream, it means that he will become known in his field, or if he qualifies, he may become a ruler, ajudge, a teacher or a caller to God Almighty, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. Otherwise, it means that he will be inflicted with a great calamity because of a falsehood he fosters, or innovations he practices.
If one becomes a messenger in a dream or a caller to God Almighty, and if someone hearkens to him and accepts his message in the dream, it means that he will rise in rank. Otherwise, it means that he will become a broker, a liar, a defrauder, a swagger, depending on his level of knowledge, or it could mean that he will be struck with a major calamity in his life. Such a calamity will be of the same caliber, degree and nature that a messenger of God Almighty may have suffered from his own people. Seeing one of God’s prophets in a dream also means living the experience of time, space and 344 condition in which he saw him in the dream. Wearing the cloak of one of God’s prophets in a dream means attaining one’s goals, or presiding over people, or acquiring true knowledge. Consequently, one will become renowned, revered and his opinions will be respected by most people.
If one becomes a prophet in a dream, it means that he will die as a martyr, or become poor and be gifted with patience and endurance. He will then be granted victory, and God willing, all his needs will be satisfied. Emulating the devotion of a prophet in a dream means trueness in one’s faith, compliance with God’s religion, certitude and determination. Becoming one of God’s prophets, upon all of them be peace and blessings, in a dream means commanding good and forbidding evil, suffering from adversities and distress equal to those endured by such a prophet, then one will escape from destruction or humiliation by God’s leave and through His subtle kindness. Ifone sees a prophet suffering from poverty and asking for help in a dream, it means that God Almighty will satisfy all the needs of the person seeing such a dream for the sake of the blessings reserved for that prophet.
If one kills a prophet in a dream, it means that he will betray a trust, negate a promise, or deny a covenant. Living in the time ofone of God’s prophets on earth in a dream means honor, dignity, success, piety and wealth if one is suited for such gifts. Otherwise, it means that Satan is deceiving him. Ifa prophet of God Almighty beats a righteous and a sincere believer in a dream, it means that he will attain peace and salvation in his life in the hereafter.
If a prophet talks to someone in a dream, it means that he will receive blessings, honor, status, knowledge, wisdom and fame in his life.
(Also see Muhammad, upon whom be peace.)... prophet dream meaning