The meaning of the symbols of showing, photos seen in a dream.

Dream Of Looking At My Old Photos | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Showing Photos


(Flattery; Sociability; Sycophancy) Adulation and sociability in a dream mean showing respect and esteem, lauding someone, being true to oneself or being charitable.

(Also see Flattery)... adulation dream meaning


God Almighty, Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universes. There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the Al-Seeing Lord. Seeing Him in a dream can be interpreted according to one’s state of being.

If one sees Him in His glory and majesty, without descriptive designation, without ascription of human characteristics to Him and without depiction or portrayal in the dream, it is an indication of glad tidings for both this world and the hereafter. These blessings also may continue to affect the lives of one’s progeny. Ifone sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him.

If an ailing person sees Him in a dream, it means that he will soon die and come to meet Him. Ifa straying soul sees God Almighty in a dream, it will find guidance. Ifan oppressed person sees Him, it means that justice will prevail and he will triumph over his oppressors. HearingGod’s words without designation represents the imagination of the person in the dream. Perhaps hearing His words in a dream appeases one’s heart and increases the person’s drive for success. Hearing God’s words without seeing Him represents the rising of one’s station.

If one receives revelations from behind a veil in a dream, it means mental confusion and innovation. This is most true if a messenger comes in one’s dream and describes the one who spoke as God. In this case, the dream is a nightmare, because God Almighty cannot be depicted according to human descriptions.

If one sees a picture of God in his dream, it means that he is a liar who ascribes images to God Almighty that do not befit His Majesty and Glory.

If one hears God Almighty talking to him directly and if he can focus at Him in the dream, it means that he will be encompassed with God’s mercy and blessings. Ifone sees God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will look at His Divine countenance in the hereafter. Seeing God Almighty seated on the Divine Throne in a dream means elevation of one’s rank, knowledge and increase in his wealth.

If one sees himself running away to hide from God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will change the course of his devotion into heedlessness. Seeing a veil separating between the servant and his Lord in a dream means that one will commit major sins and abominable actions.

If one sees his Lord frowning at him, whereby he could not bear the effulgence of God’s light, or ifhe is seized by a shock and immediately commences to repent and pray for forgiveness in the dream, it means that such a person is indulging in abominable actions, and that he is a despicable sinner who follows his own mind and desires, and that he is an innovator of religious thoughts who misleads the people.

If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it represents an admonition and a warning to abstain from sin.

If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it also means that one is more assiduous in his recital of the Qur’iin. Ifone hears God Almighty talking to him with words he cannot understand, then if He anoints him and blesses him in the dream, it means that God Almighty will bringhim nigh unto Himselfand exalt his station.

If one sees God Almighty in a form resembling one’s father, a brother or a relative and showing His kindness or blessing him in a dream, it means that he will be afflicted with a calamity and a major illness.

If a righteous person sees himself standing before God Almighty in reverence and filled with awe in a dream, it means that mercy will encompass him and help him to further his growth.

The same interpretation applies if one sees himself prostrating before Him.

If God Almighty speaks to someone from behind a veil in a dream, it can also represent a good worshipper, but if the Divine address takes place without a veil in the dream, it means falling into sin.

If God Almighty names someone in his dream with his birth name, then adds another title to it, it means rising in station and rank.

If one sees God Almighty angry with him in a dream; it means that his parents are displeased with him. This description includes seeing oneself falling from the skies or from the top of a mountain.

If a devoted servant sees God Almighty kissing him in a dream, it applies to his growing devotion and reward. Fearing God Almighty in a dream reflects eminence, peacefulness, quiescence, wealth of being and disregard for material needs.

(Also see Carriers of the Divine Throne; Divine Throne; Educator; God’s will; King)... allah dream meaning


(Delay; Postponement; Procrastination) Deferment or postponement of fulfilling one’s obligations in a dream means separation and annulment of a contract.

If a woman defers or postpones her marriage in a dream, it means separation from her husband or losing the opportunity to be married or showing preference to remaining unmarried.... deferment dream meaning


(Conflict; Discord; Rupture; Spitefulness) To show enmity toward someone in a dream means desiring to remain in his company, showing him friendliness, then divulging his secrets or exposing his feelings.

To face someone’s animosity in a dream, means becoming friendly with him, for enmity means uncovering what is hidden.

(Also see Enemy; Rupture of relations)... enmity dream meaning

Lily Of The Valley

(Flower) In a dream, a lily of the valley denotes harm or a despised act. Receiving a lily flower in a dream means displaying bad conduct, or showing a bad example.

(Also see Hyacinth; Water lily)... lily of the valley dream meaning


(Compassion) Seeing a merciful person showing compassion toward a weak person in a dream means clarity about one’s spiritual commitment, and that one’s religious devotion will grow stronger.

If one sees himself being treated with mercy in a dream, it means that he will receive forgiveness. Ifone is granted divine mercy in a dream, it means that he is endowed with favors and blessings. Ifone sees himselfbeing merciful and happy in a dream, it means that he will memorize the holy Qur’an by heart.... mercy dream meaning


(Conceit; Vainglory; Vanity) In a dream, pride or vainglory signifies oppression and injustice. Every conceited person in a dream is an unjust person in reality.lfone sees a deceased person showing pride in a dream, it means that he is one at whom God Almighty does not look on the Day of Judgment, and particularly if he looks different in the dream.

If one is proud of himself, his wealth, or power in a dream, it means that he oppresses others.... pride dream meaning


(Barn; Cattle-ranching; Fodder; Forage) In a dream, a stableman represents a rich and a generous person who is known for his good deeds. Seeing a stableman in a dream also means managing one’s business, showing kindness to others, distributing charity, helping foreigners, assisting travellers, turning one’s attention to slothful people, or feeding the homeless.

(Also see Driver)... stableman dream meaning


In a dream, arrows mean messages, a messenger, writings, victory over one’s enemy.

If a woman sees her husband’s arrows in their quiver in a dream, it means that her husband has turned away from her. Arrows in a dream also are an indicator or a guide. Seeing an arrow outside its quiver, means failure to perform one’s duty or inability to deliver one’s message. Shooting arrows in a dream means writing letters.

If one shoots an arrow but fails to hit his target in the dream, it means that he will send a messenger to do something and his messenger will fail to deliver.

If one sees a woman shooting him with an arrow in a dream, it means that she is showing kindness toward him and consequently he may fall in love with her, or he may marry her.

If one shoots an arrow and hits his target in a dream, it means that he will reach his goal, or if he wishes to have a child, it means that he will bear a son.

An arrow in a dream also represents a messenger, profits, a son, longevity or new clothing.

If the arrows are made from reeds in one’s dream, they mean falsehood and prattle.

If they have arrowheads in the dream, then they represent a talkative person who if he hits his target, it means that he does what he says.

If the arrowhead breaks in the dream, it means that he speaks only to protect himself from others’ arrows. Ifthe arrow is made from gold in the dream, it means that he is sending a message to a woman because of another woman.

The arrowhead in a dream represents strength, power or disturbance.

The arrows themselves in a dream also mean the fear of an emissary for his life. Throwing arrows in a dream means backbiting others and slandering them.

(Also see Archer; Shooting arrows)... arrows dream meaning


(The archangel Malik; The guardian of hell-fire) Seeing the archangel Malik in a dream means standing before a policeman or a police commissioner for questioning.

If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment.

If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly.

If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating something that is given by Malik in a dream also means abstinence and repentance from sin, or it could mean submitting to guidance after having gone astray. Ifone sees the archangel Malik walking toward him in a dream, it means peace and safety from hell-fire. It also means salvation and restoration of one’s faith. However, if he sees the archangel Malik walking away from him and showing displeasure in the dream, it means that one will commit an act that will deliver him into the blaze of hell-fire.

(Also see Hell-fire)... malik dream meaning

Mental Hospital

(Insane asylum; Hell-fire; Lunatics; Prison) In a dream, a mental hospital or an insane asylum represents a bathhouse, or a sauna which is the dwelling of evil spirits, the place of uncovering one’s private parts, or showing unpleasant conduct in public.

A mental hospital in a dream also represents a training school, caring for children’s education, teaching children to behave themselves, a place of learning, a school, a playground, a place of clamor and noise, using vile words, stealing money, or separation from one’s family and children.

If a deceased person is seen in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in hell-fire, for a mental hospital sometime uses force with its patients and ties them up, or imprisons them. Ifone sees himself in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he might go to jail for a crime he committed. Mixing with lunatics and insane people in a dream also means imprisonment and mixing with criminals, or it could mean falling sick, or dyingfrom a terminal illness.

If a poor person sees himself inside a mental hospital in a dream, it means financial success, receiving outside help, comfort and joy in his life.

(Also see Insanity)... mental hospital dream meaning


(The archangel Ridhwfm, peace be upon him.) Seeing the guardian angel of paradise in a dream means blessings and comfort in one’s life, glad tidings, an unalterable happiness, and protection from illness. In a dream, Ridhwan (uwbp) represents the treasurer of the king and his messenger, seeing him also could mean fulfilling a promise, or satisfying one’s needs.

If one has disagreements with his superiors then if he sees Ridhwan (uwbp) in a dream, it means that they will wind up in blessings and harmony, and particularly if Ridhwan (uwbp) hands the person a heavenly fruit or a heavenly garment, or meets him cheerfully with a comforting smile, showing a sign of God’s pleasure with him. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also denotes a divine grace which is bestowed secretly and openly upon the one who sees him. SeeingRidhwan (uwbp) in a dream also denotes a happy life, joy, peace, comfort and blessings in this world and in the next.

If one sees the heavenly angels coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with the gift of patience and forbearance through which he will triumph in this life and be blessed in the next.

(Also see Paradise)... rislhwan dream meaning


(Alertness; Keenness of mind; Vigilance) Wakefulness in a dream signifies keenness of mind, perseverance in one’s objective, completion of one’s work, retracting one’s steps to reverse an act of wrongdoing, or it could mean longevity. Waking up someone from his sleep in a dream means guiding him or showing him the road.... wakefulness dream meaning

Sugar Cane

(Cane; Juice; Reeds) In a dream, sugar cane means toiling and suffering, rabbling, or clamor in the area in which it is seen in a dream. Sugar cane in a dream also could represent a noble lineage, acquiring an honorable knowledge, or earning a spiritual advancement. Sugar cane in a dream also represents chaste and noble women or pious men. Ifone sees a field of sugar cane planted in inadequate terrain, then means destruction, ruin, or archaeological excavations that will lead to exposing the past and exhuming the dead, or it could mean a wailing party of women showing their grief and sorrow.

A field of sugar cane in a dream also represents the ability to hide something, or to redo something, or to declare a war, or it could mean signing a business agreement, a marriage contract, celebrating old times and events, freedom from imprisonment, releasing prisoners, recovering from an illness, or exhuming the dead. Chewing or sucking on a stick of sugar cane in a dream means becoming talkative or repetitive.

If one sees himself making juice out of sugar cane in a dream, it means prosperity and wealth. Sugar cane in a dream also represents money that one earns from a stingy person.

(Also see Juice; Reed)... sugar cane dream meaning


(City; Suburban area; ‘I’own) A village in a dream represents injustice that will be followed by destruction as a consequence of people’s sins. Entering a well fortified village in a dream means fighting with someone. Crossing a village into a city in a dream means changing a menialjob into a more respectable one, or perhaps it could mean downgrading a good deed one has performed, thinking of it as unimportant, or regretting it, or it could mean doing something good and thinking of it as evil, or perhaps it could mean showing indecisiveness and doubt. Entering a village in a dream also means governing it, or presiding over its people, or it could mean commencing a new job. Walking out of a village in a dream means escaping from evil. Seeing a destroyed village in a dream means heedlessness or a calamity caused by the sins of its dwellers. Seeing a well-built village in a dream shows the piety and righteousness of its people. Seeing ancient edifices or ruins inhabited again in a dream represents people’s repentance from sin. Avillage in a dream also could signify injustice, innovations, corruption, disregarding the divine laws, or discarding the moral standards set by the community.

A village in a dream also could represent ants’ underground nest or colony, while an anthill in a dream represents a village.

If a village is completely destroyed by fire, or floods, or freezing temperature, or by locusts, or plagues in one’s dream, it means suffering under the oppression of an unjust ruler or a tyrant, or it could mean destroying an anthill. Moving from a village into a city in a dream means leaving one’s toiling and hardships behind him. Moving from a city into a village means the opposite, and signifies leaving comfort and safety to meet with discomfort and fear.

(Also see City)... village dream meaning


(Creation; Lower world; Material; Woman) In a dream, the world represents a woman, and a woman represents the world, Ifone sees himselfdeparting from this world in a dream, it means that he may divorce his wife.

If one sees the world as totally destroyed and that he is the only remaining soul in it in a dream, it means that he may lose his sight. Ifone sees as though the entire world is placed before him to take whatever he desires from it in a dream, it means that he may become poor, or that he may die shortly after that dream. Seeing the world in a dream also means distractions, jokes, deception, arrogance, negating promises, failing one’s promises, theft, cheating, trickery, sufferings, a prostitute, adversities, sickness, paying fines, mental depression, limitations, appointments, dismissals, or disappointments. It also may be interpreted as one’s wife, child, material growth, business success, good harvest, awakening, victory, love, or a beloved with two faces. Whether the world appears beautiful or ugly in one’s dream, it could mean any of the above interpretations. Seeing the world in one’s dream also could be a divine guidance, showing the person what he or she must see and understand in this world.

If one sees himself walking away from the world in the dream, it means that he may become a renunciate. Ifone embraces the world in the dream, it means that he will amply satisfy his desire for it. Ifone sees himselfrunning after it and the world running away from him in the dream, it means that the world will ultimately deceive him and lead him into temptation. In a dream, the world also represents the holy Qur’im, which is the radiant full moon of this world.

(Also see Travels) ... world dream meaning