And if a person sees himself making additions to the Salaah (Such as performing five rak’aat or observing three sajdahs instead of two) then it implies that he has either questioned the authenticity of or entertained doubts., with regards the five basic principles of Islam. ... making additions to salaah dream meaning
If a person sees himself performing salaah in the ka’bah in the proper manner, observing complete ruku’ and sajdah and adopting inner serenity and outer calmness, then it means that he is rightly divided by Allah and steadfast upon the sunnah of Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam). For, salaah is the main pillar of Islam(after Imaan) and a link between Allah and His servant.
But if the salaah is defective, lacking in Khushoo’ and Khudoo’ (i.e., Inner serenity and outer calmness and composure) it suggests that he has no regard for Islam and his contempt for it is equivalent to the mistakes he makes. He should make amends without further delay.... performing salaah in the ka’bah dream meaning
If a person sees himself performing Salaah, facing east (When qiblah is not in that direction ) it means that he will advocate the beliefs of the Qadriyyah set.
(a sect who believes in the freedom of will).
If he performs Salaah facing west (When Qiblah is not in that direction) it means he will advocate the beliefs of the Jabriyyahn i.e.
The sect of the fatalists, believing that man has no power of will: he is involuntarily forced by Allah to do good or bad).... salaah towards east or west dream meaning