“Allâhümme salli salâten kâmileten ve sellim selâmen tâmmen alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedinillezî tenhallü bihil ukadü ve tenfericu bihil-kürebü ve tukdâ bihil-havâicu ve tünâlü bihir-reğâibü ve hüsnül-havâtimi ve yustaskal ğamâmu bivechihil Kerîm ve alâ âlihî ve sahbihi fî külli lemhatin ve nefesin bi adedi külli ma’lûmin lek”... salawat dream meaning
(Also see Prayer beads)... beads salesman dream meaning
(Also see Candy maker)... candy salesman dream meaning
(Also see Fruit)... fruits salesman dream meaning
If the other person responds to the Salaam, it means the proposal will be accepted. Otherwise, not. But if he is not known to him it means that he any get married in a foreign land.... greeting with salaam dream meaning
(Also see Gunsmith)... gun salesman dream meaning
But if the salaah is defective, lacking in Khushoo’ and Khudoo’ (i.e., Inner serenity and outer calmness and composure) it suggests that he has no regard for Islam and his contempt for it is equivalent to the mistakes he makes. He should make amends without further delay.... performing salaah in the ka’bah dream meaning
A perfume salesman in a dream also represents a beautician. Seeing him in a dream also means knowledge, guidance, earning praises or receiving a commendation.
(Also see Amber; Musk; Perfume)... perfume salesman dream meaning
(Also see Fur coat; Fur)... sable dream meaning
A sack in a dream also represents the body of a human being.
An empty sack in a dream then means death. Seeing a sack within a sack in a dream represents the knowledge one benefited from during his life in this world.
If the second sack contains money in the dream, it means that one’s knowledge is true.
If it contains change, it means that one is still studying and needs to further his knowledge.
A sack in a dream also represents one’s personal and secret life. In a dream, if one makes a cut through a sack and throws its contents asunder, it means that his private and intimate life will be exposed and becomes the subject of people’s talk. Ifone’s money falls through a hole in the bag or a purse he carries, the bag also represents his body and the money represents his soul, which is an indication of his death.
If one finds termites or moths inside his sack in a dream, it also means death. Thus, a sack in a dream denotes what a person represents, or it could mean one’s heart.
(Also see Bag; Pouch; Purse,’ Suitcase; Trunk)... sack dream meaning
If the one offering a sacrifice interprets dreams as a profession, then it means that he has misinterpreted someone’s dream, that he gave him bad advice, or sacrificed the interest of the person in question. Sacrificing in a dream also means receiving an inheritance.
If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, it means that she will bear a righteous son.
(Also see Abraham; Ismiiil; Immolation; Lamb; Offering; Ram; Sheep)... sacrifice dream meaning
An unmounted saddle in a dream represents a woman. Seeing a saddle in a dream also represents sexual intercourse.
If a dog, a pig, or a donkey sits in one’s saddle in a dream, it means that an ignoble person will betray him with his wife. Riding with a saddled animal in a dream also means continuous success, or a growing victory. Abroken saddle in a dream means death.
To dismount a saddle in a dream also means divorcing one’s wife.
(Also see Saddle mount)... saddle dream meaning
A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency.
If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly.
(Also see Saddle)... saddle mount dream meaning
See Rituals of the pilgrimage; Sa’i)... safa dream meaning
If safflower is planted around the thorny tragacanth plant (bot. Astragalus) in a dream, it means receiving overwhelming benefits one did not anticipate.... safflower dream meaning
If its color does stain the skin or one’s gown in the dream, then it represents an illness. Grinding the dried purple saffron flowers in a dream to use it as powder, or as an additive for making perfumes in a dream represents a severe illness, though many people will pray for the recovery of the person who is struck by it, but to no avail.
It is also said that saffron in a dream represents benefits, except if it touches one’s skin or stains it. Grinding saffron in a dream means producing something one will view with pride and be amazed by its results, though again, one’s efforts will be followed by a severe illness. Grinding saffron in a dream means illness, exposing secrets, divulging confidential information, or it could mean deeds that will bring happiness, or it could denote studying, or acquiring knowledge.
If a woman sees herself grinding saffron in a dream, it means that she is a lesbian, or a female homosexual.
(Also see Miller)... saffron dream meaning
If a person dyes something using saffron, he will fall ill.... saffron dream meaning
If one sees sails being raised to honor him in a dream, it means that he will attain power, leadership, honor and exaltation.
If a ruler or a general of an army sees such a dream, it means that he will remain strong and secured from enemy attacks.... sails dream meaning
If one sees a saker pursuing him in a dream, it means that he has incurred the wrath of a strong and a courageous man who does what he says. Seeing a saker without a fight in a dream means profits, and the same interpretation applies to most hunting birds or animals. Owning a hunting saker who is well trained and obedient in a dream means gaining authority, or becoming unjust and ungodly. Owning a disobedient saker that does not hunt in a dream means begetting a son who will grow to manhood and be independent.
A saker in a dream also signifies might, rank, victory, attaining one’ goals, adversities, death, prison, shackles, adornment, or tightening one’s grip on expenses.
A trained saker in a dream also represents an articulate man of knowledge, verses an untamed saker in the dream.... saker dream meaning
(a sect who believes in the freedom of will).
If he performs Salaah facing west (When Qiblah is not in that direction) it means he will advocate the beliefs of the Jabriyyahn i.e.
The sect of the fatalists, believing that man has no power of will: he is involuntarily forced by Allah to do good or bad).... salaah towards east or west dream meaning
(Also see Hermitage; Retreat; Temple)... sanctuary dream meaning
The same interpretation is given if mist or fog is seen.... sand or dust flying in the atmosphere or skies dream meaning
If a poor person sees himself engaged in such a profession in his dream, it means easing of his difficulties, and making money from a new employment.
If a rich person sees himself managing such a business in his dream, it means profits, leadership, honor and earning everyone’s respect.
(Also see Garbage; Sweeping the floor; Trash collector)... sanitation dream meaning
The higher the price he is auctioned for, the better or worse is his luck. In a dream, the more loss the buyer incurs, the better it is for the traded subject and viceversa. There is also a difference between seeing oneself being auctioned and being sold. Being auctioned in a dream means evil.
To sell means to part with. In a dream, the buyer is the seller and the seller is a buyer. Selling means giving preference and value to the merchandise. Ifwhat is being sold is worldly, the preference is then given to one’s benefits in the hereafter. Selling in a dream also means exchanging one condition with another. However, bartering in a dream means to exchange the benefit of things, or to share them.lffor example one sees himself in a dream trading something of no value for something precious, and if he is a warrior, it means that he will die as a martyr. Selling a free man in a dream means rotation of power and reaching a praiseworthy end. As it happened in the story of Joseph son of Jacob, upon both of them be peace.
(See Introduction)... sale dream meaning
A wheat salesman in a dream denotes someone who loves the world and does not think about his life in the hereafter.
If one sees himself receiving money for his merchandise, or if he discards his profits from the sale in his dream, such an act maybe rewarding. Selling yarn in a dream means travel. Selling salt in a dream means earning extra money. Selling expensive fashion clothing and declining from taking money in a dream represents a trustworthy person who will attain a high ranking position.
A fruit salesman in a dream represents a hard-working man who gives priority to his religious life over that of the world.
An aromatic herbs salesperson in a dream represents a soft hearted man who cries easily, or a Quran reader who recites its verses in an emotional way that affects his listeners. Birds salesman in a dream represents a pimp, while a lead salesman in a dream represents someone with meagre goals.... salesman dream meaning
The prophet S.iilih.delivered God’s message to the tribe of Thamiid who lived in the North-Western corner of the Arabian peninsula, in Petraea between Medina and Syria, 700 B.C.)SeeingGod’s prophet Salih (uwbp) in a dream means that one may suffer from the persecution of arrogant and ungodly people then triumph over them, by God’s leave, in a war between truth and falsehood. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also means that one may give up his struggle against such people, following a major clash and display of differences. It also shows that the one who sees him in a dream is a righteous and a true believer.... salih dream meaning
If common salt becomes spoiled in a dream, it means that a plague, injustice, or a drought will befall the people of that locality. Salt in a dream also signifies hard work, or an illness. Table salt in a dream also means asceticism, renunciation and detachment from the material world. It also means blessings, honesty and comfort. Eating bread with salt in a dream means contentment with little from this world.
A salt shaker in a dream represents a good and a dutiful woman. Discovering salt in a dream means adversities and a severe illness. Salt in a dream also represents balance, usability of things and acceptability of everything. This includes knowledge, religion, wife, money, child and lawful earnings. Salt in a dream also means appeasement of one’s fear, peacefulness, developingpatience and forbearance. Salt in a dream also represents a medicine, a remedy, drugs, love, tenderness, unity, compassion, earning suspicious money, or a conspiracy. Receiving a fish preserved in salt in a dream means good news. Olives treated with salt in a dream means recanting one’s promise.... salt dream meaning
(Also see Stone”)... sapphire dream meaning
If the coffin is empty in the dream, then it represents a house of evil, or an evil person who is sought by people of the same trade.
(Also see Coffin)... sarcophagus dream meaning
A sauce pan in a dream also represents the house manager, the butler, the governor, the judge, the superintendent, the tax collector, or the internal revenues administrator.... sauce pan dream meaning
If one carries a heavy load of sand in a dream, it means that he will suffer for his sins. Swallowing sand or gathering it in a dream denotes savings. Walking on sand in a dream means pursuing either a spiritual or a mundane interest, or it could represent a sad event, a fight, or committing injustice toward one’s own soul or against others. Depending on the quantity seen in one’s dream, gathering sand may mean shackles, a siege, life or death, poverty or richness, and honor or humiliation. Sand in a dream also means toiling or difficulties.
If a woman sees herself walking on sand in a dream, it means the death of her husband. Ifa man sees such a dream, it means the death of his wife. Red sand in a dream represents a high ranking position. White sand in a dream means profits for fortunetellers. Yellow sand in a dream means repentance, recovering from an illness, or tightening of one’s livelihood.
A pile of sand collected at the feet of a tree in a dream represents a construction project, or urban expansion.
(Also see Hourglass)... sand dream meaning
If in a dream one becomes Satan, it is interpreted as loosing one’s sight.
If one kills Satan in a dream, it means that he will deceive and conquer a deceiver and an evil person. In a dream, the accursed Satan also represents an enemy of the body and the soul. He deceives, cheats, disbelieves, as well as he is ungrateful, jealous, capricious, arrogant, heedless, impetuous, or he could represent a leader, a minister, ajudge, a policeman, a man of knowledge, a preacher, a hypocrite, or one’s own family and children. Seeing Satan in a dream also meansvillainy, dirt, passion and sexual devilry. Ifone sees Satan attackinghim in a dream, it means that he earns his money from usury.
If Satan touches him in a dream, it means that someone is slandering or trying to deceive his wife.
If one is sick or under stress, and if he sees Satan touching him in a dream, it means that he will put his hand on material wealth. Ifone is suffering from the consequences of devilry while he recognizes his trials and remains steadfast in remembering God Almighty and calling upon Him for help in a dream, it means that he has many enemies trying to deceive him or to destroy him, though they will eventually fail, and in turn, they will be defeated by God’s leave. Ifone sees Satan following him 374 in a dream, it means that an enemy is pursuing him to deceive him, and consequently one will lose his status, rank and the benefits of his knowledge. Ifone sees himselfinwardly talking with Satan in a dream, it means that he will join hands with his own enemy, and his strike will be against the righteous people, though he will ultimately fail. Ifone sees Satan teaching him something in a dream, it means that he will fabricate a story, speak falsehood, or recite poems filled with lies. Ifone sees that Satan has descended upon him in a dream, it means that he engages in falsehood and sin. Ifone sees himselfpresiding over a band of satans, controlling them, commanding them, and if they obey him in the dream, it means that he will receive a seat of honor and he will be feared by his friend and foes.
If one ties Satan with chains in a dream, it means that he will win victory in his life together with might and fame.
If one sees himself deceived by a group of satans in a dream, it means that he will suffer financial losses or lose his job.
If Satan strips someone from his clothing in a dream, it means that the latter will lose a battle to an enemy. Ifone sees Satan whispering something in his ear in dream, it means that he will be dismissed from hisjob.
If one sees himself defying and fighting Satan in a dream, it means that he is a true and a strong believer who obeys his Lord and who holds fast to his religious obligations. IfSatan frightens him in a dream, it means that the latter is a sincere deputy and a protege of God Almighty, and that God will safeguard him from any fear of the accursed Satan or his army.
If one sees a meteor or a flame shooting at Satan in the skies in a dream, it means that there is an enemy of God Almighty in that locality.
If that person is a ruler, then his secrets will be exposed, and ifhe is ajudge, it means that ajust punishment will befall him for his injustice.
If one sees Satan happy in a dream, it means that he engages in sensuality, passion and loathsome actions. In general, Satan is a weak enemy, if one sees himself fighting him with resoluteness in a dream, it shows that he is a religious and a pious person. IfSatan swallows someone or penetrates inside his body in dream, it means a fright, losses and sufferings. Satan in a dream also represents builders or ocean divers who work as spies. Seeing them in a dream also could mean backbiting or slandering.
If one sees himself as a Satan in a dream, it means that he constantly frowns with people and that he is quick to harm them, or that he may work at cleaning sewers, or perhaps he may perish in a fire, or die as a heedless person.... satan dream meaning
The planet Saturn in a dream also represents a person who lives in the wilderness and mixes with wildlife, buffalos, dears, peacock, francolin, parrots, or any beautiful looking animal, or it could represent a caterpillar, silk, or a stripped fabric denoting an architect, or a caller to prayers, or any courteous employeewho willingly and wholeheartedly serves others.
The planet Saturn in a dream also means punishment, poverty, business losses or adversities.... saturn dream meaning