Cities, towns and Villages imply that the observer of such a dream will encounter unchaste women if such places are not of multiple colours. And if they are black and white then it suggests day and night – i.e., alternating of day and night and the passing of time.... cities, towns and village dream meaning
(See Sound of animals)... animals dream meaning
If a person sees himself as becoming the owner of will animals and these animals are under his full control so that he leads them to wherever he desires, it means he will become the leader of a people.... becoming the owner of wild animals dream meaning
The building of one’s own house or another’s suggest pursuit of worldly gains proportionate to the construction.... building a house dream meaning
The building of a house in an unknown locality suggest that the beholder will accomplish good deeds and that he will secure for himself a favourable position in the hereafter.... building a house in an unknown locality dream meaning
If a cat is seen entering a house it means a thief will enter that house. And if it is seen snatching something it means something will be stolen from his house.... cat entering a house dream meaning
If a person sees himself entering an unknown house and climbing the upper protions of the house, it means he will marry some woman who will be a means of prosperity for him.... climbing the upper portion of a house dream meaning
To see someone speaking to the observer or giving him something suggests that the observer4 will socialize or deal with him or someone who bears a similar name or resembles him.... dreaming of men, women and animals dream meaning
It symbolises haraam wealth.... droppings of animals that are not eaten dream meaning
This suggest that he will acquire affluence in the world and progress in matters of Deen.... eating and drinking in the wild dream meaning
Entering an unknown house in the company of a dead person means he will die soon and thus join the dead person.... entering an unknown house with the dead dream meaning
Seeing one’s house or its foundation extended means that the beholder’s wealth and assets will increase in proportion to the extensions.... extended house dream meaning
If a person sees himself owning a house which is not strange to him, it means he will soon find a wife for himself. Sometimes, the mere seeing of a house suggests a persons material wealth and assets.... familiar house dream meaning
(See Masjid; Spiritual gathering)... fellowship house dream meaning
(See Entering Paradise; Ka’aba; Masjid; Mosque)... god’s house dream meaning
If a person sees his house devastated by fire it is a hint that he will be disgraced by an authority; or he will be afflicted by an epidemic disease.... gutted house dream meaning
If horse are seen running through cities or between houses it means floods, rains and disasters are imminent. But if such horses are seen with saddles it means the person seeing the dream will meet lots of people who will have gathered together for some happy or unhappy occasion.... horses running through cities dream meaning
(See Dependents)... household dream meaning
(Cage; Dwellings) In a dream, one’s house holds different meanings. One of them is the wife.
If one sees himself entering his house in a dream, it means that he will get married, or have sexual intercourse with his wife. Building one’s own house in a dream means that a sick person will recover from his illness.
If such construction is hard and if it is customary in that family to bury its dead within the compound of the same property, then it means the death of a sick person in the family.
If no one is sick in that house and the construction is accompanied with music and celebrations in the dream, then it means adversities, trials and hardships. Ifunder such circumstance the person in the dream is unmarried, it means marriage, and if he is married, it means that he will marry off one of his daughters. Ifone sees himselftied up and imprisoned inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity.
If one sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife.
If one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down.
If the house has no roof, whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. Ifone sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. Ifthere is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household.
A house without lights in a dream represents a woman of evil character, and if a woman sees that house in her dream, then it represents a man of evil character. Demolishing one’s house in a dream means a fight within that family.
If one sees grass growing inside his house in a dream, it means a wedding.
(Also see Cage; Dwellings; Glass house)... house dream meaning
(See Lantern; Wick)... housekeeper dream meaning
If a person sees himself as hunting a wild animal it means he will acquire wealth and booty-whether the hunted animal is a male for female.... hunting a wild animal dream meaning
they represent men, women and slave-girls.... hunting wild animals that are females dream meaning
(See Oven) K... juvenile correctional house dream meaning
he will become a recipient of a fortune from some woman.... killing a wild animal with no purpose of hunting dream meaning
If he sees a house which is known to him, it symbolizes his position and condition in this world. Its features – be they pleasant or unpleasant, such as the house being straight or crooked, spacious or narrow, orderly or disorderly-is a reflection of his behaviour and character.... known house dream meaning
It symbolises progress in one’ Deen.... milk of wild camel dream meaning
If an ox is seen entering his house and he ties it up in such a manner that it is under his control it means he will acquire wealth which he will guard closely. Thus, he will become prosperous.... ox in the house dream meaning
If a person sees himself owning a house known to him it suggests that he will acquire worldly gains proportionate to the spacious ness, attractiveness and elegance of such a house.... possessing a house dream meaning
Seeing one’s house in ruins or raised to the ground means that his future will be ruined as a result of his evil deeds.... ruined house dream meaning
Seeing Allah present in a particular house suggests that the occupants of such a house will be favored with peace, happiness and assistance.... seeing allah in someone’s house dream meaning
Seeing oneself selling one’s house in indicative of the termination of his life.... selling a house dream meaning
If a person sees a slaughtered and skinned goat entering his house or any other place it means someone will die in that place.... slaughtered and skinned goat entering the house dream meaning
A clean stream with sweet water flowing in or through the house symbolizes a pure and clean life. But if the water is seen in the form of a spring emitting gfrom within the walls or any such place from which the flowing of water is regarded as strange and absurd, if suggest that the folks of that settlement will be visidted with some calamity causing them much grief, sorrow, fear and weeping, the intensity of which will depend on the force of the water gushing out from such a spring. Likewise, matters will be more serious if the water is foul, brackish or muddy. Drinking such water suggests he will be afflicted with profound grief proportionate to the amount of water he drinks.... stream in the house dream meaning
In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits.
The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear.
The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor.
The barking of a dog in a dream meansvain talk and meddling in others’ business.
The sound of a lynx in a dream means pampering oneself and wantonness.
The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage.
The chirp of swallows in a dream means 402 beneficial words.
The croaking offrogs in a dream means beatings or death.
The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream represents a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war.
The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness.
The braying of mules in a dream means vain talk, or it could mean indulging in suspicious acts.
The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation.
The gurgling or braying of camels in a dream signifies travels and difficulties.
The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats.
The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuation.
The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning for one to escape from danger, or to move from one field into another.
The howling of a wolf in a dream means robbery.
The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace.
The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland.
The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, or a forthcoming evil.
(Also see Dog; Listening; Roaring; Speaking; Voice)... sound of animals dream meaning
If a person sees the sun rising in his house it is a tiding that he willsoon marry if he is a bachelor. Otherwise the kings and rulers will confer great honour upon him.... sunrise in the house dream meaning
If a person sees himself in a house whose foundation, location and occupants are not known to him, it symbolizes his abode in the Hereafter every feature of such a house-eg. Narrowness, spaciousness, ugliness, beauty – is an identical replica of his abode in the Hereafter. Subsequently, this is a reflection of his deeds and actions in the world.... unknown house dream meaning
An unknown and unplastered house symbolizes a woman.... unplastered house dream meaning
(See Pilgrimage; ‘Umrali)... visiting god’s house in mecca dream meaning
If the males thereof are seen in the dream with no desire to hunt them, they represent such people who have no Deen; they have alienated themselves from the Muslim community so as to follow their own whims and fancies.... wild animals dream meaning
(See Beast)... wild beast dream meaning
It represents an exceptionally beautiful woman.... wild cow dream meaning
(See Oryx)... wild cow dream meaning
(See Oryx)... wild gazelle dream meaning
(See Mountain goat; Oryx)... wild goat dream meaning
(See Buffalo; Oryx)... wild ox dream meaning
interpreted upon 4 [sides:] following & companions & wealth, comfort, life.... animal’s tail dream meaning