The meaning of the symbols of running seen in a dream.

Running With Frightend Like You Are Running For Life Or Something Terrible Is Chasing You | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Running

2 dream interpretation about running related.

Horses Running Through Cities

If horse are seen running through cities or between houses it means floods, rains and disasters are imminent. But if such horses are seen with saddles it means the person seeing the dream will meet lots of people who will have gathered together for some happy or unhappy occasion.... horses running through cities dream meaning

Running Away

(Escape; Fear; Take flight)

Running away from something in a dream means turning to God Almighty and seeking refuge in Him for safety and protection. Runningawayin a dream also could mean receivingan appointment, or it could mean repentance from a sin, or it could mean one’s death.

If one sees himself running away to escape from an enemy he fears in a dream, it means that he will be safe. Ifa man ofknowledge or a scholar sees himselfrunning away from an enemy in fear in a dream, it means that he will be asked to sit as ajudge, or to govern.

If one sees himself running away but has no fear in the dream, it means his death.

(Also see Escape from danger; Take a flight)... running away dream meaning