The meaning of the symbols of pink, necked, green, pigeon seen in a dream.

See A Pink Pigeon In Your House | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Pink Necked Green Pigeon

Cooing Of Pigeons

In a dream, the cooing of a pigeon represents a person of understanding, a scholar, a well mannered person, a gentle soul who has little money but many friends or the followers of a wise man.

The cooing of a pigeon in a dream also represents the voice of a teacher.

(Also see Sound of animals)... cooing of pigeons dream meaning

Donning Green Clothes

A pleasant dream for both the living and dead since green is the colour of the people of Jannah.... donning green clothes dream meaning


(Fertile; Good harvest; Longevity; Paradise; Youth) Wearing a green garment in a dream is a sign of piety, religious attendance, assiduity and devotion. Green silky garments are the robes of the dwellers of paradise. Seeing a departed person wearing a green raiment in a dream means that he or she are living in a good state and reaping the benefits of their deeds in the world. It could also mean inheriting the deceased person. As for the deceased person himself, it could also mean that he has left this world in a state of martyrdom. All green garments in a dream represent benefits. Green in a dream is also interpreted to mean submission to God’s will.

(Also see Garment)... green dream meaning

Green Fields

(See Crop)... green fields dream meaning

Green Fruit

If green fruit is seen, it suggests wealth which will be of no benefit to the observer.... green fruit dream meaning

Green Mare

He will marry a woman with a charming personality and a sweet, singing voice.... green mare dream meaning


(Dove; Ringdove; Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad tidings.

It is also said that God Almighty will accept the prayers ofone who sees pigeons in his dream. In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one’s family, or a fertile woman with a large family.

The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamentation. Pigeons eggs in a dream represent one’s daughters or female neighbors.

A domesticated pigeon in a dream represents a beautiful woman from Arabia. Pigeon’s nest in a dream represents women’s parties. Pigeon chicks in a dream represent the boys in a family. Pigeon’s rumbling or roar in a dream means reproofor censure for a fault.

A white pigeon in a dream means spirituality, a green pigeon represents piety, while a black pigeon denotes a mastery.

A frightened pigeon in a dream means divorce or death.

A landing pigeon in a dream represents the long awaited arrival of a beloved. Eating pigeon’s meat in a dream means to steal money from one’s own workers, to defraud them, or to cheat one’s servants. Hunting pigeons in a dream means earning good money from wealthy people. As for an unwed person, seeing a pigeon inside his house in a dream means marriage.

If a pigeon attacks someone then flies away with him in a dream, it means that happiness and joy will enter his life. However, doves in a dream may represent death. Ifone sees himself throwing something at a pigeon in a dream, it means that he slanders a woman, or writes secret correspondence with her. Reaching at a pigeon’s nest to take its eggs in a dream means taking advantage of a woman, or swindling her money. Hunting pigeons in a dream means adultery. Seeing a pigeon standing over one’s head, or tied to his neck or shoulders in a dream connotes one’s relationship with his Lord.

If in that sense the pigeon is an ugly one, it means that one’s actions are of the same nature. Otherwise, it means the opposite. Plucking some feathers from a pigeon in a dream means money. Slaughtering a pigeon in a dream means marriage.

(Also see Ringdove; Turtledove)... pigeon dream meaning

Pigeon Racing

(See Racing)... pigeon racing dream meaning


It symbolises a servant of the king who is well informed on governmental affairs. He advises the king or government in matters relating to national affairs so that the country advances in the right direction.

It is also said that he is the financial minister of the state who is experienced, intelligent, far sighted and influential.... wood-pigeon dream meaning

Pigeon / Dove

a vision of a pigeon is [interpreted upon] 6 sides: woman, sorrow, religion, disablement / hindrance & confirmation, loan.... pigeon / dove dream meaning

Ringdove / Wood Pigeon

interpreted upon 3 sides: woman, child, [male] servant. *: a kind of the wild pigeon.

(good)... ringdove / wood pigeon dream meaning