Death in the dream symbolises corruption of a person’s Deen while there will be glory, rank and honour for him in the world if such death is not accompanied by mourning, weeping, the carrying of a bier or corpse or the act of burying.
If the corpse is seen as buried, it means there is no more hope for the improvement of his Deeni matters: the devil will take charge of his life and he will be overwhelmed by the quest of material wealth. Also the same number of people will be influence by the dreamer who number he had seen following his bier. He will dominated and subjugates them.
On the contrary, if death is not accompanied by anything that suggest burial, mourning, weeping, giving of ghusl, takfeen, the carrying of the bier or corpse, it may mean that a portion of his house will be destroyed, or its wall or its timber will fall down. Some interpreters have said that perhaps he will weaken in the matter of his Deen and he will lose his insight and prudence.... death dream meaning
He will soon learn about the unpleasant things said about him. He will also be overwhelmed with fear. As a result of this he will become popular amongst the people... donning clothes of various colours dream meaning