The meaning of the symbols of making, home, made, pizza seen in a dream.

Me And My Family Made To Leave Our Home | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Making Home Made Pizza

Bread Or Roti Made Of Flour

It symbioses excessive wealth. Prosperity and a comfortable life is in store for the one who eats it.... bread or roti made of flour dream meaning

Coins Made From Copper, Bronze Etc.

Receiving them symbolises evil gossiping about oneself and imprisonment. It could also mean unwholesome rizq and a lowly trade.... coins made from copper, bronze etc. dream meaning

Coming Home

(See Arrival)... coming home dream meaning

Dead Person Entering The Home Of A Sick Person

Either his sickness will prolong or he will die soon.... dead person entering the home of a sick person dream meaning

Home Coming

(See Arrival)... home coming dream meaning

Intoxicants Made From Dates Or Grapes

They signify apprehension and doubt about one’s resources or about the lawfulness of one’s earnings.... intoxicants made from dates or grapes dream meaning

Making Additions To Salaah

And if a person sees himself making additions to the Salaah (Such as performing five rak’aat or observing three sajdahs instead of two) then it implies that he has either questioned the authenticity of or entertained doubts., with regards the five basic principles of Islam. ... making additions to salaah dream meaning

Merry Making

Merry making means grief and grief means merry making.

Restriction : It symbolises firmess and steadfastness. And restrictions are of various types.

Restriction in the Majid: Restriction in the majid or in the act of salaah or in the path of Allah means the persons will be firm in matters of Deen and he will abstain from committing sins.

Restriction in a City, House or Village : He will marry Soon.... merry making dream meaning

Ring Made Of Iron

Wealth that a person will receive from the king.... ring made of iron dream meaning

Yellow Ring Or A Ring Made Of Lead

He will be the receipient of things of little value.... yellow ring or a ring made of lead dream meaning


The known built home, if it was linked with the time / era, then it is [interpreted as] a worldly affliction in proportion to its fineness of quality.

If it was made from adobe [brick], and / or mud then it is halal.

If it was [made from] something else or plaster then it is haram. And contingently if he is working in medicine then he should fear Allah the All-Mighty. And it is interpreted upon 8 sides: woman & spouse & wealth, peace & pleasantness / perfume & living & wealth, Guardianship & glory & high standing, a trust.... home dream meaning