The meaning of the symbols of information seen in a dream.

Information | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Information

2 dream interpretation about information related.


(Aroma; Perfume; Stigma) In a dream, If dried saffron does not stain the skin or a gown, then it represents lauding someone, commending him, or speaking good of someone.

If its color does stain the skin or one’s gown in the dream, then it represents an illness. Grinding the dried purple saffron flowers in a dream to use it as powder, or as an additive for making perfumes in a dream represents a severe illness, though many people will pray for the recovery of the person who is struck by it, but to no avail.

It is also said that saffron in a dream represents benefits, except if it touches one’s skin or stains it. Grinding saffron in a dream means producing something one will view with pride and be amazed by its results, though again, one’s efforts will be followed by a severe illness. Grinding saffron in a dream means illness, exposing secrets, divulging confidential information, or it could mean deeds that will bring happiness, or it could denote studying, or acquiring knowledge.

If a woman sees herself grinding saffron in a dream, it means that she is a lesbian, or a female homosexual.

(Also see Miller)... saffron dream meaning

True Story

It is reported that a person came to Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) and said: “O Imaam! I dreamt that I was proclaiming the athaan!” The Imaam interpreted the dream thus: “Your hands shall be amputated (through stealing)”. Then came another person who related a similar dream.

The Imaam interpreted his dream thus. : “You will proceed for Hajj.” The Imaam’s students were amazed at these two conflicting interpretation of two dreams which resembled each other in every respect. They asked of or an explanation. He said that he first made a careful study of the character of both the persons and saw signs of evil present in the first person and interpreted his dream accordingly in the light of this verse of the Holy Qur’aan : then a claimer proclaimed; O people of the caravan Surely you are thieves!. As for the second persons he saw signs of virtue and piety present in him and therefore, interpreted his dream in the light of the following verse of the Holy Book : And proclaim (O Ibraheem!) to the people about Hajj!

The narrator of this incident says: “Matters turned out exactly as the Imaam had interpreted.”

At times, athaan could be interpreted announcement, information and notification.... true story dream meaning