The meaning of the symbols of infectious, parotitis seen in a dream.

Infectious Ear | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Infectious Parotitis


(A blood disease; An infectious skin and nerve affecting disease; Albino) To see oneself as a leper in a dream means that one may receive an inheritance, money, or a garment without ornaments. Leprosy in a dream also means working in vain, or losing the benefits of one’s deeds because of one’s arrogance toward his Lord, and consequently, he will earn God’s displeasure. It also means being innocent from false allegations, or being subject to people’s slanders.

If one’s leprous condition spreads throughout his entire body in the dream, it means a lastingprosperity.lfone sees himself praying under leprous condition in a dream, it means possessing unlawful and forbidden earnings, or forgetting whatever one has memorized from the Qur’an.

(Also see Albino)... leprosy dream meaning