27 dream interpretation about hi related.
A wealthy man who earns his wealth through pure and lawful means.... dealer in hide and skin dream meaning
(Spasmodic inhalation) Hiccups in a dream mean anger, interference in people’s business, or falling sick. As for a sick person, a hiccup in a dream means death, while for anyone else, it represents money.... hiccup dream meaning
(See Tree; Walnut)... hickory dream meaning
(Herbal medicine; Medicinal plant; Wild plants)... hidden goodness dream meaning
(See Road)... hidden road dream meaning
(Boy; Enemy; Power; Snake; Troves; Unjust ruler; Woman) Ifthe treasure one discovers in his dream is hidden by a previous generation, it means receiving an inheritance, lawful earnings, a booty, a son from adultery, or it could represent an orphan because it comes from someone else’s earnings.... hidden treasure dream meaning
(See Concealment; Dye; Irreligious)... hide dream meaning
(Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent.... high tides dream meaning
(See Wandering)... highway dream meaning
(See Naturalist)... hiking dream meaning
(See Laughter; Menstrual period; Mirth)... hilarity dream meaning
(See Deer; Gazelle)... hind dream meaning
Hindering someone’s work in a dream means ingratitude or disbelief.... hindering dream meaning
(See Language)... hindu dream meaning
(See Down)... hirsute dream meaning
(See Sound of animals)... hissing dream meaning
(See Limping)... hitching dream meaning
(See Beating) 210... hitting dream meaning
(Allergic disorder; Rash; Urticaria) Ablood disease that manifests through breakingout ofthe skin with red spots. Ifseen in a dream, it means fast richness, money spent in celebrating a wedding, the outrage of injustice, or expediting a punishment.... hives dream meaning
(See Knife handle)... sword hilt, dream meaning
(See Arabic months; Arafat)... zul-hijjah dream meaning
a vision of a hill is interpreted upon 4 sides: elevation, wealth, strength, treason.... hill / high-land dream meaning