The meaning of the symbols of going, whale, watching seen in a dream.

Watching A Big Whale Swimming Towards Me | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Going Whale Watching

Watching The Stars

(astr.) Watching the stars in a dream means presiding over people.... watching the stars dream meaning


(Fish; Jonah; Sea life) In a dream, a whale represents an oath, the temple of righteous people and the prayer mat of the devotees. Seeing a whale in a dream also means strains, depression, loss of rank, or a growing anger. Seeing the whale which swallowed God’s prophet Jonah (uwbp) in a dream means dispelling one’s fears, prosperity for a poor person and the coming relief for someone in distress. In a dream, a whale also represents the chief minister of sea life, while the ocean represents the king or the ruler.

(Also see Fish)... whale dream meaning