The meaning of the symbols of going, footy, game seen in a dream.

Trying To Run Fast In Footy But I Run So Slow | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Going Footy Game


(See Cock fighting)... gamecock dream meaning


(Amusement; Cynicism; Playing games; Playing) To play games or to act sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s religion and lacking reverence for it. Playing backgammon in a dream means exaltation, gaining power, honor and rank, or it could denote one’s pride, arrogance and cynicism. Playing with a wedding ring in a dream means concealing secrets, except if someone else appears in one’s dream, then it could mean looking for a missing person. Sitting and playing with one’s heels in a dream means governing. Playing football in a dream means reconciliation or making peace with one’s enemy. Ifa sick person sees himselfplaying a game in a dream, it means recovering from his illness and returning to a normal healthy life. Playing cricket ball in a dream means a fight followed by reconciliation and peace.

(Also seeBackgammon; Cock fighting; Gambling; Ball; Bullfight)... games dream meaning

Milk Of Game

Milk of all edible game symbolises prosperity and lawful rizq.... milk of game dream meaning

Playing Games

(See Games)... playing games dream meaning

The Skin Etc. Of Game

The skin, milk, fat etc. of game symbolise wealth and booty for a person if he sees himself as acquiring any of them.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.... the skin etc. of game dream meaning

The Young Of Edible Game

They represent a person’s children. Sometimes, slaves, if the person acquires any portion of their body.... the young of edible game dream meaning