If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idrls) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. Ifa traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a longjourney, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi.
If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. Ifthe person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and ifhe desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire ofNimrod, or perhaps, ifhe had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. Ifthe person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. Ifone is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows : If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. Ifhe is sick, it means recovering from his illness. Ifone is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied.
If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm.
If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabt-rul Awwal, and ifhe is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his moneywill be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month.
If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled.
If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. Ifone’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi’u Thiini, and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but ifit suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as JamiidulAwwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God. be forever pleased with her.
If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thaw, and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it.
If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven.
A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha’ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever.
If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. Ifthe person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.
If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal, if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph.
If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himselfwhere he lives. Ifthe dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunarmonth, known inArabic as Zul-Hijjahindicates ajourney then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices.
If one sees this month in his dream or sees himselfoffering sacrifices in it, or ifhe sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war.... arabic months dream meaning
The second celestial sphere represents the scribes of a king.
The third celestial sphere represents a marriage to a woman from a noble lineage.
The fourth celestial sphere represents leadership, prosperity and reverence.
The fifth celestial sphere represents marriage to a most beautiful woman. Travelling in its orbit together with its stars in that galaxy in a dream means travelling to meet a ruler, a warrior, a pious man, or a perfect man.
The sixth celestial sphere represents knowledge, blessings and steadfastness.
The seventh celestial sphere represents the inner circles of a ruler.
The eight celestial sphere represents the company of a great ruler.
The ninth celestial sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or the all-encompassing sphere in a dream means meeting the greatest ruler. Orbiting a celestial sphere or a galaxy or seeing them in a dream means rising in station and honor, attaining one’s goals, or increase in one’s power.
If one sees the all-encompassing sphere in a dream, it means that he will meet the Almighty Lord, the Master of the universes, God Almighty Himself or become the intimate friend of the greatest ruler in the world.
If one sees himself in a dream changing the order of stars, galaxies or constellations, it means being unjust or trying to obscure the truth.
If a woman sees herself under the first celestial sphere in a dream, it means that she will marry someone from the ruling class.
(Also see Constellations, Dog; Moon; Skies; Star)... celestial spheres dream meaning
The second heaven is the sphere of the planet Mercury.
If one sees himself in the second heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge, diligence and writing style. In turn, people will seek him to learn from him.
The third heaven is the sphere of the planet Venus. Ifone sees himself in the third heaven in a dream, it means that he will prosper, or employ a female servants, or it could mean possessingjewelry and living in happiness and comforts.
The fourth heaven is the sphere of the Sun. Ifone sees himself in the fourth heaven in a dream, it means that he will reach leadership, gain authority and win respect, or that he will serve such people.
The fifth heaven is the sphere of the planet Mars.
If one sees himself in the fifth heaven in a dream, it means that he will preside or leads a police squadron, a mountain patrol, a small army, a band of thieves, or manage a brothel.
The sixth heaven is the sphere ofthe planet Jupiter. Ifone sees himself in the sixth heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire deep spiritual understanding, religious assiduousness, or become a judge, if he qualifies. He also could become an ascetic, or a true worshiper and he will have strong faith, good managerial ability, or he could become a treasurer.
The seventh heaven is the sphere of the planet Saturn.
If one sees himself in the seventh heaven in a dream, it means that he may buy a house, a property, a farmland, or it could mean longevity.
If one does not qualify to receive any of the above, then such award will reach his superiors, or someone in his progeny, or a close friend.
If one sees himself standing beyond the seventh heaven in a dream, it means exaltation, though his new station will be the direct cause of his death.
(Also see Mars; Jupiter; Skies)... heavens dream meaning
If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government.
If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate.
If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons he sees in his dream, or it may mean that he will acquire a knowledge coupled with fame. Ifone sees that he owns the sun in a dream, it means that his words will be respected and listened to by someone in authority. Ifsomeone in authority sees the sun looking clear and brilliant in the dream, it means that his authority will grow, or that he will assist someone in leadership. Otherwise, it means that he will live happily and acquire lawful wealth. Ifa woman sees such a dream, it means that she will enjoy her marriage and receive what pleases her from her husband.
If the sun rises inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he will receive an important political appointment, or that he should be careful about his association with someone in authority, or it may mean marriage.
If the sun rises inside one’s house and lights the entire house in the dream, it means that he will receive honor, dignity, rank and fame.
If a woman sees the sun rising inside her house in a dream, it means that she will marry a wealthy person, and that her horizon will expand.
The radiance of the sun in a dream means reverence, might andjustice of the ruler of that land. If’one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will be honored and commended by the governor.
If one sees the sun or the moon talking to him, and ifhe then strolls away with them in the dream, it represents his death.
If one sees the sun rising from an unusual direction in a dream, it represents a beneficial knowledge he will acquire. Ifthe sun shines over one’s head and not the rest of his body in a dream, it means that he will receive a prominent responsibility.
If its rays rise to shine over his feet and not the rest of his body in the dream, it means a farming project that brings him prosperity and lawful earnings. Ifthe sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy.
If it shines over his chest and not the balance of his body in the dream, it means a sickness. Ifa woman sees that the sun has embraced her from her neck down in a dream, it means that she will marry a person in authority and for one night only. Should such a person divorce her the next morning, it means that she may become a prostitute.
If the sun rises from one’s open belly in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees the sun setting and himself walking behind it, it also means death.
If one sees himself walking behind the sun in a dream, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned.
If one sees the sun turned into an old man in a dream, it means that the governor will become a pious and God-fearing person. Otherwise, if the sun turns into a young man in the dream, it represents his weakness. Ifone sees blazes of fire straying away from the sun in a dream, it means the impeachment of some members of the governor’s cabinet or someone from his counsel. Ifone sees the sun turned red in a dream, it means corruption.
If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness.
If it turns black in the dream, it means losses. Ifone seeks the sun after it sets in a dream, it means that whatever is destined for him whether it be good or bad has passed.
If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country.
If one sees himself with the sun in a dream and should he be working in the government, or the army, it means that he will betray his superior, or the ruler of that land. Otherwise, it means that his condition will deteriorate and life will turn against him.
If the sun has no rays in the dream, it means that the governor or the general of the army will 420 lose respect.
If he is an administrator, it means that he will be dismissed from his function. Ifhe is a subject or an employee it means that he will lose his source of income.
If a woman sees a sun that has no rays in a dream, it means that her husband will deprive her of her needs.
If one sees the sun split in two in a dream, it means losing one’s dominion.
If one sees the sun falling down in a dream, it means that a major calamity will befall the inhabitants of the earth.
If it falls over the earth in the dream, it means the death of one’s father. Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality. Ifa traveller sees the sun too bright in a dream, it means that he will return horne safely.
If one sees the sun rising from the East and setting in the West with a clear brightness in a dream, it means blessings for that land. Ifone swallows the sun in a dream, it means distress, sorrow or death. Ifthe sun rises from the West, then it means defamation, exposing the ills of the person seeing it, or divulging a secret.
The rising of the sun from the West also means recovering from an illness, and for a businessman, it means profits from that direction, but in general, it may mean revealing a secret, or it could mean a scandal or death.
The same interpretation is given if one sees the sun rising from the South to set in the North.
If the sun changes its nature in a dream, it means trouble in that land. Ifone sits under the sun in a dream, it means that he will receive honor and blessed profits. Grabbing some rays of the sun in a dream means receiving undiminishing wealth.
The sunrise in a dream also means waking people up to go to work, seeking one’s livelihood, begetting a son, or releasing a prisoner.
If one is hiding something, then seeing the sun in his dream means that his secret will be exposed.
If one sees the rays of the sun falling over his bed or threatening him in a dream, it means a painful sickness, or inflammation of the skin. Ifthe sun rays which are falling over his bed provide him with good energy in the dream, it means a good harvest, or good health.
If travellers see many suns in the sky in a dream, it means profits and prosperity. Running away from the sun in a dream means that one may leave his wife, or he may run away from the governor of that land, or escape from an evil.
If the sun and the moon meet in one’s dream, it means a royal marriage, or a marriage between a beautiful woman and a wealthy man. Clouds covering the rays of the sun in a dream means an illness.
If one carries the sun in a bag in a dream, it means money.
The sun in a dream also could represent a wise man, or a teacher one whose company is sought. Otherwise, the sun in a dream could represent, the governor, one’s husband, wife, child, mother, daughter, aunt, father, or grandfather and the above interpretations will relate to such a person. Whatever happens to the sun in the dream, will then affect such people. Ifone sees the sun rising, then immediately setting in the same direction in a dream, it means a newborn who may die shortly after his birth, returning an ex-prisoner to jail shortly after his release, earning amazing amounts of money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife. Ifone sees the sun and the moon shinning on him in a dream, it means that his parents are pleased with him.
If one sees himself prostrating to the sun or the moon in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin, or a heinous crime. In a dream, the sun also represents one’s livelihood, earnings, spiritual guidance, following the truth, new garments, or recovering from a serious illness. Seeingmany suns in the sky in a dream means the spread of religious innovations.
If the brightness of the sun grows beyond normal to become unbearable in the dream, it means adversities. Eating up the sun in a dream means benefiting from its services and prospering from its rays, or that one may become a man of knowledge, a scholar, an astrologer, or a fortuneteller.
If the rays of the sun cause burns to someone in a dream, it means that he will fall in love with a beautiful face, or perhaps he will be hurt by someone he adores, or it could mean loss of spiritual direction, or it could be a severe warning about a woman he loves. Ifa woman sees herself carrying the sun in a dream, it means that she will find a husband, or bear a son.
If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will discover a mystery or acquire knowledge about spirits, or he could become a translator, an analyst, or a consultant. Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars together in a dream denotes adversities, jealousy on the part of one’s own family, or they could denote fear.
If the rays of the sun burns the crop in a dream, it means a devastation and a plague or rising prices.
(Also see Eclipse; Heavens)... sun dream meaning