Finding fault with praiseworthy people in a dream means committing abominable actions or to desist or turn away from one’s religion.... fault finding dream meaning
(Abandoned; Discarded item; Lost item; Gleanings) Finding something abandoned or discarded or lost in a dream means receiving a precious gift from an employee or a servant one will treasure, or it could mean receiving a cheap item one cares to keep, receiving an inheritance, or it could mean begetting a blessed son.... finding something dream meaning
(Hand) Fingers help one’s worldly needs or craft and serve one’s benefits in the hereafter by identifying and pointing at what is true and identifying what is wrong. In general, fingers in a dream represent one’s children, wife, father, mother, money, property, wealth or craft. Positive looking fingers or increase in their number in a dream represents growth, while deformed fingers in a dream mean the opposite. One’s five fingers in a dream also represent the five daily prayers. Thus, if the fingers are interpreted to mean the five daily obligatory prayers, then the fingernails represent the supererogatory (arb. Nafl) prayers. Ifthe fingers are interpreted as money, then the fingernails represent the due alms tax (arb. Zakiit), If they are interpreted to represent an army in the dream, then the fingernails represent their weapons. Fingers in a dream also represent the days, months or years. When fingers are interpreted to mean money, and ifsomeone cuts off his finger in a dream, it means that he will suffer from financial losses. Long fingers in a dream are regarded as greed.
(Also see Body’; Five fingers; Thimble)... finger dream meaning
They symbolise his borther’s and sister’s chidren (ie. Nephews and nieces ). At other times they symbolise the five daily salaah. Thus, if any defects are seen in a persons’ fingers, it is suggestive of similar short comings in his salaah; or it forewarns mishaps regarding his nephews or nieces-depending entirely on which of the two aspects are implicated in the dream.... fingers dream meaning
(Accomplished; Compassed) A finished business in a dream connotes life and continuity. Completing good deeds in a dream means desiring to have children. Completing one’sjob in a dream is a sign of prosperity for rich people and the strong ones. It also signifies owning properties and having control over a vast land and its people.
(Also see Incomplete job)... finished business dream meaning
(Hand) In a dream, the fingers of the right hand represent the daily five time prayers.
The thumb represents the pre-dawn prayer, the index represents the midday prayer, the middle finger represents the mid-afternoon prayer, the ring finger represents the sunset prayer, and the little finger represents the eveningprayer. As for the fingers of the left hand in a dream, they are interpreted to represent one’s nephews.
To cross or intertwine one’s fingers in a dream means difficulties and poverty.
(Also see Body’; Fingers; Thimble)... five fingers dream meaning
a vision of nails is interpreted upon 6 sides: strength, quantity & courage, intelligent child, a usefulness, [something] owned.... fingernails dream meaning
interpreted upon 5 sides: sickness, sorrow, dispute & importunity / obstinacy, a violation with his people, and his family.... movement of the finger / toe dream meaning