51 dream interpretation about falling and car related.
A brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away.... brick falling from a wall dream meaning
(Herb) In a dream, caraway represents a profitable investment.... caraway dream meaning
(See Coal)... carbonize dream meaning
(See Cotton)... carding dream meaning
(Concern; Conscious; Watchful) Being too careful about something that does not call for extraordinary concern in a dream means hypocrisy, straying from the truth or forgetting the divine admonition ofthe Holy Qur’iin or any part of it.... carefulness dream meaning
(Tender touch) In a dream, caressing a bird, a dog, a cat, a horse or a cow, etcetera, means having a soft heart, speaking gentle words, ability to draw people to oneself. Caressing someone during the daylight in a dream means slandering and backbiting him. Caressing a woman in a dream means that one will become a translator, or it could represent a frivolous person or someone who appeals to ludicrous people, or it could mean self-adulation or deficiency in one’s craftsmanship.... caressing dream meaning
(Abode; Bad; Dwellings; Desire; Ego; Good)... carnal self dream meaning
(Gem; Stone; Semi-precious. Also see Carnelian-red; Ring)... carnelian dream meaning
(See Tree)... carob tree dream meaning
(See Veins)... carpal tunnel dream meaning
A man who subdues people. He has great influential powers.... carpenter dream meaning
A carpet or mat symbolises the material things of this world and person’s age.... carpet or mat dream meaning
(See Car)... carriage dream meaning
Seeing the carriers of the Divine Throne of God Almighty in a dream represents glory, integrity, might, unity, affection, concord and the company of the good ones. Seeing them in a dream confirms one’s true faith, belief and his nearness from the King’s intimate ones.... carriers of the divine throne dream meaning
Carrying a burden signifies that the person will soon be faced with grief and sorrow.... carrying a burden dream meaning
The carrying of stones, rocks and mountains means one will be made to carry great burdens by people who are hard and cruel.... carrying a mountain dream meaning
It means he will bear the expenses of another person.... carrying a sheep on the back dream meaning
(See Torch)... carrying a torch dream meaning
(Burdens; Forbearance; Porter; Serving others)... carrying weight dream meaning
Collection or carrying ashes in the dream means that the person doing so is presently engaged in acquiring futile and worthless knowledge.... collecting or carrying ashes dream meaning
A truthful, honest and upright person who is able to distinguish right from wrong, truth from falsehood, good from bad.... cotton–carder dream meaning
A door seen falling indicates that the beholder will first become ill then regain his health.... door falling dream meaning
If a person sees himself as mounting and riding an ass and then falling of it means his good condition will take a sudden turn for the worse. Perhaps he will die.... falling from an ass dream meaning
(See Deep waters)... falling in deep waters dream meaning
Climbing down into the well falling into it means he will be afflicted with grief and sorrow but will eventually witness happiness and joy due to his victory. This is in the light of the story of Hazrath Yusuf (AS).... falling into the well dream meaning
Stars falling from the sky signifies that if the observer of the dream is wealthy, he will lose all his wealth and become a destitute. And if he is a destitute, he will die as a martyr.... falling stars dream meaning
(See Mailman,’ Minaret; Ostrich)... letter carrier dream meaning
(See Carrier)... mail carrier dream meaning
(See Rug)... mockado carpet dream meaning
A thick, wide and new carpet means he will live long, enjoy a peaceful life, receive ample sustenance and acquire much of the material things of this world.... thick and wide carpet dream meaning
It means a long life for him but not plentiful of sustenance.... thick but narrow carpet dream meaning
If the carpet is abnormally think but wide it means plentiful of rizq but a short span of life.... thin but wide carpet dream meaning
(red Gemstones) : interpreted upon 4 sides: woman, or young girl, daughter, blessing & wealth. *: precious stone / gemstone, it is a Farsi word.... carnelian / garnet dream meaning
if it was large and new, then it is interpreted upon 8 sides: glory, high standing, honor, rank, blessing, wealth, long lifetime, compliments in proportion to his importance.... carpet / rug / mat dream meaning