The meaning of the symbols of encounter seen in a dream.

Encounter Dream | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Encounter

16 dream interpretation about encounter related.

Cities, Towns And Village

Cities, towns and Villages imply that the observer of such a dream will encounter unchaste women if such places are not of multiple colours. And if they are black and white then it suggests day and night – i.e., alternating of day and night and the passing of time.... cities, towns and village dream meaning

Burning Lamp

A powerful bright lamp in the house is a glad tiding that the condition of the inmates of such a house will improve. But any weakness in the light given off by such a lamp denotes similar weakness in their condition.

If the lamp extinguishes and no cause for its extinction is known nor is there any hint of any person’s death, the observer of the dream will soon encounter difficulties and unpleasant conditions. Also his own condition will change.... burning lamp dream meaning

Disappearance Into The Earth

If a person sees himself disappearing into the earth without a grave it means he will ruin himself, because of his obsession in worldly pursuits.

If the disappearance is in a hole or grave, it means he will encounter something extremely offensive as a result of committing a crime or by being cheated.... disappearance into the earth dream meaning


Drowning in the ocean of clean water suggest that the observer of the dream will “drown” in matters of sovereignty or government. But if the water is brackish or filthy it means he will encounter hardships which will cause ruin to him... drowning dream meaning

Garments, Burning

If a person sees his clothes or part of his body on fir it implies that he will encounter some crises relating to his clothes or body.

(This will be discussed in great detail in this book).

If such a fire constitutes tongues of falme rising upwards it means harm will come to him from the king or uler. And if no flames are seen it symbolizes pleurisy.... garments, burning dream meaning

Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar eclipse assuming a reddish or dark colour owing to clouds or dust suggests that the person towards whom the moon is linked will soon encounter problems and find himself in some predicament.... lunar eclipse dream meaning

Odorous Trees

A tree giving off bad smell symbolises an evil person whom the observer will encounter.... odorous trees dream meaning

Trust In God

To express one’s trust in God Almighty in a dream signifies the end of adversities and the achievement of one’s goals.

To proclaim one’s trust is God in a dream is an indication of true faith, recognition of God’s supremacy, cessation of adversities and victory over one’s enemy. Putting one’s trust in God Almighty in a dream also means repenting from sin. Otherwise, perhaps it may indicate the infallibility of one’s destiny, though the end result of one’s encounter with his adversities will prove him triumphant.... trust in god dream meaning


a vision of a mountain is interpreted by: the king / sovereign, the victory, the leadership, encounter of comfort.... mountain dream meaning


Circumcision in a dream means purification, cleanliness, discarding impurity, celebrations or happy reunions. Ifone sees himself being circumcised in a dream, it means that he did something good which God Almighty has accepted, and by its virtue, God Almighty has forgiven him his sins, or it may mean that he will undergo an operation to open his veins or to bleed them.

If a young virgin girl sees herself being circumcised in a dream, it means either marriage, or encountering her first experience with her monthly period. CirDICTIONARY OF DREAMS 83 cumcision in a dream also means undergoing an operation of removing one’s testicles, undergoing a prostate operation, or it may mean clearing one’s name from slander and accusations, or it may mean separation between husband, wife and children, or children leaving their parent’s home, If one discovers that he is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will become an apostate and forsake his religion for monetary gains.... circumcision dream meaning

Facing A Lion

Facing or encountering a lion without becoming embroiled in a fight means a person will soon be terrorized by an authority or a powerful man. But no harm will come to him.... facing a lion dream meaning


In a dream, a river represents a noble and a great person. Walking into a river in a dream means befriending or encountering such a person. Drinking from a river in a dream means trials, but if the water is clear, it means enjoying prosperity and a happy life. Jumping from one bank of a river to the other in a dream means escaping from adversities, dispelling distress or anguish, and it means winning victory over one’s enemy. In a dream, a river also denotes travels. Swimming in a river in a dream means working in the government.

If the river runs through the streets and markets, and if one sees people bathing in it or taking their ritual ablution in it in one way or another it in a dream, such a river then represents the justice of a ruler.

If the river floods the streets, or runs through people’s homes and damages their properties and personal belongings in the dream, then the river represents an unjust ruler, or it could represent an invading army.

If a river flows from one’s house and causes no harm to anyone in a dream, it represents one’s good intentions or deeds.

If one becomes a river in a dream, it means his death. Murky waters in a dream signify worries and fearing a great man. Crossing from one side of a river into another in a dream means dispelling one’s fears or worries. It also could mean severing one’s association with such a man only to meet with another one. Jumping from the middle of a river to the riverbank in a dream means escaping from the wrath of a ruler. Losing something in a river means suffering harm and damages from a ruler.

A river flowing inside one’s house in a dream means prosperity. Ifone sees people drinking from it in the dream, it denotes his generosity and sharing of his wealth with needy people, or it could mean imparting knowledge to others.

If a poor person sees a river flowing inside his house in a dream, it means that he will drive a member of his household out of his house because of an abominable and a sinful act, or adultery.

A river in a dream also means a good deed or a regular income.

A river with murky and putrid waters in a dream represents hell-fire. Seeing one of the heavenly rivers of paradise in a dream means prosperity.

The heavenly river of milk in a dream represents God’s gift of the innate knowledge and criterion which is given to His creation, and it represents submission to His sovereignty and obedience to His commands. Seeing the heavenly river of non-intoxicating wine in a dream meanselation and intoxication from one’s love for God Almighty. Seeing the heavenly river of honey in a dream means knowledge or the Holy Qur’an. Drinking from Egypt’s Nile in a dream means receiving a great wealth, gold and power.

(Also see Euphrates; Kawthar; Walking on water; Water)... river dream meaning


(Conveyor; Steps; Travels) In a dream, stairways represent the vehicle of rising in station, advancement in worldly gains, seeking the blessings of the hereafter, and the rising of one’s station in the hereafter.

A stairway in a dream also could represent the days of one’s life and their term.

If one sees a staircase which he recognizes in the dream, it could represent the servant of a house, its owner, or its accountant.

If a sick person sees himself climbing an unknown staircase which is leading him to the upper room from where he can see paradise in the dream, it means that he may die from his illness and reach what he saw.

If obstacles hinder his way or impede his climb in the dream, it means that he is detained, and the immediate blessings of such a gift will be veiled to him. Descending a staircase in a dream means arriving from a journey, resigning from one’sjob, impeachment, or it could represent a pedestrian.

If one’s descent leads him to his family, house, or farmland in the dream, it means money.

If what he reaches at the end of the staircase is unknown, and if one meets people, or souls he does not recognize in the dream, it also denotes what we have earlier explained.

If during one’s climb or descent he falls into a well, or if a giant bird grabs him and flies away with him, or if a beast devours him, or if he steps into a boat that sails away as he steps into it, or if he takes a step to find himself riding an animal, or a vehicle of some type, the staircase then represents the stages of one’s life and what he encountered during the journey of his life, all replayed or screened before his eyes at the point of descending into his grave, or as a book one reads after his death.

If he does wake up and finds himself healthy and fit, it means that he will become a tyrant, an unjust person, an atheist and a reprobate.

If one sees himself descending a staircase that leads him into a mosque, lush foliage, green fields, a fresh breeze of spring, or into a pond to take a ritual ablution to perform his prayers in the dream, it means that he will become a true believer, repent for his his sins and abandon his blameworthy conduct. Otherwise, ifhe descends upon adverse elements such as snakes,lions, steep hills, corpses, or a field of scattered remains in a dream, then it represents major trials and adversities.

If the steps are made of clay in one’s dream, they indicate positive signs. However, a stairway could be regarded as unfavorable if its steps are made of backed bricks.

If they are made of stones in the dream, they mean business success, along with a heart like a stone.

If the staircase is made of wooden steps in the dream, it means reaching a high rank which is compounded with hypocrisy. Ifthey are made of gold in the dream, then they mean achieving success and gaining authority.

If they are made of silver in the dream, they represent one’s entourage and attendants. Climbing a staircase in a dream also means sharpening one’s intellect and awareness. In a dream, a stairway is also interpreted to mean leading a life of ascetic detachment and devotion. Coming near a staircase in a dream also means attaining success and a growing piety. Each step represents a different station. Climbing a staircase in a dream also represents the dangers one may have to cross. Seeing a staircase with five steps in a dream represents the five time prayers, or the pulpit where the Imam stands to deliver his Friday sermon. That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one’s dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage. God knows best.... stairway dream meaning

Wall Gecko

(Lizard) A wall gecko in a dream represents an evil person who is proud of himself, who encourages mischief, and dampens people’s spirit to do good.

A gecko in a dream also represents a backbiter and a slanderer. Getting hold of a gecko in a dream means encountering such a person. Eating a gecko in a dream means backbitingpeople.lfagecko takes a bite from someone’s flesh in a dream, it means that someone will speak ill of him in public.

A gecko in a dream also represents an avowed enemy who incessantly belittles his opponent and who drives from one place to another.

(Also see Lizard)... wall gecko dream meaning


(Decree; Flyer; Letter; Publication; Public announcement; Record; Scroll; Write; Writing) Holding a book or a letter in one’s hand in a dream signifies power.

A book or a letter in a dream also signifies fame or public knowledge.

If one sees himself carrying a sealed letter in a dream, then it means that he will receive confidential news or a report.

If a book or a letter is carried by a child in a dream, it means glad tidings.

If it is carried by a servant or a housekeeper, then it means glad tidings and good news.

If a letter is carried by a woman, then one could expect a quick relief from his trouble.

If the letter which the woman is carrying in the dream is an open letter, and if the woman is wearing a veil, it means that the news she is bringing must be treated carefully.

If the woman is wearing perfume, then one could expect good news and a commendation for his work.

If one sees himself holding a closed book in a dream, it means the end of his life in this world.

If one sees a flyer or a public announcement in display by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will gain leadership, happiness and income.

If one sends a sealed letter to someone, which is returned to him unopened in the dream, it means losing a war to one’s enemy. Ifhe is a merchant, it means that he will suffer losses in his business.

If he is seeking marriage, it means the denial of his request.

If one sees himself carrying a book, a record, or a letter in his right hand in a dream, and ifhe had an argument, or a confusing deal, or doubt about something, it means that he will bring clarity to that problem. Ifhe is incarcerated or ifhe is sufferingfrom persecution, it means that he will bring proof of his innocence and escape from his difficulties.

If he is depressed, it means that he will be able to dispel his worries.

If he is travelling in a foreign country, it means that he will find a way back to his mother land, where he will find happiness again. Carrying a book or a letter in one’s left hand in a dream means that he has done something bad, or something which he will regret. Carrying a book in the right hand denotes a prosperous year.

If a stranger takes one’s book away from him in the dream, it means that someone will take away from him his most precious and endeared thing. Tearing a book into pieces in a dream means getting rid of one’s trouble or becoming free from trials or evil encounters and receiving benefits. Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior. Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor. Ifone is seeking marriage and sees a sealed book in his hand in a dream, it means that his betrothal to someone will end in marriage. Seeing or receiving a blank letter or a book from someone in a dream means absence of his news, or not knowing where he lives.

If one sees a book descending to him from the heavens and if he thinks in the dream that he understood the contents, then whatever good or bad news it brings, it will be the same in wakefulness.

A book in a dream also represents one’s companion, or an intimate friend. Seeing a book in a dream also could signify recovering from an illness.

A hardcover book if the content is unknown represents dishonesty, deceit, a cheap product or selling a sealed package with undisclosed contents, or it could represent an old woman. Bringing books into one’s home in a dream signify hearing news about an honest and a pious person, learning happy stories from a reporter or becoming acquainted with religious thoughts.

(Also see Encyclopedia; Letter; Write; Writer)... book dream meaning


(Employment; Knowledge; Prison) If a man ofknowledge sees himself swimming in the ocean in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals. Ifhe enters the water of the ocean then comes back to the shore in a dream, it means that he will commence his path of seeking knowledge then abandons it. Swimming in a dream also means going to jail. Swimming on sand in a dream means that one may be incarcerated; that his living conditions in his jail will be constricted, and that he will suffer in his prison from hardships equal to the difficulties he encounters during his swim in the dream.

If one sees himself swimming inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will work for a ruthless, wicked and an unjust employer who will entrap him in his service through a business deal. Consequently, God Almighty will help him out of his entanglements.

If one is afraid of swimming in the dream, it means that he is scared of someone in authority.

If he runs away from swimming in a dream, it means that he will escape from him.

If one sees himself entering waters where he can swim successfully in a dream, it means that he will engage in a major project,lead an important job, or acquire authority and power. Ifone swims on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for a sin.

If he swims in the sea and finds its water stagnant in the dream, it means that he will serve someone in authority, though his job will bringhim nothing but trouble and the wrath of his employer. Ifhe still manages to cross the sea in his dream, it means that he will escape from dangers his employment could inflict upon him.

If he swims with fear in a dream, it means trouble, imprisonment, or a sickness he will endure depending on the type of needed efforts or distance he has to cross. Should he think in the dream that he will not be able to make it, then it means his death.

If he shows courage during his swim in the dream, it means that he will be able to escape from such a dangerous job. Troubled waters in a dream mean adversities. Swimming successfully across troubled waters in a dream means overcoming one’s adversities. Any sea or agitated waters in a dream represent the authorities or the state, whether it be a swamp, a lake, a pond, 424 a sea, or an ocean.

If one sees himself drowning in a river, or a lake, then ifhe is carried by others and laid on dry land motionless like a fish in a dream, this also means trials and adversities. Ifone is saved from drowningbefore he wakesup from his sleep in the dream, it means that he will triumph over his trials. Otherwise, ifhe dies from it in the dream, it means that he may die from such adversities. Ifduring his swim one meets a ship that pulls him out ofthe waters, or to which he holds or grabs, it also means escape from adversities.

If one drowns in the dream, it means that he may die as a martyr, though having previously indulged in many sins.

To walk on water, whether it is the sea or a river in a dream means good spiritual standing, religious assiduousness and a strong faith and determination. Walking on water in a dream also could be interpreted as ascertaining something about which one may have doubt, or placing one’s trust in God Almighty before embarking on a dangerous trip.

(Also see Air)... swimming dream meaning