The meaning of the symbols of cruel seen in a dream.

Cruel | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Cruel

6 dream interpretation about cruel related.

Carrying A Mountain

The carrying of stones, rocks and mountains means one will be made to carry great burdens by people who are hard and cruel.... carrying a mountain dream meaning


(Banishment; Chasing away; Dismissal; Driving away; Eviction; Exile; Expel) Expulsion in a dream means imprisonment. It also means establishing the superiority of the one who gives the order and the proof of the subject’s guilt.

If one is exiled from his homeland in a dream, it means that he may enter a jail.

If one is expelled from paradise in a dream, it means that he may experience poverty. Ifone evicts a man of knowledge or screams at him, or bewilders him in a dream, it means that he will face an extraordinary misfortune and confront a threatening and a cruel enemy.

If a religious and a pious looking person is evicted or driven away from a place in a dream, it means that he is failing to fulfill his religious vow, or it could mean that he is avoiding to remain in the company of true pious people, ascetics, people of knowledge and noble ones. Expulsion in a dream also could denote misbehavior or ill conduct on the part of the evictor.... expulsion dream meaning

Flint Stone

(Fire stone; Hard; Siliceous rock; Steel) In a dream, a flint stone means searching for something that could bring profits or hoping for something to happen, and both will take place.

If one sees himself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel to produce fire for cooking or for light, and ifhe sees the sparks coming from them in a dream, it means that he will take advantage of his friendship with someone in authority who is rock hearted to help him overcome his poverty and to make his life more manageable.

The flint stone in a dream also represents the rock hearted man, and the steel represents his might. On the other hand, if one strikes a flint stone with a piece of steel and produces sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between two rock hearted and cruel people. Striking a flint stone in a dream also means marriage of an unwed person.

If a woman sees herself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel, and if she can produce sparks in the dream, it means that she will beget a son.

If a spark starts a fire in the dream, it means that one’s wife will become pregnant or perhaps it could represent a fight between the husband and the wife, or a fight between two partners.

If the sparks burn one’s gown in the dream, it means that harm will affect that house and such harm will bring about losses in money, family honor or bodily injury.

If the sparks burn a notebook in the dream, it means deviation from God’s path.... flint stone dream meaning


(Stone) Mountain rocks in a dream represent strong believers who hold fast to their religious duties.

If one sees himself trying to lift a heavy rock, testing his strength in a dream, it means that he will face a strong opponent.

If he succeeds at lifting it in the dream, it means that he will win his battle. Otherwise, it could mean that he will lose it. Ifone sees stones hitting him, or falling over his head in a dream, it means that his superior will delegate heavy responsibilities to him, compel him to do a personal favor, depend on him or impose a service on him. In this case, it means that one’s advice will have effect and his opinion will be respected. Throwing stones in every direction from a high 366 altitude in a dream means being unjust toward others, or it could mean being in a position of strength.

If one sees women throwing stones at him using a slingshot in a dream, it means sorcery and a bad spell.

If a poor person sees himself hitting a rock with a staff to split it, and suddenly water gushes forth from it in the dream, it means that he will become rich.

A rock in a dream also represents hard working women who are patient and bearing their sufferings with determination.

A rock in a dream also means longevity, construction, forgetfulness, cattle, impudence, shamelessness, fornication, a dissolute life, immorality, or heartlessness. Seeing a town scattered with rocks in a dream also could mean lower prices.

If a rock is interpreted as a rank, then it means a lasting one. Ifit denotes one’s wife, then it means that she is patient and content.

A rock in a dream also represents a threshold, a house, or a statue. Seeing a mountain of rocks in a dream represents heartless, brutal and cruel men, or it could denote their dwellings.

If one sees himself drilling a hole into a rock in a dream, it means that he is searching for something hard to get, though he will be able to reach as far as he reaches through drilling in his dream. Descending upon a rock in a dream is interpreted the same as descending upon a mountain in a dream. Rocks in a dream are also interpreted to mean dead people, heedlessness, ignorance, or immorality.

(Also see Stone)... rocks dream meaning

Rocks And Stones

These symbolize hardness of hear, cruelty, harshness and haughtiness.... rocks and stones dream meaning


(Army) In a dream, ants represent weak and covetous people, an army, a family, or longevity. Seeing a colony of ants entering a city in a dream means that an army will occupy that city.

A colony of ants in a dream also represents a heavy populated area. Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children.

If ants leave one’s house in a dream, it means that someone in the family will leave that house. Ifthere is a sick person in a house and one sees ants flying in a dream, it means the death of such a person. Ants leaving their colony in a dream means dying away of the population in that area, or that such a town may become a ghost town. Seeing ants leaving their nest in a dream also means adversities or distress. Though in this case, they represent the small and hard working people.

If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death. Flying ants in a dream also mean hardships during a journey. Seeing winged ants in a dream means a war and destruction of a large army. Ants in a dream also may signify prosperity. They also represent the person seeing the dream or members of his family or relatives. Understanding the language of ants in a dream means sovereignty, leadership and prosperity.

If one sees ants entering his house and carrying food in a dream, it means prosperity in that family.

If one sees ants leaving his house and carrying food with them in a dream, it means poverty. Seeing ants coming out of one’s nostrils, ears, mouth or any part of his body and rejoicing at that sight in the dream means martyrdom. However, if one seems unhappy to see that in his dream, it means dying in sin. Flying ants in a dream also represent a robbery. Killing ants in a dream means cruelty against weak people.... ants dream meaning