If one sees himself in a dream slaughtered, he should pray hard and seek refuge in God Almighty to help him. Ifone sees corpses of slaughtered people scattered around him in a dream, it means profits and achievement of his goals. Seeing slaughtered people in a dream also may mean that they have gone astray. Ifone sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant.
If he is imprisoned, it means that he will be set free.
If he is seized by fear, it means that he will reach safety and regain his equanimity and peacefulness.
If he is a war captured prisoner, it means that he will be set free. Ifhe is a leader, it means that his sovereignty will widen. Slaughtering someone in a dream means being unjust toward him. Slaughtering a pigeon in a dream means getting married. Cutting a piece of flesh from one’s backside in a dream means that he engages in sodomy.
If one finds himself slaughtered but does not know who killed him in the dream, it means that he is an innovator, or it could mean that he will forge a testimony. Murdering one’s own father or mother in a dream means disobeying them or assaultingthem and becomingdamned.
To slaughter a woman in a dream means adultery, or eliciting sexual intercourse with her.
To slaughter a fowl or the female of any bird or animal in dream means deflowering a young girl.
To slaughter a son in a dream means that such a son is ruthless and unjust toward his parents.
If one kills himself in a dream, it means that he married a woman who is unlawful to him.
(Also see Slaughter house)... slaughter dream meaning
A stairway in a dream also could represent the days of one’s life and their term.
If one sees a staircase which he recognizes in the dream, it could represent the servant of a house, its owner, or its accountant.
If a sick person sees himself climbing an unknown staircase which is leading him to the upper room from where he can see paradise in the dream, it means that he may die from his illness and reach what he saw.
If obstacles hinder his way or impede his climb in the dream, it means that he is detained, and the immediate blessings of such a gift will be veiled to him. Descending a staircase in a dream means arriving from a journey, resigning from one’sjob, impeachment, or it could represent a pedestrian.
If one’s descent leads him to his family, house, or farmland in the dream, it means money.
If what he reaches at the end of the staircase is unknown, and if one meets people, or souls he does not recognize in the dream, it also denotes what we have earlier explained.
If during one’s climb or descent he falls into a well, or if a giant bird grabs him and flies away with him, or if a beast devours him, or if he steps into a boat that sails away as he steps into it, or if he takes a step to find himself riding an animal, or a vehicle of some type, the staircase then represents the stages of one’s life and what he encountered during the journey of his life, all replayed or screened before his eyes at the point of descending into his grave, or as a book one reads after his death.
If he does wake up and finds himself healthy and fit, it means that he will become a tyrant, an unjust person, an atheist and a reprobate.
If one sees himself descending a staircase that leads him into a mosque, lush foliage, green fields, a fresh breeze of spring, or into a pond to take a ritual ablution to perform his prayers in the dream, it means that he will become a true believer, repent for his his sins and abandon his blameworthy conduct. Otherwise, ifhe descends upon adverse elements such as snakes,lions, steep hills, corpses, or a field of scattered remains in a dream, then it represents major trials and adversities.
If the steps are made of clay in one’s dream, they indicate positive signs. However, a stairway could be regarded as unfavorable if its steps are made of backed bricks.
If they are made of stones in the dream, they mean business success, along with a heart like a stone.
If the staircase is made of wooden steps in the dream, it means reaching a high rank which is compounded with hypocrisy. Ifthey are made of gold in the dream, then they mean achieving success and gaining authority.
If they are made of silver in the dream, they represent one’s entourage and attendants. Climbing a staircase in a dream also means sharpening one’s intellect and awareness. In a dream, a stairway is also interpreted to mean leading a life of ascetic detachment and devotion. Coming near a staircase in a dream also means attaining success and a growing piety. Each step represents a different station. Climbing a staircase in a dream also represents the dangers one may have to cross. Seeing a staircase with five steps in a dream represents the five time prayers, or the pulpit where the Imam stands to deliver his Friday sermon. That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one’s dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage. God knows best.... stairway dream meaning