The meaning of the symbols of contacting old, school, friend seen in a dream.

Dream That I Went To My Young Brother School And His Teacher Told Me He Is Gay Dating My High School Friend Then When I Reach Home In My Dream My Mother Tell Me The Same Thing | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Contacting Old School Friend

Bosom Friend

(Vinegar)... bosom friend dream meaning


Fostering a friendship or seeking the fellowship of the righteous ones or the men of knowledge in a dream represents one’s sincerity and love for others, devotion to family ties and serving their interests. It also indicates one’s true sincerity in his or her religious duties.

(Also see Bond; Companionship; Fellowship; Kinship; Spiritual gathering)... friendship dream meaning

Friendship On The Road

(See Companion on the road; Friendship)... friendship on the road dream meaning

Intimate Friend

(See Book)... intimate friend dream meaning


(Institute; Learning; Tutoring) In a dream, a school represents its teachers, scholars, a gnostic, a school of thought, or its founder. Seeing a school in a dream also could mean divorcing one’s wife then returning her to wedlock. It also means righteousness, establishingthe divine laws, promotinga business, or inviting trouble.

(Also see Institute)... school dream meaning