If one sees a bird diving toward him in a dream, it means a journey.
If one sees him standing over his head, or over his shoulders, or sitting in his lap in a dream, it denotes one’s work or profession. Ifthe bird is white in the dream, it means that one’s work is clean, Ifhis color is tanned in the dream, it means that one’s work is tainted.
If a male bird sits in the lap ofa pregnant woman in a dream, it means that she will beget a boy.
If a female bird sits in her lap in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl. Large or predatory birds in a dream represent kings, presidents, leaders, tyrants, men of knowledge or merchants. Water birds, sea gulls, etcetera, represent honorable people who rose in rank in two spheres, the sphere of water and that of the air. They also could mean ajourney.
If they quack in the dream, they represent lamentingor crying. Singingbirds in a dream represent musicians and singers.
To see a flock of birds in a dream means money and power and particularly for someone who tends them or cares for them. Seeing birds flying over one’s head means gaining authority and power.
If one sees birds flying inside his house or shop in a dream, it means angels.
If a bird flies into one’s hand in a dream, it means glad tidings.
A bird in a dream also means work.
An unknown bird in a dream means a warning, an advice or an admonition.
If one’s bird looks beautiful in a dream, it denotes the quality of his work.
If one sees himself in a dream carrying an ugly looking bird, it also denotes the quality of his actions or that a messenger may bring him good news.
An unknown bird means profits.
To see black colored birds in a dream denote bad deeds, while white colored birds represent good deeds. Colored birds in a dream represent mixed actions. Seeing a bird in a dream also could mean honor, power, authority ornament or profits.
A bird in a dream also represents a fun and a most entertaining companion.
A bird in a dream also represents a boy.
If one slaughters a bird in his dream, it means that he will beget a child who will live in sickness during his childhood and that his father will fear for his death.
It is said that a bird in a dream also represents a rich and a tricky leader who constantly fights for his earnings and to insure his success or superiority. Abird in a dream also represents a beautiful woman.
The singing of birds in a dream means hearing good words or receiving a valuable knowledge.
A flock of birds in a dream represents easy earned wealth.
A bird in a dream also represents a boy. Capturing a bird in a dream means having control over a powerful person. Killing a bird in a dream means fulfilling one’s goal. Plucking the feathers, cleaning and eating a bird in a dream means earnings, prosperity, or a woman. Slaughtering a bird in a dream means raping one’s servant. Holding a bird in one’s hand or having it inside a cage in a dream means a sickness that will befall one’s son. Ifthe bird flies away from one’s hand or from its cage in a dream, then it means one’s death.
A flock of birds in a dream also represents gatherings of love, unity, family reunions and celebrations. However, the gathering of birds in a dream also could mean banding to commit wrong or the dispersal of one’s family or friends, or it could mean business losses.
(Also see Blackbird; Bustard; Nest; Osprey; Roller)... bird dream meaning
If a pilgrim sees himselfentering paradise in a dream, it means that his pilgrimage is accepted or that he will reach God’s House in Mecca.
If he lacks faith in God Almighty, it means that he will become a believer.
If a believer who is bedstricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will die of his illness.
If a non-believer who is bed-stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.lfhe is unwed, it means that he will get married. Ifhe is poor, it means that he will become rich or receive an inheritance.
If a sick person sees himselfin the abode of the hereafter healthy again in a dream, it means that he will reach it free from the ills of this world, its adversities and temptations. Ifhe is not sick, then entering the realms of the hereaftermeans glad tidings, business success, a pilgrimage, ascetic detachment from this world, sincere devotion, acquiring knowledge, strengthening of one’s kinship or exercising patience toward a calamity which derives from one’s own sins.
If one sees himself entering the abode of the hereafter to visit and see around, and should he be a person of good deeds and character who is a capable person and who acts upon his knowledge, it means that he will be without work or suffer from business losses.
If he is scared of something, or if he is accused of something, or if he is under stress, it means that his fears will dissipate. Mostly, entering the abode of the hereafter in a dream means travels or migration from one’s homeland. Thus, if one sees himself returning from a journey to the hereafter in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland. Entering paradise in a dream means a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca.... entering paradise dream meaning
If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. Iftwo of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents.
If all of its doors are locked in the dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. Ifhe enters paradise from whichever gate he pleases in the dream, it means that both of his parents are pleased with him.
If one is let into paradise in a dream, it represents his death.
It is also interpreted to mean that he will repent for his sins at the hands of a spiritual guide or a wise shaikh who will lead him into paradise. Entering paradise in a dream also may mean attaining one’s goals, though paradise itself is surrounded with schemes and maneuvers. Seeing paradise in one’s dream also means joining the company of revered people of knowledge and observing good conduct with people in general.
If one sees himself entering paradise smilingly in a dream, it means that he constantly invokes God’s remembrance.
If one sees himself entering paradise with his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he commands good, forbid evil, and that he will receive blessings and praises in this world and in the hereafter. This dream also can be interpreted as earning one’s martyrdom. Ifone sees himself sitting under the central Tiiba tree in paradise in a dream, it means blessings and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter.
If one sees himself sitting in the gardens of paradise in a dream, it means that he will be blessed with sincerity and perfect religious adherence. Eatingfrom the fruits ofparadise in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Drinking from its rivers of honey and milk in a dream means receiving wisdom, inner knowledge and prosperity. Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife. Picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to others in a dream means sharing knowledge with others or teaching them. Ifone is forbidden from having the fruits of paradise in a dream, it denotes his failure to properly attend to his religious duties. Drinking water from the fountain of abundance (kawthar) in a dream means attaining leadership and conquering one’s enemy. Dwelling in a heavenly palace in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman. Seeing Ridhwiin, the guardian angel ofparadise in a dream brings happiness, prosperity and a healthy life. Ifone sees angels coming before him and paying their regards in a dream, it means that he will sustain a great patience during a worldly trial that will lead him to paradise.
If a sick person sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, and it could represent earnings, piety, prosperity, dispelling distress and getting an answer to one’s prayers.
If one sees himself entering paradise carrying money and leading a herd of sheep in a dream, it means that he will enter it through his charity and paying his due alms. Entering paradise together with one’s wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one’s wife. Seeing paradise in a dream also represents one’s devotion, piety, renunciation, and being of benefit to one’s companions.
The trees of paradise in a dream represent the gnostics, the true servants of God Almighty and the callers to God Almighty. Ifone is thrown out of paradise in a dream, it means that he needs to understand the story of Adam, upon whom be peace. Circumambulating paradise in a dream means dispelling fear, overcoming one’s difficulties, or getting married.
(Also see Key)... paradise dream meaning