The meaning of the symbols of bedbug, guidance home, health, care social seen in a dream.

Child Care Home | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Bedbug Guidance Home Health Care Social

Coming Home

(See Arrival)... coming home dream meaning

Dead Person Entering The Home Of A Sick Person

Either his sickness will prolong or he will die soon.... dead person entering the home of a sick person dream meaning


(Wall) Guidance in a dream means oppression.

To receive guidance in one’s dream through seeing a light, or hearing the admonition of the holy Qur’an means walking one the straight path and abstaining from falsehood, or it could mean mixing with its people.... guidance dream meaning


To take care of one’s health in a dream means trying to amend one’s life for the better.

The same meaning is applied if one sees himself applying an ointment to his eyes.

(Also see Medicine; Physical fitness)... health dream meaning

Home Coming

(See Arrival)... home coming dream meaning

Social Acquaintances

(See Connections)... social acquaintances dream meaning

Social Connections

(See Connections)... social connections dream meaning


The known built home, if it was linked with the time / era, then it is [interpreted as] a worldly affliction in proportion to its fineness of quality.

If it was made from adobe [brick], and / or mud then it is halal.

If it was [made from] something else or plaster then it is haram. And contingently if he is working in medicine then he should fear Allah the All-Mighty. And it is interpreted upon 8 sides: woman & spouse & wealth, peace & pleasantness / perfume & living & wealth, Guardianship & glory & high standing, a trust.... home dream meaning