The meaning of the symbols of arctic, char seen in a dream.

Arctic | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Arctic Char

Examples Of The Nature And Characteristics Of Things

A date tree. This may be interpreted as total goodness and virtue since the date tree is regarded as a tree constituting total goodness as is known from the hadeeth. One the other hand a walnut tree may be interpreted as a person who is deceptive as well as quarrelsome. Why? Because it is by nature very hard and its core cannot be attained until broken or split open.

The nature of birds is to fly. Therefore, the one towards whom a bird is associated may be said to be traveling very often and widely.

A peacock may be interpreted as a wealthy non-Arab king who adopts much embellishments and who has many followers.

The same applies to a royal white falcon or eagle. But if it is a crow or a magpie, it represents an evil person.

As shown in the above examples, the Mu’abbir should be able to drawn analogies before interpreting a dream.

If he does so, he will be rightly-guide, by the will of Allah.

And Guidance is from Allah alone.... examples of the nature and characteristics of things dream meaning


(Hidden; Manifest; Wild plants; Forest; Woods)... character dream meaning


(Den; Lair; Hole.

See Coal)... charcoal dream meaning

Charcoal Grill

(See Brazier)... charcoal grill dream meaning


(Swiss chard) In a dream, chard means blessings and profits.

If one eats it raw in a dream, it means continuous indebtedness or indulging in loathsome and suspicious acts such as practicing anal intercourse with one’s wife or homosexuality or performing the forbidden sexual intercourse with one’s wife during her menstrual period. In a dream, chard also means slander.... chard dream meaning

Charge Against

(See Attack)... charge against dream meaning


(Detergent; Discards; Filth; Loan; Tithe) Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin.

If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. Ifone donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person.

If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in a dream, it means that she will repent of her sin.

If he gives a charity to a thief in a dream, it means that the thiefwill cease his profession. Charity in a dream also could mean suppressing the envy or spite of one’s rivals or subdue the jealousy of one’s enemy, averting his dislikes, or suppressing evil in general.

If an angry person sees himself secretly distributing charity in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sin of anger. Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship ofpeople in authority, or tojoin the circles of people of knowledge.

If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and ifhe complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. Ifhe is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teache them his trade.

If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft.

If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one’s fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating God’s praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good.

To spend money on God’s path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness.

(Also see Alms tax; Endowment; Good deeds; Loan)... charity dream meaning


(See Snake charmer)... charmer dream meaning

Manifest Character

(Character; Hidden; Forest; Wild plants; Woods)... manifest character dream meaning

Snake Charmer

(Diphtheria; Quinsy; Tracer; Tracker) A snake charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy.

If a sick person sees himself sitting with his snakes in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and live a long and a happy life.

If the basket carries silkworms instead of a snake in his dream, it means repentance of a sinner, or prosperity of a poor person, or it could mean changing a bad profession for a good one.

The presence of a snake charmer in a dream also represents the presence of a deceiver, any taunting profession, or it could mean an illness or suffocation.

(Also see Tracker)... snake charmer dream meaning

Swiss Chard

(See Chard)... swiss chard dream meaning

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