The meaning of the symbols of arabian seen in a dream.

Arabian | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Arabian

5 dream interpretation about arabian related.

Black Stone

(The corner stone of the Ka’aba; God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean repentance from sin at the hand of a pious Imam, or it could mean kissing one’s son, wife or bosom friend. It also means serving people in the government.

If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one’s pilgrimage.

If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions.

If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in a dream, it means that he thinks of himself to be right and the rest of the people to be wrong. It also could mean that he possesses a knowledge which he hides from others. Ifhe touches the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he follows the teachings of an Imam from among the Hijazite Arabs.

If he sees the Black Stone being a castle for himself in a dream, it means that he follows religious innovations.

If he swallows the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he is a affected person who will mislead people.

(Also see Ka’aba; Corner Stone)... black stone dream meaning


(Arabian camel; Bactrian camel; Ride) Riding a camel who is obedient to his master in a dream means solving one’s problem at the hand of a foreigner. Ifan Arab helps resolving one’s problem in the dream, it means that the person in the dream will perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. Ifhe dismounts his camel during his journey in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with a disease that will obstruct his journey. Ifone sees himselfleaping over a camel in a dream, it means distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person.

If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. Ifone sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that he will guide a heedless person and lead him on the straight path.

If one takes the camel through a side road in a dream, it means that he will lead such a person into wrongdoing.

If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death.

A camel in a dream also represents prosperity, trials, a tree or women’s holdings.

A tamed camel in a dream represents a learned person. Collecting camel’s fur in a dream means money.

(Also see Counting camels; Milk)... camel dream meaning


(God’s prophet S.iilih., upon whom be peace. He is the descendent of the people of Thamiid, the son of ‘Abir, the brother or Ariim, the son of Sam, the son of Noah, upon whom be peace.

The prophet S.iilih.delivered God’s message to the tribe of Thamiid who lived in the North-Western corner of the Arabian peninsula, in Petraea between Medina and Syria, 700 B.C.)SeeingGod’s prophet Salih (uwbp) in a dream means that one may suffer from the persecution of arrogant and ungodly people then triumph over them, by God’s leave, in a war between truth and falsehood. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also means that one may give up his struggle against such people, following a major clash and display of differences. It also shows that the one who sees him in a dream is a righteous and a true believer.... salih dream meaning


(Instinct; Nature; Profits) In a dream, milk represents nature, instinct, or easy and lawful money. However, curdled milk in a dream represents unlawful money.

If a man or a woman discover that they are carrying milk in their breast in a dream, it means building of one’s savings.

If a man sees milk flowing from his breast in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and that new opportunities will rise from every direction. Woman’s milk in a dream means recovering from an illness.

If a woman sees herselfcarrying milk in her breast in a dream, when in reality she does not have it, it means that she will breast feed a new born.

If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a baby, a man, or another woman in her dream, it means that the source of earnings will be hampered or restricted to both the suckling person and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wetnurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk ofa horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian shecamel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. Ifblood comes out of the glands of a she-camel instead of milk in a dream, it means deviation from God’s path, or it could represent a tyranny. Ifa venom flows from one’s glands instead of milk in the dream, it means earning unlawful money.

If a merchant, or a business man milks any milk producing animal in a dream, it means profits. Sucking the gland of a pregnant she-camel, one, two, or three times in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion, performing one’s obligatory prayers, distributing charity, acquiring knowledge and wisdom. Milking a camel and drinking its milk in a dream also means marriage to a pious and a chaste woman.

If one is already married, then it means that his wife will beget a blessed son. I[ a poor person sees himself milking a cow and drinking its milk in a dream, it means that he will earn enough money to satisfy his basic needs. Drinking sheep’s milk, or goat’s milk in a dream means profits, happiness, comfort and joy. Lioness milk in a dream also means money or conquering one’s enemy, or justly opposing the ruler of the country.

The milk of an eagle in a dream means power and victory. Tiger’s milk in a dream means avowing one’s enmity toward someone. Drinking the milk ofajackal or a wolf in a dream means paying a fine, extreme fear, suffering losses, or lack of determination, or it could mean presiding over people and skillfully defrauding them of their wealth. Drinking swine’s milk in a dream means changes in one’s state, altering one’s mind and focus. However, drinking a little of it in a dream may mean acquiring lawful earnings, though drinking a lot of it in the dream could mean receiving unlawful money. Drinking bitch’s milk in a dream means feebleness of mind, or senility, or it could represent money earned from an unjust person, or it could mean presiding over one’s local community, or becoming the governor of the town. Drinking the milk of any beasts in a dream represents doubt about one’s religion. Drinking zebra’s milk in a dream also means an illness. Drinking the milk of a deer or a gazelle in a dream represents small earnings.

The milk of non-milk producing animals or birds in a dream means that one’s wish will come true.

The milk of predatory animals and stingers in a dream means making peace with one’s enemy. Drinking snake’s milk in a dream means performing a deed that is pleasing to God Almighty, rejoicing, or escaping from a calamity.

The milk of a fox in a dream denotes a passing illness which will be followed by borrowing a small amount of money, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Drinking donkey’s milk in a dream also represents an illness, while drinking the milk of a she-ass in a dream means profits. eat’s milk in a dream represents an illness, experiencing life’s adversities, or it could denote generosity. Seeing.milk spilled on the ground in a dream means corruption, tyranny and blood-shed on earth that will equal the amount of the spilled milk. Sheep’s milk in a dream means honest earnings. Cow’s milk also means wealth.

A mule’s milk in a dream means financial straits, adversities and horror.

The milk of a sable in a dream means an illness or fear. Pouring milk into the drain or wasting it in a dream means losing money, or it could mean longevity, pregnancy, knowledge, or a scandal that will expose one’s private life. Curdled milk in a dream means distress. Rabbit’s milk and horse’s milk in a dream means having a righteous name, or giving a righteous name to one’s newborn. Human milk in a dream represents a trust one should not waste or give to other than its rightful owner.

The milk of an unknown animal in a dream means energy and strength for a sick person, release from prison, illegal seizure of property, or extortion and blackmailing.

(Also see Breast-feeding; Colostrum; Dairyman; Milking)... milk dream meaning


(arb. Rukhkh; A legendary Arabian bird.) Seeing the legendary giant roc in a dream means fast travelling news coming from Western regions, or it could represent distant travels, playing with words, taunt with a serious subject, or just prattling.... roc dream meaning