The meaning of the symbols of anticipating seen in a dream.


(Compassionate leader; Honest livelihood; Just ruler; Love; Son) A baker in the dream represents peacefulness and a lucrative life. One who bakes bread on top of limestone in a dream represents a happy and a good person who entices people to work and earn honest income from their own sweat.

If he receives money for his bread in the dream, it means that he has made preaching to others his main source of income. Seeing oneself as a baker in a dream means becoming wealthy and prosperous.

If one sees himself buying bread from a baker and if the baker does not look at how much money is tendered in the dream, it means that the baker is a noble man, and he is capable of doing good deeds without anticipating a reward.

A baker in a dream also represents someone who brings benefits to others, for they all need him. Receiving a loaf of bread from a baker in a dream means earning an honest income.

If one who is not a baker sees himselfbaking bread and selling it to people in a dream, it means that he solicit customers for a prostitute.

The profession of a baker in a dream also involves talks, disputes and energy.

(Also see Bread; Sweets)... baker dream meaning


If a poor person sees himself eating modified bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of something one is anticipating to receive.

(Also see Bread)... cake dream meaning


(Add; Calculate; Enumerate; Number) Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Counting up to the number one hundred, five thousand or twenty thousand in a dream signifies victory against one’s enemy. Counting up to the number seven or eight means distress or pressures. Counting up to the number nine in a dream means adversities and joining the company of corrupt and evil people. Counting up to the number ten in a dream means completing a project, or it could mean attending the pilgrimage in Mecca. Counting up to the number forty in a dream means anticipating the fulfillment of a promise. Counting up to the number thirty in a dream means promising someone the impossible or telling a lie.

The number one in a dream signifies uniqueness, superiority, having the leading edge in knowledge, money, prosperity, marriage, child, or it could mean languor, solitude or liking to be alone or cessation of activities.

The number one in a dream also represents the truth or God Almighty Who has no partner, associate or equal.

The number two means help against one’s enemy.

The number three signifies fulfillment of a promise.

The number four means a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The number five means doubt and weakness of one’s faith. Perhaps the number six also means victory against one’s enemy or establishing a proof of guilt against one’s adversaries. Counting up to number seven or eight in a dream has negative connotations. Counting up to number ten in a dream could mean atonement for one’s sins. Ifone sees himself in a dream counting money coins that has the name of God inscribed on it in a dream, it means that he celebrates God’s praises and glorifies His Name. Ifone sees himself in a dream counting large denomination of money that has the Name of God Almighty written on it, it means acquiring knowledge. Ifthe money coins or the banknotes are designed with images or portray the picture of known people in the dream, then theymean engaging in innovation, religious innovation, falsehood or polytheism. Counting pearls in a dream means reading the Qur’an. Counting gems in a dream means learning wisdom or acquiring knowledge at the hand of a gnostic. Counting beads in a dream means getting involved in people’s business, using obscene language, or fornication. Counting sheep in a dream means counting money or counting one’s children. Counting cows in a dream means longevity or going through a long and difficult times.

If a farmer sees himself counting camels in a dream, it means rain and a good harvest. Counting buffaloes in a dream means hardships and toiling in one’s life.

(Also see Money)... counting dream meaning


(arb. Jumu’a, the sixth day of the week.) Recognizing Friday, the sixth day of the week in which the believers gather for their congregational prayers in a dream means receiving God’s blessings, recuperating a lost property, receiving compensation for one’s losses, and changes in his financial conditions from tightness to ease. Ifone sees people gathered to pray the congregational Friday prayers at the grand mosque while he is still in his house or shop, and ifhe hears the call and segments of their prayers, or if he suspects people to be leaving the mosque to return to their homes in the dream, it means loss of his status in that town. Ifonejoins the congregational prayers in the dream, it means that he will receive protection and honor in that town. Ifone thinks it is Friday in his dream, then the meaning will be more pejorative than laudatory. Joining the congregational Friday prayers in a dream also may connote a pleasant journey with anticipation of a financial reward one may receive. Joining the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of joy and living to join one of the two festive congregational prayers of the end of Ramadan or that of the pilgrimage season.

The Friday congregational prayers in a dream also represents the pilgrimage of the poor people, or satisfying one’s debts. It also means anticipating a relaxed financial conditions, or meeting with an old friend or a beloved after a long separation.

(Also see Pilgrimage; Preachr)... friday dream meaning


(Craziness; Excitement; Madman; Mental derangement) In a dream, insanity or any of the above conditions represent prosperity, merit and prestige. Insanity in a dream also indicates desiring the world, festivities, or social fun for one who seeks such connections.

If one acts irrationally as a consequence of something that affected his life in a dream, it denotes profits he earns from usury. Seeing oneself extremely happy and excited in a dream means entering paradise. In general, insanity represents profits equal to the degree of one’s irrational behavior in his dream. How mad is he in his dream may indicate how rich he will become. However, such profits will be spent in sinful ways and in the company of an evil companion. Insanity in a dream also can be interpreted as receiving an inheritance.

The madness of one’s son in a dream represents the father’s benefits.

The madness of a woman in a dream represents a good harvest for that year. Insanity in a dream is also interpreted as being madly in love. It also could signify suffering from harsh beating, or perhaps it could mean offering good deeds without anticipating any reward.

(Also see Irrationality; Mental derangement; Mental hospital)... insanity dream meaning