Yahya Dream Meanings

Yahya Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

(God’s prophet Yahya, upon whom be peace; John) Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream means being endowed with piety, love for God Almighty, fear of wrongdoing and being distinct and unequalled in one’s time. Seeing God’s prophet Yahya in a dream also means that one will acquire power and receive glad tidings.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

2 dream interpretation about yahya related.

Sealed Books

It means riches and fortunes a person will inherit, for Allah said to Yahya (AS): O Yahya, hold on to the book with strength when he was to inherit the Torah from Zakariyya (AS).... sealed books dream meaning

True Story

Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan (RA) reported to us that he revealed a dream of his to Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) that it was as if he had seen a separ or lance in his hand.

The Imaam asked whether he had seen the point of the lance or not. He said no. Upon this he said: “Had you seen the point, a son would have been born to you. But now you will have female issues only.” He pondered for a moment, then said: “ In all, twelve daughters will be born to you”.

(After many years) it is reported from Muhammad bin Yahya that when he revealed the above incident to Abul Waleed (RA) the latter laughed saying: “I am the son of one of them. I have eleven maternal aunts and Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan was my grandfather. May Allah shower His blessings upon him and us and all the Muslims.”... true story dream meaning