Worries Dream Meanings

Worries Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

(Anxiety; Perturbation; Uneasiness) Worries in a dream mean regret, repentance, blaming oneself, attrition and remorse.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

50 dream interpretation about worries related.


Father of humanity, upon whom be peace. In a dream, Adam represents the elements of sin and repentance. He also represents one’s father or the governor of the land. When seen standing in a noble fashion, Adam also represents attainment and honor. IfAdam addresses the person in question in the dream it means that the latter will acquire knowledge. Ifone becomes Adam or a companion of his and should he qualify for such promotion, it means that he will attain it. Adam also represents the element oftemporal existence. Seeing him in a dream also implies understanding, for he was the first to see dreams in this world and to interpret the name of things. Adam also represents reunion with one’s family, concerns, forgetfulness and worries.... adam dream meaning


(See Agony of death; Death; Distress; Gambling; Uptight; Worries)... agony dream meaning


(Couturier; Garment alteration; Hemming; Tailoring) Seeing a tailor doing alterations to a garment in a dream signifies dispelling one’s worries, overcoming one’s difficulties, eradicating dishonesty, dispelling conceit or perhaps he could denote music, elation, sexual intercourse or someone who exhausts himselfand strives in every way to help others.

A tailor doing alterations to a garment in a dream also could represent a preacher or a teacher at whose hands many people will repent of their sins and walk on God’s path.

A tailor doing alterations and handling trims and the ends of things represents a charitable person who makes someone happy by taking somethingfrom him and giving it to others.

(Also see Tailor)... alterations dream meaning


(See Distress; Gambling; Uptight; Worries)... anxiety dream meaning


(See Uptight; Worries)... anxious dream meaning

Arched Bridge

(Bridge; Stone bridge; Viaduct) An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream represents suspicious matters or mundane questions or worldly vs. ungodly concerns.

An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream also could represents one’s wife, or it could mean dispelling of one’s worries or trouble. Driving over an arched bridge or through a viaduct in a dream means riding a vehicle’.

An arched bridge or a stone bridge in a dream also signifies richness, luxury, longevity, a sickness, renouncing one’s allegiance, or it could mean breaking a promise.

An arched bridge in a dream also could represent a middle man, a wise man, or a ruler, except if the bridge leads to a loathsome place, or to a dead end. Crossing an arched bridge that leads to the palace of a ruler in a dream means receiving money, or it could mean getting married to a noble person.

An unknown bridge in a dream represents the world and particularly ifit connects the city with the cemetery. It also could represent a ship, or the Bridge of the Day of Judgement, for it is the last hurdle before reaching paradise.

If one crosses an arched bridge in his dream, then it means that he will cross the abode of this world into the abode of the hereafter and particularly if one meets departed souls from the world or enters unknown places or sees uncommon structures, or if a bird carries him by air, or if a beast swallows him, or ifhe falls into a ditch or flies into the heavens in his dream, all of which also means recovering from an illness or undertaking a long journey, or it could mean returning home from a long journey.

If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money. benefits and prosperity.

If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca.

If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites.

(Also see Bridge)... arched bridge dream meaning


(See Worries)... attrition dream meaning


(Hobo; Mendicant; Poverty; Richness) In a dream, a beggar represents a seeker of knowledge.

If he is given what he is begging for in a dream. it means that he will succeed in his pursuit of knowledge. His humbleness and his submission when asking means victory. Beggars in a dream also imply sorrow, worries, distress, or contemplation.

If one sees a beggar receiving or taking something from him in a dream, it means being in dire need for something, or he could represent the death of the person intended in the dream.

If one sees beggars entering his house or his town in a group in a dream, it means dispersal of his family or household and if they take something from his house, it means a catastrophe.

A beggar in a dream also represents a student, and the giver represents the teacher or shaikh.

If one sees himselfbegging, but to no avail in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated.

(Also see Hobo; Poverty)... beggar dream meaning


(Anxiety; Agony; Grieve; Uptight; Worries) Distress in a dream signifies atonement for one’s sins and restitution of his human dignity.

To experience distress in a dream also signifies regret for something wrong one has committed.

If one’s distress dissipates, and if he is relieved from its burden in his dream, it means repentance from his wrongdoing. In a dream, distress and sorrow mean being in love or suffering from one’s devotion to his beloved.

(Also see Uptight; Worries)... distress dream meaning


(Dirt) Dirty hair, a soiled garment, or a filthy body in a dream mean distress and worries. Dirty clothing in a dream mean sins.

If the dirt comprises oil or grease in the dream, it means attachment to mundane and material objects. Washing one’s clothe in a dream means repenting from sin and washing them away. Cleaning off the wax in one’s ears in a dream means hearing pleasing words.

(Also see Cloth; Dirty face; Garment)... filth dream meaning

Five Times Prayers

(Communication; Communion; Invocations; Prayers; arb.) To see oneselfperformingone’s obligatory prayers (arb. Far.) in a dream means receiving a high ranking appointment, spiritual advancement, leadership, presiding over people, delivering a message, performing a duty, paying dues, turning over one’s trust or satisfying obligatory deeds and enjoying peace. Ifone sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostrating postures, standing with reverence and piety and facing the Ka’aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca. It also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil. Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one’s promise, employment for a person who could not find a job, or reconciliation with a long forsaken friend or relative.

If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. Ifone prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others.

The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal.

If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his Z,uhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper.

If one sees himself performing his Z,uhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. Ifone performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Agr, performingit in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability.

If one sees himself performing the ‘A§.r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities.

If one does not complete his ‘A§r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place.

If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Maghrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term.

If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as ‘Isha.

If one sees himself performing his ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean the end ofhis life, following which, one usu ally attends to his resting time, which is similar to death.

If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news. On another level, if one sees himself praying the evening ‘I.§ha prayers in a dream, it means that he is committed to attend to his family’s needs as commanded by God Almighty, such as providing for their food, clothing, shelter and teachings. Ifone sees himself praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter) in a dream, it means that he does attend to his family’s needs and perhaps they feel comfort in his presence. Ifone sees himself performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream, it means that he will start with the inevitable, such as working to provide for his family.

If one sees himself performing the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream, it means that he will repay his debts. Ifone’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘A§.rprayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes.

If one sees himself performing the midafternoon prayers in a dream, it means that hisjob will shortly be completed and only little work is left for him to finish. Praying the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means finishing one’s duties and it is time for him to take a rest.

The night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means veiling things or entering the privacy of one’s home. On a third level, the midday Zuhur prayers mean repentance, dismissal or abrogation of laws.

The midday Zuhur prayers also could mean struggling against Satan and one’s enemies, which struggle takes place usually at the time of one’s midday nap.

The mid-afternoon ‘A§.r prayers in a dream also represents victory in one’s life, or it could mean guidance, blessings and observing God’s laws.

The sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means losing a parent, the passing away of one’s guardian, the death of a close friend or the impeachment ofthe person the dream indicate. Seeing oneselfpraying the night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means preparing for a journey, or it could mean marriage, moving from one place into another, or it could mean suffering from cataract, weakness of one’s vision, or it could denote the vastness of what is to come, for ‘Isha prayers are distant from the dawn Fajr prayers. Performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream indicates a vow one pledges. Praying the midafternoon ‘A§r prayers in a dream means attaining ease after suffering from hardships. Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means having crossed somethingthat will come back later, andperformingthe night ‘Ishaprayers in a dream means deception and a tricks.

If one sees himself performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream, it means that he will attain what he is hoping for.

If one sees himself praying inside a garden in a dream, it means that he is beseeching God Almighty for His forgiveness.

If one sees himself praying in a farmland in a dream, it means repayment of his debts. Ifhe prays inside a slaughter house in a dream, it means that he will commit the loathsome act of sodomy. Ifone sees himselfpraying seated without an excuse in a dream, it means that he will perform a deed which is not acceptable by his Lord.

If he prays lying on his side in bed in a dream, it means that he will be bed stricken.

If one performs his prayers in a mosque, then leaves it to attend to other duties in a dream, it means that whatever he attends to will be blessed, and he will profit from it.

If one sees himselfpraying while riding in a dream, it means that he is struck with fear, or that he may face a fight. Ifone sees himself performing the obligatory (arb. FarQh) prayers shortened to two groupings of prostrations (arb. Rak’at) in a dream, it means travels.

If one sees himself praying while eating honey in a dream, it means that he may engage in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours.

If a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (arb. Far!lli) prayers shortened to two grouping of prostrations in a dream, it means that she will have her monthly menstrual period on that day.

If one discovers that he has missed the time of the prescribed prayer and could not find a place or time to perform it in his dream, it means that he will face difficulties finishing something or paying a debt or satisfy a worldly goal.

If one intentionally neglects to do an obligatory prayer, or ifhe plans to do them later 166 (arb. Qada’) in the dream, it means that he takes his religious commitment lightly and hopes to correct his attitude at a later time. Performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations, the pilgrimage season, abstaining from borrowing money for one’s accessories or luxuries. Performing the festival prayers (arb. Eid) at the end of the month of Ramadan in a dream means paying one’s debts, recovering from an illness, dispelling difficulties and dissipating one’s worries. Performing the prayers ofthe festival ofsacrifice (arb. Eid-ul Adjja.

See Immolation; Manumission) in a dream means controlling one’s business, respecting one’s promises or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing the mid-morning prayers (arb. Dhuhii) in a dream means amnesty, innocence, makinga true oath, happiness and beingfree from polytheism. Ifone performs the prayer of a sick person in a dream, it means lack of luck and doubt about one’s faith. Grouping two prayers at one time or shortening them in a dream, means travels or temptation. Performing one’s prayers directly on a filthy, wet and impure ground without a prayer mat means poverty, humiliation and needs.

If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers. Ifone performs the prayers of fearing something in a dream, it means creating a business partnership, business activities or suffering the pangs of death. Talking during prayers in a dream means asking to get back a gift one has offered, or failure to focus one’s intention, or talking about one’s charities in public. In a dream, when performing one’s prayers, if one reads loud when he should read inwardly, or ifhe reads inwardly when he is supposed to invoke outwardly, and if he is called upon to judge between people, it means that his judgment will be wrong or that he may follow his own mind, or it could mean affectation, falsehood, hypocrisy, hiding the truth or unjustly confiscating someone’s money.

If one changes the order of the ritual prayers in a dream, it means that he disobeys his parents or objects to someone he is supposed to hear and obey, or perhaps he will be afflicted with forgetfulness or staying-up sleepless nights, or it could mean that he lacks intelligence, or that he is unable to memorise or remember things. Performing the late night prayers, (arb. Tari’iwi’h) in a dream means toiling, exhaustion, repayment of one’s debts and receiving guidance. Performing a special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa) in a dream denotes fears, languid, rising prices, dullness of the market, trouble, unhappiness, attachment and stagnation of the construction business. Performing the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers in a dream means striving to deliver comfort or to appease someone or perhaps it could denote repentance of a sinner, returning to the path of God Almighty, fearing the authorities, difficulties, or manifestation of major signs of the fast approaching Hour of Reckoning. Performing a special prayer of fear (arb. Khawf) in a dream represents unity, concord, commonconsent, peace and tranquility. Performingthe funeral prayers (arb. -Ianaza) in a dream means interceding on behalf of the deceased.

If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers. Ifone sees himself leading the funeral prayers in a dream, and then after completinghis prayers intercedes exaggeratedly with special invocations on behalf of the deceased in a dream, it means that he will be appointed by a ruler who is a hypocrite to manage a sector of his business.

If one sees himself then invoking blessings upon the deceased in the dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sins. Ifone sees himself sitting in a gathering of people praying for departed souls in a dream, it means that he will pray in a funeral. Seeing oneself in a dream performing a funeral prayer, means that one will intercede on behalf of a sinner.

If one sees himself performingthe Friday congregational prayers (arb. Jumu’a) in a dream, itmeans that relief is coming his way, or it could mean a reunion with a beloved, or satisfying a need one is asking for it to be fulfilled.

If one sees himself praying the Friday prayers alone in the dream, it means that such help is exclusive to him.

If one loses something and sees himself in a dream celebrating one of the two Islamic festivals, itmeans that he will find his lost object. Ifone sees himself performing the festival prayers (arb. ‘Eid) of the end of the month of Ramadan in the dream, it means perosperity, and if it is the festival of sacrifice in the dream, it means repayment of his debts, dispelling stress, advancement in one’s life or job or release from prison. Performing either the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers (arb. Kusiif or Kl!ustif) in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leaders of the country or its renowned people, or it could mean the death of a great person of knowledge, whereby everyone will attend his funeral. As for the special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa), performing it in a dream may represent an accident, or it could mean political unrest.

If the people offer this prayer from its inception to its completion in the dream, it means that their adversity will be lifted. Praying any supererogatory prayers (arb. Nafl) in a dream represents piety and devotion to the leading example (arb. Sunnah) practiced by God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.

If a woman sees herselfleading men in prayers in the dream, it means that she will shortly die. Performing supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) following the leading example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, in a dream means serving one’s community wit sincerity, purity and good qualities. Ifone sees himselfperforming extra supererogatory prayers in a dream, it means that he cares about the success of his life in the hereafter, and that he shall enjoy the fruit of his devotion both in this world and in the hereafter. Performing one’s obligatory prayers (arb. FarQh) in a dream means providingthe necessary care for one’s family, while performing the supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) means working to provide extra comforts for one’s family.

The same interpretation is provided for performing the congregational night prayers of the month of Ramadan known in Arabic as Tarawlh. Seeing that in a dream means taking care of the family needs and bringing comfort to their hearts. During a congregational prayer, if the rows are straight in the dream, it means that such people are in a constant state of celebrating God’s praises. Supererogatory prayers in a dream also mean striving for unity with one’s community, love for one’s brethren and constantly trying to serve and please them with deeds, money, moral and financial support.

If the person seeing the dream is unmarried, it means that he will get married.lfhe is married, it means that he will beget two children.

If a poor person sees himself performing voluntary prayers in a dream, it means that he will earn enough to satisfy his needs.

If one performs the middle of the night prayers known in Arabic as Tahajjud in a dream, it means that he will rise in station. Performing special prayers for the fulfillment of certain wishes in a dream means attending official ceremonies, or being punctual at one’s appointments.

To perform one’s prayers after the due time (arb. Qada’) in a dream means paying one’s debts, repentance from sins or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing one’s prayers sitting in a dream means an illness, failures, contentment, or a warning about an affliction that will befall one’s father, teacher, or a beloved. Performing a special prayer for forgiveness (arb. Istighfar) in a dream means forgiveness for one’s sins and acceptance ofhis repentance. Ifthis prayer is performed in congregation in one’s dream, it means rain, prosperity, begetting children for a barren person, a good harvest, or the purchase of a new property. Performing the special prayers of celebrating God’s praises, known in Arabic as Tasablh in a dream means a receiving a gift, an endowment of divine grace, blessings and prosperity. Performing a special prayer of soliciting guidance for a specific need or cir168 cumstance in a dream (arb. Istikh.arah) means dispelling doubt or confusion, receiving guidance for one’s problem, or it could denote the success of a project.

If the one performing such a special prayer is known to follow the guidance of a spiritual teacher or shaikh, then his dream means lowering of his spiritual status, for a true seeker has no questions. Performing a special prayer for the safe return of a traveller in a dream (arb. Qha’ib) means asking for suitable weather conditions for one’s own needs or for people’s needs. Performing a special prayer over the grave of a deceased in a dream means offering special gifts that warrant no reward, or it could mean distributing charity to needy people. Performing a special prayer of greeting the mosque in a dream means spending one’s money to help his relatives and the needy people among his friends. Performing a sudden and an unexpected prayer in a dream means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people.

If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time.

If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. Ifone sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable.

If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or that he acts the opposite of what God Almighty has ordained.

If one sees himself turning his back toward God’s House in a dream, it means that he is an apostate who rejects God’s religion or that he does not care about it.

If one sees the people in the mosque facing another direction in his dream, it means that their leader or judge will be dismissed from his office, or that he neglects to follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he follows his own mind and desire in making religious interpretations. However, performingone’s prayers and turning with helplessness toward any direction and crying for help in a dream means seeking God’s nearness, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or it could mean travelling in the direction he faced in his dream. Ifone sees himself praying eastward or westward and beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he is a despicable person who is full of arrogance, who backbites and slanders others and who is daring to indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord. Ifone could not find the direction ofthe Ka’aba in his dream, it means that he has doubt about his faith. However, if one sees himself facing the holy Ka’aba in the dream, it means that he is walking on the straight path. Hone sees himselfwearing a white garb and reading the Qur’an in the dream, it means that he will join the caravan of pilgrims to Mecca. God knows best.

(Also see Death; Imam; Pharaoh)... five times prayers dream meaning


(Inadvertence; Distraction) Forgetting something in a dream means worries, trouble, misplacing things or heedlessness.... forgetting dream meaning


(Betting; Casting lots; Games; Risk) Gambling in a dream denotes something groundless, distress, falsehood or an unattainable goal.

If one bets money or something with an adversary and wins his bet in a dream, it means that he will overcome him. Generally speaking, betting or gambling in a dream means quarrels, disputes, uptightness or agony in wakefulness.

(Also see Casting lots; Distress; Games; Uptight; Worries)... gambling dream meaning

Arabic Months

(Lunar months : 1- Muharram; 2- Safar; 3- Rabi-’uIAwal; 4- Rabi’u Thani’; 5-Jamadul Awwal; 6- Jamadu Thani’; 7- Rajab; 8- Sha’ban; 9- Ramadan; 10- ShawwaI; 11- Zul-Qi’dah; 12- Zul-Hiliah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen. Thus, having a dream during the month of Muharram could be even called a vision and it never fails. Such a dream means success, relieffrom difficulties, release from a prison, or recovering from an illness. Ifthe person had retreated from his town, he will return to it. This interpretation is based on the story of God’s prophet Jonah, upon whom be peace, after he emerged from the belly of the whale. Perhaps the person in the dream may face a great spiritual challenge in his life, or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a gnostic or wise man in that city. Ifthe person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins, for GodAlmighty has accepted the repentance ofAdam, upon whom be peace, during that month.

If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idrls) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. Ifa traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a longjourney, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi.

If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. Ifthe person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and ifhe desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire ofNimrod, or perhaps, ifhe had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. Ifthe person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. Ifone is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows : If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. Ifhe is sick, it means recovering from his illness. Ifone is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied.

If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm.

If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabt-rul Awwal, and ifhe is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his moneywill be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month.

If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled.

If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. Ifone’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi’u Thiini, and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but ifit suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as JamiidulAwwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God. be forever pleased with her.

If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thaw, and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it.

If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven.

A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha’ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever.

If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. Ifthe person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.

If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal, if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph.

If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himselfwhere he lives. Ifthe dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunarmonth, known inArabic as Zul-Hijjahindicates ajourney then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices.

If one sees this month in his dream or sees himselfoffering sacrifices in it, or ifhe sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war.... arabic months dream meaning


(Decree; Flyer; Letter; Publication; Public announcement; Record; Scroll; Write; Writing) Holding a book or a letter in one’s hand in a dream signifies power.

A book or a letter in a dream also signifies fame or public knowledge.

If one sees himself carrying a sealed letter in a dream, then it means that he will receive confidential news or a report.

If a book or a letter is carried by a child in a dream, it means glad tidings.

If it is carried by a servant or a housekeeper, then it means glad tidings and good news.

If a letter is carried by a woman, then one could expect a quick relief from his trouble.

If the letter which the woman is carrying in the dream is an open letter, and if the woman is wearing a veil, it means that the news she is bringing must be treated carefully.

If the woman is wearing perfume, then one could expect good news and a commendation for his work.

If one sees himself holding a closed book in a dream, it means the end of his life in this world.

If one sees a flyer or a public announcement in display by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will gain leadership, happiness and income.

If one sends a sealed letter to someone, which is returned to him unopened in the dream, it means losing a war to one’s enemy. Ifhe is a merchant, it means that he will suffer losses in his business.

If he is seeking marriage, it means the denial of his request.

If one sees himself carrying a book, a record, or a letter in his right hand in a dream, and ifhe had an argument, or a confusing deal, or doubt about something, it means that he will bring clarity to that problem. Ifhe is incarcerated or ifhe is sufferingfrom persecution, it means that he will bring proof of his innocence and escape from his difficulties.

If he is depressed, it means that he will be able to dispel his worries.

If he is travelling in a foreign country, it means that he will find a way back to his mother land, where he will find happiness again. Carrying a book or a letter in one’s left hand in a dream means that he has done something bad, or something which he will regret. Carrying a book in the right hand denotes a prosperous year.

If a stranger takes one’s book away from him in the dream, it means that someone will take away from him his most precious and endeared thing. Tearing a book into pieces in a dream means getting rid of one’s trouble or becoming free from trials or evil encounters and receiving benefits. Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior. Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor. Ifone is seeking marriage and sees a sealed book in his hand in a dream, it means that his betrothal to someone will end in marriage. Seeing or receiving a blank letter or a book from someone in a dream means absence of his news, or not knowing where he lives.

If one sees a book descending to him from the heavens and if he thinks in the dream that he understood the contents, then whatever good or bad news it brings, it will be the same in wakefulness.

A book in a dream also represents one’s companion, or an intimate friend. Seeing a book in a dream also could signify recovering from an illness.

A hardcover book if the content is unknown represents dishonesty, deceit, a cheap product or selling a sealed package with undisclosed contents, or it could represent an old woman. Bringing books into one’s home in a dream signify hearing news about an honest and a pious person, learning happy stories from a reporter or becoming acquainted with religious thoughts.

(Also see Encyclopedia; Letter; Write; Writer)... book dream meaning


(Young boy) Seeing a young boy in a dream means receiving glad tidings. Begetting a boy in a dream means worries, burdens or sickness, while giving birth to a girl in a dream means relieffrom distress or easing of one’s difficulties. Carrying a young boy in a dream means carrying burdens. Giving birth to a boy in a dream also could mean having a helper.

A beautiful looking young boy in a dream also signifies good luck and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing a beautiful looking boy in a dream means that beautiful and pleasant things will take place in one’s life, or it could mean satisfying one’s needs.

If one is called a teenager in a dream, it signifies the necessity to take a ritual ablution, or that something good or bad may take place in wakefulness.... boy dream meaning


(Bosom; Heart) Ifone has a broad and a nice looking chest in a dream, it means repentance of a sinner or being eager and willing to follow the truth and to comply with it, or it could mean making it easy to accept things that were difficult to absorb.

If a woman sees her beloved inside her chest in a dream, it means that she is suffering because of him or complaining about him, or if she is ill, it means that she will recover from her illness.

To have a broad chest in a dream also means giving preference to others’ needs. One’s chest in a dream also represents what one may conceal in it ofknowledge, guidance, heedlessness or it could represent a coffer where one hides his money. One’s chest in a dream also represents a guest, one’s wife, a rank, a position, magnanimity or generosity.

The narrowness of one’s chest in a dream represents heedlessness, or it could mean going astray, loss of money, or one’s stinginess. Ifone sees his chest turned into a stone in a dream, it means that he is a hard hearted person. However, a broad chest in a dream also could signify being unjust.

The chest in a dream also represents the house of worries and anxieties. Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it. Ifa man sees himselfhaving a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal.

(Also see Body’)... chest dream meaning


(Absent-mindedness; Distraction) Inattentiveness in a dream represents worries and trouble, misplacing things, or it could mean heedlessness.... inattentiveness dream meaning

Noah’s Arc

Noah’s arc in a dream represents happiness,joy, festivities, salvation, relief from distress and worries, protection against drowning, a wedding, a leading position, or winning victory over one’s enemy.

(Also see Noah; Ship)... noah’s arc dream meaning


(Forget) Omitting something in a dream means worries, trouble, misplacing things, or heedlessness.... omit dream meaning


(See Worries)... perturbation dream meaning


(Ease; Leisure; Repose; Rest) To see oneself relaxing after toiling in a dream means wealth after poverty, or a happy marriage after a miserable one.

If a sick person sees himself relaxed in a dream, it means the nearing of his death, and taking a rest from the adversities and toiling of this world. On the other hand, relaxing in a dream may mean misery, worries and unhappiness.... relaxation dream meaning


(Little boy) In a dream, a child carried in one’s arms means responsibility, distress and difficulties.

A teenage child represents glad tidings or dispelling one’s worries.

If one sees a beautiful looking teenage child entering a town or descending from the skies or appearing from beneath the ground in a dream, it means that the glad tidings will take effect shortly. Seeing a mature child in a dream means power and superiority.

If one sees himself as a child learning in school in a dream, it means that he will repent of a common sin he is used to commit.

If one sees one of the renowned people of knowledge sitting in a kindergarten and learning along with other children in a dream, it means that he will shift to ignorance, lose his rank, or that financial changes will affect his living conditions.

If one sees himself receiving instructions like a child in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from his mother. Ifone sees himself as a newborn child in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy and prosper.

If a young boy sees himself in a dream as a child, it has a negative meaning.

If a sick person sees himself as a child in a dream, it means his death.

If one sees himself as a child being reprimanded in a dream, it means that he will be conquered. In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and ifhis wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father. Carrying a baby child in a dream means distress and burdens.

A child in a dream represents a weak enemy who sometime shows friendliness and at other times demonstrates his enmity. Ifone sees that his wife has just delivered children who are playing around him in a dream, it means distress or misfortune and the consequences could be either good or bad. Carrying a child in a dream means managing an inheritance or a financial investment. Ifan elderly person sees himselfroaming as a little child in a dream, it means that he will commit an act of ignorance or lose his dignity, ideals or sense of honor. On the other hand, if such an elderly person who sees himself in a dream as a little child is suffering from depression or financial difficulties or health problems, then it means relief from distress and good health and that he will become free from his sins, like the day his mother gave birth to him.

If one sees that he has a little child who disdains from coming near his father in the dream, it means financial promotion and enjoyment of one’s life. Ifone sees a little child screaming in his lap in a dream, it means that he plays a string instrument. Children in a dream also could mean either sorrow and pain or happiness and joy.

If they are one’s own children in the dream, then they mean temptation with money. Children in a dream also could mean contentment with little or loss of one’s means to earn his livelihood or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family.

A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people.

If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison.

If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted.

If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings.... child dream meaning


(Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth.

If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries.

If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth.

If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others while his movements are restricted.

If a traveler sees his wife giving birth to a new child in a dream, it means obstruction of his travels and changes in his plans.

If a woman gives birth to a child from her mouth in a dream, it means her death.

If a man gives birth to a son in a dream it means illness, escape from danger or separation from a bad wife.

If a man gives birth to a daughter in a dream, it means relief from distress, happiness or the birth of a child from his posterity who will grow to become a renowned leader. Ifa woman gives birth to a cat in a dream, it means that her child will grow to be a thief. Childbirth in a dream means relief from hardships, recovering from illness or departure from one’s home or neighborhood. Childbirth in a dream also means comfort, relaxation, payment of one’s debts and repentance from sin.

If a woman gives birth to a son in a dream, it denotes the conclusion of her sufferings, glad tidings, payment of her debts or repentance from sin. Ifshe gives birth to a daughter in the dream, then it means honor, prosperity and ease.

If a poor man gives birth to a child in a dream, it means prosperity.

If he is rich, then it means distress.

If he is unmarried, it means a forthcoming marciage, so that his future wife will give the birth he saw in his dream. In general, if a man sees himself giving birth in a dream, it means his death or the death of a relative, or it could mean experiencing poverty. As for a needy person, it means relief or an escape. As for a merchant, giving birth in a dream means loss of his investment.

(Also see Dragon)... childbirth dream meaning


(See Worries)... remorse dream meaning


In a dream, sulfur represents a liar or tainted money. Ifused as a fuel for cooking in a dream, sulfur then means guidance, benefits and dispelling worries, or distress, because it burns quickly and its smoke dissipates fast.... sulfur dream meaning


In a dream, turnip represents a strong woman from a village, a curious villager, or it could mean distress and worries. Ifone sees turnip growing in the field in a dream, it means having unhappy children.... turnip dream meaning


(See Worries)... uneasiness dream meaning

Wild Thyme

In a dream, wild thyme means hoarding money, or it could mean virility and rejuvenation of one’s sexual appetite. In a dream, wild thyme also means continuous blessings, power, a good business, a woman or a child. Seeing wild thyme in the field is better than seeing it cut in a dream, for once any fragrant plant is cut in a dream, then it means distress and worries.

(Also see Wild plants)... wild thyme dream meaning


(Carbonize; Charcoal; Fuel) Burning coal in a dream means immediate earnings or a ready to fill order for one’s merchandise.

If one can benefit from it in his dream, it means easy benefits or receiving jewelry as a gift, or having a type of work in which one needs to use coal. Seeing burning coal in a dream also means seeking knowledge and wisdom. Coal in a dream also represents an evil and a dangerous person, or it could mean tainted money, unlawful earnings or receiving a grant from someone in the government. Burning coal in a dream also denotes someone who is unjustly suffering from hardships and trials or someone who’s property is unjustly confiscated. Consumed or burned up coal in a dream means the same thing as ashes and signifies falsehood. Having large cuts of coal when one needs small pieces in a dream means worries, distress and concerns, while having fine crushed coal when one needs chunks to light a fire in a dream means diminishingof one’s wealth. Seeingcoal or charcoal in a dream also could mean increase or rejuvenation of one’s sexual desires. Seeing coal in the winter in a dream means money. Fuel for the fire in a dream means corruption.

(Also see Ashes)... coal dream meaning


(Arc) In a dream, a coffin means a great wealth. Ifone sees himself hiding inside a coffin in a dream, it means fearing one’s enemy and that one is incapable of facing him, though this element in a dream also could mean salvation or escape from dangers that will follow.

If one sees himself riding on top of a coffin in a dream, it means that either his name is mentioned in a will, or that he will face a dispute regarding an inheritance that will turn to his advantage.

If one is given a coffin in a dream, it means that he is given knowledge, peacefulness and dignity. Acoffin in a dream also represents stress and worries or a travelling vehicle.

A miller’s flour mixing container which traditionally used to look like a coffin in a dream represents ajust man or a man of knowledge and a true guide.

(Also see Sarcophagus)... coffin dream meaning


tzool. Bird) Acrane in a dream represents a poor, meek and a weak person. Catching a crane in a dream means marrying a girl from a family of despicable characters. Cranes in a dream also represent sociable people who like to share. Seeing a crane in a dream also could mean undertaking a distant journey or returning home safely from a distant trip. Seeing cranes flying over a town in a dream denotes a cold winter, rain storms and floods. Eating the flesh of a crane in a dream means receiving money from a thief or a servant.

A flock of cranes flying in a dream represents thieves, bandits, highway robbers, pollution or a hurricane. Seeing dispersed cranes flying in a dream means profits and benefits for a traveller, marriage, or a son. Ridingon a crane in a dream means becoming poor. Owning a large flock of cranes in a dream means presiding over people and becoming rich. Crane’s meat and feathers in a dream means earningmoney from a poor or a weak person. Raising a flock of cranes in a dream also means presiding over poor people. Fighting with a crane in a dream means fighting with a poor and a weak person. Hearing the cry of a crane in a dream means dispelling distress and worries.... crane dream meaning


(Cover; Happiness; Fears; Veil) In a dream, drapes means veiling one’s private life. Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women. Ifa man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children. Unidentified drapes in a dream represent worries or distress. Ifthe drapes are hanging over one’s front door in the dream, it means that such difficulties will come from the world. Old drapes in a dream represent adversities which will not last. Torn drapes in a dream mean happiness and joy.

If they are torn vertically in the dream, they represent a quick joy.

If they are torn horizontally in the dream, they mean slander against one’s family. Black drapes in a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallucination or dispelling one’s worries.

If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty.

If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in a dream means taking a long, frustrating, toiling and a distant journey.

The bigger the drapes are in a dream, the more difficult is one’s adversity.... drapes dream meaning


(Inebriety) Drunkenness in a dream represents unhappiness, stress, depression, worries, vanity, arrogance, wantonness and abuse of riches. Wine in a dream represents the king of drinks. Ifone gets drunk from wine, then tears off his shirt in the dream, it means that he has put his life in order and has it harmoniously organized. It also means that he has abused his privileges by indulging in vain pleasures of living to such a degree that he could not bear to live with such comfort or control his passions and wants.

If one is seen drinking wine to inebriety in a dream, it means that he earns unlawful money. It also means that such earnings will seem to have power over him in the way of spending them.

To become drunk in a dream without drinking alcohol means feeblemindedness or childishness of an old man. Drunkenness in a dream is a bad sign for both men and women for it denotes ignorance and complication in one’s life. However, if a scared person sees himself drunk in a dream, it means that he will overcome his fears. Pretending to be drunk in a dream means a false claim. Such a person also may be inflicted with an untrue accusation in wakefulness as a lesson, so perhaps he may refrain from false claims and he will come out of such false adversity as though he is drunk without drinking.

If a pious person sees himself drunk in a dream, it could represent his love for God Almighty.

(Also see Intoxicants)... drunkenness dream meaning


(Color; Expose; Hair; Henna; Hide; Gray hair) Applying henna or a dye to one’s hair or hands in a dream represents a pharmacist, celebrations, glad tidings, tenderness, or it could mean compassion. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also means veiling or protecting one’s personal life and that of others.

To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also connotes a display of blessings and favors, or it could mean dictating one’s conditions to his enemy, if the person is in such position. However, if not, it means difficulties, aggravation, distress, debts or dropping off one’s ties with those who love him. Interpreting woman’s dyeing of her hair in a dream is the same as that of a man.

To dye one’s gray hair in a dream means strength, dignity and valor. Applying henna dye to one’s head and not to one’s beard in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.

To dye both the head and the beard in a dream means concealing one’s poverty, though one will keep asking people to pay him respect or to recognize him in their circles. Ifone’s hair accepts the dye in the dream, it means regaining one’s status, though with less emphasis on his pride, or it could mean that he will make contentment his new ornament or trim. Ifone uses a dye other than what is commonly used, and if it works in the dream, it means that he will be saved from an adverse condition through miraculous events. Ifthe new dye does not work in the dream, it means that his true nature will be exposed and he will have no solutions to protect himself from defamation or public abuse. Ifhe tries to dyes his hair with dry henna clay, and ifhis hair still accepts it in the dream, it means that he is an ignorant person, though he will ultimately repent for his sins, amend his actions and improve himself.

If a woman sees her hands dyed with gold in a dream, it means that she will give all her wealth to her husband and that she will be satisfied to see him happy, though in reality she too will gain power and status in her family.

If a man sees his feet dyed and tattooed in a dream, it means that he will be struck with family problems.

A dyed hand in a dream means hardship in making ends meet. Ifone dips his hand into a laying corpse in a dream, it means that he will witness a conspiracy.

If one sees his hands dyed in a dream, it also means that he has reached the end of the rope with his money or business. Ifone sees his dyed hands wrapped or bandaged in a dream, it means that he will lose a trial or a fight with his rivals, or that he will fail to meet such a challenge again. Dyeing only the finger with henna in a dream represents branches of dates or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands with henna or one’s hair with regular dye as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the norms. Dyeingone’s hands and feet in a dream means redecorating one’s house. Ifa poor person sees himself dyeing his hands or hair in a dream, it means that he will cover up the loss of his ablution during prayers or during his reading of the Holy Qur’an or during other ritual occasions where he is required to have ablution before proceeding. It could also mean that he cares little about attending his prayers. As for women, dyeing means happiness, new clothing, receiving gold, or a wedding celebration.

If the dye exceeds the required surface of the hands or the feet in the dream, it means being struck with fear and worries caused by one’s business or friends.

If a man sees himself in a dream dyeing his hair or beard with other than henna, it means that he will suffer from what he fears most. Dyeing or suppressing one’s feelings for a sick person means recovering from his ailment. Dyeing one’s hair black in a dream means hiding one’s bad conditions, spoiling the benefits of one’s deeds, or hiding one’s evil intentions. This is taken from the practice of Egypt’s Pharaoh who sometimes dyed his hair black, thus trying to hide his appearance and ignorance.... dye dream meaning


(Defecate; Excrete; Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts ofmoney in caring for his health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation, speaking bad words or using despicable expressions. Feces in a dream also represent money, hidden secrets, travels, a fight, recovering from an illness, bad thoughts, whispering of the mind, temptation or trusts.

The smell of feces in a dream represents a fine, or overdoing one’s duty, or a miscarriage for a pregnant woman.

To sally one’s clothing with someone’s feces in a dream means borrowing money from him or carrying his favor for a longtime to come. Feces in a dream also denote earnings from an unjust and a loathsome person. Excreting in. a dream also means dispelling one’s worries or getting rid of one’s burdens.

If one excretes in the 156 ablution room in his dream, it means that his spendings or deeds are recognized to be a fulfillment of his desires, ostentatiousness and love for fame.

If one excretes in an unknown place in a dream, it means that his deeds will not be acknowledged, nor will he receive any reward for them. Going to the bathroom in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, paying one’s debts or paying an unavoidable alimony for his children. Putting a shirt in the wilderness and defecating inside it rather than in the field in a dream means committing a sin and carrying its consequences for sometime to come. Excreting in the wilderness, then covering one’s feces with dirt in a dream means hiding money.

To defecate in a marketplace in public in a dream means incurring God’s displeasure and the curse of His angels. Throwing feces at someone in a dream means starting a fight or opposing him in opinion, being unjust to him, or causing him great losses.

The consequences also may backfire at the assailant.

If one sees himself standing inside the sewers and searching through the filth with a stick in his dream, it means that he might become ajudge and be accused of bribery or misuse of people’s money. Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities.

To soil oneselfwith people’s feces in a dream means sickness or fear, or it could mean good benefits for a person whose acts are filthy and abominable.

(Also see Impurity)... feces dream meaning


(Hearth; Stove) An iron cast stove or a fireplace in a dream represents a woman who comes from a powerful and a strong family.

If the stove or the fireplace is made from yellow copper or brass in the dream, then such a woman may have come from a house of a worldly and rich people.

A wooden fireplace in a dream represents hypocrisy in such a family.

If the fireplace is made of plaster in the dream, it means that such a family has associated itself with Pharaonic traditions or worship. Ifthe fireplace is made ofargillite or form sundried bricks in the dream, it means that someone in that family is a godly and a pious person.

A fireplace in a dream also represents a state, a government, joblessness or fleeing from one’s enemy.

If the fireplace or the stove is lit with no food to cook or water to boil over it in the dream, it means that the head of the household, the butler or the house keeper will become angry and infuriated by someone’s slander or backbiting. Ifthe cooking pot in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the fireplace would represent her husband who faces the adversities and hardships of life. On the other hand, if the fireplace in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the cooking pot would be her husband who is always sitting on fire.

If the fireplace or the stove is not lit in the dream, then it represents distress, worries and trouble, but if it is on, then it means fulfilling one’s needs and earning one’s livelihood through hard work.

A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s wife, his tools and instruments, his vehicle, or it could represent a place of gathering, one’s rank, a chair, light, a woman in childbed, a father, a mother, a pregnant woman, one’s shop or a helper.

A fireplace in a dream also could represent the month of January or the cold season.

If a bachelor sees a fireplace in a dream, it means that he will get married, and if he is married, it means that his wife will become pregnant.

If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins, for a fireplace is the abode of fire and fire in a dream represents fear, horror and guidance.

A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s stomach and the firewood in a dream represents alate heavy meal that will cause indigestion or confused dreams.

(Also see Brazier; Firewood)... fireplace dream meaning


In a dream, a fountain placed in a suitable place or as a decorative item in the middle of a yard or a park represents honor, dignity, dispelling worries or adversities, hearing good news or listening to good music, squandering money, dispersal of one’s interests, breaking a gathering, or adding and subtracting if seen near an accountant.

A fountain in a dream also means avoiding evil actions.

If one is told that such a fountain is a blessed one in the dream, it means the opposite, and should one wash himself with its water or drink from it in a dream, it means depression and trouble.

A fountain in a dream also could represent a beautiful, rich and a noble woman.

If no water is coming from the fountainhead in the dream, then it represents a poor woman or a barren woman.

(Also see Fountainhead; Spring)... fountain dream meaning


(Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden. Watering one’s garden in a dream means having marital relations.

If one sees his garden dry in a dream, it means that his wife has commenced her menstrual period during which he is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with her. Ifhe sees someone else watering his garden in a dream, it means that such a person will betray him with his wife. Ifone sees himself entering an unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries.

A garden in a dream also represents a woman. Theyboth need water and they both bear fruits or children. In this case, if the garden is interpreted to represent a woman, then its trees and fruits represent her tribe, family and children.

An unknown garden in a dream also represents the Holy Qur’an.

A garden in a dream also represents a marketplace, a new bride’s house, a property, an animal domesticated for service, a shop, a business, a tavern, a bathhouse, generosity, an army made of slaves, cattle or personal assets. Ifone sees himself inside a garden in a dream, it means comfort and growth in his life.lfthe house to which this garden belongs is God’s house, then the man seeing it is in paradise. Ifhe is sick, it means that he will die from his illness and enter that paradise.

If the garden is unknown in the dream, it means martyrdom and particularly ifhe finds inside the garden a womancallinghim to herself, or to drink milk or honeyfrom the garden’s rivers and the same is true if the garden does not look like the ones he is accustomed to see in the world. Otherwise, If one sees himselflooking at a garden, and ifhe is unmarried, it means that he will meet a suitable woman and get married.

If he is married, it means that he will receive joy from his wife equal to that which he received from the garden in his dream.

If one finds within such a garden a group of associates or colleagues, the garden then represents a marketplace.

If one sees a servant or a worker of his urinating inside a well or a stream inside such a garden in the dream, it means that a relative will betray the interests of the family.

A garden whose owner is known in a dream represents a mosque, a park, people of knowledge, ignorant people, the generous ones or the stingy ones. It also represents a meeting place where the rich and the poor, the righteous and the insolent gather.

A garden in a dream also may indicate a religious center, a school, a center for scientific research and studies, a place of worship, etcetera.

If one enters a garden at the season of plucking its fruits in a dream, it means glad tidings, money and increase in one’s good deeds, marriage or children. On the other hand, if he enters a garden in the fall in a dream, it means defamation, indebtedness, divorce, or it could mean loss of a child. Seeing a deceased person in a garden means that he is in paradise.

A garden in a dream also represents a source of nourishment. Its fruits are colorful and their taste ranges from sweet to salty and from sour to bitter.

(Also see House garden; Qur’iin)... garden dream meaning


Lice in a dream mean worldly success and prosperity.

If one finds lice in his shirt in a dream, they mean receiving an endowment, or renewal of a leadership position. In a dream, lice in one’s shirt also may represent something one does not care forit to last.lfone’s shirt is made of a rag, or ifit is tattered in the dream, it means indebtedness. Lice on the floor in a dream represent weak people.

If they surround the person in his dream, it mean that he mixes with such people.

If he hates them in the dream, then they represent his enemies, though they cannot cause him any harm. Ifthey bite him in the dream, then they represent people who slander him.

If a louse flies away from one’s chest in a dream, it means that one’s son or an employee has run away from his house or place of business. Ifa large louse comes out of one’s skin in a dream, it means losing one’s life.

A louse in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, a son, an illness, an invading army, soldiers, depression, or distress.

For a ruler or a policeman, lice represent his helpers. As for a teacher, lice in a dream represent his students, and for merchants, they represent his envious competition, while for a craftsperson or tradesmen they mean taxes. As for sick people, lice in a dream represent what seems to be a lasting illness. Cutting a louse in half in a dream means being good toward one’s children. Eating a louse in a dream means backbiting someone.

A colony of lice in a dream represent punishment. Lice in a dream also represent one’s dependents or relatives who backbite, slander and divide the family.

An invasion oflice in a dream means blessings, wealth, relieffrom difficulties, dispelling all worries and sorrows. Killing a louse in a dream means the same in wakefulness.

If one wakes up from a dream in which lice were attacking him, it means that he will not escape from depression, difficulties or adversities. Picking up a louse from one’s shirt or garment in a dream means hearing lies.

If one becomes allergic to lice and starts itching in a dream, it means debts. Plant lice in a dream represent wrath, a calamity or a punishment.

(Also see Nit)... lice dream meaning


Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite. Finding oneself ill in a dream means enjoying a good health for that year, or it could mean loss of devotion and lack of piety. Ifa warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded.

If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations.

If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death.

A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. Ifone’s sick child recovers from an illness in a dream, it means his death.

If one sees the entire city suffering from an illness in a dream, it means a war, or a siege.

If one sees himself ill in a dream, it also means victory over his enemy and enjoying a happy life. Otherwise, seeing anyone suffering from an illness in a dream means lack of work, and for a rich person it means becoming needy.

If a business traveller sees himself ill and desiring something in his dream, it means that his business deal will not fall through, for physicians mostly do not grant their patients their wishes.

If a bedridden person sees himself freeing a slave from bondage in a dream, it means his death, for a dead person has no property. Seeing a friend sick in a dream means that one will suffer from the same illness. Illness in a dream also signifies spending money, repentance, prayers, supplications, imploring, while falling in love in a dream means a sickness. Seeing two of one’s children sick in a dream means that one maysuffer from trachoma or ophthalmia, for one’s eyes in a dream represent his children. Illness in a dream means that one has lost something to his adversary. Seeing one’s father ill in a dream means having a migraine headache, for one’s father in a dreams also represents his head.

An illness in a dream also signifies falsehood and corruption.

If one sees himself suffering from a terminal illness in a dream, it means that his sins will be forgiven, and he will die with God Almighty pleased with him.

An illness in a dream also signifies a calamity, distress, fear of something, desiring something, or trouble.

The illness of a woman in a dream represents her step daughters from her husband. Man’s sickness in a dream also could signify abstaining from sexual course with his wife during her menstrual period.

The illness of scholars means weakness in their religious adherence.

The sickness of a ruler means religious failure, or that he may die in that same year.

The illness of a teacher in a dream means separation from his students.

The illness of a child in a dream means distress and worries for his parents.

The death of a suffering old person, or someone with a terminal illness in a dream means relief.

The death of an animal in a dream means lack of benefits.

A plague in a dream means drought, or prosperity for physicians as well as for undertakers. Complaining about some pain in a dream means distress, unless if the one complaining in the dream is an opponent, then it means victory andjoy for the person seeing the dream.

(Also see Thief)... illness dream meaning

Little Girl

A little girl in a dream represents prosperity, wealth after poverty, and ease after a passing adversity. Seeing a baby girl of milk suckling age is even better in a dream. It means a new and a praiseworthy development in one’s life, or it could mean receiving benefits one is hoping for, or living a new world.

A little girl in a dream also represents something exclusive for the one who saw her in his dream. Carrying a little girl in a dream means release of a prisoner, or if one is suffering from difficulties, or if he is at fault in an argument, or if he is indebted or poor, it means that all of his worries will be dispelled by the glad tidings of this little girl.

If none of these conditions apply, then it means distress or misfortune.

If a mother delivers a sick baby girl in a dream, it means relieffrom her difficulties. Ifshe gives birth to such a child from her mouth, then it means death.

A little girl in a dream also means a new world, while a young girl in a dream implies getting a newjob.

If a woman sees a little girl in a dream, it means that she cannot conceive children.

If one hires a little girl to work for him in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings. Ifhe hires a little boy, then it means bad news. Carrying a little girl in a dream is better than carrying a little boy. Ifone carries a baby boy wrapped in a swaddle in a dream, it means imprisonment or a sickness.

If one is poor, then it means that he will live to an old age in misery.

If he is rich and diligent in the dream, it means that he will lose his money and reason.

(Also see Child; Young woman)... little girl dream meaning

Pilgrimage Season

(Mecca; Pilgrimage) Performing a pilgrimage during its season in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, distress, apprehensions or trouble. Praying or delivering a sermon at the valley of Mina during the pilgrimage season in a dream, and if neither the person seeing the dream or anyone in his family or clan qualify for that, it means that someone with the same name among his acquaintances will do so.

If this is not feasible, it means that he may face adversities, though become known for his good nature and deeds.

If a learned person sees himself delivering a sermon at Mina, and if the people listen to him attentively in the dream, it means that he will rise in station and lead his people, or he could be appointed as a project manager or become an administrator.

If one does not complete his sermon or prayers in the dream, it means that he will attain such a position, though he will be quickly removed from it.

(Also see Pilgrimage)... pilgrimage season dream meaning


Eating pomegranate seeds in a dream means earning easy money.

A pomegranate in a dream also represents savings.

If it is ripened and tastes sweet, it represents a beautiful woman, a town, a son, a one thousand dollars, a one hundred dollars, or ten dollars depending on the type of work one performs.

If a pomegranate is eaten unripened in the dream, it represents suspicious money. As for a ruler or a governor, a pomegranate in a dream represents a city. Ifhe brakes one in a dream, it means that he will conquer or rule that city.

The skin of a pomegranate represents the city’s walls, its seeds represent its people and itsjuices represent its resources, industries and wealth. Ifa sick person eats the skin of a pomegranate in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.

A pomegranate in a dream also means a coffer, a beehive, or a honeycomb.

If the seeds are white in the dream, they represent little money.

If they are red, then they represent a sizeable profit.

A pomegranate in a dream also denotes fear or a journey.

A fresh looking pomegranate in a dream represents ayoungvirgin.Abroken pomegranate in halfin a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow.

A rotten or a spoiled pomegranate in a dream represents an unchaste woman.Asour tastingpomegranate in adream represents unlawful money, worries, or disturbances. Ifone sells pomegranates in a dream, it means that he will sell the everlasting reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasure of this world. Drinkingpomegranatejuice in a dream means spending for one’s livelihood.

A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious, respected and a rich man.lfhe is a merchant, his business will always multiply.

The thorns of a pomegranate tree in a dream represent the obstacles that restricts a believer from falling into or committing a wrongdoing. Cutting down a pomegranate tree in a dream means severing one’s blood ties, or neglecting one’s duty toward his family.... pomegranate dream meaning


(Cooking pot; Vessel) In a dream, a cooking pot represents one’s wife, his livelihood and home, while the lid represents the husband.

If the pot looks in a good condition and of value in one’s dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. Apottery cookware salesman in a dream represents comfort and one does not need to travel to earn his livelihood, while a copper cookware or other types of cookware salesman in a dream represent a livelihood based on travelling from door to door.

A cooking pot in a dream also represents a scholar or a man of knowledge who is sitting in the teacher’s chair, while the meat, vegetables and spices inside the pot represent his knowledge, wisdom and their benefits for the seeker. Apot on fire with water boiling inside it in a dream represents a divorced woman.

A pot in a dream also represents a handsome looking man who cares about his neighbors’ opinions.

A pot in a dream also could represent a housekeeper. Whatever happens to it in a dream could affect the housekeeper. Ifthere is a sick person in a family, and if one sees a cooking pot he does not know what’s inside it in a dream, the stove here represents his bed, the fire represents his depression and the boiling water represents his worries. Ifthe boiling stops, and if the contents start to cool down, and if the fire is put offin one’s dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Putting a pot with meat and vegetables on the stove in a dream means imposing oneself on someone to receive a favor.

If the meat is cooked in his dream, it means that one will greatly benefit from such a person, and his earnings will be lawful. Ifthe meat does not cook, it means that whatever he earns through the other person will be unlawful. Stirring a pot in a dream means backbiting someone. Ifone eats directly from the pot in a dream, it represents money one could save otherwise beside other benefits.

If the pot one is stirring in his dream does not contain any meat or food, it means that he will ask a poor person to do something beyond his means, and consequently he will not benefit from his doing.

A cooking pot in a dream also represents one’s relentlessness toward his enemy.

A pot in a dream also denotes one’s contentment and his acceptance of his destiny and of the divine providence.

A pot in a dream also represents a woman or money.

The sauce represents lawful earnings that are accompanied with some hassles.

(Also see Earthenware pot; Jar)... pot dream meaning


(arb. .8.aliit) Performing one’s required daily prayers in a dream means fulfillment of one’s promise, attainment of one’s goals, or reliefand comfort after distress. Praying at a door, or in front of a bed in a dream denotes a funeral.

If one sees himself alone making the call to prayers (Azan) then establishing it (Iqtimah.) in the dream, it means that he will strive to do good and to eliminate evil in his life. Ifone completes his prayers with the traditional greetings to the right and then to the left in a dream, it means that his worries and concerns will be eliminated, and that he will pursue the path of love and unity.

If one pays the greeting only to the right in his dream, it means that he will seek to correct only some of his religious concerns.

If he pays the greeting to the left side only in the dream, it means that he will be troubled for sometime to come. Paying the regards of peace (Salam) at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means pursuing one’s path, following the proper religious traditions, completing one’s job, resignation from one’sjob, receiving an important appointment, dismissal from work, travels, or profits.

If one ends his prayers beginning his greetings from the left, then proceeding to the right in a dream, it means innovation, or that he follows the path of evil.

If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in the dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his immediate profits than in protecting his capital investment.

(Also see Call to prayers; Fiue time prayers; Greetings; Imam; Impurities; Pharaoh; Prostration)... prayers dream meaning


In a dream, a ram represents a noble person. Holding a ram by its wool in a dream means taking money from a noble person. Holding a ram from its horn in a dream means being restrained by a noble man from engaging in something. Holding a ram from its buttock in a dream means controlling or managing the interests of a noble man, or it could mean inheriting him, or marrying his daughter. Holding a ram from its belly in a dream means taking money from a noble person. Killing a ram for other than food in a dream means killing a noble person.

If one kills a ram during a wartime in a dream, then it represents his enemy.

A slaughtered ram in a dream represents a murder. Buying a ram from a butcher in a dream means that a noble and a great person will come to need the person seeing the dream who will save him from a foreseeable danger, or help him to recover from an illness. Slaughtering a ram in a dream means recovering from an illness. Carrying a ram over one’s head in a dream means caring or managing the business or accounts of a noble and a rich person. Riding a ram and driving it at will in a dream means conquering a great person. Ifone sees a ram riding him in a dream, then it means that such a great and powerful person will rise above him and control his life. Breaking the horns of a ram in a dream means weakening a powerful person. Fighting with a ram in a dream also means fighting with a powerful person. Whoever wins the fight in the dream, will eventually win it in wakefulness. Seeing a dead ram in a dream means the death of such a great person. Dividing the meat of a ram in a dream means dividing the wealth of a great person after his death. Sacrificing a ram to eat and to distribute from its meat as a charity to poor and needy people in the dream means the release of a prisoner, his escape from capture, dispelling distress and worries, payment of one’s debts, attending the annual pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or recovering from an illness. Slaughtering and skinning a ram then hanging it in a dream means stripping one’s enemy from his money and wealth. Seeing a skinned ram inside one’s house in a dream means the death of a relative.

If it is the leg of a ram, then it means the death of the closest relative. Broiling a ram in a dream means governing for one year after which period one may be imprisoned.

The number of rams in a dream represents the number of years. Thus, seeing them also represents the number of years one will serve in his job.

The wool of a ram in a dream means money.

A ram in a dream also represents the muezzin in a mosque, a general in the army, a deposed ruler, or a humiliated person.

If a ram attacks someone in a dream, it signifies an attack by one’s enemy. Ifa ewe becomes a ram in a dream, it means that one’s wife will no longer bear children. Ifone is not married, then it means winning victory in his life.

(Also see Ewe; Sacrifice; Sheep)... ram dream meaning


In a dream, a river represents a noble and a great person. Walking into a river in a dream means befriending or encountering such a person. Drinking from a river in a dream means trials, but if the water is clear, it means enjoying prosperity and a happy life. Jumping from one bank of a river to the other in a dream means escaping from adversities, dispelling distress or anguish, and it means winning victory over one’s enemy. In a dream, a river also denotes travels. Swimming in a river in a dream means working in the government.

If the river runs through the streets and markets, and if one sees people bathing in it or taking their ritual ablution in it in one way or another it in a dream, such a river then represents the justice of a ruler.

If the river floods the streets, or runs through people’s homes and damages their properties and personal belongings in the dream, then the river represents an unjust ruler, or it could represent an invading army.

If a river flows from one’s house and causes no harm to anyone in a dream, it represents one’s good intentions or deeds.

If one becomes a river in a dream, it means his death. Murky waters in a dream signify worries and fearing a great man. Crossing from one side of a river into another in a dream means dispelling one’s fears or worries. It also could mean severing one’s association with such a man only to meet with another one. Jumping from the middle of a river to the riverbank in a dream means escaping from the wrath of a ruler. Losing something in a river means suffering harm and damages from a ruler.

A river flowing inside one’s house in a dream means prosperity. Ifone sees people drinking from it in the dream, it denotes his generosity and sharing of his wealth with needy people, or it could mean imparting knowledge to others.

If a poor person sees a river flowing inside his house in a dream, it means that he will drive a member of his household out of his house because of an abominable and a sinful act, or adultery.

A river in a dream also means a good deed or a regular income.

A river with murky and putrid waters in a dream represents hell-fire. Seeing one of the heavenly rivers of paradise in a dream means prosperity.

The heavenly river of milk in a dream represents God’s gift of the innate knowledge and criterion which is given to His creation, and it represents submission to His sovereignty and obedience to His commands. Seeing the heavenly river of non-intoxicating wine in a dream meanselation and intoxication from one’s love for God Almighty. Seeing the heavenly river of honey in a dream means knowledge or the Holy Qur’an. Drinking from Egypt’s Nile in a dream means receiving a great wealth, gold and power.

(Also see Euphrates; Kawthar; Walking on water; Water)... river dream meaning


(Boat; Human being; Might; Mother; Prison; Star; Salvation; Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought.

If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly.

If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp.

If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven.

If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape from the danger of his enemies.

If one who is dismissed from his work sees himself on a boat in a dream, it means that he will be rehired to occupy the same office and regain his authority, or that he may take a dangerous trip during which he may either die or escape from death.

If one thinks that the ship does not befit his class or rank in the dream, it means that he will face danger.

If one’s ship is drowning, and if another ship comes to its rescue in the dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger to fall into the hands of a strong person, or that he will escape from a danger, though should he disobey its captain and abandon the second ship in his dream, it means that he may disobey his leader and go astray. Recovering one’s ship from the deep in a dream means regaining power.

If the ship in one’s dream is interpreted as power, it means that he will lose his power or authority.

If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine ifhe is ill. Ifone’s ship drown, and if he sees himself floating in the water holding to a panel or debris from the ship in the dream, it means that he will face the wrath of someone in authority. Ifhe is holding a leadership position, it means that he may lose it.

If he is a merchant, it means that he may go bankrupt.

If he still dies from his trial in the dream, it means that he may be killed, and his death will still be an escape from something he feared most.

An empty ship in a dream means business profits. Seeing a passenger ship transporting people in a dream means safety.

If the ship is floating still in the dream, it means imprisonment.

To hold to the rope of a ship in a dream represents a religious person who joins the company a pious teacher. Even if one sees himself dropping the ropes, or lowering the anchor in his dream, it means that he will remain in the company of such a person. Riding a ship along with one’s family, relatives and friends in a dream means honor, prosperity and escape from one’s enemies.

If one sees himself crossing the sea with a small boat in the dream, it represents a danger he will face. Seeing a ship floating nicely in a dream means happiness. Standing on the shore and watching a ship in the sea in a dream means receiving glad tidings. Ifone sees the ship ascending in the skies in a dream, it represents slow coming benefits, and if the ship is descending from the sky, it denotes fast coming benefits.

The beams of a ship represent religious men, faith, holding fast to one’s religion, or they could mean complications.

The sails of a ship in a dream represent its captain.

The crew represents servants.

The rowing oars, the rudders, or the propellers in a dream represent the movement of the ship, or the children of its owner.

The condition of a ship represents the state of the person seeing the dream or his living condition.

If one rescues a drowned ship in a dream, it means that he will discover a treasure, or it could mean marriage if one is unwed, or a financial gift for one who works for a governor.

If one sees himself as a ship ebbing and stretching as the tide fall in the sea, then if the sea calms in the dream, it means that he will receive a high ranking appointment, leadership, authority and honor.

If one sees a ship floating over a sea of blood in a dream, it means adultery.

If the ship sinks, and if some of its debris and boards remain afloat in the dream, it may mean the death of one’s mother, for one’s mother was once his ship. Buying a ship in a dream means getting married. Carrying oars in a dream means knowledge.

A flying ship in a dream means the death of its rider.

A flying ship in a dream also may represent another type of vehicle, or it could mean a coffin or a funeral.

If one dies inside a ship that has sunk in a dream, it means that he will be saved from suffering in the hereafter, and he will also escape from what he fears most in this world. Ifhe finds a hole in the ship in his dream, it means that he may escape from drowning.

A ship in a dream also represents a heavy built woman. In a dream, a ship also represents the Bridge of Judgement that will be stretched on the Day of Resurrection for the creation to cross into the land of the Grand Gathering.

A ship in a dream also represents salvation, avoiding ignorance, or overcoming temptation.

If a sick person sees himself riding in the morgue of a ship with dead people in a dream, it means that he will escape from the trials of this world.

If a healthy person who is seeking knowledge does so in a dream, it means that he may meet with a spiritual teacher to benefit from his knowledge and wisdom, and to escape from ignorance. Ifan indebted person does so in his dream, it means that he will repay his debts, while for a deprived person, he too will find plenitude and acquire wealth from unexpected sources. Ifone sees his ship sailing to the shore, then if it becomes amphibious, driving him on dry land in the dream, it means that he will waiver in his faith and deviate from the path of truth to follow innovations, hypocrisy and insolence. Ifhe is not seeking knowledge, it means that he will divorce his wife, then proceed to live with her in sin.

If he is a merchant, it means that his business will stagnate and he will seek unlawful methods to market his merchandise. In a dream, a ship also represents good deeds, righteous companions, associating with a wise man, a good fellowship, praiseworthy deeds, a handcraft, stagnation of one’s business, fear, hope, salvation, a mosque, a marketplace, one’s father, one’s mother, master, teacher, educator, wealth, a house, an adulteress, a vehicle, one’s wife, or his servant.

A ship in a dream also represents a tavern in the sense that one enters it sober and leaves it light headed.

A ship in a dream also represents the human form and its body represents his body. Its oars represent his hands. Its front represents his head. Its contents represent his brain. Its boards represent his ribs, and its ropes represent his veins, etcetera. Ifone sees a ship sitting on top of a mountain in a dream, it means safety, or escape from a danger, or protection from one’s enemy.

If it sinks in the sea in the dream, it also means that he is one of the dwellers of hell-fire.

If the ship turns into iron in the dream, it means longevity. Eating the wood of a ship in a dream means receiving a sizeable inheritance, or it could mean eating forbidden meat.

If one sees a ship talking to him and soothing his understanding in a dream, it means that he will listen to the admonition of a wise man. Seeing Noah’s arc in a dream means happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relieffrom stress and worries, protection from drowning, marriage and a presiding position, or victory over one’s enemy.

(Also see Boat; Helm)... ship dream meaning


(Blouse) One’s shirt in a dream represents his piety, godliness, livelihood, knowledge, or it could mean glad tidings. Putting on a new shirt in a dream means marriage to a woman who has no relatives or kin.

If a woman puts on a shirt or a blouse in a dream, it also means her marriage.

A torn shirt in a dream means divorce. Ifone’s shirt is torn in a dream, it means breaking up a business partnership.

A shirt in a dream also represents one’s religious and worldly concerns. Wearing a shirt without sleeves in a dream means having piety but no money, for sleeves in a dream represent money.

If the pocket of one’s shirt is torn in the dream, it means poverty. Having a wardrobe filled with shirts in a dream represent one’s reward in the hereafter. Wearing a white shirt in a dream means piety and religious assiduousness. Receiving a shirt as a gift in a dream means blessings and profits. Wearing a dirty and a torn shirt in a dream means poverty, distress and afflictions.

If a woman sees herself wearing a new, large and comfortable blouse in a dream, it denotes her piety, religiousness, happiness and the enjoyment of a rich life in this world.

The same could reflect the state of her husband. Wearing a green or a white shirt in a dream denotes piety. Wearing a blue shirt in a dream may not be praiseworthy. Wearing a red shirt in a dream means fame, while a yellow shirt in a dream means an illness.

A wet shirt in a dream means obstacles in one’s travels.

If one’s wet shirt dries in the dream, it means that his hurdles have been removed. Wearing a shirt without a collar, a pocket, buttons, or button holes in a dream means wearing one’s shroud at the time of his preparation for burial. Wearing a shirt with stripes in a dream means travels, or it could mean performing a pilgrimage. Wearing a shirt that does not properly cover one’s body in the dream means falling short in performing one’s religious duties. Wearing a black shirt in a dream means sorrow, distress and worries. Wearing one’s shirt inside-out in a dream means reversal ofone’s condition, or having a loathsome and a forbidden type of sexual relationship with one’s wife from the anus.

A shirt in a dream also represents one’s house or shelter.

If one’s shirt is torn in half vertically in a dream, it means relief from anxiety or depression. Ifone’s shirt is torn from the back in a dream, it means that one will suffer from defamation, or be falsely accused of sexually harassing or abusing a woman. Ifone’s shirt is torn from the front in the dream, then it becomes a proof of his guilt. Seeing the shirt of the Prophet Joseph (uwbp) in a dream means that an emissary of good intent will bring glad tidings, and for someone who is sufferingfrom eye problems, it means that he will recover his sight.... shirt dream meaning