Wanted Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources
(See Pursuit)
14 dream interpretation about wanted related.
interpreted upon the sides: usefulness, guardianship, acquiring of [something] wanted, good compliment (s) .... ambergris dream meaning
interpreted upon 4 sides: courage, sultanate, good & something wanted.... arch / vault dream meaning
interpreted upon 3 sides: validity of labours / works that pertain to the world, good, usefulness, acquiring [something] wanted, capacity / abundance in acquisition.... building / construction dream meaning
interpreted upon 10 sides: blessing, wealth, guardianship, rank & leadership, honor, sultanate, acquiring of something wanted, happiness and delight in proportion to his elevation, and his goodness.... cutting / haircut dream meaning
interpreted upon 9 sides: child, people of a house, wealth, glory, rank, request of a need or acquiring a mortgage / pledge / guaranty, acquiring something wanted, young girl.... eggs dream meaning
indicative of the opening of difficult matters, happiness from sorrow, recovery from sickness, acquiring of his wanted thing, strength in religion, fulfilment of a need, answering of a supplication, knowledge & knowing.... key dream meaning
interpreted upon 5 sides: religion, [something] wanted, good deed, good, prosperity & comfort.... pathway / road / street dream meaning
interpreted upon 5 sides: halal wealth, wealth, woman, acquiring of something wanted, usefulness.... pear dream meaning
interpreted upon 7 sides: wisdom & matter, knowledge, splendour & the straightness of things, the obtainment of the wanted thing.... pen dream meaning
interpreted upon 7 sides: peace & delight, glory & rank, happiness after distress, acquirement of [something] wanted, fulfillment of a need. Also, he (pbuh) said a vision of Prostration is [interpreted] upon 5 sides: acquiring [something] intended, state, victory & conformity to the commandment of Allah the All-Mighty on account of His saying: {O You who have believed. Kneel, prostrate and worship your Lord}.... prayer dream meaning
(a loose shirt or tunic) : if it was new and wide-spreading then it is interpreted upon 6 sides: a vision of religious people, shelter & living & pleasantness / perfume, leadership, acquiring of something wanted, happiness & good news.... shirt / jacket / camise dream meaning