Wanted Dream Meanings

Wanted Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

14 dream interpretation about wanted related.


(Claim; Search; Wanted) In a dream, pursuit means one’s destiny, or death. Ifone sees himselfwanted by his enemy in a dream, it means that he may die shortly. On the other hand, pursuit in a dream also could represent things that foster one’s pride, such as knowledge, schooling, degrees, money, or work. Ifone sees himselfpursued by someone in a dream, it means sorrow and distress. Pursuit in a dream also represents one’s goal in life. Ifone is not a fugitive, then to see himself wanted in a dream means appeasement of his fears.

If one sees an ugly looking person searching for him in a dream, he then represents an unwanted catastrophe, or a mishap.

If one is caught by his claimant, then it means increase of his fears. Ifone sees himself pursuing something, or seeking to get something in a dream, it means that he will attain his goal or at least a part of it.... pursuit dream meaning


interpreted upon the sides: usefulness, guardianship, acquiring of [something] wanted, good compliment (s) .... ambergris dream meaning

Arch / Vault

interpreted upon 4 sides: courage, sultanate, good & something wanted.... arch / vault dream meaning

Building / Construction

interpreted upon 3 sides: validity of labours / works that pertain to the world, good, usefulness, acquiring [something] wanted, capacity / abundance in acquisition.... building / construction dream meaning

Cutting / Haircut

interpreted upon 10 sides: blessing, wealth, guardianship, rank & leadership, honor, sultanate, acquiring of something wanted, happiness and delight in proportion to his elevation, and his goodness.... cutting / haircut dream meaning


interpreted upon 9 sides: child, people of a house, wealth, glory, rank, request of a need or acquiring a mortgage / pledge / guaranty, acquiring something wanted, young girl.... eggs dream meaning

Falcon / Hawk

If it was obedient, it is interpreted upon 5 sides: acquirement of something wanted & happiness, good news, matter / affair passing through, acquirement of wealth, in proportion to the falcon / hawk’s value [ranging] from 1000 to 10,000, especially if it was an obedient white one. And if it wasn’t obedient then it is interpreted upon 4 sides: unjust sovereign, tyrannical ruler that has no faith, child ungrateful to his two parents, bandit.

(Falcon / hawk: of the predatory birds.)... falcon / hawk dream meaning


indicative of the opening of difficult matters, happiness from sorrow, recovery from sickness, acquiring of his wanted thing, strength in religion, fulfilment of a need, answering of a supplication, knowledge & knowing.... key dream meaning


a vision of the lovemaking of the dead, if the dreamer did not ejaculate then: good & usefulness & acquiring of [something] wanted.

If he ejaculated by the demand of his vision, it is from the Devil’s doing.... lovemaking dream meaning

Pathway / Road / Street

interpreted upon 5 sides: religion, [something] wanted, good deed, good, prosperity & comfort.... pathway / road / street dream meaning


interpreted upon 5 sides: halal wealth, wealth, woman, acquiring of something wanted, usefulness.... pear dream meaning


interpreted upon 7 sides: wisdom & matter, knowledge, splendour & the straightness of things, the obtainment of the wanted thing.... pen dream meaning


interpreted upon 7 sides: peace & delight, glory & rank, happiness after distress, acquirement of [something] wanted, fulfillment of a need. Also, he (pbuh) said a vision of Prostration is [interpreted] upon 5 sides: acquiring [something] intended, state, victory & conformity to the commandment of Allah the All-Mighty on account of His saying: {O You who have believed. Kneel, prostrate and worship your Lord}.... prayer dream meaning

Shirt / Jacket / Camise

(a loose shirt or tunic) : if it was new and wide-spreading then it is interpreted upon 6 sides: a vision of religious people, shelter & living & pleasantness / perfume, leadership, acquiring of something wanted, happiness & good news.... shirt / jacket / camise dream meaning