Urge Dream Meanings

Urge Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

10 dream interpretation about urge related.


(Incite; Induce; Lure; Research; Urge)... entice dream meaning


(Entice; Induce; Lure; Urge) Inciting someone to work for his livelihood, or to impel one’s animal to drive faster in a dream means heeding admonition.

(Also see Prompting)... incite dream meaning


(Entice; Incite; Induce; Lure; Urge)... lure dream meaning


(Green garments) Seeing paradise and not entering it in a dream means glad tidings of a blessed deed one will perform. Only an equitable person may see it, not an unjust person. Should he desire to enter it when someone is preventinghim from doing so in the dream means that he must exercise patience toward being prevented from attending a pilgrimage to Mecca. It also means that he could be prevented from repenting from a sin he is adamant at disqualifying from being a sin, then when suddenly he feels an urge to repent for it, he may be prevented from doing so.

If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. Iftwo of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents.

If all of its doors are locked in the dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. Ifhe enters paradise from whichever gate he pleases in the dream, it means that both of his parents are pleased with him.

If one is let into paradise in a dream, it represents his death.

It is also interpreted to mean that he will repent for his sins at the hands of a spiritual guide or a wise shaikh who will lead him into paradise. Entering paradise in a dream also may mean attaining one’s goals, though paradise itself is surrounded with schemes and maneuvers. Seeing paradise in one’s dream also means joining the company of revered people of knowledge and observing good conduct with people in general.

If one sees himself entering paradise smilingly in a dream, it means that he constantly invokes God’s remembrance.

If one sees himself entering paradise with his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he commands good, forbid evil, and that he will receive blessings and praises in this world and in the hereafter. This dream also can be interpreted as earning one’s martyrdom. Ifone sees himself sitting under the central Tiiba tree in paradise in a dream, it means blessings and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter.

If one sees himself sitting in the gardens of paradise in a dream, it means that he will be blessed with sincerity and perfect religious adherence. Eatingfrom the fruits ofparadise in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Drinking from its rivers of honey and milk in a dream means receiving wisdom, inner knowledge and prosperity. Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife. Picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to others in a dream means sharing knowledge with others or teaching them. Ifone is forbidden from having the fruits of paradise in a dream, it denotes his failure to properly attend to his religious duties. Drinking water from the fountain of abundance (kawthar) in a dream means attaining leadership and conquering one’s enemy. Dwelling in a heavenly palace in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman. Seeing Ridhwiin, the guardian angel ofparadise in a dream brings happiness, prosperity and a healthy life. Ifone sees angels coming before him and paying their regards in a dream, it means that he will sustain a great patience during a worldly trial that will lead him to paradise.

If a sick person sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, and it could represent earnings, piety, prosperity, dispelling distress and getting an answer to one’s prayers.

If one sees himself entering paradise carrying money and leading a herd of sheep in a dream, it means that he will enter it through his charity and paying his due alms. Entering paradise together with one’s wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one’s wife. Seeing paradise in a dream also represents one’s devotion, piety, renunciation, and being of benefit to one’s companions.

The trees of paradise in a dream represent the gnostics, the true servants of God Almighty and the callers to God Almighty. Ifone is thrown out of paradise in a dream, it means that he needs to understand the story of Adam, upon whom be peace. Circumambulating paradise in a dream means dispelling fear, overcoming one’s difficulties, or getting married.

(Also see Key)... paradise dream meaning


(Incite; Induce; Lure; Urge) To urge someone to feed the hungry or to do good deeds in a dream means repentance of a sinner, or attracting one’s good luck, or following the exemplary conduct of God’s Prophet upon whom be peace.... prompting dream meaning


he symbolises a person who dislike people for the evil they do. He urges them to offer sincere repentance.... launderer dream meaning

True Incident

this incident is related to a group of people living on the Island of Saqliyyah .

It is narrated that their king was bent on annihilating the Muslims.

For this, he prepared a powerful navy comprising of thousands of soldiers. At this point he saw a dream in which he saw himself mounted on an elephant while drums were beaten and trumpets were blown before him. When he awoke he summoned some of his clergymen and asked them to interpret the dream. They gave him the glad tiding of victory. He demanded proof from them for their interpretation.

The said that the elephant is the most powerful animal on land and mounting such a powerful animal means becoming the master of power and strength. And the beating of drums and blowings of trumpets are signs of happiness, ecstasy and victory. Also drums are only beaten in the presence of asking if there is some reason for happiness.

When the king heard this, he became both surprised and delighted. He then summoned some Jewish ulama and asked them for their interpretation. They also interpdreted the dream as a glad tiding of victory. He then called some Muslim ulamaa and demanded that they interpret the dream. They all pointed to an experienced aalim to respond to the king’s demand.

The aalim said to the king that he would interpret the dream only if he guaranteed their safety which he did.

The learned aalim interpreted the dream thus; “O king, I see no wisdom in your wanting to kill the Muslims and marching on them for this purpose. Please do not deploy your army for they will not return to you alive. They will be defeated and destroyed. And do not for one moment think that I give this interpretation because I am a Muslim”.

The king asked him for proof to which he replied that the Holy Book of Allah was the source for his proof. He quoted the verse: Have you not seen what your Lord had done to the people of the elephants. He recited the entire Soorah Feel.

The king said: “This is your proof regarding the elephants. What have you to say about the drums?” He recited the verse: And when the trumpet will be blowns, this will be a very hard day for the non-believers-not an easy one.

When the king heard this he became utterly shocked and perplexed since the shaikh’s explanation was rational and irrefutable.

To avoid embarrassment to himself he dismissed the sheikh and his colleagues saying that he would have believed him if he (the sheikh) were not a Muslim. But since he is a Muslim he is biased in his delivery of interpretation.

The Shaikh said: “You will soon find out for yourself, o king!”.

When the sheikh and his colleagues departed the king began to ponder deeply about what the sheikh had said. He became convinced and decided not to go ahead with his plans. When the clergy heard of this they approached him and urged him to go ahead with his plan. They reasoned with him not to believe the interpretation of the sheikh as he was a Muslim and a Muslim would obviously be opposed to king Muslims. They also sought his permission to kill the sheikh which he refused. They continued to incite him against the Muslim and urged him to go ahead with his plans. He had no choice but to accede. He deployed a huge army under the command of his son.

The two sides met in the middle of the sea.

For three days a fierce battle ensued between the Muslims and non-Muslims. One the third day the Christians army was defeated. Not a single person was spared. When the king came to learn about this, he called for the sheikh and admitted his folly before him. He then secretly accepted Islam at his hands and bestowed many of his favours on him.

It is said that he also learned the Holy Qur’aan by the Shaikh and this affair of the king became popular in Saqliyyah.... true incident dream meaning


A wall in a dream represents knowledge, guidance, cognizance, knowing secrets, judgment, or separation between friend. Standing by a wall or sitting on it, and depending on its conditions in a dream represents one’s own state.

A wall in a dream also represents a strong, wealthy, powerful and religious person.

If the wall needed urgent repairs, and if a group of people come to rescue it in the dream, it represents a man of knowledge, or the Imam ofa mosque who has lost his control or respect, then some friends will come to his rescue and to help him restore his rank.

If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure.

If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed many sins and unless his repents, his punishment will be swift.

The caving-in of a wall toward the inside of a house in a dream means an illness, but if it falls toward the outside in the dream, it means death. Seeing a crack in the wall in a dream means that someone in the family will brace against him. Grabbing to a wall in a dream means the nearing of one’s death, pending how firmly one is grabbing to it in the dream. Grabbing to a wall in a dream is also interpreted as holding firmly to one’s interest in a strong person. Ifone builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt at destroying someone’s livelihood, or perhaps kill him. Ifone sees and recognizes a wall in his dream, it represents a close friend who may die from depression.

A wall in a dream is also interpreted as a mighty person who cannot be managed except through kindness. Jumping over a wall in a dream means reverting from being a believer to a disbeliever, or accepting and following the advice of a disbeliever. Seeing one’s picture reflected in a wall in a dream means one’s death, and that his name will be itched on his gravestone.

If a traveller sees himselfreturning to his house, whereby its walls are renewed, it means that he will get married. Seeping water from a crack in a wall in one’s dream means adversities and stress.

(Also see Walls of the city)... wall dream meaning


(Country; Farm; Floor; Glob; Land; Locality; Place; Property) In a dream, each locality has a particular meaning that relates to its substance and conditions.

To see the land of the great gathering on the Day of Resurrection in a dream means the fulfillment of a promise, or that the person seeing the dream is worthy of keeping secrets. Earth in a dream also means becoming rich after poverty, or having peace after experiencing extreme difficulties. It also means a marriage to a beautiful young virgin, or it could mean receiving guidance and attaining a high ranking and an honorable position in the world.

To see the glob being carried on the back of a whale or a steer without changing its conditions in a dream means that the king of the country will be dethroned. He will either step down or be replaced by his minister. Sweeping the floor and caring for the floor mat or carpet in a dream means to care for one’s community or family. Earth in a dream also represents one’s mother, or the governor of the land. Working in a farmland in a dream, seeing its tools, elements, seeds, water, plowing, harvesting, landscaping, blossoming of its flowers, their fragrance, light, whatever positive or negative results one sees therein in a dream represent such success or failure. Seeing an unknown land could denote one’s mother, child, husband, wife, partner, guardian, a servant, or it could mean one’s heirs. Earth in a dream also may mean arguments, knowledge or clarity of speech. Earth in a dream also represents the element of the world, as the skies represent the element of the hereafter. Ifboth the earth and the skies are seen simultaneously in a dream, it means that they can never be joined together, as the world and the hereafter do not exist in one place.

If the top soil of the land is cracked in a dream, it means that the land is rich and arable. Such cracks in a dream also signify the rise of invented religious dogmas and the spread of evil and innovation. Seeing the stretch of the land in a dream means the release of prisoners, or in the case of a pregnant woman, it means the nearing of her delivery.

If one sees an earthquake and the destruction of life and property in a dream, this element represents straying from the path, pride and heedlessness. Ifthe earth appears to fold over him in a dream, it means losingone stature in the world, divorce orlosing in business.

If the earth changes into iron or rocks in one’s dream, it means that one’s wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one’s trade or profession.

If the earth opens and swallows him in a dream, it means that he is ashamed of somethinghe did, or it could mean hurdles in one’s business, a journey, or imprisonment.

If the earth looks like a desert land in the dream, it may mean that such a person may undertake an urgent trip. Beating the ground with a stick in a dream means taking a business trip. Eating dirt in a dream means earnings an equal amount of money to what one eats in his dream. Ifthe earth cracks and opens, and if a beast comes and speaks to the people in their own tongue in a dream, it means that people will witness a miracle or a happening that will bewilder everyone. This may also mean nearing the end of one’s life. Digging the earth in a dream also means plotting and deceiving others.

If the earth speaks good words to someone in the dream, it means that he or she will attain whatever they are told. On the other hand, if the earth reprimands someone in the dream, it means that he must amend his actions for the better and ask for God’s forgiveness and guidance.... earth dream meaning

True Incident

Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) was approached by a person who said that he saw a very shameful and disturbing dream and that he was ashamed to reveal it because of its nature.

The Imaam asked him to write down the dream on a sheet of paper. He wrote that he had been away from home for three months. During his absence he dreamed that he has returned home, finding this wife asleep on her bed while two sheep with horns were engaged in battle near her bed.

The one injured the other. Because of this dream he has avoided approaching his wife and yet, by Allah, he loved her a great deal.

When the Imaam read this letter, he said to him not to leave his wife as she was a chaste and honourable woman. He explained the dream thus: “When she heard that you were returning home shortly, in fact you were almost home, she urgently sought for something with which to remove her public hair. Finding nothing she chose to use a scissors rather. In her haste, she inured herself causing a deep wound on that part of her body.

To confirm this, go straight to her and see for yourself.”

The man went straight to his wife expressing his desire to fulfils his need. She said: “No! Not until you explain to me why you had avoided me for seven months!” He gave his explanation regarding his dream and the interpretation given by the learned Imaam. Upon this she exclaimed: “The Imaam has spoken the truth” Then she took his hand and passed it over the cotton wool covering the wound. When he ws satisfied he went back to the Imaam to report his findings.

The Imaam praised and glorified Allah for having guided him to the correct interpretation of the dream.... true incident dream meaning