(Encroachment; Transgression) To infringe upon someone’s rights, or to slander him, or to insult him in a dream means losing to him, unless ifthere is a legitimate reason, or a legal point for trespassing. Ifsomeone infringes upon your rights in any way in a dream, it means that your ultimate victory over him is sure. Infringement in a dream also means prosperity and success in this world, though the end results may not be as positive as the beginning.
(Also see Cursing; Injustice; Insulting)... infringement dream meaning
(Astray; Error; Lost) Walking on a straight highway and still losing one’s way in a dream means deviating from the path of truth.
If the road in the dream is twisted or curved, then it means allurement, trespassing, misguidance, or erring from God’s path, or it could mean seeking a way out of error.
If one is lost in the dream, it means that he will become heedless, and ifhe finds his way thereafter, it means that he will receive someone’s guidance and accept it.... wandering dream meaning