(Encroachment; Transgression) To infringe upon someone’s rights, or to slander him, or to insult him in a dream means losing to him, unless ifthere is a legitimate reason, or a legal point for trespassing. Ifsomeone infringes upon your rights in any way in a dream, it means that your ultimate victory over him is sure. Infringement in a dream also means prosperity and success in this world, though the end results may not be as positive as the beginning.
(Also see Cursing; Injustice; Insulting)... infringement dream meaning
(Infringement; Oppression; Transgression) If strong men, or if the people in authority are unjust in a dream, it denotes a time of wars and destruction.
If injustice is practiced by people of knowledge, or religious scholars in a dream then it denotes Allah’s forgiveness for one’s sins. Seeing an unjust person in a dream means poverty.
If one sees himself confessing to being unjust in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sin.
If one sees an oppressed person invoking a curse upon him in a dream, it means that he should await a painful punishment from Allah Almighty.
The oppressed in a dream will always triumph over the oppressor.
If one sees his oppressor cursing him in a dream, it means glad tidings, for the oppressor is always a loser.