If a person sees his weapon as stolen or snatched from him or broken or ruined it denotes the weakening of his power and strength.
The same is the case. Where the weapon is given away as a gift or sold or thrown away or loaned to someone.
(Destruction; Disaster; Tornado) Seeing a tornado or a cloud of destruction in a dream is a sign of punishment for disobeying God’s command. Seeing a tornado in a dream also could mean money, a wife, or a servant.... cloud of destruction dream meaning
Generally speaking, arms, firearms, ammunition and all other weapons-primitive or modern-symbolise power, strength, honour, superiority, vicotyr and grandeur for the persons who sees them in his dream.. He will acquire these according to his intellect and popularity. Any modifications and improvements in them denote added honour, power and strength.... dreaming of arms, weapons etc. dream meaning