Eating the flesh of his mare means prosperity and honour. Also, he will enjoy a good reputation and receive subsistence (rizq).... eating the flesh of his mare dream meaning
If a person sees himself as becoming the owner of a mare or as mounting his own mare it means he will acquire a good, honourable and blessed woman.... mare dream meaning
If one sees himself riding a mare in a dream, it means that he may rape a chaste and a noble woman. In general, a mare in a dream represents people who are known for their honesty and good conduct. Buying a mare in a dream also means getting married. Ifone is already married, then it means that he will own a property or a farm.
A mare in a dream also represents a rich person, a beautiful woman or a handsome looking man, a religious person, a comforting wife, a forbearing husband, or a sick person.
If one loses his mare, or if it dies in the dream, it means that he will lose his source of income. Dismounting a mare in a dream may mean loss of one’s business, a divorce, or loss of one’s house. Hearing the squealing of a mare in a dream means increase in one’s income, or it could mean one’s promotion at work. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means developing a beneficial relationship with a politician.
If the ring is stolen or destroyed his business and livelihood will be disrupted. And he will find himself in straitened circumstances.... theft of a ring dream meaning
If a person sees his weapon as stolen or snatched from him or broken or ruined it denotes the weakening of his power and strength.
The same is the case. Where the weapon is given away as a gift or sold or thrown away or loaned to someone.... theft or destruction of a weapon dream meaning