The moon of the first night of the lunar month Dream Meanings

The Moon Of The First Night Of The Lunar Month Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

If a person sees the crescent of the first night of the lunar month, but in reality it is not the first day of the lunar month, one of the following interpretations could be given : (a) he will been entrusted with someduty pertaining to governing of the land or country, (9) a child will be born in his home,(c) a missing person will return, (d) some new event will occur.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Arabic Months

(Lunar months : 1- Muharram; 2- Safar; 3- Rabi-’uIAwal; 4- Rabi’u Thani’; 5-Jamadul Awwal; 6- Jamadu Thani’; 7- Rajab; 8- Sha’ban; 9- Ramadan; 10- ShawwaI; 11- Zul-Qi’dah; 12- Zul-Hiliah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen. Thus, having a dream during the month of Muharram could be even called a vision and it never fails. Such a dream means success, relieffrom difficulties, release from a prison, or recovering from an illness. Ifthe person had retreated from his town, he will return to it. This interpretation is based on the story of God’s prophet Jonah, upon whom be peace, after he emerged from the belly of the whale. Perhaps the person in the dream may face a great spiritual challenge in his life, or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a gnostic or wise man in that city. Ifthe person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins, for GodAlmighty has accepted the repentance ofAdam, upon whom be peace, during that month.

If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idrls) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. Ifa traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a longjourney, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi.

If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. Ifthe person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and ifhe desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire ofNimrod, or perhaps, ifhe had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. Ifthe person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. Ifone is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows : If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. Ifhe is sick, it means recovering from his illness. Ifone is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied.

If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm.

If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabt-rul Awwal, and ifhe is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his moneywill be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month.

If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled.

If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. Ifone’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi’u Thiini, and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but ifit suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as JamiidulAwwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God. be forever pleased with her.

If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thaw, and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it.

If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven.

A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha’ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever.

If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. Ifthe person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.

If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal, if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph.

If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himselfwhere he lives. Ifthe dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunarmonth, known inArabic as Zul-Hijjahindicates ajourney then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices.

If one sees this month in his dream or sees himselfoffering sacrifices in it, or ifhe sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war.... arabic months dream meaning

Full Moon

(Qur’fm)... full moon dream meaning

Hearing The Athaan In Any Month Other Than Thil-hijjah

If the athaan is heard in any other month besides the months of Hajj it means he will impart the knowledge of Deen through discourses and lectures.

The same applies to athaan heard in streets and lanes.... hearing the athaan in any month other than thil-hijjah dream meaning

Incomplete Athaan During Any Month Other Than Hajj

An incomplete athaan during any month other than Thil-Hijjah means he will steal something from which he will not profit a tall and, instead, he will become popular as a chief.... incomplete athaan during any month other than hajj dream meaning

Incomplete Athaan During The Month Of Hajj

Seeing oneself calling out an incomplete athaan during the months of Hajj suggests that the observer of the dream is among the good and pious people. It could also mean he will proceed for Hajj but will not be able to complete it.... incomplete athaan during the month of hajj dream meaning

Lunar Eclipse

(See Eclipse)... lunar eclipse dream meaning

Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar eclipse assuming a reddish or dark colour owing to clouds or dust suggests that the person towards whom the moon is linked will soon encounter problems and find himself in some predicament.... lunar eclipse dream meaning

Lunar Months

(See Arabic months)... lunar months dream meaning


(See Arabic months)... month dream meaning


(Darkness; Heedlessness; Ignorance) In a dream, a moonless night represents lack of work, stagnation, or losing one’s job.

If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business.

If one then sees the daylight in his dream, it means that such an adversity will pass.

If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted.

If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal.

If they are suffering from tyranny, it too will pass.

The night in a dream also means marital relations, while the day means separation between them. In a dream, the darkness of night also represents heedlessness and particularly if one witnesses thunder and lightning in his dream. Seeing a complete darkness inside one’s house in a dream means taking a long journey.

The night and the day in a dream represent two adverse rulers, or two competitors or adversaries.

The night in a dream also represents an atheist, while the day in a dream represents a believer.

The night in a dream also signifies comfort and rest, while the day means toiling and hardships. In a dream, the night also means sexual pleasures, while the day means divorce or separation.

The night in a dream signifies economic stagnation, while the day means business, travels and hypocrisy.

If the night in a dream is interpreted to represent the ocean, then the day means land.

The night in a dream also means death, while the day represents life and resurrection.

The night and the day together may represent the two guardian angels who record each person’s deeds and who are God’s witnesses.

If a sick person sees the dawn in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, or die from it. Ifhe is imprisoned, it means that he will be released.

If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins.

If he is a merchant and his business is not moving, it means that his merchandise will be finally sold.

The nightfall at the end of the day in a dream also could mean the opposite. Seeing the night in a dream also denotes constant changes in one’s life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death.

The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom and protocols, or indulging in something one will regret.

The nightfall in a dream also may denote changing times, or changing trends.

The night in a dream also could represent an African woman, while the day may represent a Caucasian woman, or a pregnant woman.

The night in a dream also represents the evening gown, while the day represents work.

The night in a dream also means veiling one’s difficulties and taking refuge in a safe place, except if the one seeing the dream is a traveller, then the night in his dream means injustice and ignorance.

The night in a dream also denotes devotion, holding a night vigil, attaining one’s goal, or meeting with one’s beloveds.

(Also see Darkness; Evening; Moon; Night ofpower)... night dream meaning

Night Guard

Standing as a night guard in a dream means obeying God’s commands and following the avenues of righteousness.

If a sick person sees himself returning from his night guard shift in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.... night guard dream meaning

Night Of Power

(The night in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.) Seeing and experiencing the night of power in a dream means that one’s wish will come true, even if one desired a kingdom or a great treasure.

The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord.

The same interpretation is given to seeing the Friday eve in one’s dream.... night of power dream meaning

Possessing The Moon

Acquiring, possessing or reaching the moon means that the observer of this dream will become advisor to the king or his minister or he will be appointed head of state.... possessing the moon dream meaning

The Moon

Generally the moon symbolizes the kings minister or advisor. Sometimes it also symbolizes a woman or a handsome lad.... the moon dream meaning

The Moon In The House Or Bed

Seeing the moon in one’s house or bed is a glad tiding that he will be married to a beautiful woman.

The magnitude of her beauty will depend on the magnitude of the moon’s beauty.

If a lady happens to see such a dream, she will marry a handsome man. Again, his Beauty will depend on the beauty of the moon.... the moon in the house or bed dream meaning

Walking On The Moon

(See Moon)... walking on the moon dream meaning


interpreted upon 10 sides: sovereign or minister or king’s drinking companion or leader, or an honourable person or young girl or boy or vain matter, or ruler or corruptive scholar, or glorified man or father, or his child, or wife or the husband of a wife or child or grandeur.... moon dream meaning


(Reverie; Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeing the moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk.

If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing before the sun in a dream means that the chief minister will rise against his master.

If the moon disappears in the skies in a dream, it means that one’s business has come to a halt, or that something he has asked for will not materialize, whether it be good or evil.

If the moon reappears in the dream, it means that one will receive what he is seeking, and again, whether it is good or bad for him. Seeing a bright and a radiant moon in the skies in a dream means justice and prosperity. Seeing the moon inside one’s house in a dream means that a guest or a traveller will soon arrive. Seeing the moon laying on the ground in a dream means the death of one’s mother. Walking on the moon in a dream means endearment and love for one’s mother.

The sun and the moon in a dream represent one’s father and mother. Seeing the reflection of one’s face in the moon in a dream means one’s death.

If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees his resemblance reflected in the moon in a dream, it means glad tidings of a son.

If one is looking into the skies and he suddenly sees the moon in his dream, it means that his enemies will be subjugated to him. Holding the moon in a dream means receiving a gift from a ruler or a rich person.

If a ruler sees the moon dimmed in a dream, it means that his subjects will rise against him.

If the moon turns into a sun in a dream, it means receiving honor and wealth from either one’s father or wife.

The moon in a dream also represents one’s wife, sons, daughters, sister, properties, business, craft, a vessel, a ship, or it could mean travels. As for a sick person or a traveller, seeing the moon in a dream means one’s destruction or death.

If the moon is veiled by clouds in the dream, it means a short sickness. Seeing the moon through the clouds in a dream means losing one’s job.

If a rich person sees clouds covering the moon in a dream, it means losing his wealth.

If the moon speaks to someone in his dream, it means that he will receive a high ranking appointment.

If a pregnant woman sees herself trying to reach the moon with her hand but to no avail in a dream, it means that she is wishing to have a son. Prostrating oneself to the sun or the moon in a dream means committing an awesome sin.

If one sees the sun and the moon prostrating themselves before him in a dream, it means that his father and mother are pleased with him.

If the moon splits in two halves in a dream, it means that harm will befall a great person, or that a major sign will manifest to show the divine power in that locality.

If one sees a lunar eclipse, or if the moon becomes opaque, or turns reddish in a dream, it means that major changes will take place in one’s life.

The moon in a dream also represents one’s bosom friend, an unjust governor, his chief minister, his assistant, a gambler, an oath, recovering from an illness or suffering from eye irritation. Seeing a full moon during the early days of the lunar month, when it is supposed to be only a crescent in a dream means benefits while the opposite means harm.

The moon in a dream also represents a scholar, an astrologer, an astronomer or a guide. Seeing the moon at its highest point in a dream means honor and blessings while seeing it at its lowest point in a dream means the opposite. Seeing the moon in the position of Aries in a dream means benefits for someone who desires to meet with high ranking people, though it could also have a negative connotation for someone who works in construction. Seeing the moon in the position of Taurus in a dream means losses for a business traveler. As for seeing it in the position of Gemini in a dream, then it means profits from a ranch and raising livestock. Seeing the moon in the position of Cancer in a dream means good time to get married and conceive children. Seeing it in the position of Leo in a dream means bad business for partnerships, securities, or mixing capitals. Seeing it in the position of Virgo in a dream is good for health and fitness oriented people. Seeing the moon in the position of Libra in a dream means water loss for a pregnant woman. Seeing the moon in the position of Scorpio in a dream means benefits for health oriented people, or for buying new clothing, though it also could connote negative results for travellers. Seeing the moon in the position of Sagittarius in a dream means bad time for planting or seedling. Seeing it coupled with Capricorn in a dream is a bad sign for construction or laying a foundation to a structure, or for starting a business. Seeing the moon in the position of Aquarius in a dream means bad time for sending messages or engaging in any enterprise. Seeing the moon in the position of Pisces in a dream is good for contracts and receiving a leadership position.

If one sees the sun, the moon and all the planets assembled before him, and together they all produced a radiant and a magnificent light in a dream, it means that one’s words are respected by people in authority.

If the stars and the planets have no light in the dream, then they mean a calamity. In a dream, seeing a sun and a moon on one’s right side and the same on his left side, above him, in front of him and behind him means a calamity and a defeat that will force one to retreat or to escape but to no avail.

(Also see Astrologer; Crescent; Eclipse; Night)... moon dream meaning

Moon In The Lap

If someone dreams of the Moon being in his or her lap while he or she is holding it, it is a glad tiding that he or she will be blessed with a boy who will be of much benefit to him... moon in the lap dream meaning

Moonless Night

(See Night)... moonless night dream meaning

New Moon

(See Crescent)... new moon dream meaning

Night And Day

whoever sees that he has left from the darkness into the light, and is from the people of righteousness then he will leave from neediness [and go] into wealth / sufficiency. As for the light which is the day then it is interpreted by: right guidance. And the beginning of the day, is interpreted by: the beginning of the matter which he asks for. Its middle and last parts are compared against that.... night and day dream meaning