If one sees himself poor and walking into a desert land or a ruin in a dream, it means his death. Walking through a barren land in a dream means engaging in a futile business or a benign affair. Walking in a plain in a dream means reaching ease in one’s life, receiving honor or engaging in good deeds depending on how far one walks in that plain during his dream.
A desert in a dream represents joy and happiness, depending on how vast it seems and how green are its plants in one’s dream.... desert dream meaning
(Also see Uptight)... despair dream meaning
(Also see Escape; Running away; Take a flight; Turning)... escape from danger dream meaning
If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion.
If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Quran, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is a pious and a religious person.
If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If he is lost in heedlessness, it means that Allah Almighty will grant him guidance.
If he is indebted, it means that he will be able to repay his debts.
If in his dream, one intentionally breaks his fast during the prescribed fast of the holy month of Ramadan, it means that he could kill someone. Similarly, if one sees himself killing someone in a dream, it means that he has intentionally broke his obligatory fast. Observing the two months of atonement for the sin of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan or for any such fast for the expiation of sins in a dream means that one may fall sick and repent to Allah Almighty from his sins. Intentionally breaking the obligatory fast of Ramadan in a dream also means neglecting one of the pillars of Islam.
If one acknowledges that, then vows to offer the required duties in a dream, it means that he could receive an unexpected gift which will arrive shortly.
If one recognizes in his dream the importance of the month of Ramadan, it means that he is on the right path.
If he is not fasting, it means that he may go on a journey. Voluntary fasting in a dream means protection against one’s enemies.
If a sick person sees himself fasting in a dream, it could mean his death, silence, celebrations or recovering from an illness. It could also represent one’s faith in Allah Almighty and sincerity in his words and actions.
If one sees masses of people fasting in a dream, it could mean a famine.
If one eats during the hours of observing the fast in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin, or it could mean indebtedness or falling sick. Fasting the month of Ramadan in a dream also means safety, protection from evil or repentance from sins. Fasting the extra six days following the festival day which concludes the holy month of Ramadan in a dream means patching one’s prayers or paying charity or regretting one’s faults. Fasting Monday and Thursday of every week in a dream means strengthening family ties. Fasting the three white days of every month (i.e., the 13th, 14th, and the 15th days of the lunar month) in a dream means repayment of one’s debts in instalments or teaching someone how to properly read the Quran or spreading knowledge. Fasting during the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram in a dream represents asceticism, piety, renouncing the world or attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. Fasting the day when the pilgrims are standing at mount Arafat in a dream means acceptance of one’s charities. Fasting the last ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah in a dream means attaining a good conclusion to one’s life in this world to become a pious person, or it could also mean fulfilling a promise. Fasting the day of Ashura in a dream means doing good deeds, but it could also mean witnessing adversities and escaping from its dangers, or it could mean living to witness the next religious festival, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it could mean that she will beget a blessed son who will grow to be a righteous man. Fasting during the lunar month of Rajab in a dream means working for people in authority, or it could mean that one may be commissioned to work overseas, or it could mean going on a short trip. Fasting an extra day in doubt about one’s proper religious performance in a dream means committing a sin or lack of vigilance and certitude about one’s devotion. Fasting days of the month of Ramadan one has missed for a permissible reason in a dream means release of a prisoner or repentance of a sinner. Fasting a votive fast or a vowed fast for the purpose of an attainment in a dream means attaining one’s goal, joy and happiness. Observing a votive perpetual or an ongoing fast in a dream means undertaking a heavy responsibility or following innovation, or it could mean becoming a loner or abstaining from talking to others, or that one would only talk if the subject is beneficial to others, for fasting in a dream also means silence. Observing a votive perpetual fast in a dream also represents a pious and a religious person.
If the person is a sinner, such votive fast in a dream also may mean that he will get nothing out of what he wants. Paying the due charity (Sadaqat-ul Fitr) after completing one’s fast in a dream means recovering from an illness.
If one observes a fast for show in his dream, it means that he will receive what he desires.
(Also see Ashura; Feast of Breaking the Fast)... fasting dream meaning
(Also see Adulation)... flattery dream meaning
A glass bottle in a dream also represents a woman who does not keep a secret, a slanderous companion, sickness, an adulteress or a prostitute.
A glass bottle filled with oil in a dream represents a woman and her makeup. Ifone grooms his hair with oil from such a bottle in a dream, it means adorning himselfor being proud about his love for such a woman. Ifthe oil spills over one’s face during the process of applying it in the dream, it means that he will suffer from distress.
The broken chips of a glass bottle in a dream represent money. Aurine testing tube in a dream represents a prostitute. Thus, ifone sees himself urinating inside such a tube in his dream, he should beware not to commit adultery.
A bottle of wine in a dream represents a housekeeper who is hesitant about carrying money on her. Abottle of wine in a dream represents a pregnant woman who could suffer from hemorrhaging though she will deliver her child safely. Glass bottles of different colors and sizes in a dream represent people of different nationalities.
A glass bottle in a dream also could mean exposing 188 people’s secret life or slandering disloyal people. Ifa glass bottle falls and breaks inside one’s house in a dream, it means avoiding corruption or escaping from temptation that could take place inside such a house.
(Also see Bottle)... glass bottle dream meaning
A valley of green pasture surrounding a hill in the dream represents his strength, justice in method of dealing with others, or it could mean religious devotion. Following that line of thoughts, it also means rising in rank at the hand of a powerful person. Crossing hills in a dream means escaping from danger. Standing on top of a hill in a dream means presiding over a religious person. Descending a hill or an elevation in a dream represents losses, migraine headache, or humiliation. Imprisonment on the top of a hill in a dream means a high rankingjob. Ifthe elevation is made of trash in a dream, it means worldly and material status.
An elevation in a dream also represents one’s wife.... hill dream meaning
If one who is suffering from depression sees himself unlocking a padlock in a dream, it means that his sorrows or sadness will be dispelled.
A lock in a dream also represents a proof, a strong point or a tool. Unlocking a padlock in a dream also means divorce. Locking a door in a dream means seeking a cosigner for a loan or a guarantor. Ifone who is seeking to get married sees a lock in his dream, it means that he will meet with a trustworthy and a caring woman.
A padlock for a traveller in a dream means safety.
A metal lock in a dream means dignity, safety, piety, deciphering a language, symbols, or acquiring knowledge. Wooden locks in a dream represent a husband, children, knowledge, wisdom, ease in one’s life, or guarding one’s promise. Locks in a dream also mean heedlessness.
A wooden lock means hypocrisy, or hesitation in one’s words and actions, or it could mean accepting a bribe.
(Also see Close; Padlock)... lock dream meaning
A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money.... manna dream meaning
(Also see Debt)... return dream meaning
If a man or a woman discover that they are carrying milk in their breast in a dream, it means building of one’s savings.
If a man sees milk flowing from his breast in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and that new opportunities will rise from every direction. Woman’s milk in a dream means recovering from an illness.
If a woman sees herselfcarrying milk in her breast in a dream, when in reality she does not have it, it means that she will breast feed a new born.
If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a baby, a man, or another woman in her dream, it means that the source of earnings will be hampered or restricted to both the suckling person and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wetnurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk ofa horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian shecamel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. Ifblood comes out of the glands of a she-camel instead of milk in a dream, it means deviation from God’s path, or it could represent a tyranny. Ifa venom flows from one’s glands instead of milk in the dream, it means earning unlawful money.
If a merchant, or a business man milks any milk producing animal in a dream, it means profits. Sucking the gland of a pregnant she-camel, one, two, or three times in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion, performing one’s obligatory prayers, distributing charity, acquiring knowledge and wisdom. Milking a camel and drinking its milk in a dream also means marriage to a pious and a chaste woman.
If one is already married, then it means that his wife will beget a blessed son. I[ a poor person sees himself milking a cow and drinking its milk in a dream, it means that he will earn enough money to satisfy his basic needs. Drinking sheep’s milk, or goat’s milk in a dream means profits, happiness, comfort and joy. Lioness milk in a dream also means money or conquering one’s enemy, or justly opposing the ruler of the country.
The milk of an eagle in a dream means power and victory. Tiger’s milk in a dream means avowing one’s enmity toward someone. Drinking the milk ofajackal or a wolf in a dream means paying a fine, extreme fear, suffering losses, or lack of determination, or it could mean presiding over people and skillfully defrauding them of their wealth. Drinking swine’s milk in a dream means changes in one’s state, altering one’s mind and focus. However, drinking a little of it in a dream may mean acquiring lawful earnings, though drinking a lot of it in the dream could mean receiving unlawful money. Drinking bitch’s milk in a dream means feebleness of mind, or senility, or it could represent money earned from an unjust person, or it could mean presiding over one’s local community, or becoming the governor of the town. Drinking the milk of any beasts in a dream represents doubt about one’s religion. Drinking zebra’s milk in a dream also means an illness. Drinking the milk of a deer or a gazelle in a dream represents small earnings.
The milk of non-milk producing animals or birds in a dream means that one’s wish will come true.
The milk of predatory animals and stingers in a dream means making peace with one’s enemy. Drinking snake’s milk in a dream means performing a deed that is pleasing to God Almighty, rejoicing, or escaping from a calamity.
The milk of a fox in a dream denotes a passing illness which will be followed by borrowing a small amount of money, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Drinking donkey’s milk in a dream also represents an illness, while drinking the milk of a she-ass in a dream means profits. eat’s milk in a dream represents an illness, experiencing life’s adversities, or it could denote generosity. Seeing.milk spilled on the ground in a dream means corruption, tyranny and blood-shed on earth that will equal the amount of the spilled milk. Sheep’s milk in a dream means honest earnings. Cow’s milk also means wealth.
A mule’s milk in a dream means financial straits, adversities and horror.
The milk of a sable in a dream means an illness or fear. Pouring milk into the drain or wasting it in a dream means losing money, or it could mean longevity, pregnancy, knowledge, or a scandal that will expose one’s private life. Curdled milk in a dream means distress. Rabbit’s milk and horse’s milk in a dream means having a righteous name, or giving a righteous name to one’s newborn. Human milk in a dream represents a trust one should not waste or give to other than its rightful owner.
The milk of an unknown animal in a dream means energy and strength for a sick person, release from prison, illegal seizure of property, or extortion and blackmailing.
(Also see Breast-feeding; Colostrum; Dairyman; Milking)... milk dream meaning
If the mountain is rounded or flat in the dream, it means difficulties or distress.
A mountain in a dream also could mean achieving one’s goal, a journey, or fulfilling a promise.
If the mountain is standing distinct from other mountains in the dream, the above meanings become stronger.
If the mountain has pasture and stores a source of water, and if it is used as a permanent guarding post, then it represents a pious ruler. However, if it stores no water, and if no pasture grows therein in the dream, it represents a tyrant and a ruler who is an atheist, for in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. Ifa person sees himselfclimbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and ifhe qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government.
The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. Ifthe person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation.
If climbing the mountain is easy, then there are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships.
If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler.
If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern.
If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret.
If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world.
If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending it in a dream means relief.
If climbing means gaining a higher station, then descending in a dream means losing rank. Ifone sees himself climbing a mountain, though at a certain height he finds himself no longer able to climb or to descend in the dream, it means that he will die young.
If one sees himself falling from a mountain in a dream, it means that he will fall into sin. Ifhe falls and breaks a leg in the dream, it means that he will become despised by his superiors.
A mountain on fire in a dream represents the death of a dangerous person. Leaning against a mountain in a dream represents friendship with someone in authority. Living in the shadow of a mountain in a dream means earning one’s livelihood from such a person and living happily there. Carrying a mountain in a dream means carrying the responsibility of managing the business of a notable merchant, and such responsibilities will bear heavy on him.
If the mountain is radiant with lights, it means that one’s responsibilities will be light too.
If he sees a mountain descending from the heavens in a dream, it represents a visit of the local governor to that locality.
If one sees the mountain rising into the skies in a dream, it means that the governor of that town will be dismissed. Throwing stones from the top of a mountain in a dream means insulting others.
If the mountain is beautifully dressed in the dream, it means that one will command a greater authority. Seeing a mountain at a distance in a dream means a journey.
If one sees an earthquake hitting a mountain in a dream, it means that calamities will befall that land or country.
If an evildoer sees a mountain in his dream, it means that he will surely suffer for his sins. Swallowing a mountain in a dream means commanding and controlling ruthless and strong men. Climbing a mountain until one reaches a flat surface in a dream means serving orphans, or nursing sick people. Entering a cave inside a mountain in a dream means reaching safety.
The good or evil emanating from seeing a mountain in one’s dream depend on its fertility or bareness. Climbing a mountain and enjoying its vegetations and its sweet fresh waters in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife, or learning a knowledge or a trade that will satisfy one’s needs. Climbing a mountain through a straight path in a dream means facing things the way they are.
If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of knowledge. Falling down from the top of a mountain into the middle of beasts, crows, vultures, snakes, mammals, mire, filth, or rats and their different kinds in a dream means abstaining from sins, or refraining from innovation if escaping from them leads one into a mosque where he can enter to pray, or a garden where he can rest in peace. Ifthe mountain crumbles, and ifit is transformed into ashes or dirt in the dream, it means that whoever is meant in that dream shall lose his devotion and waste his life.
(Also see Ascending in the skies)... mountain dream meaning
If one sees a piece of gold prostrating to a piece of silver in a dream, it means that a nobler person will submit to a lowly one.
(Also see Prayers’)... prostration dream meaning
If the river runs through the streets and markets, and if one sees people bathing in it or taking their ritual ablution in it in one way or another it in a dream, such a river then represents the justice of a ruler.
If the river floods the streets, or runs through people’s homes and damages their properties and personal belongings in the dream, then the river represents an unjust ruler, or it could represent an invading army.
If a river flows from one’s house and causes no harm to anyone in a dream, it represents one’s good intentions or deeds.
If one becomes a river in a dream, it means his death. Murky waters in a dream signify worries and fearing a great man. Crossing from one side of a river into another in a dream means dispelling one’s fears or worries. It also could mean severing one’s association with such a man only to meet with another one. Jumping from the middle of a river to the riverbank in a dream means escaping from the wrath of a ruler. Losing something in a river means suffering harm and damages from a ruler.
A river flowing inside one’s house in a dream means prosperity. Ifone sees people drinking from it in the dream, it denotes his generosity and sharing of his wealth with needy people, or it could mean imparting knowledge to others.
If a poor person sees a river flowing inside his house in a dream, it means that he will drive a member of his household out of his house because of an abominable and a sinful act, or adultery.
A river in a dream also means a good deed or a regular income.
A river with murky and putrid waters in a dream represents hell-fire. Seeing one of the heavenly rivers of paradise in a dream means prosperity.
The heavenly river of milk in a dream represents God’s gift of the innate knowledge and criterion which is given to His creation, and it represents submission to His sovereignty and obedience to His commands. Seeing the heavenly river of non-intoxicating wine in a dream meanselation and intoxication from one’s love for God Almighty. Seeing the heavenly river of honey in a dream means knowledge or the Holy Qur’an. Drinking from Egypt’s Nile in a dream means receiving a great wealth, gold and power.
(Also see Euphrates; Kawthar; Walking on water; Water)... river dream meaning
If one sees a shade in the winter in a dream then it means trouble, distress, adversities, or soliciting the company of people who foster innovation. Shade in a dream also represents the governor of one’s town, a man of knowledge, a pious person, an ascetic, or a religious student on the path. Seeking refuge in the shade away from the heat of the sun in a dream means comfort, profits, or escaping from harm. As for a woman, shade in her dream represents her husband.
If an unmarried woman sees herself seeking the shade in a dream, it means her marriage and that she will marry a rich and a powerful person.
If one finds it cold to sit in the shade in his dream, then ifhe seeks to sit under the sun to worm himself up, it means that his poverty will be dispelled, for cold in a dream also 382 means poverty.
(Also see Shadow)... shade dream meaning
To feel saturated with sweets in a dream means self-conceit, lies, or it could mean extollment, or speaking nice words. Eating sweets in a dream also means suffering from cold symptoms. Though, eating fermented sweets or preserves in a dream may represent a cure.
If a sweet is made from the basic four ingredients (i.e., honey, sugar, flour and manna or dates, or other fillings) in a dream, it means happiness, longevity, or escaping from the consequences of a dangerous business one ventures in with greed. As for a believer, eating sweets in a dream means tasting the blessings of one’s faith, though for a disbeliever, it means indulging in the pleasures of this world.
(Also seePastry; Seasonal sweets; Sweets maker)... sweets dream meaning
A crack in a tree in a dream represents members of one’s family who will brace against him.
A palmyra tree in a dream represents a wise man, a poet, or an astronomer. Seeing one, or sitting under it in a dream means meeting such a person.
An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could’ mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins.
A mimosa tree in a dream represents stinginess, evil, or pursuing the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire.
A buckthorn tree that grows datelike fruit in a dream represents a noble and a generous woman, or it could represent a noble and a generous man.
The greener is its color, the greater is the person. Seeing this tree in a dream means that one will rise in station, acquire knowledge, and grow in piety. Eating its fruit in a dream means an illness. Climbing this tree in a dream means stress and difficulties.
If one acknowledges the condition of a specific tree in wakefulness then sees the same in his dream, it means that such condition will last. In general, trees in a dream represent women or men of different tempers or personalities. Trees in a dream also represent fights. Unknown trees mean distress, worries, adversities and fears, particularly if one sees them in the dark in his dream. Sitting under the shade of a tree in a dream means profits and money, or it could mean dependence on people in authority, or befriending rich people for their money. As for one who is pursuing the path of innovation, it means that he will repent and follow the path of righteousness ifit is a fruit-bearing tree. Takingshelter under a tree that bears no fruit in the dream means pursuing something that will bear no comfort or benefits. Fragrant trees, flowering trees, a Moringa tree, or a henna plant in a dream represent people of knowledge, religious scholars, teachers or preachers who teach what they do not practice. As for citrus trees in a dream, they represent righteous people, wise men and people of inner and outer awareness who practice what they preach. Palm trees, walnut trees, or the like trees in a dream represent people of the upper social class from whom no one can get anything, or no one will even attempts to ask them for anything. As for the poplar trees, the evergreen cypress trees, or the saint trees in a dream, they represent stinginess and avariciousness. In a dream, any kind of maple or other trees that renew their leaves annually represent poverty, richness, memorizing things, forgetfulness, celebrations, or sadness. In a dream, any kind of large trees that do not shed their leaves in the winter represent longevity, richness, jealousy, or steadfastness in one’s religion. Climbing a tree in a dream means escaping from danger, or carefully avoiding something worrisome. Seeing an unknown tree inside one’s house in a dream means that fire may consume such a house, or that a fight may break the family apart. Common types of trees and city trees in a dream represent enemies, or men seeking lawful earnings. Planting a seedling in a dream means getting married to a girI from a renowned family and gaining rank.
A plane tree, a sycamore, or the like trees in a dream represent great, strong and famous men who have no wealth, nor do they benefit anyone.
A thorny tree in a dream represents a perplexed man. Ifone cuts a tree in a dream, it may mean the death of his wife, or that he will infringe upon a contract, or break a covenant.
If a tree dries out in a dream, it means that a traveller may die in an accident, or that a sick person may die from his illness.
If one sees a king or a man in authority carving some emblems on the trunk of a tree in a dream, it means that he is designing a plan to destroy someone.
If he cuts it down with a scythe or a sickle in the dream, it means that he is demanding something, the other party cannot deliver. Ifone takes money from a tree in his dream, it means that he will earn lawful and blessed money from people who deal with the same type of trees, or that he will live in their vicinity. Planting trees in one’s garden in a dream means bearing children.
A plane tree represents longevity. Peach or plum trees in a dream represent a short life. Seeing a group of trees surrounded with aromatic plants in a dream means that a group of men will gather to mourn someone, or to lament a loss. Tree leaves in a dream represent money.
A tree outside one’s house in a dream represents one’s clan or servants.
A female tree inside a house represents a woman, and a male tree represents a man.
It is a bad omen to see the forbidden tree in a dream. In a dream, to see the tree near which God Almighty spoke to Moses, upon whom be peace, means nearness to God Almighty.
A dead tree in a dream represents guidance and wealth, for it is a source offuel. Sittingunder the shade of a tree along with a group of people, praising and glorifying God’s attributes in a dream means receiving God’s blessings in this world and in the hereafter. Seeing the heavenly TUba tree in a dream means a good end, or living an ascetic life, or it could mean helping others. Seeing mountain trees in a dream means performing supererogatory devotion, work, or receiving unexpected profits.
A palm tree in a dream represents a good word and a true one. It also represents... tree dream meaning
A village in a dream also could represent ants’ underground nest or colony, while an anthill in a dream represents a village.
If a village is completely destroyed by fire, or floods, or freezing temperature, or by locusts, or plagues in one’s dream, it means suffering under the oppression of an unjust ruler or a tyrant, or it could mean destroying an anthill. Moving from a village into a city in a dream means leaving one’s toiling and hardships behind him. Moving from a city into a village means the opposite, and signifies leaving comfort and safety to meet with discomfort and fear.
(Also see City)... village dream meaning
A wadi in a dream also could represent a prison because of the steep mountains surrounding it and the difficulty in crossing it. Seeing oneself in a wadi floating in the air until one reaches a desired altitude in a dream means working for a powerful person.
A wadi in a dream also represents a warrior, a bandit, a highway robber or a lion.
If a wadi obstructs one’sjourney in a dream, it may represent a robbery, heavy rain, or having to face a dangerous person. Ifone is not travelling, then it means distress, adversity, harm, imprisonment, fear, or illness. Crossing a wadi in the wintertime in a dream means escaping from danger. Digging a wadi in a dream means the death of a family member. Falling into a steep wadi in a dream and feeling no pain or incurring no harm from it in a dream means that one will receive a gift from someone in authority or from his superior. Inhabiting a valley with no vegetation in a dream means performing one’s pilgrimage to Mecca.
To wander aimlessly in a wadi in a dream means writing a poem.
(Also see Flying)... wadi dream meaning