Sword or bow or spear in the hand Dream Meanings

Sword Or Bow Or Spear In The Hand Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Armed with or using any of the above against someone means a person will soon wield power and strength.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Severed Hand

If a person sees his hand severed and while lifting such a hand, it remains attached to his body it means he will derive some benefit from his brother or son. But if the severed hand is completely detached it means he will suffer some loss caused by his brother or son.... severed hand dream meaning

Amputated Hand

If a person sees his hand being amputated, it suggest that either his brother or his friend will die; or his partner will dissolve his partnership with the observer.

The above will only be true if the observer did not pick up the amputated limb. But if he did, it suggest that a brother or child will be born or he will befriend someone.... amputated hand dream meaning

Blunt Sword

No words will affect him in any way.... blunt sword dream meaning

Broken Sword In A Sheath

If a persons dreams that a sword is given to him in its sheath and it breaks in the sheath it means his son will die while it is in its mother’s womb.... broken sword in a sheath dream meaning

Burst Of Fame In The Hand

A burst of flame in the hand is interpreted as inuries caused to him by the king or ruler.... burst of fame in the hand dream meaning

Clapping Hands

In a dream, clapping hands represents pagan customs.

If one hears hands clapping, or if he claps his hands in a dream, it may indicate an illness or it could represent a vacant house or a ghost town.... clapping hands dream meaning

Detached Hand With No Bleeding

If a person sees his hand as detached without any trace of blood if a glad tiding of the observer’s abstinence from sins.

The same is the interpretation if a person sees himself holding his neck with both hand.... detached hand with no bleeding dream meaning


(See Body’; Fingers; Five fingers)... hand dream meaning

Hand Bell

A hand bell in a dream represents a jobber, a broker, a wife and her children, or the muezzin of a mosque.

A hand bell in a dream also means a scandal. Ringing a hand held bell in a dream means propagating falsehood. Holding a hand bell in a dream also means associating with a useless person, or it could represent a liar. Ringing a hand bell in a marketplace in a dream means making a false oath.... hand bell dream meaning

Hand Grinder

(See Hand mill)... hand grinder dream meaning

Hand Mill

(Laboring; Livelihood; Millstone; Travel) A hand mill in a dream means overcoming distress, pain, or satisfying one’s needs. It could also mean richness after poverty, marriage, a servant, or moving into a new house.

If someone sees a hand mill in a house that is not accustomed to grinding its own grain or spices in a dream, it means adversities, defeat, or arguments. Ifone then grinds bread, or meat or honey with in the dream, it denotes a despicable character of the people of that house, their falsehood, affectation, lesbian or pervert nature.

If one sees a hand mill grinding stones in a dream, it means that he will be seized by terror. Ifone grinds barley or grains for food in a dream, it means solving the family’s problems, prosperity, recovering from illness, or refurbishing one’s business. Ifone sees a huge hand mill in the center of a town in a dream, it means war and destruction and especially if he sees it grinding rocks or emitting fire or sparks. Otherwise, it means a plague if the hand mill is grinding spoiled and moldy grains, mud, or spoiled meat.

If one sees the millstone tilted in a dream, it means rising prices.

If the hand mill is turning with nothing to grind in the dream, it means toiling aimlessly.

If the hand mill turns using a wheel in the dream, it means prosperity.

If one sees the hand mill turning and not grinding in a dream, it means travels.

If it turns for no useful purpose in a dream, it denotes the nearing of one’s death.

A pair of small hand grinders in a dream represent two loathsome partners that no one can correct or guide.

If one sees himself operating a millstone by hand in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood following the required religious conduct, and earns his money from his own sweat.

A millstone in a dream also may denote loathsome actions.

If a prisoner sees a broken millstone in a dream, it means that he will be soon released, and if he is under a death sentence, it means that the judgment will be rescinded, or that he may die before the judgment is carried out. As far as the question of livelihood, the better looking and effective is the hand mill, the better are one’s earnings and vice-versa.

If one buys a hand mill in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will marry off his daughter, or that he will travel on business.

If the millstone is interpreted to mean a husband or a wife, then it represents respectful people.

A hand mill in a dream also means comfort, relief, evil, fight, dispute, wife, servant,livelihood, travels, gourmandism, or a woman who gives herself priority in everything.

(Also see Water mill; Windmill)... hand mill dream meaning


(See Ball)... handball dream meaning


(See Palanquin)... handbarrow dream meaning


(Fettered; Marriage; Shackled; Tied-up) Ifone sees his hand tied to his neck in a dream, it means that he does not pay God’s rights upon what he earns.

If one’s hand is tied around his neck in a dream, it also could mean that he will desist from wrongdoing.

If both hands are tied-up in the dream, it denotes his stinginess.

If one is captured and handcuffed by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will be thrown into jailor fall into difficulties. Seeing oneself handcuffed in a dream also means marriage, wrongdoing, or hypocrisy.

(Also see Bondi; Rancor)... handcuff dream meaning


A handkerchief , towel or pillow represents a person’s servants and subordinates. Any defects in any of the above bespeaks of similar defects in them.... handkerchief dream meaning


(Head kerchief; Kerchief) In a dream, a handkerchief represents money, benefits, honor, a wife, a son, or authority. Seeing an embroidered head kerchief in a dream means learning a pleasant poetry, or it could mean favors, sponsorship, or protection.

A head kerchief in a dream also represents a prayer mat, leadership, or a servant. Tying a knot on a handkerchief in a dream means that one may marry a prostitute, or it could mean helping her out of sin.

A 202 handkerchief in a dream also denotes either stinginess or generosity. Carrying a handkerchief in a dream also means getting married to a beautiful woman.... handkerchief dream meaning

Hands Clapping

(See Clapping hands)... hands clapping dream meaning


(See Saw)... handsaw dream meaning


Shaking hands with someone in a dream means signing an agreement, receiving benefits, a pledge of allegiance, honoring one’s promise, making a commitment, good intention, signing a contract, or cherishing a friendship. Shaking hands with someone then embracing him in a dream means glad tidings, good news, good words to which one’s reply will be the same, or it could represent a knowledge he teaches to others.

(Also see Greetings)... handshake dream meaning


(See Elegance)... handsomeness dream meaning


(See Calligrapher)... handwriting dream meaning

Injuring Someone With A Spear

It means the injured person will attain benefit through help and assistance.... injuring someone with a spear dream meaning

Interlocking One’s Hands

(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, 226 delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of one’s duties, difficulties with one’s family, or a meeting that purports evil.... interlocking one’s hands dream meaning

Killing Someone Using A Sword

This is interpreted as quarrelling with that person and hurting his feelings through tongue-lashing.... killing someone using a sword dream meaning

Knife Handle

(Haft; Saber guard; Sword hilt) Seeing a knife handle or a sword haft in a dream means that one still has a property or a minimum amount ofproperty, including but not limited to livestock, gold, silver, or cash savings that is subject to the obligatory (Zakiit) alms tax.... knife handle dream meaning

Left Hand

(See Body’; Food)... left hand dream meaning

Painted Sword

If a person sees his sword painted it means his words will hold no weight.... painted sword dream meaning

Palm Of The Hand

(Hand) In a dream, the palm of one’s hand represents one’s fitness in wakefulness. Clapping one’s hands in a dream could either mean joy and happiness, or it could mean nothing in wakefulness. Carrying a glove in one’s hand in a dream means ceasing the course of wrongdoing. Slapping one’s own face with both hands means sorrow, sadness, or calamities. Hitting the top of one’s hand into the palm of the other hand means separation. In a dream, the palm of one’s hand also represents one’s strength.

To stretch open one’s palm in a dream signifies wealth and prosperity. Holding a tight fist in a dream implies poverty, or tight living conditions. Ifone sees hair growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means depression, distress and debts. Growing hair on top of one’s hand in a dream indicates one’s strength or virility. Seeing one’s hand hanging down from the skies in a dream denotes one’s connections with the ruler or people in authority.

A stretched hand from the skies in a dream also could mean profits and blessings for a hunter, a builder and a real estate professional. In a dream, the palm of one’s hand also represents his world. It also may mean ceasing a certain course of action.

If one finds himself afraid, then sees the palm of a hand holding out before him in a dream, it means that his fears will be dispelled.

A large and a stretched palm in a dream means prosperity and generosity. Aclose fist in a dream means stinginess.

A nice looking palm of one’s hand also signifies abstaining from evil, or failing to pay charity.

The palm of one’s hand in a dream also represents one’s prayers and supplications, comfort, seeking the comfort of others, or receiving benefits from others.

The palm of one’s hand in a dream also represents a year, ways of life, money, leadership, a son, courage and desisting from evildoing.

(See Desisting from evildoing)... palm of the hand dream meaning

Powerful Hands

Powerful hands symbolise the wielding of great power.... powerful hands dream meaning

Receiving An Unsheathed Sword

if a person sees himself as receiving an unsheathed (naked) sword and he lifts it above his head but does not strike with it, it means he will wield such power as will make him popular; or he will father a very beautiful girl.

Regarding the above dream only Imaam Kirmani (RA) says that a son or brother will be born in the home of the dreamer.... receiving an unsheathed sword dream meaning

Right Hand

(See Food)... right hand dream meaning


if other weapons are seen together with a spear it symbolises power and superiority and that his instructions will be carried out.

If no other weapons are seen with a spear then provided the spear has a point, a son or brother will be born in his home. And if it has no point then provided he is familiar with such a spear, only daughters will be born in his home. Seeing any excellence or defect in such a spear represents a similar excellence or defect in him.... spear dream meaning

Star In The Hand

Star in the hand heralds the birth of a pious boy.... star in the hand dream meaning

Striking Someone With A Spear

it Symbolises his writings in books and journals.... striking someone with a spear dream meaning

Sword Hilt,

(See Knife handle)... sword hilt, dream meaning

Sword In A Broken Sheath

If a person dreams that a sword is given to him in a broken sheath then the mother will die but his son will be saved.... sword in a broken sheath dream meaning

Sword With A Broken Handle

The father, paternal uncle or their equivalent will die.... sword with a broken handle dream meaning

Sword With A Good Or Defective Handle

Similar defect or good will become apparent in the father, uncle or their equivalent.... sword with a good or defective handle dream meaning

The Broken Point Of A Sword

A person’s mother, paternal grandmother, maternal aunt or some lady equal in status to any of these will die.... the broken point of a sword dream meaning

The Hand Amputated By The King

If a person sees his hand being amputated by a king, it suggest that he will swear a false oath.... the hand amputated by the king dream meaning

The Hand And Arms

Both symboise either the observer or his brother or companion – depending on which of the three is implicated in the dreams.... the hand and arms dream meaning

The Sword-belt Hanging From The Neck

If a person sees a sword-belt handing from his neck in such a manner that the sword hangs on the ground, it means he will wield power proportionate to the length of the sword. But will at the same time be incapable of discharging his duties as a result of his weakness.

But if the sword is short (and it does not touch the ground) due to the shortness of the belt, it means he will relinquish his power due to his dislike for it.

If the belt is cut it means he will lose control of his power or be absolved from his duties.... the sword-belt hanging from the neck dream meaning


(Blade; Power; Scabbard) In a dream, a sword represents a son, a king, a clan, a tribe, a farm, a property, or a woman.

If a sword is interpreted as power, then it means diligence, and if it is interpreted as words, it means clarity of speech.

If it is interpreted as one’s father, then it represents the father’s pride of his son.

If one’s sword is weighing heavy and is being dragged with difficulty in the dream, it means an appointment that is difficult to bear, though one will draw benefits from it. Ifone hands his wife the blade in the dream, it means that she will bear a son. Ifhe hands her the sword sheathed in the dream, it means that she will bear a daughter.

An iron sword in a dream represents a son. Abrass sword in a dream means a rich son. Alead sword in a dream means an effeminate son.

A wooden sword in a dream means a son who is a hypocrite, and a tarnished sword in a dream represents an unattractive son.

To draw out one’s sword from its sheath in a dream could represent some words one is prepared to say.

If the sword is sharpened, bright and scintillating in the dream, it means that his words will be sweet and true.

If it looks rusted or tarnished in the dream, it means that his words will be harsh and false. Ifthe sword is heavy in the dream, it means that he will say words which are even heavy on him to bear. Ifthe sword has a crack in the dream, it means that his words will be rejected, and his intention will vex.

If one’s sword falls to the floor in the dream, it means that one may divorce his wife.

If one’s sword is seen laying beside him in the dream, it means that he is a man of authority. Ifthe loop or the belt breaks and the sword falls in the dream, it means loss of one’s power. Ifthe hilt breaks in the dream, it may mean the death one’s wife.

If one is given a sheath without a sword in a dream, it means that he will keep something in trust.

If the handle of one’s sword breaks in the dream, it means that either one’s father, uncle, aunt, or mother may die shortly.

If the blade breaks in the dream, it means that one’s servant, or assistant-worker may die shortly. Ifone sees swords flying in the air in a dream, they represent a plague.

A sword in a dream also could represent one’s anger, or his tight financial circumstances. Swallowing a sword in a dream means gathering the spoils of war.

If a sword swallows someone in a dream, it means a snakebite. In a dream, the sheath of a sword represents a woman. Hitting someone with a sword in a dream means insulting him with harsh words. Sheathing one’s sword in a dream means marriage.

If the blade ceases to cut in a dream, it means that one’s words will bear no weight. Ifone is hit with a sword, and if he loses his hand, his leg, or receives wounds in the dream, it means having an argument that involves one’s father, son, or brother, etcetera, depending which limb and what member of one’s family it represents.

If one’s head is cut off with a sword in a dream, it means that the one who received the blow will triumph over the one who beheaded him, or receive benefits through him. Ifone’s body is dismembered with a sword in a dream, it means that he may travel far, or that his progeny will disperse across the land.

A sword in a dream also represents wealth, power or knowledge. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becomingknown in one’s field or profession.

(Also see Duel; Knife)... sword dream meaning

Waving A Sword

(See Duel; Sword)... waving a sword dream meaning

Wielding An Unsheathed Sword

Imaam Ja’far (RA) says that anyone who sees himself as wielding a naked sword means he will speak out freely against the people and their affairs. And if he strikes someone with the sword but neither does he bleed nor the victim it means he will speak out openly against them. But if the victim bleeds in such a manner that the striker’s body becomes soiled with his blood it means that in real life the victim will speak out freely against him or the striker will obtain unlawful wealth from him.... wielding an unsheathed sword dream meaning

Palm Of The Hand

(of the hand) interpreted upon 6 sides: living, wealth, leadership, child, courage, distancing away from haram, increase & decrease, goodness & shame.... palm of the hand dream meaning


indicative of 9 sides: strength, victory, travel, Guardianship, woman, child, matter & incapability, leadership in proportion to his raising / uplifting.... spear dream meaning


interpreted upon 6 sides: child, guardianship, Hujja, a usefulness, wealth, victory over the enemies.... sword dream meaning