(Obtrusive; Stubbornness) Obstinacy in a dream means witnessing or committing evil in wakefulness.
To be obstinate, demanding and persistent in a dream also means running away from something, or turning one’s back to a fight, a dispute, an argument or a business. Obstinacy in a dream also may denote a presumptuous and an arrogant person who is disliked by people. Being obtrusive and obstinate in a dream also may mean being exasperated or annoyed about something, or that people dislike to be in his company and have serious reservations about him.
(Also see Obtrusive person)... obstinacy dream meaning
(Teenage boy) An unknown young man in a dream represents an enemy.
If the young man is known in the dream, then whatever strength, harshness, weaknesses, deceit, perfidy, or character he displays, they denote the same character in wakefulness. Walking behind an unknown young man in a dream means pursuing one’s enemy and conquering him.
If one meets an unknown young man whom he dislikes in a dream, it means that such an enemy will surface and people will abhor him. Ifone happens to like him in the dream, then it means that he will face an enemywhom most people like and sympathize with. Ifa young man sees himselfturned into an old person in a dream, it means that he will suffer major losses in his life. Ayoung man or a teenager in a dream mostly represents an enemy, for a teenager rarely respects or heeds the advice of his peers.
A young man in a dream also represents deceit, betrayal, energy, or stubbornness, though he also could represent blessings and gratitude.... young man dream meaning