Standing up for the truth Dream Meanings

Standing Up For The Truth Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Standing Before Allah

To see oneself standing before Allah entails a true and genuine dream. Matters will turn out to be very severe for the person.

The Same applies if a person sees scenes of the horror of Qiyaamah.... standing before allah dream meaning

Standing Before Allah :

If a person sees himself as a pious and chosen servant of Allah, standing before Allah, beholding Him, and he, in turn looking upon him with mercy and clemency then such a dream is regarded as very blessed dram. Forit means that he will meet his creator in the same manner on the Day of Qiyamah. This dream is also a glad tiding that his good actions in the world are accepted by Allah and he will attain Jannah.... standing before allah : dream meaning

Standing In A Vast Stretch Of Land

Standing in the middle of a vast stretch of land suggest that a wonderful and peaceful life awaits him. It also means safety, protection, peace and harmony.... standing in a vast stretch of land dream meaning

Standing On Top Of A Mountain

If someone sees himself standing on top of a mountain, it means he will overpower an-other person with a similar rank or position such as his.... standing on top of a mountain dream meaning


Recognizing the truth through seeing a light or hearing the admonition of the holy Qur’an in a dream means walking on the straight path and abstaining from falsehood or from mixing with its people. In the case of a sick person, it means his death.

(Also see Almond; Sanding)... truth dream meaning


In a dream, truthfulness represents one’s faith and certitude. Being truthful in a dream means avoiding adversities.... truthfulness dream meaning