Songs of god’s love Dream Meanings

Songs Of God’s Love Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Consent To Obey God’s Commands

(See Conformance)... consent to obey god’s commands dream meaning

Exalting God’s Oneness

Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering.

To utter the Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering.

To utter the formula: ‘La ilahe: il Allah’’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord.

(Also see Exclamation of God’s Sovereignty)... exalting god’s oneness dream meaning

Exclamation Of God’s Sovereignty

In a dream, exclamation of God’s sovereignty, i.e., uttering the formula “La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Ilia Billah” (There is no will or power except that of God’s Almighty) means constant repentance in wakefulness and hope for salvation. It also means conquering one’s enemies.

(Also see Exalting God’s oneness)... exclamation of god’s sovereignty dream meaning

God’s House

(See Entering Paradise; Ka’aba; Masjid; Mosque)... god’s house dream meaning

God’s Will

(Destiny; Divine will) Acknowledging God’s will in a dream signifies receiving great benefits, prosperity or reaping the fruits of success in whatever good project one undertakes.

(Also see Allah)... god’s will dream meaning


(Beloved; Enamored; Honey; Hostage; Lover; Platonic love) Love in a dream means trials and temptations.

If one does something he loves in a dream, it means that he will engage in an act that has no limitations.

If a man says to... love dream meaning

Love For The World

(See Elephant man; Love)... love for the world dream meaning

Love Poems

(See Courting; Poet)... love poems dream meaning

Love Seat

(See Couch) 260... love seat dream meaning

Lover Of Boys

(See Pederasty)... lover of boys dream meaning

Testifying To God’s Oneness

(See Carnelian-red; Ta!layyat)... testifying to god’s oneness dream meaning

Visiting God’s House In Mecca

(See Pilgrimage; ‘Umrali)... visiting god’s house in mecca dream meaning


a vision of the lovemaking of the dead, if the dreamer did not ejaculate then: good & usefulness & acquiring of [something] wanted.

If he ejaculated by the demand of his vision, it is from the Devil’s doing.... lovemaking dream meaning

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