Soldiers Dream Meanings

Soldiers Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

(Angels; Travel) Soldiers in a dream represent God’s arc angels and the soldiers of mercy, while mercenaries in a dream represent the soldiers of punishment. Ifone sees himself as a soldier eating his meal inside the chambers of a king in a dream, it means that he will control a land without much efforts on his part.

If one’s name is listed as a soldier in a dream, it represents his welfare, satisfaction, or that he will continue his education.

If a bedridden person sees himselfas a soldier in a camp, or that he is discharged from the army in a dream, it means that his illness will end in his death, or it may mean difficulties, distress and losses.

A gathering of soldiers in a dream means destruction of the wrongdoers and victory of the righteous ones.

A soldier carrying a scourge or arrows in a dream also represents good conduct.

A count of one hundred soldiers in a dream represents the chastisement and calamity which God Almighty inflicts upon the people of the earth because of their sins at the conclusion of each century, or at the beginning of a new one. Seeing one thousand soldiers in a dream represents the blessed Night of Power which occurs near the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

If soldiers are led by a prophet, a king, a wise man, or a man of knowledge in one’s dream, it means victory for the believers.

If one sees an army entering a town in a dream, they could represent rain.

(Also see Night of Power)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

23 dream interpretation about soldiers related.

Swarm Of Locusts

A swarm of locusts is one’s dream represents an army. And an army of soldiers represents a swarm of locusts which will cause havoc and destruction.

If a swarm of locusts is seen approaching or flying without buzzing it represents one’s wealth which one had accumulated secretly. But if it is with buzzing sound it means enmity and hatred.... swarm of locusts dream meaning


Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’s prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions.

It is a guard, a clemency, assurance ofthe divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear.

It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace: “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash away impurities. Taking ablution inside a tunnel, or taking a complete ritual bath in a dream means recovering a stolen object. Taking one’s ablution and engaging in prayers in a dream means relief from distress and offering thanks to God Almighty for His protection and guidance.

If a merchant sees himself praying without ablution in a dream, it means that he has entered into a business venture without capital.

If a worker sees that dream, it means that he has no home to shelter him.

If a ruler sees that dream, it means that he has no soldiers to protect him.

If a sick person sees himself taking ablution while in bed in a dream, it means separation from his wife or a close friend. Taking ablution inside one’s house in a dream means that one will move to a new house. Taking ablution in the street or the marketplace in public or in a bathhouse in a dream means a scandal, loss and a curse. Taking ablution at the seashore or in a proper ablution area in a dream means dispelling one’s fear, sorrow or distress. Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him. Seeing a friend taking his ablution over one’s head in a dream means suffering harm or a scandal that will be caused by such a friend. Taking ablution in a dream also means dispelling fears, recovering from an illness, paying one’s debts or repenting from sin. Taking ablution with hot water in a dream means falling sick. Wanting to take ablution and failing to find the proper means to perform it in a dream means failure of a project or facing adversities.

(Also see Tayammum; Enacting; Prayers; Ritual bath)... ablution dream meaning


In a dream, a battlefield represents actions, accomplishments, activities, fulfillments, success, victory, warning to children or training them to become professional soldiers.... battlefield dream meaning


Lice in a dream mean worldly success and prosperity.

If one finds lice in his shirt in a dream, they mean receiving an endowment, or renewal of a leadership position. In a dream, lice in one’s shirt also may represent something one does not care forit to last.lfone’s shirt is made of a rag, or ifit is tattered in the dream, it means indebtedness. Lice on the floor in a dream represent weak people.

If they surround the person in his dream, it mean that he mixes with such people.

If he hates them in the dream, then they represent his enemies, though they cannot cause him any harm. Ifthey bite him in the dream, then they represent people who slander him.

If a louse flies away from one’s chest in a dream, it means that one’s son or an employee has run away from his house or place of business. Ifa large louse comes out of one’s skin in a dream, it means losing one’s life.

A louse in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, a son, an illness, an invading army, soldiers, depression, or distress.

For a ruler or a policeman, lice represent his helpers. As for a teacher, lice in a dream represent his students, and for merchants, they represent his envious competition, while for a craftsperson or tradesmen they mean taxes. As for sick people, lice in a dream represent what seems to be a lasting illness. Cutting a louse in half in a dream means being good toward one’s children. Eating a louse in a dream means backbiting someone.

A colony of lice in a dream represent punishment. Lice in a dream also represent one’s dependents or relatives who backbite, slander and divide the family.

An invasion oflice in a dream means blessings, wealth, relieffrom difficulties, dispelling all worries and sorrows. Killing a louse in a dream means the same in wakefulness.

If one wakes up from a dream in which lice were attacking him, it means that he will not escape from depression, difficulties or adversities. Picking up a louse from one’s shirt or garment in a dream means hearing lies.

If one becomes allergic to lice and starts itching in a dream, it means debts. Plant lice in a dream represent wrath, a calamity or a punishment.

(Also see Nit)... lice dream meaning


(Bread; Clouds; Concealment; Rain; Soldiers; Vapor; Water)... life dream meaning


In a dream, mercenaries represent soldiers ofpunishment.

(Also see Soldiers)... mercenaries dream meaning


(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him; The Seal of the prophets; The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said : “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said : “One who sees me in a dream, it is as ifhe has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “ He also has said : “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. Ifany of the “Describe him to me.” A§im Bin Kulayb added : “I described him as resembling Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said : “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means : ‘Expounding upon what he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said : “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. Ifone sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. AI-Qagi ‘Iyag, God bless his soul, interpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying : “Has truly seen me,” to mean : “has truly seen my physical form,” that the blessed companions knew, while seeing him in another form in a dream means that one’s dream connotes personal interpretations. Following the explanation of AI-Qagi ‘Iyiig, Imam Al Nawawi commented by saying : “This is a weak explanation.

A stronger interpretation is to say that one who sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream has seen him in reality however his resemblance may appear. Whether the resemblance in the dream is known or not.” In a separate commentary, Shaikh Al-Baqlani added : “What AI-Qiigi ‘Iyaghas said does not contradict what ImamAl-Nawa wi has said.” This is because the first dream does not require interpretation, according to AI-Qagi ‘Iyag. In the second type of dream, that is discussed in Imam Al-Nawawi’s comments, one’s dream does require interpretation or analysis. This is to mean that since no Satan can impersonate God’s Prophet (uwbp), then whatever appearance he displays in one’s dream is true.

The meaning of God’s prophet’s saying : “For Satan cannot impersonate me,” implies that since God’s guardianship (‘Isma) is inviolable, and since God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is sacrosanct, then as he was protected during the time of delivering God’s message to humanity, he is still protected by the same guardianship after God Almighty took him back to Himself. Thus, whoever sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in any appearance in a dream, it is as if has seen him in reality, regardless whether one sees him as a young man, or at the time of delivering his message, or as an old person.

If one sees him looking old in a dream, it means peace. Ifone sees him looking young in a dream, it means war.

If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means that one is truly emulating his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appearance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of’Sh,arh al-Sh,ama-il’ of Imam AlTirmithi, it is also stated that Satan cannot impersonate God Almighty, His signs, prophets or angels. Ifsomeone suffering from distress sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his difficulties will be removed.

If a prisoner sees him in a dream, it means that he will be released form prison. Ifone is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities. Seeing him in his beautiful, radiant and impeccable appearance as best described by his companions in a dream means glad tidings of attaining a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world and in the hereafter.

The state and clarity of one’s heart and how well polished is his own mirror determines in what appearance he may see him, upon whom be peace.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) comes toward someone in a dream, or leads him in prayers, or if one sees himself accompanying him on the road, or if one eats something sweet from his blessed hand, or receives a cloak, or a suitable shirt, or if God’s Prophet promises him something, or prays for him, then if the one seeing the dream qualifies for leadership, and if he is a righteous and ajust man who commands what is good and forbids what is evil, and ifhe is learned and practices what he knows, and ifhe is a pious worshipper and a devout Muslim, he will then attain the station and company of the blessed ones.

If the one who sees the dream is a disobedient servant of God Almighty, it means that he will repent for his sins and return to his Lord.

If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided. Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord. Ifone is fearing oppression, persecution, or loss of his property and wealth sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means putting an end to such fears, for he is the best of intercessors to restore anyone before God Almighty. Ifone who follows innovations sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he should fear God Almighty, heed to His warnings and correct himself and particularly if he sees Him (uwbp) walking away from him, or turning his back to him. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream also means receiving glad tidings and happy news, or it could signify justice, establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank amongthe members ofone’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’raj) to the heavens to meet his Lord.

If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers.

If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army. Ifcalamities, starvation and drought has befallen a land and someone sees Him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that such calamities will be lifted and life will return to normal in that place.

If a woman sees him in a dream, it means that she will reach a high spiritual station, honor, righteousness, chastity, trustworthiness and perhaps be given a blessed progeny, or if she is wealthy, it means that she will spend her wealth on God’s path. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means facing adversities, bearing patience and suffering from one’s enemy.

If an orphan sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach an exalted station and the same goes if a foreigner sees him in his dream.

If a physician sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that people will benefit from his medicine. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also meansvictory over one’s enemy, or consolidating and paying one’s debts, or recovering from an illness, or attending a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or triumphing over one’s trials, or cessation of one’s adversities, or fertility of a barren land, or the pregnancy of a barren woman.

If a visitor to his mosque sees himself in a dream coming before God’s Prophet (uwbp) and finds him standing up, it denotes one’s correct religious standing, and it means that he will have commanding authority over the Imam of his time. Ifone finds him (uwbp) deceased in the dream, it means that a noble person from the family of the person seeing the dream will shortly die. Ifone sees the funeral of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall that country. Following his funeral procession up to his grave (uwbp) in a dream means that the person seeing the dream will yield to innovations. Visiting his grave (uwbp) in a dream means receiving a great treasure.

If one sees himself as the son of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, and even if one is not one of his descendents, it denotes one’s sincerity, true faith and certitude. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) by one person does not exclude the remainder of the believers, but the blessings encompass all of them. Receiving something from him (uwbp) such as food or a drink in a dream means benefits and profits.

If one receives food which substance connotes negative circumstances, such as a melon or the like elements in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger, though he will toil and suffer from hardships during his trials.

If one sees that one of the limbs that belong to God’s Prophet (uwbp) has become his own in a dream, it means that he is following innovation and making changes in the laws God’s Prophet (uwbp) brought to humankind.

If one sees himself in a dream embodying the form of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or wearing one of his garments, or receives his ring, or sword, then if the person is seeking to govern, he will attain that and the people will accept his leadership.

If one is suffering from persecution, or humiliation in the land, then seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) standing in a dream means that God Almighty will grant him victory and make him rise above his enemies.

If one is poor, his needs will be satisfied, or if he is unmarried, he will get married.

If one sees him (uwbp) in a ruined place in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt. Ifone enters a room and finds him (uwbp) sitting there in a dream, it means that a miraculous sign, or a major event will take place in such a locality. Ifone sees him (uwbp) making the call to prayers in a dream, it means that prosperity will spread in that place.

If one sees him establishing the prayers (lqamah) in a dream, it means that the Muslims will reunite and dispel their differences. Ifone sees him (uwbp) placing kohl over his eyelids in a dream, it means that he will find safety and correct his religious stand, or it could mean that one will study and become a scholar in the field of the prophetic sayings (Ah.adrth).

If a pregnant woman sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. Ifone sees him (uwbp) having a black beard with no gray hair in it in a dream, it will bring happiness, joy and prosperity to one’s life.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) is seen as an old man in a dream, it means strength in one’s life and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him (uwbp) in his most exalted state in a dream means that the Imam, or the ruler of the country will rise in station and that his authority will expand.

If one sees his blessed neck wide, it means that the Imam is holding firmly to his trust. Ifone sees him (uwbp) having a large chest in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country is generous toward his subjects. Ifone sees his blessed stomach (uwbp) empty in a dream, it means that the treasury of the country is empty. Ifone sees his right hand closed in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country does not pay his employees, or distribute the collected alms tax.

If one sees his blessed right hand (uwbp) open in a dream, it denotes the generosity of the ruler and his compliance with the distribution of charities and alms tax as prescribed in God’s book.

If his hands are locked together in a dream, it means complications in the life of the Imam, or the ruler of the country.

The same will affect the life of the person seeing the dream, including suffering from distress and adversities.

If one sees his blessed leg beautiful and hairy in a dream, it means that one’s clan will become stronger, and his tribe will grow.

If one sees the blessed thighs of God’s Prophet tall in a dream, it denotes longevity of the Imamor the ruler of the country. Ifone sees him (uwbp) standing in the midst of soldiers and everyone is laughingandjoking in a dream, it means that the Muslim army will be defeated and humiliated in a war.lfhe is seen with a small army that is ill equipped and everyone is looking down in the dream, it means that the Muslim army will triumph in that year. Ifone sees him (uwbp) combing his blessed hair and beard in a dream, It means that one’s distress and adversities will be dispelled. Seeing him (uwbp) in his own mosque, or in any mosque, or in his usual place in a dream it means gaining power and honor.

If one sees him standing in the midst of his companions delivering a revelation in a dream, it means that one will acquire a greater knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Seeing the grave of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity and profits for a merchant, or the release ofa prisoner from his jail. Seeingoneselfin a dream as the father of God’s Prophet (uwbp) means that one’s faith will diminish and his certitude will weaken.

If a woman sees herself in a dream as one of the wives of God’s Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. Ifone sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights.

To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness.

To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver,jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. Ifone sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and to help the needy. Ifone sees him (uwbp) bare footed in a dream, it means that one has neglected to do his regular prayers.

To see him (uwbp) and to shake hands with him in a dream means that one is truly his follower.

If one sees his blood mixed with that of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that one will marry a woman from among his descendents, or that one will marry the daughter of a great religious scholar.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) gives someone some type of greens or herbs in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger.

If he (uwbp) gives him something fresh or honey in the dream, it means that one will learn the Holy Qur’iin and acquire a great knowledge and wisdom according to the amount he receives in his dream.

If one returns the gift to God’s Prophet (uwbp) it means that he will follow innovation.

To see him (uwbp) delivering a sermon in a dream means that he is commanding people to do good and to eschew evil. Ifone sees the color of his skin (uwbp) tan in a dream, it means that one will think about repenting from his sins and abstain from young people’s ignorance.

If the color of his skin is white in the dream, it means that one will repent for his sins and turn to God Almighty for acceptance.

If he (uwbp) reprimands someone in a dream, it means that one must refrain from innovation and follow the prophetic traditions. Ifone finds that God’s Prophet (uwbp) has died in a specific location in a dream, it means that the person seeing the dream will die in that same place and God knows best.

(Also see Visiting holy sites)... muhammad dream meaning


(Sentinel; Watchmen) A patrol in a dream represents a warning to the person seeing it. Fleeing from a patrol of soldiers, then getting caught and interrogated by them, and if one is released thereafter in the dream, it means that he will repent for his shortcomings.... patrol dream meaning

Prayer Beads

In a dream, prayer beads represent a righteous and a pious woman, a lawful and blessed livelihood, or loyal soldiers.

(Also see Beads)... prayer beads dream meaning

Specks Of Dust

Counting specks of dust or gathering them in a dream means trials, injustice, aggression, or temptations. Specks of dust in a dream also represent one’s progeny, money, longevity, or they could represent soldiers, weak people, or God’s soldiers. Seeing a room full of dust in an unusual place, or a closed place where they usually do not gather means knowledge, or they could mean immeasurable wealth.... specks of dust dream meaning


In a dream, a veterinarian is a person who adorns and beautifies distinguished and honored people, and who supports and assists them in developing strength. Seeing a veterinarian in a dream also means performing a marriage ceremony, travels, a pharmacist or a merchant. In a dream, a veterinarian also means nursing the wounded soldiers in the battlefield.

A veterinarian in a dream also may be interpreted as one’s physician, one who practices righteousness, a wise man, a specialist in setting broken bones, cupping, or practicing bloodletting medicine.... veterinarian dream meaning


(Concealment; Gloom; Dream; Life; Rains; Skies; Soldiers; SUfferings; Vapor; Water) In a dream, clouds represent the course of life which provides people with rainwater to drink, water to wash their dirt, water for their crops and sustenance. Clouds in a dream also represent knowledge, understanding, wisdom, clarity as they show the divine kindness. Clouds in a dream also represent an army or friends who carry the water and the water represents life and the original element from which they were created. Clouds in a dream also represent ships, airplanes, or if they are black or carry stones or bring thunder, then they represent the antagonistic character of a leader who deprives his people from their rights or causes them to suffer through restrictive laws or harsh mandates. Ifone sees a cloud inside his house or descending upon him in his room in a dream, it means that he will join the company of believers or receives an award, or that he is endowed with wisdom, or should he wish for a child, his wife will conceive one.

If he is a merchant, it means that his merchandise will arrive to its port of destination.

If one sees himself riding over a cloud in a dream, it means exaltation or marriage to a pious woman, or that one will attend a pilgrimage should it be his wish. Otherwise, should he wish for it, he will become renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. Should he qualify, it means that he will lead an army, or that he will rise in rank, or that he will be sent as an emissary of his government or as an ambassador. Ifpeople are expecting clouds to water their farms, and should one see masses of clear clouds carrying rains and coming in that direction in the dream, it means a calamity.

If the clouds carry poisonous rains or acid rains or polluted rains, or if they are driven by heavy winds, or if they carry fires or dust or ashes or rocks from a volcano, they mean that a calamity will strike that locality, or that they will receive news about travellers the majority of whom will perish during a trip. Clouds alsomean innovations and manmadereligions thatmayspread throughout the land.

If one sees himself merging with the clouds in a dream, it means that he associates himself with a person in authority or a wise man or a man of knowledge. Ifone sees himself eating clouds in his dream, it means that he will gain lawfully earned money from such a person, or that perhaps he may gain wisdom.

If one sees himself amassing clouds in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom at the hand of a close associate.

If one sees himself mixing with the clouds but does not carry anything out of them in a dream, it means that he will mix with people of knowledge and learn nothing from what they say, or practice nothing of what they teach.

If one sees himself riding over the clouds in a dream, it means that he may become famous for his wisdom and knowledge.

If one sees his own son turned into a cloud in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from teachingwisdom or religious knowledge to others. Black clouds in a dream mean wisdom, forbearance, honesty andjoy. Ifthe black clouds also carry a threat or cause fear in the dream, it means that one will be reprimanded by such a wise person.

If one sees himself building a house over a cloud in a dream, it means that he lives an honest life, earns lawful money and lives his life with wisdom and integrity.

If one builds a palace over a cloud in a dream, it means that through his wisdom, he avoids committing sins. It also means that he prospers from such a wisdom or builds a palace in paradise with his deeds. Ifone sees a cloud in his hand and rain falling from it in a dream, it denotes the wisdom he speaks.

If one turns into a rainy cloud in a dream, it means that he lives wealthy and benefits people from his money.

If one turns into a cloud that rains gold in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from a great man. Clouds in a dream also represent the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward.

If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage.

(See Invisible caller).

A black cloud in a dream also represents a just judge, while a white cloud represents a blessed and a noble justice. Clouds in season in a dream represent benefits, profits and prosperity.

A mass of black clouds carrying no rain in a dream mean benefits, extreme cold, sadness or sorrow. Red clouds in a dream mean distress, adversities or a sickness.

A cloud covering a town in a dream means blessings.

If the person who sees such black clouds in his dream is intending to take a trip, it will take place, though his safety cannot be insured. On the other hand, if he is unhappy about something, then if he sees such a dream, it means that his sorrow will be dispelled. White clouds in a dream are a sign of work, ajob or business. Rising fog in a dream means taking ajourney, or returning from one. Red clouds in a dream means lack of work. Agloomy cloud in a dream means stress. Ifone sees clouds welcoming him in a dream, it means glad tidings. Ifhe is an evil person, it means a calamity and a chastisement for his sins.

If one sees clouds covering the sun in a dream, it means that the ruler of that land is ill.

If one sees himself wearing a shirt of clouds in a dream, it means blessings that God Almighty has favored him with. Clouds in a dream also represent virtues, miracles, favors, rains, love and blessings, because they also appear when a prophet or a saint pray for rain or to shelter a blessed person from the heat of the sun. Clouds in a dream also mean travel by sea or air.... clouds dream meaning


If a believer sees himself defeated in a dream, it means that he will wear the helmet of a warrior and win the battle against his enemy. Ifone sees himself defeated and shows no fear in the dream, it means his death. Ifone sees soldiers retreating into a city to take shelter therein in a dream, it means that they will ultimately win their war, even if their cause is unjust or if they represented a tyrant, though they will ultimately have to pay for their crimes.

If one sees the soldiers of ajust ruler entering a city defeated in a dream, it means that they will surely be victorious over their enemy.

(Also see Losing a fight)... defeat dream meaning


(Estate; Farmland; Property) A farm in a dream represents a woman. Its spikes represent her children or property.

If a farm in the dream is interpreted to mean a marketplace, then its spikes represent profits, benefits, tools, or financial losses.

A farm in a dream also represents a battlefield and its spikes are the soldiers, or it could represent the world and its spikes then represent people, their young and old.

A farm in a dream also could represent every deed which is intended for the benefit of the hereafter, meaning that this world is the farmland of the hereafter.

(Also see Crop; Estate)... farm dream meaning


Any leaping bloodsucking insect when seen in a dream represents a weak person who uselessly occupies himselfat defaming others. Fleas in a dream also represent God’s soldiers.

If one sees an army of fleas stinging him in a dream, it means threats and distress caused by a rubbish type of people.

A flea bite in a dream also means earnings.

A wounded flea in a dream represents a weak enemy and its blood represents receiving money from a lowly person.... flea dream meaning


Entering hell-fire in a dream means committing major sins such as murder or adultery.

If one comes out of it unharmed in the dream, then it represents worldly adversities.

If one sees the fire of hell coming near him in a dream, it means difficulties, debts, losses, fines and adversities from which one will not be able to escape.

If one sees himself entering hell-fire and holding his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he speaks evil of others and commits abominable actions against his own soul.

The same interpretation applies if one enters it smiling in his dream. Finding oneselfprisoner in hell not knowing when was he incarcerated in the dream means constraint, poverty, deprivation, failure to pray, fast or to remember his Lord. Walking across burning coal in a dream means exceeding one’s bound regarding people’s rights. Eating food from hell means becoming a tyrant and a blood thirsty person. Ifone sees himself inside hell-fire, where his eyes turn dark-blue and his face charcoal black in the dream, it means that he befriends God’s enemy and consents to their deception and chicanery. Consequently, he will surely be humiliated and despised by people, and in the hereafter, he will suffer the consequences of his sins. Seeing hell in a dream means that one should avoid incurring the wrath of a ruler. Entering hell in a dream also means notoriety, or becoming known as an evil person. It also means heedlessness and pursuing one’s indulgence in abominable actions. Whatever knowledge such a person acquires will bear evil consequences. Hell in a dream also represents loss of one’s prestige, status and it means poverty after wealth, despair after comfort, unlawful earnings, insolence, and ifit leads to an illness, it willend in a shockingdeath as a punishment.

If it leads to employment, it will be ajob serving a tyrant.lfit leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices.

If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence oftruth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness.

If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back to him or going away from him in the dream, it means that he will commit an act that will deliver him to the blazing fire of hell.

The angels in charge of punishing the sinners in hell in a dream represent the authority, soldiers, or tax collectors.

If one enters hell-fire then comes out of it in his dream, it means that, God willing, his life will culminate in paradise. Ifhe sees his limbs reprimanding him in the dream, it means that one’s own body is telling him something, or admonishing and trying to awaken his conscious to the realities of the hereafter and the Day of Reckoninh.

(Also see Bathhouse; Fire; Malik; Mental hospital)... hell·fire dream meaning


(Person) When a man is recognized in a dream, he is the same person in wakefulness, or it could be his brother, or a person with the same resemblance or name.

If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. Ifhe takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream.

If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being’ p. 217, seeing the children ofAdam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation.

The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts.

The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers mean travels. Craftsmen in a dream mean profits, or they could represent their respective trades. Women in a dream signify temptation, while pious people represent devotion.

(Also see Human beingrMankind)... man dream meaning


(Candor; Eagle; Enemy; Evil; Imbecile; Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. Ifone sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war.

A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town.

If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream represent highway robbers, a band of thieves who are not residents of that town, people who refuse to earn their livelihood through honest work, or it could represent an undertaker, a body snatcher, a grave digger, or a lewd and an insulting person.

(Also see Eagle) w... vulture dream meaning

Coldness / Hail

interpreted upon 5 sides: affliction & dispute & soldiers, famine & sickness.... coldness / hail dream meaning

Ice / Snow

Ice is interpreted upon 6 sides: immense sustenance, life & considerable wealth & lowered prices, soldiers. [Interpreted as] sickness if he gathered it during summer.... ice / snow dream meaning


A mountain in a dream represents a great and a noble man who possesses a strongand a commandingvoice, who commands good administration of his affairs and an excellent leadership. It also can be interpreted as a son, a difficult and austere woman, or a businessman.

If the mountain is rounded or flat in the dream, it means difficulties or distress.

A mountain in a dream also could mean achieving one’s goal, a journey, or fulfilling a promise.

If the mountain is standing distinct from other mountains in the dream, the above meanings become stronger.

If the mountain has pasture and stores a source of water, and if it is used as a permanent guarding post, then it represents a pious ruler. However, if it stores no water, and if no pasture grows therein in the dream, it represents a tyrant and a ruler who is an atheist, for in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. Ifa person sees himselfclimbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and ifhe qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government.

The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. Ifthe person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation.

If climbing the mountain is easy, then there are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships.

If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler.

If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern.

If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret.

If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world.

If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending it in a dream means relief.

If climbing means gaining a higher station, then descending in a dream means losing rank. Ifone sees himself climbing a mountain, though at a certain height he finds himself no longer able to climb or to descend in the dream, it means that he will die young.

If one sees himself falling from a mountain in a dream, it means that he will fall into sin. Ifhe falls and breaks a leg in the dream, it means that he will become despised by his superiors.

A mountain on fire in a dream represents the death of a dangerous person. Leaning against a mountain in a dream represents friendship with someone in authority. Living in the shadow of a mountain in a dream means earning one’s livelihood from such a person and living happily there. Carrying a mountain in a dream means carrying the responsibility of managing the business of a notable merchant, and such responsibilities will bear heavy on him.

If the mountain is radiant with lights, it means that one’s responsibilities will be light too.

If he sees a mountain descending from the heavens in a dream, it represents a visit of the local governor to that locality.

If one sees the mountain rising into the skies in a dream, it means that the governor of that town will be dismissed. Throwing stones from the top of a mountain in a dream means insulting others.

If the mountain is beautifully dressed in the dream, it means that one will command a greater authority. Seeing a mountain at a distance in a dream means a journey.

If one sees an earthquake hitting a mountain in a dream, it means that calamities will befall that land or country.

If an evildoer sees a mountain in his dream, it means that he will surely suffer for his sins. Swallowing a mountain in a dream means commanding and controlling ruthless and strong men. Climbing a mountain until one reaches a flat surface in a dream means serving orphans, or nursing sick people. Entering a cave inside a mountain in a dream means reaching safety.

The good or evil emanating from seeing a mountain in one’s dream depend on its fertility or bareness. Climbing a mountain and enjoying its vegetations and its sweet fresh waters in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife, or learning a knowledge or a trade that will satisfy one’s needs. Climbing a mountain through a straight path in a dream means facing things the way they are.

If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of knowledge. Falling down from the top of a mountain into the middle of beasts, crows, vultures, snakes, mammals, mire, filth, or rats and their different kinds in a dream means abstaining from sins, or refraining from innovation if escaping from them leads one into a mosque where he can enter to pray, or a garden where he can rest in peace. Ifthe mountain crumbles, and ifit is transformed into ashes or dirt in the dream, it means that whoever is meant in that dream shall lose his devotion and waste his life.

(Also see Ascending in the skies)... mountain dream meaning

True Incident

this incident is related to a group of people living on the Island of Saqliyyah .

It is narrated that their king was bent on annihilating the Muslims.

For this, he prepared a powerful navy comprising of thousands of soldiers. At this point he saw a dream in which he saw himself mounted on an elephant while drums were beaten and trumpets were blown before him. When he awoke he summoned some of his clergymen and asked them to interpret the dream. They gave him the glad tiding of victory. He demanded proof from them for their interpretation.

The said that the elephant is the most powerful animal on land and mounting such a powerful animal means becoming the master of power and strength. And the beating of drums and blowings of trumpets are signs of happiness, ecstasy and victory. Also drums are only beaten in the presence of asking if there is some reason for happiness.

When the king heard this, he became both surprised and delighted. He then summoned some Jewish ulama and asked them for their interpretation. They also interpdreted the dream as a glad tiding of victory. He then called some Muslim ulamaa and demanded that they interpret the dream. They all pointed to an experienced aalim to respond to the king’s demand.

The aalim said to the king that he would interpret the dream only if he guaranteed their safety which he did.

The learned aalim interpreted the dream thus; “O king, I see no wisdom in your wanting to kill the Muslims and marching on them for this purpose. Please do not deploy your army for they will not return to you alive. They will be defeated and destroyed. And do not for one moment think that I give this interpretation because I am a Muslim”.

The king asked him for proof to which he replied that the Holy Book of Allah was the source for his proof. He quoted the verse: Have you not seen what your Lord had done to the people of the elephants. He recited the entire Soorah Feel.

The king said: “This is your proof regarding the elephants. What have you to say about the drums?” He recited the verse: And when the trumpet will be blowns, this will be a very hard day for the non-believers-not an easy one.

When the king heard this he became utterly shocked and perplexed since the shaikh’s explanation was rational and irrefutable.

To avoid embarrassment to himself he dismissed the sheikh and his colleagues saying that he would have believed him if he (the sheikh) were not a Muslim. But since he is a Muslim he is biased in his delivery of interpretation.

The Shaikh said: “You will soon find out for yourself, o king!”.

When the sheikh and his colleagues departed the king began to ponder deeply about what the sheikh had said. He became convinced and decided not to go ahead with his plans. When the clergy heard of this they approached him and urged him to go ahead with his plan. They reasoned with him not to believe the interpretation of the sheikh as he was a Muslim and a Muslim would obviously be opposed to king Muslims. They also sought his permission to kill the sheikh which he refused. They continued to incite him against the Muslim and urged him to go ahead with his plans. He had no choice but to accede. He deployed a huge army under the command of his son.

The two sides met in the middle of the sea.

For three days a fierce battle ensued between the Muslims and non-Muslims. One the third day the Christians army was defeated. Not a single person was spared. When the king came to learn about this, he called for the sheikh and admitted his folly before him. He then secretly accepted Islam at his hands and bestowed many of his favours on him.

It is said that he also learned the Holy Qur’aan by the Shaikh and this affair of the king became popular in Saqliyyah.... true incident dream meaning


(Blow; Changing course; Hurricane; Storm; Trap; Tornado; Wonder) In a dream, winds represent the person in authority or the leader. In that sense, winds in a dream represent the sphere of one’s control and his power to change things, or to maneuver people’s interests. Winds in a dream also may represent a leader, his army, commands and helpers. Wind was once one of the servants of God’s Prophet Solomon, upon whom be peace, as it moved under his command by God’s leave.

A stormy wind in a dream may represent calamities, destruction, or plagues.

A tornado in a dream means destruction or a calamity. On the other hand, wind in a dream may also mean pollination, good harvest, prosperity, victory, or success. However, winds in a dream also represent illness, rheumatism, sneezing, aching, or headaches, etcetera. Ifone sees the wind carrying him and transporting him from one place to another with no fear on his part, and if there are no clouds or darkness in the skies in the dream, it means that he may preside over people, should he qualify for that, or if he wished to do so, or it could represent his business success, or that he will liquidate his merchandise, should it be stagnant or unsalable.

If the winds lift someone who is seized by fear or tyranny, and if the winds carry with them dark clouds, or a cloud of dust in the dream, and if the person is travelling when he sees the dream, it means that he will face great difficulties.

If he is ill, then his illness will intensify, or it could mean that some higher order will persecute him, or perhaps ajudge will rule against him.

If one sees a huge tornado or a tropical storm carrying people, trees, homes, or cattle in the air to scatter them over its path of destruction, then it represents a major plague, or a calamity affecting that region. Poisonous winds or polluted air in a dream represent a feverish illness.

A stormy wind accompanied with thunder in a dream represents a tyrant.

If the wind carries someone from one place to another in the dream, it means that he may travel there, but he may never return to his homeland.

A gentle wind or a breeze in a dream represents grace and blessings for the people and the land.

A storm of dust in a dream represents destruction in the land. However, winds in a dream always represent tidings from God Almighty.

If the wind is not accompanied with a good witness or a cheering element in the dream, then it means cessation of blessings for that land. Ifthe wind is accompanied with a stridulous or a shrill sound in the dream, it means a severe punishment for that place.

If a general of an army sees himself leading his soldiers and is preceded by a stormy wind in a dream, it means that he will be victorious and that he will triumph over his enemy. However, if a storm faces him at his arrival to the battlefield in the dream, it means that he will lose his battle.

If one sees a storm uprooting the trees in his dream, it means that the government of that land will mass murder its own people.

A southern wind in a dream means illness, diseases, or death.

A southern wind is sometimes interpreted as rain and prosperity.

If one witnesses a slow moving wind in his dream, it means that he will consent to the actions of a group of evildoing people.

If the wind blows from a known direction in the dream, it means mercy and blessings, or that one may receive good news from that direction. Winds in a dream also mean asking for one’s needs, or fulfilling them.

A gentle breeze in a dream, represents travel andjoy. Ifone sees the wind colored red in the dream, it represents a recalcitrant child.

(Also see Fan)... wind dream meaning