(Silk brocade) Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Owning extensive yardage of silk brocade in a dream means piety, presiding over people, a marriage to a beautiful and a noble woman who is worthy of respect. Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid. Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife.
If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation.... brocade dream meaning
Seeing loose silk in a dream means being enamored, or falling in love.
If a person in authority wears silk in a dream, it represents his arrogance. Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness.
If a warrior wears one of these two colors in his dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry.
If a man of knowledge is adorned with silk in a dream, it means that he is desirous of worldly status, or that he will lead people astray through innovation. As for the rest of people, wearing silken garments in a dream means that one’s deeds are worthy of paradise, though such a person may attain leading ranks and success in the world as well. Wearing a silken garment in a dream also means marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. Wearing a silken shawl without patterns in a dream is better than a cotton or a woolen shawl and particularly a patterned one.
Seeing him in a dream means celebrations and joy because of the beautiful colors he displays in his shop. Seeing him in a dream also may represent a social worker, a spiritual guide, or a psychologist who is expert at solving problems and promoting peace.
(Also see Brocade; Silk)... silk merchant dream meaning
Wearing a turban made of silk or raw silk means a person’s authority will cause his downfull in matters pertaining to his Deen and world. Also, whatever his earns during his term of office will be unlawful.... silk turban dream meaning