If a man looks at a woman’s vagina in a dream, it represents his wicked state of mind, needs, desires, humiliation, or it could represent the high standard a woman has achieved in his eyes. Ifa woman looks at a man’s sexual organ in a dream, it represents her strength and manlike drive. Ifa prisoner finds himselfhaving a vagina in a dream, it means his release from prison, and for someone who is depressed, it means relief from his depression.
If one has to appear in court, it means that he will win his case.
If one is facing an opponent, it means that he will conquer him. Seeing the vagina of an elderly woman in a dream means loss of business. Ifone reenters the womb of a woman through her vagina in a dream, it means his death.
A vagina in a dream also could represent a blood sucker, a murderer, or a deceitful person who portrays piety during the day, then shows his teeth at night. Avagina in a dream also represents a shameless and an insolent worker, or it could represent a bird’s nest. In this sense, capturing a bird, or looking inside a bird’s nest in a dream means getting married.
If a woman sees water entering her vagina in a dream, it means that she will conceive a child.
If a woman’s vagina turns into iron or into any metal in the dream, it means that she has lost all hope in accomplishing her aspirations, satisfying her desires or needs.
(Also see Blowing into the vagina; Looking at a sexual organ; Semen; Effeminate; Sexual intercourse; Sodomy)... vagina dream meaning
To play silly before people in a dream means spiritual losses or foolishness. However, silliness in a dream is also interpreted to mean victory over one’s enemy, rising in station or expansion of one’s authority, ifhe is pretending.... fool dream meaning
It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking ofpeoples, honor or chastity.
(Also see Insanity; Mental derangement)... irrationality dream meaning
If one sees himself trying to lift a heavy rock, testing his strength in a dream, it means that he will face a strong opponent.
If he succeeds at lifting it in the dream, it means that he will win his battle. Otherwise, it could mean that he will lose it. Ifone sees stones hitting him, or falling over his head in a dream, it means that his superior will delegate heavy responsibilities to him, compel him to do a personal favor, depend on him or impose a service on him. In this case, it means that one’s advice will have effect and his opinion will be respected. Throwing stones in every direction from a high 366 altitude in a dream means being unjust toward others, or it could mean being in a position of strength.
If one sees women throwing stones at him using a slingshot in a dream, it means sorcery and a bad spell.
If a poor person sees himself hitting a rock with a staff to split it, and suddenly water gushes forth from it in the dream, it means that he will become rich.
A rock in a dream also represents hard working women who are patient and bearing their sufferings with determination.
A rock in a dream also means longevity, construction, forgetfulness, cattle, impudence, shamelessness, fornication, a dissolute life, immorality, or heartlessness. Seeing a town scattered with rocks in a dream also could mean lower prices.
If a rock is interpreted as a rank, then it means a lasting one. Ifit denotes one’s wife, then it means that she is patient and content.
A rock in a dream also represents a threshold, a house, or a statue. Seeing a mountain of rocks in a dream represents heartless, brutal and cruel men, or it could denote their dwellings.
If one sees himself drilling a hole into a rock in a dream, it means that he is searching for something hard to get, though he will be able to reach as far as he reaches through drilling in his dream. Descending upon a rock in a dream is interpreted the same as descending upon a mountain in a dream. Rocks in a dream are also interpreted to mean dead people, heedlessness, ignorance, or immorality.
(Also see Stone)... rocks dream meaning
A woman tongue seen as shortened or cut is always regarded as favourable.... the tongue dream meaning
If it appears cheerful and handsome looking in the dream, it represents glad tidings, happiness and a good life, though if it looks opaque in the dream, it means the opposite. In general, a yellow face in a dream means humiliation, loneliness, hypocrisy or illness.
If a believer sees his face yellow in a dream, it denotes his devotion and fear of wrongdoing. Yellowness of the face in a dream also could mean being1n love.
If an African person sees his face white in a dream, it means hypocrisy, impudence and shamelessness.
If a Caucasian sees his face black in a dream, it means that his heart and intentions are better than what a stranger may think of him. Ifone’s face appears white and his body black in a dream, it means that he shows decency and disguises inappropriateness. Ifa whiskerless person sees hair growing over the sides of his upper lip in a dream, it means that he carries burdening debts, or that he has lost dignity.
If one’s face looks different or missing some of its clarity or beauty in a dream, it denotes someone who jokes excessively, for immoderatejesting, hilarity or mirth decreases people’s respect.
If there is no skin to cover one’s cheeks in a dream, it means that he lives from asking others for his needs. Dust coveringone’s face in a dream means deficiency in one’s religious devotion. Ifone’s face or eyes turn bluish in a dream, it means that he is a criminal in God’s sight.
An opaque face in a dream represents a liar or an innovator.
If the color of one’s face is blush or reddish with white spots in the dream, it means joy, happiness and good living.
If a righteous person sees his face blush in a dream, it means that he feels ashamed of something he did.
If one’s face is soaking with sweat in a dream, it represents his modesty and reserve.
If one is frowning, and if the color of his face turns red in the dream, it means that he may suffer from distress or losses. Frowning in someone’s face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. Ifa woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband.
If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband.
A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead.
The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child in a dream means blessings. Having two faces in a dream mean a grievous and an woeful end, for God Almighty does not look at someone who has two faces.
If a scholar sees himself having several faces in a dream, it means that he is utilizing his knowledge in various applications, or giving a subject several possible interpretations.
A frowning face, a crying face, a scarred face, or the darkness of one’s face in a dream also mean loss of job, fear, or they could represent a liar.
If the skin of one’s face is cracking in a dream, it denotes lack of modesty or absence of shame. Adisgusting look on one’s face in a dream means loathsomeness, and loathsomeness in a dream represents a disgusting face.
(Also see Body’; Jesting)... face dream meaning